• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Yearning of Ash

The Crystal Empire, Pokemon Festival. 15:30.

Unbeknownst to a few ponies, today was Hearts and Hooves day. Or as it's known in the Pokemon World, Valentines Day. Normally, this would be the time where everyone focuses on their special someone/somepony etc. But the festival had them occupied. It truly was addicting.

However, there were a select few individuals who were focused on this special day because they have someone special that they adore.

The four main candidates were Twilight, Meloetta, Spike and Celestia. These four have their own interests but some are more passionate than others.

Those some being Twilight and Meloetta who have been at odds with each other ever since they had both met during the first day of the Pokemon Festival.

They both have an affection towards Ash. And neither of them were ready to let the other achieve victory. Apparently, to these two, this was considered a battle of some sorts.

As for Ash, he was enjoying the festival, too pulled into it to even notice. Although, Ash did sense an odd presence through him. Almost as if someone from Kanto was heading his way.

"I got an odd feeling..." Ash looked up in the sky.


"Mrrgh..." Twilight was sitting near the battle spot, thinking about Ash and Meloetta at the same time. Mostly Meloetta since she was the one riling her up the most. "That Meloetta...She's really irritating." A vein appeared on Twilight's head.

"Espeon?" Eve's gem shuddered from Twilight's emotions. Unfortunately, Eve couldn't do anything about this since she's not an expert with this sort of affection.

But Eve could tell that if this fiery feud between Twilight and Meloetta continued further, there is a very good chance that someone is going to perish in all of this.

"I have to do something." She shifted her eyes around. "If I can just spend some time with Ash for one day..."


Twilight began digging deep into her mind, trying to find out how to have Ash for herself. "Maybe I could cast the Want-it-Need-it spell on me? No, that'll just drag others in."


"Hmm..." Then, something struck Twilight's mind. She remembered that there was one Pokemon that could be the answer to all her problems. "Wait a minute." Twilight quickly took out her dex, searching for the Pokemon she recalled. "Here it is!"

"Luvdisc. The Rendezvous Pokemon. Luvdisc lives in shallow seas in the tropics. This heart-shaped Pokémon earned its name by swimming after loving couples it spotted in the ocean’s waves. Luvdisc’s heart-shaped body is a symbol of love and romance. It is said that any couple meeting this Pokémon is promised a loving relationship that never ends."

"That's it!" Twilight's widened before shrinking. "Oh, wait. I saw a Luvdisc on my own." She sighed as she closed the dex. "Joy."


"Then I'll have to take matters into my own hooves." She flew up. "I won't let Meloetta best me. I'll have my time with Ash before the day ends!"

"Esp." Eve had a very bad feeling about this.

The young alicorn flew over to Ash, ready to do what she believes will guarantee her the victory over this small yet extended feud.

"Hey, Ash."

"Yeah?" Ash turned around to face Twilight.

"I was wondering. If we could spend some time together. Like how we did during the New Years, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember." Ash nodded. "You wanna go through that again with just us?"

"Mhm." Twilight smiled. "I've got a pretty great feeling about today."

"Hm." Ash thought for a moment. He wasn't really occupied at the moment. He had just finished up a battle and could use something else to do. "Sure. It's always a blast anyway."


"Yes!" Twilight pumped her hooves. She looked around to see if Meloetta was looking. Instead, Meloetta was chatting with Ash's Pokemon at the moment. So Twilight took this opportunity to use magic to grab Ash while she was distracted.

"Oh!" Ash looked at his body and how it was surrounded by magic now.

"Come on! I know where to start!"

To get Ash away from Meloetta, Twilight used teleportation as a means of escaping. But Meloetta could tell that Twilight went off with Ash due to the sound of magic being used.

"Melo!" Meloetta growled, knowing that Twilight had snatched Ash away, according to Meloetta herself.

The Melody Pokemon thought about a few possibilities to get Twilight back. Turning invisible and messing with Twilight was a strong possibility.

But instead, Meloetta sparked something genius. She spotted a stand that was selling Scented Pokemon jar. More specifically, jars that had Sweet Scent in it.

Not just any Sweet Scent. This was a special product known as Sweet Scent Supreme. A Pokemon Coordinator and Breeder's best friend.

It was the only Sweet Scent Supreme jars here since the others were just normal Sweet Scent jars. Not as potent as the Supreme one.

Meloetta had hit the jackpot. She knew exactly how this would benefit her.

The Melody Pokemon turned herself invisible, floating over to the stand where they sold the Sweet Scent jars. The person running it would never see Meloetta coming while the rest of Ash's Pokemon were wondering what she was up to.

With perfect stealth, Meloetta carefully grabbed a single jar of Sweet Scent instead of multiple. All she needed was one and that was it. Now it was time for her plan to play out.

But what was her plan? Simple.

If she were to pour Sweet Scent on Twilight, all the Pokemon nearby will be drawn to her, giving Twilight zero opportunity to be alone with Ash.

Inside the Crystal Empire Castle, Cadence was observing Meloetta's shenanigans and Twilight dragging Ash along. She had observed everything ever since they came here. The look on her face was one of disappointment.

"Pathetic." She uttered as she looked down on them all. Cadence also knew what kind of unbridled chaos would emerge from this.

But she was going to watch it instead of intervening.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, while Twilight and Meloetta were creating disharmony, Spike and Rarity created the opposite. Harmony.

Spike had come over to the Pokestar Studio attraction since Rarity was currently there. Rarity had just finished making a short movie with Cilan and Pheromosa and it turned out well for them.

"How'd the movie go?" Spike asked.

"Smashing." Rarity replied. "Although, Cilan seems to have tired himself out from all that hard work." She turned her head to Cilan who was on the floor, exhausted and knocked out.

"Aha..." Cilan mumbled in his sleep.

"Sala?" Salamence detected something unusual in the corner of his eyes. He spotted a jar of Sweet Scent flying in the distance. He wasn't exactly sure how that was possible but his superb dragon nose picked on the scent of Meloetta. "Salamence?"

The Dragon Pokemon didn't think too much about it. He thought that he was just out of it since he had finished having a fierce battle with Dragonite not too long ago. So he just shrugged it off for now.

However, even though the jar of Sweet Scent Supreme hadn't been opened up yet, its scent was powerful enough to grab the attention of any nearby Pokemon. Not necessarily bring them towards the Sweet Scent, but make them aware.

Once that liquid comes out of the bottle, then a flood of Pokemon will be drawn into wherever the scent is coming from. Which is exactly what Meloetta was hoping for.

But Pheromosa had also spotted the floating jar of Sweet Scent. Pheromosa wasn't a dragon so she couldn't pick up on the scent and know that it was Meloetta.

However, her pheromones were potent enough to cancel out the scent of Sweet Scent. So while every other Pokemon here noticed the faint scent, Pheromosa didn't due to her pheromones.

Just like Eve, Pheromosa had a bad feeling about this.

Speaking of Eve, she was keeping an eye on Twilight in hopes that nothing would go wrong. But with how her gem was shaking, she could tell that somehow, in some way, things were going to wrong eventually.

She just didn't know when.

Strangely enough, Absol didn't sense any potential problems popping up. But then again, he was too busy being followed around by Sylveon to pay attention to anything else.

"Say, Twilight..." Ash wanted to ask Twilight something as he was being dragged along by magic instead of having any control of his body.

"Yes, Ash?"

"You and Meloetta. You two haven't been given each other the best looks recently. Something wrong?"

"Huh?" Twilight shot up from that question. "O-Of course not! There's nothing wrong! Meloetta and I are just...you know...I just have a bad feeling about her."

"Bad feeling about Meloetta? How come? She's fun to be around, ya know. Especially when she sings." Ash grinned. But that didn't sit too well with Twilight at all. She wasn't too fond of hearing Ash praise Meloetta. It rubbed her the wrong way.

"I can sing well too..." Twilight said under her breath. Unbeknownst to Twilight Sparkle and Ash Ketchum, Meloetta had caught up to them.

But she wasn't here to steal Twilight's spotlight. Not yet at least. Instead, Meloetta was planning on drawing Twilight away from Ash with the potent scent of Sweet Scent.

But she didn't go undetected. Pikachu and Eve spotted the invisible bottle of Sweet Scent floating in the air. Naturally, this greatly confused them.



The jar of sweet scent was heading straight for Twilight as the invisible Meloetta crept up on her. All she needed to do was drop it on Twilight and watch the chaos unfurl.

"Pikapi! Pika!" Pikachu called for both Ash and Twilight's names, warning them about the impending sweet scent.

"Hm?" With Pikachu's warning, the duo faced the direction the Electric Mouse Pokemon was pointing at. And the moment they did that, Meloetta's cover had been blown.

So she panicked and spilt the Sweet Scent frantically in hopes of getting it on Twilight.

But it didn't land on Twilight.

Instead, it landed on Ash.


"Ugh..." Ash winced as he rubbed the Sweet Scent off his face. But the damage had already been done. Now the potent aroma of Sweet Scent could work its magic.

With this plan being a huge failure, Meloetta made a tactical retreat by flying away whilst still being invisible as she dropped the jar.

"What was that all about?" Ash tilted his head.

"Meloetta..." Twilight narrowed her eyes, knowing who was the cause of it. "Hah! Nice try but you missed!" She taunted Meloetta by raising her voice.

"Etta." Meloetta showed her physical form as she hid behind a bench. If there was an accurate time to panic, it was now.

The Sweet Scent was meant to hit Twilight, not Ash. A flop in Meloetta's eyes. The Melody Pokemon knew how powerful Sweet Scent was. And now that it was on her favourite human of all time, things are going to go south instantly.

"Slur...Slurpuff." All of Pinkie Pie's Slurpuff's were the first to sense Sweet Scent thanks to their sensitive noses. Each of the Meringue Pokemon started moving in a single line like zombies as they left their trainer Pinkie, focusing only on that scent.

"Hm? Hey! You guys! Where are you going?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. But it wasn't just them. Spinda jumped out of her mane, falling for Sweet Scent as well.


"Spinda? You too?!"

Soon, many of the Pokemon here in the Crystal Empire had been drawn to Sweet Scent, leaving their trainers and not listening to their cries at all.

Some Pokemon even came out of their Poke Balls, showing just how powerful one single Sweet Scent was. After all, they're very popular with Pokemon Coordinators for obvious reasons.

"Hm. That's an odd sight to witness." Rarity's eyes widened.

"Where are they all going?" Spike said as he was on Salamence's head. Surprisingly, Salamence and Pheromosa did not follow the Pokemon as well.

For Pheromosa, it was because her pheromones helped knock some sense into her. But for Salamence, that was a mystery for now.

Unfortunately, Rarity's Leavanny's and Ampharos had been pulled in by the scent. No matter how far, the aroma would pull the Pokemon in.



"Huh? Audi? Chikorita? Where are you going?" Fluttershy stuttered. She flew up to witness the sea of Pokemon moving like zombies. All focused on one thing only "Oh my..."

"Gardevoir..." Passion was floating towards the scent alongside her teammate Arcanine.


"Sylveon..." Sylveon finally got off Absol, freeing the Disaster Pokemon from her endless pin. But unfortunately, Absol himself had been pulled in. And eventually, the rest of Twilight's Pokemon. No one was exempt from this.




"Uh, Sceptile? Golett? What's gotten into you two?" Applejack stood up, witnessing Sceptile and Golett walk off like drones.

It didn't take long for the Pokemon to track down the source of the Sweet Scent. Ash was now a walking target who could pull in so many Pokemon by just being here.

And this is where everything was slowly starting to shift.

Ash and Twilight spotted the sea of Pokemon coming this way, seeking the sweet scent and nothing more. At first, the sight was a bit intimidating to look at but then it just looked silly to them.

The fact that the Pokemon were all letting out mutters and mumbles made them really feel like mindless zombies. Perhaps Sweet Scent is a bit too potent.

The Pokemon surrounded Ash, shoving Twilight out of the way as they saw her as a mere obstacle. "Ow! Hey!" Twilight fell.

"Uh..." Ash froze for a bit, seeing how Pokemon of all types, sizes from different regions and different trainers had cornered him. "This is a pretty weird feeling...Maybe this is what I felt earlier?"

"Pikachu..." Pikachu climbed up Ash's shoulder for safety.

"What is all of this?" Twilight rubbed her head. She tried to make her way towards Ash but the number of Pokemon was just ridiculous. And there's a very good chance that more Pokemon will show up since the festival is ongoing.

"Twilight. What's going on?" Applejack went up to Twilight. "And why are there so many Pokemon around Ash?"

"I-I don't know?" Twilight shook her head. "They all just suddenly swarmed towards us."

"Think he's got something tasty on him?" Pinkie appeared in the middle of the Pokemon crowd as she had somehow slipped in.

"Ash looks a bit overwhelmed," Fluttershy said. "How did this happen?"


"You've got me, buddy. This is new territory for me." Ash chuckled.

The trainers of each of the Pokemon came over to retrieve their Pokemon. They used their Poke Balls to return their partners as it seemed like an easy fix to a potentially chaotic solution.

Except it wasn't.

Immediately, the Pokemon came out in a heartbeat, shocking the trainers. The Pokemon refused to stay inside of their Poke Balls since they were so attracted to the scent.

As long as Ash was here, they weren't going anywhere.

If Ash made any sudden movements, the Pokemon will surely follow him. He was a walking target and there was hypothetically no escape.

"Esp. Espeon." Eve brought over the jar of Sweet Scent that had been dropped, showing it to Twilight and the others.

"Hm? This jar?" Twilight used her magic to lift the jar as she saw the name of the jar. "Sweet Scent...Supreme?"

"Oh, that makes sense now." Fluttershy nodded. "They're drawn to the Sweet Scent. But...did some of it fall on Ash?"

"...Sure did." Twilight sighed. "Meloetta dropped some on him. She planned this from the start that crafty little-" Twilight was about to go off until Eve calmed her down.

"How do we stop this then? Nopony's gonna get their Pokemon back at this rate?" Applejack wondered.

"I think we might have a solution to that. Pinkie Pie!" Twilight called for Pinkie.

"Yes?" Pinkie slipped out of the crowd, appearing in front of Twilight.

"Have all of your Slurpuff's use Sweet Scent in unison. That way, all these other Pokemon will be drawn away from Ash." Twilight explained.

"Okie Dokie!" Pinkie slipped back into the crowd, heading to her partners. "Slurpuff! I know you're focused on Ash, but you think you can use Sweet Scent for just a bit?"

"Puff. Slurpuff." Even if the Pokemon were all drawn to Ash, they can still mostly listen to their trainer's commands. And yet, they won't get back in their Poke Balls.

One major problem though.

For the Slurpuff's to use Sweet Scent, they would have to move away from Ash in the first place. Except, like most of the Pokemon here, they are unable to separate themselves from the human.

They had still used Sweet Scent by emanating a pink aroma, but that only worsened the situation since the Sweet Scent Supreme had combined with the normal Sweet Scent.

The Sweet Scent Supreme overpowered the normal Sweet Scent by a gigantic margin. It wasn't even close. The best the normal Sweet Scent could do is become one and add more potency to the Supreme variant.

Now Ash was an even larger target. Everything was going horribly wrong.

"Oh." Pinkie made a poker face.

"This might be a problem." Fluttershy gulped.

"Grrgh...Meloetta..." Twilight's horn was flashing aggressively. Her alone time with Ash had been foiled.

Originally, this was close to what Meloetta was actually planning. But Twilight was meant to be the target, not Ash. So in a way, it was basically a clear guaranteed sign that the plan would've actually worked if it landed on the right target.

Ash decided to walk away and get some space, but that was no good. The Pokemon all followed him either way. He was no longer free to have his own space.

"How'd I get here..." Ash said to himself as he lowered his head.


Twilight grumbled as she and her friends followed the army of Pokemon, trying to come up with a plan to get them away from Ash or at least cancel out the Sweet Scent.

Celestia, Cadence, Sunlight and Eventide had observed everything from the outside. It was truly a bizarre sight but somewhat enjoyable. Something was satisfying about seeing a trainer have many Pokemon follow them. It almost made Ash look like a true Pokemon Master, the goal he is still aiming for to this day.

"Hm. That's peculiar." Eventide narrowed his eyes.

"Mhm." Celestia and Sunlight both nodded. "How did this happen?"

"...I think I know how." Cadence knew from the start. She had been watching Meloetta's actions from the very beginning. She saw the Sweet Scent Supreme and how Meloetta and Twilight were not on the best terms. So she figured something like this would eventually happen."

"You do?" All three of them turned to her.

"Oh yes. We'll standby for now and see what happens."

Cadence knew that there was a solution to all of this. Twilight and her friends just haven't found it yet. Especially Twilight. But Cadence does. And yet, she found this so amusing that she decided to spectate. She seems to get giddy on Hearts and Hooves day for obvious reasons.

Ash decided to sit down and chow down on some food just to clear his head. Unfortunately, it was hard to do so because of two reasons.

One, so many Pokemon were surrounding him and two, Ember's Gible was biting on Ash's head as he had been drawn to the Sweet Scent as well.

"Mmmm..." Ash grumbled as he continued to eat, trying his best to relax. But that would prove to be a challenge.

"Okay. Does anypony have a plan?" Twilight pulled her friends in for a group huddle.

"Well...I saw a stand that sold Sweet Scent jars earlier." Applejack said. "That might be where that Supreme jar came from. We could buy all of those and pour them somewhere else for the Pokemon."

"That does sound great but...we need these Pokemon to go back to their trainers." Twilight wasn't too sure about it.

"We could try spraying the Sweet Scent on everypony's Poke Balls. That way they'll all want to go back inside." Fluttershy added on to Applejack's plan.

"Hm...That does sound clever. Although, that might make it difficult for anypony who wants to have a battle...but it's worth a shot anyway." Twilight decided to go with the plan. "Let's go!"

Each of her friends, minus Rarity and Spike who were still at the Pokestar Studios attraction, dashed off towards the Pokemon Sweet Scent stand. The source of all this trouble.

The old man over at the stand had seen the entire sea of Pokemon go after Ash already. He knew that it had to be the work of Sweet Scent. Mostly because he noticed that his Sweet Scent Supreme jar was no longer here.

Twilight and her friends went up to the stand, spotting 10 bottles of Sweet Scent.

"Excuse me, sir. Could we buy these Sweet Scent jars? How much do they cost?" Twilight asked.

"Oh. You're buying them to sort all of this out now, are you?" The old man said, rocking back and forth on his chair.

"Mhm." Fluttershy nodded. "Our friend Ash is a bit overcrowded right about now. And we want to give him back his space."

"Heh. Good luck. I'll let you have them for free since it's pointless to try."

"Pointless?" They all said.

"Yep! That Sweet Scent Supreme's too powerful, I tell ya. Ain't no way a regular Sweet Scent's gonna beat it out, that's for sure."

"So it doesn't matter how many we pour? Just how powerful is that Sweet Scent Supreme?!" Pinkie screeched.

"Hah! It's a rare jar. Very few of 'em exist in our world. Gonna have to find a new alternative to even match the Supreme's scent."

"Ugh!" Twilight groaned. "We'll take them just in case!" Twilight grabbed all of the jars. "I'm not gonna let any of this ruin my time with Ash...No matter what!" Twilight suddenly used her Royal Canterlot Voice which startled everypony else.

She was serious about fixing this and getting back to Ash. Meanwhile, Meloetta was hiding from all of this. She knows she was the cause of this and felt guilty about it.

"Melo..." Meloetta pouted as she peeked her head out of the side of the bench.

At first, it looked like there was absolutely no way this situation could get worse. Ash was already a large target. The Pokemon won't go back to their trainers no matter what.

It seemed as if this debacle had reached a peak.

That is until Ash heard very familiar sounds coming his way.

"...Huh?" His ears twitched as his pupils expanded. This sound he was hearing was closing in on him. It was insanely familiar. So familiar, that he could instantly tell that it belonged to one of his Pokemon.

But it wasn't Pikachu. Because he was on his shoulder. Most of his pre-evolved or smaller Pokemon have that same cute and playful walking sound, like Pikachu.

And one Pokemon who also fit that bill was none other than the very obsessive Leaf Pokemon.


"Bay!" Lo and behold, Bayleef had shown up as she had arrived at the Crystal Empire.

"Huh?! Bayleef?!" Ash gasped. "Did you follow me all the way here?!"


"Bay! Bay! Ba-" Bayleef came to a screeching halt by skidding on the ground. The reason being was that when she got close enough, her eyes locked onto something she despised more than anything.

Pokemon around Ash. But in this case, it wasn't just Pikachu like always. It was hundreds. Perhaps even thousands of Pokemon surrounding her favourite human.

"Bay?!" She was distraught by this. Her worst nightmare had come true. Pikachu, she could live with. But a gigantic number of Pokemon, not at all.

Naturally, in Bayleef's case, she was aggravated by this. So aggravated that she decided to attack all of the Pokemon that were surrounding Ash.

This is where things began to spiral out of control.

An enraged Bayleef had used the move Vine Whip to wrap around the tail of a Linoone.

"Noone?" The Rushing Pokemon notice that a vine was wrapped around its tail.

"Bayleef!" With unusual strength, Bayleef had lifted Linoone off the ground for one tactic that could certainly separate the Pokemon from Ash.

She swung Linoone around, hitting all the other Pokemon with the Rushing Pokemon's body, using Linoone as some sort of mace.

"L-Linoone! Noone" Obviously, Linoone didn't enjoy being used as a weapon.

The Pokemon, mostly the smaller ones, were being sent flying from Bayleef's rampant swinging as she was picking them all out like flies one by one in a short amount of time.

Twilight and the others watched as Bayleef was going on a rampage, attacking the Pokemon with such vigour and aggression.

"W-Wait, Bayleef!" Ash stuttered as he tried to stop Bayleef.

"Bay!" But Bayleef as too focused on cleaving them all away. She knew that she would need someone larger and heavier than Linoone to take care of the big ones.

So she tossed Linoone aside, switching for a larger Pokemon. Obviously, the Pokemon weren't okay with this at all. They didn't take too kindly to Bayleef's sudden attack on them. Especially the Pokemon who had already been hit by her.

"Marill!" An enraged Marill fired a Water Gun at Bayleef's face out of anger. But this only escalated the problem.

"Bay!" The Leaf Pokemon wrapped her vines around a Klang, which was already a larger threat than a Linoone.

Klang is a heavy and hard Pokemon. That's no surprise since it is a Steel-Type. The type that has the least weaknesses and is well known for being the most defensive Pokemon Type there is.

So if Klang is swung around, someone's gonna get hurt.

And somehow unsurprisingly, Bayleef was strong enough to lift a Steel-Type with just vines alone, showing how she's a cut above other Bayleef's.


"Bayleef, don't!" Ash rushed over, barging through the crowd of Pokemon around him. "You're gonna really-"

"Leef!" It was too late for Ash to stop the swinging. The moment she swung the Gear Pokemon around, she ended up hitting Ash instead of the Pokemon.

"GOUGH!" Ash's eyes widened as he had been hit square in the stomach. That amount of force was powerful enough to send him flying.

Which it did.

Ash was launched, screaming as everyone in the Crystal Empire witnessed him blast off into the distance, becoming nothing but a star in the sky.




"OH!" Twilight and everypony gasped.

"Wow!" Barry slid in, looking up at the sky. "Talk about a home run! What a slugger of a hit!"

"Poor Ash." Fluttershy shook her head.

"A-Ah..." Twilight dropped the jars of Sweet Scent as she was flabbergasted. Her alone time with Ash had not only been interrupted by many Pokemon but now Ash had been flown far away from her. Who knows where he's ended up? "This isn't how I imagined my first Hearts and Hooves day to turn out."



Bayleef and Meloetta felt the same as Twilight. What a shame.

On the bright side, this meant that the Pokemon would stop following Ash since he was very distant from them now.

"Ugh..." Ash groaned as he had landed face first in some snow, unfortunately. But he had quickly recovered thanks to his years of taking severe punishment. "What a day."

The young trainer sat up, holding his head as he shook the snow off his face. He was definitely far from the Crystal Empire now. In fact, Ash noticed that he was currently in a new location that was also taking part in the Pokemon Festival.


As noted by the large number of yaks moving around with their own Pokemon, taking part in attractions. Although some of the attractions had been destroyed.

"Huh? Did I land all the way here?" Ash looked around as he wiped the snow off his hat.

"Ooh..." The voice of a yak travelled through Ash's ears, grabbing the attention of the young trainer as he turned around. A young yak girl came up to Ash, gawking at him. "Who are you, stranger?"

"Ah, sorry." Ash stood up, putting his hat back on. "I kinda crash-landed here in...is this Yakyakistan."

"Yes!" The yak bellowed. "Yona saw you fall from high up. Even going over the gates!" She revealed her name to be Yona.

"I flew that far?!" Ash gasped. "Man...Has Bayleef been training this entire time...?"

"Oh!" Yona's pupils widened as she took a good look at Ash. "Are you Ash Ketchum?!"

"Yeah, that's me?"

"Ah! Where's Peekaachoo?!" Much like all the yaks, they pronounce Pikachu's name differently.

"I kinda got separated from him after I got launched. I gotta get back to the Crystal Empire."

"Aw. Can't Ash stay behind for festival in Yakyakistan?"

"Hm? You want me to stay?" Ash turned around.

"Yona would enjoy having a hero here! So would all yaks!"

"Hmm...This is still apart of the Pokemon Festival. But Pikachu's probably worried about me..."

"Please?" Yona made a puppy-dog face to try and get Ash to stay behind.

"Uh." Ash knew that this tactic was always used on him by Sweetie Belle and most of the time, it proves to be highly effective. "I guess I can hang around for a while. I wanna see these new attractions. The ones that aren't broken anyway."

"Hooray!" Yona jumped up, making the ground tremble a bit. "Ash should meet Yona's partner Piloswine too!"

"Swine?" Speaking of Piloswine, the Swine Pokemon popped out of the ground, moving its head around.

"Hey, Piloswine." Ash kneeled, rubbing the chin of the Ice-Ground-Type.


Before Ash would return to the Crystal Empire, he decided to experience what Yakyakistan has to offer. It also counts as his first time here so that's a fairly neat bonus. Surprisingly, Bayleef's rampant swinging led him to a discovery for a new adventure.

Truly a happy little accident.

Back at the Crystal Empire, Meloetta had decided to come forward and explain to Fluttershy and the others that she did in fact cause this from the start.

"Melo...Meloetta." Meloetta lowered her head, feeling guilty and responsible for this mess as she gave the honest truth to everypony.

"Meloetta said that she was planning on spilling the Sweet Scent on Twilight, but it backfired and landed on Ash." Fluttershy translated.

"What?!" Twilight screeched.

"Etta! Melo!"

"She says that she didn't mean for all of this to happen. Honestly."

"Yeah, well, I'm still not fond of you trying to ruin my time with Ash." Twilight scoffed.

"Etta..." Meloetta apologized to Twilight with all her heart. The Normal-Psychic-Type confessed that her jealousy had gotten in the way.

"Bay..." Bayleef sat down, looking at the sky, waiting for Ash to come back. Unlike Meloetta, she wasn't apologetic at all. Bayleef would never apologize to her rivals.

"Ugh..." Twilight sighed. "I guess I understand. I'm a bit jealous of you too, Meloetta. With your history with Ash after all."

"Jealous?" Pinkie paused for a moment as she was processing that information. Then it hit her. "Oh! Twilight! Are you-"

"Gh!" Twilight shuddered as she was caught slipping. Using the word Jealous was a dead giveaway. "N-N-No, wait! I mean I'm jealous of-"

"Yeah, that makes sense now." Applejack nodded as she understood everything from those words.

"Um. If it's okay with you, Twilight. I knew from the start." Fluttershy hid behind Audino.

"I-I...I don't!" Twilight cowered on the floor with her face turning red.

"You like him?! That's wonderful, Twilight!" Pinkie dashed over. "I always knew you two were a good match!"

"Now that makes a lot of sense actually..." Spike pondered.

"Okay! You've got me!" Twilight exclaimed. "Now can we please figure out how to solve this?! Ash is obviously coming back and that Sweet Scent is just going to pull the Pokemon back in!"

"Well, we still ain't got nothing that might really work..." Applejack shook her head. Even with Ash being set off in the distance, they still didn't have a plan for the Sweet Scent debacle.

That is until Rarity sparked something up that just might work.

"Unless..." Rarity uttered as she turned to face Pheromosa. "Pheromosa, darling. How strong are your pheromones again?"

"Mosa-Mosa. Pheromosa." Pheromosa shrugged as even she herself had no idea how potent her pheromones were.

"I think the Pokedex has like extra information on the Pokemon." Spike hopped on Rarity's back, pulling her Pokedex out. "From what I heard anyway."

"Really now?" Rarity took the Pokedex with her magic, activating it. She quickly selected Pheromosa's dex entry as she found out that there was indeed an extra page that goes into further detail about Pokemon. "Hm. How useful."

With the revelation of a second page, Rarity selected it as the dex read out further information about Pheromosa.

"Pheromosa. The Lissome Pokemon. According to the Aether Foundation, Pheromosa also produces a sort of disarming pheromone which was described as "previously unknown to science" that causes those nearby to become awestruck by its presence. Whether good or bad."

"Oh!" Rarity gawked. "An unknown pheromone you say?!"

"It's that big of a deal?" Pinkie dashed over to Pheromosa to test it out herself. But when she got close, she couldn't smell anything at all. "Hm...I don't smell any pheromones."

"I think Pheromosa has to let the pheromones out," Fluttershy said. "Like a perfume bottle."

"Mosa." Pheromosa pointed at the tips of her antennae, revealing where the pheromone actually comes from.

"If even scientists can't measure it, then it has to be powerful, right?" Spike spoke.

"It must be. But I'm curious about one thing." Fluttershy turned to face Salamence. "How come Salamence wasn't affected at all? He's one of the biggest Pokemon here and I didn't see him."

"Ah-" Spike froze for a bit. "Hm...That's a good question. Salamence, why didn't you go to Ash."

"Sala. Salamence."

"Salamence says that apparently, a Dragon isn't so easily charmed by scents." Fluttershy translated.

"Oooh. Nice." Spike gave a thumbs up.

"Well then, I think I know what the perfect plan for this is." Rarity rubbed her hooves together. "Spike. Let's go find Ash, shall we?" Rarity returned her Pokemon as she got on Salamence's back.

"Okay!" Spike hopped on his partner Pokemon, joining Rarity. "We'll be right back."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu quickly ran over, joining Spike and Rarity at the last second, just to see if his best buddy was alright as Salamence took the skies, flying off.

Twilight and Meloetta looked at each other suddenly. Twilight could see that Meloetta, a Pokemon that Ash describes as kind and caring can have a drastic shift in personality due to jealousy.

Twilight knew that one day, she might end up like Meloetta due to her crush on Ash. Someone who can be so sweet with their special someone but immediately finds disdain and shifts personalities when their special someone is with another who is interested in them.

"Say, Meloetta," Twilight spoke to the Melody Pokemon.


"You don't really hate me, do you?"

"Etta." She shook her head.

"Yeah, figured. I don't hate you either. I guess we're both just possessive of Ash when it comes to somepony else, huh?"

"Melo." She nodded in understanding.

That small conversation they had was a sign that the two of them can actually get along and bond despite their affection towards the same person. It was slow, but it was there.


Ash had enjoyed the attractions that this part of the Pokemon Festival had to offer. From Hariyama Wrestling where he and Yona were strapped onto two Hariyama's and they duke it out like sumos.

An attraction that was known as Rampage Rollout where two Donphans that they picked had to take multiple laps around the snowy track and sending snow tornadoes at each other for victory.

And a personal favourite that was still enjoyable, Poke-End, which Ash absolutely crushed Yona in. Needless to say, they were having some fun together.

"That Rampage Rollout got a bit destructive there." Ash sat down as he was chatting with Yona.

"Yona was almost buried down there!" Yona's eyes widened. "But it was a lot of fun with Ash!"

"Sure was!" Ash grinned as he patted Yona's head. "Well...I think I should get going." Ash stood up. "Been a real blast meeting you Yona."

"Aw..." Yona pouted. "Ash is leaving now?"

"Yep. My friends are all waiting for me after all. Can't leave them worried, ya know."

"Yona understand. But Yona will see Ash again someday, right?"

"Of course! Now that I know where this place is, I can come and visit you any time! Count on it!"

"Yona will count! Thank you, Ash!"

"No problem!" Ash ran off, waving goodbye to his yak friend he had just met due to an accident caused by his own Pokemon. How peculiar.

Ash ran out of the gates of Yakyakistan, sliding on the snow as he looked up in the sky. He knew it was a long way back to the empire. After all, Bayleef hit him far.

"Wonder if there's a sledge somewhere here..."

Ash wouldn't have to walk back to the empire at all. Because up in the sky, he noticed something approaching him. None other than Salamence who had Rarity, Spike and his best pal Pikachu.

"Ash!" Rarity and Spike both yelled.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu hopped off Salamence's back, relieved to see that his partner was alright and in one piece.

"Guys!" Ash put his arms out as he caught Pikachu, hugging his best buddy. "Great to see you again!"


"I should've expected nothing less from you, Ash." Rarity spoke. "You always find some way to stay in one piece."

"No need to worry, Rarity!" Ash grinned.

"Well, I have good news for you Ash, darling. We might be able to solve your little Sweet Scent problem with all those Pokemon following you."

"You can? Awesome! What is it?"

"Pheromosa. Come out." Rarity sent out Pheromosa as the potential problem solver of all of this.

"Mosa." The Lissome Pokemon landed on the ground.

"Use your pheromones on Ash."

"Pheromones?" Ash tilted his head.

"Mosa...!" Pheromosa's antennae twitched as they were aiming at Ash like some sort of weapon. Pheromosa for the first time released its pheromones as they came out of the tips of he antennae's.

"Oh..." Ash looked around himself, seeing a pink mist cover him completely. The pheromones of Pheromosa clashed with Sweet Scent with both of them fighting for dominance.

"Let's hope this works..." Rarity bit her hoof. She was hoping that the pheromones don't end up becoming a second Sweet Scent in which more Pokemon will be attracted to Ash.

The pheromones and Sweet Scent had finished their scuffle as the outcome was that none of them emerged as the victor. Instead, both aromas had cancelled each other out due to their potency.

Ash no longer had a potent scent around him thanks to that clash as the pink mist vanished.

"D-Did it work?" Spike stuttered.

"Pikachu?" Pikachu sniffed his partner to see if Sweet Scent was still there. Thankfully, it wasn't. Ash was back to normal now. "Pikachu!" He hopped on Ash's shoulder.

"Success!" Rarity picked up Spike, hugging him out of nowhere. "It's wonderful that you informed me of that second page of the Pokedex, Spike!"

"Oof! N-No problem, Rarity." Spike gave a thumbs-up as he was enjoying this hug.

"Phew. I need that." Ash let out a sigh of relief. "Now let's get back. Still a lot I wanna do before the day ends."


The Crystal Empire.

Once Ash returned, none of the Pokemon were pulled towards him at all. Pheromosa's pheromones ended up being the saving grace of this whole debacle.

Bayleef, Meloetta and Twilight went up to Ash, relieved that he was alright.

"Ash! You're okay!"



"Yeah. It's gonna take a lot more than that to stop me. Feels good to have a ton of space too."

"Melo. Meloetta." Meloetta flew over to Ash, bowing her head as she gave multiple apologies to him.

"Don't worry." Ash took Meloetta's apology. "But Bayleef..."

"Bay?!" Bayleef was fearful that she was going to get scolded by Ash.

"Bayleef. You ran away from Oak's lab again?" He kneeled, patting Bayleef on the head. "Attacking all the Pokemon like that was a bit much. But I guess it's a good sign that you're getting stronger every day."


"I know you mean well, Bayleef and you wanna see me, but sometimes you can go overboard a lot, ya know."

"Bay." Bayleef lowered her head.

"No need to worry. But, it's also pretty awesome that you came from Kanto to here. You've gotten way faster too!"

"Bay!" Bayleef liked the sound of Ash praising her development quite a lot. Twilight watched as the two Pokemon surrounded Ash. But this time, she wasn't feeling jealous. Mostly because they were apologizing instead of crushing on him.

And of course, Ash knew how to not only accept their apology but help them grow in the future. It was one of the many reasons why Twilight adored Ash so much.

"Anyway." Ash stood up as he saw the sunset. "I'm beat." He yawned. "Think the Crystal Empire has some rooms?"

"Sure does." Twilight went over to Ash. "I'll take you there."

"Thanks, Twilight."

"Heh." Twilight turned around, facing the other two Pokemon. Even after that small chat with Meloetta, Twilight was still competing with her and Bayleef for Ash as she turned around, sticking her tongue.



Meloetta and Bayleef gasped. They realized that despite all that they've done, Twilight was the only one who didn't give an apology to Ash since she hadn't done anything to cause him so much trouble like spilling Sweet Scent or hitting him with another Pokemon.

The two Pokemon accepted defeat this time. But that didn't mean they were giving up. They now saw Twilight as their definitive rival. And very soon, it'll transform into a game of 1UPing each other in the future as the journey continues.

Chapter 308 End.

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