• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Anonymous Sharp Air

Kanto. Vermillion City Hospital. Day. Inside of Ash's mind.

Ash was still unconscious and unresponsive, but inside of his mind, he was in pure focus. Ash sat down, his arms and legs and crossed and his eyes closed while the Aura around him flowed.

Ash was doing this to see if there was some way to work around the Delayed Aura Ataxia. To try this, Ash freed his mind of anything and just stayed stagnant. He knew that soon, everyone he knows and loves could be attacked by Ghetsis and Empress Twilight and he can't let them get hurt.

If there's one thing Ash loves is his friends and family. He would even choose them over his goal of becoming a Pokemon Master. No question about it.

And because of this, Ash was actually starting to get somewhere. He let the Aura around him flow without moving. His still nature and body let the gentle Aura engulf him. Even though his mind was empty, he was still thinking about Pikachu, his mom, Twilight and everyone.

The Aura's colour intensified, glowing an azure blue as Ash was reaching a state of focus he's never reached before. And his body could feel it. Even inside of his own mind. But, this is where things changed.

In the real world, Ash's hands began twitching with faint Aura glows. The Aura from within was responding to Ash. While Ash having an Aura pattern similar to Sir Aaron, the greatest Aura user to ever exist was a drawback since the Ataxia was the hardest on him, it was also a blessing since, like Aaron, he can counteract it with something greater.

However, this was only faint and momentarily. Ash couldn't break free of the unconscious state so easily. But, he wouldn't give up. He was determined to work around Delayed Aura Ataxia so that it never becomes a burden ever again.

For the sake of his friends.

The Pokemon House, Day.

Currently, at the Pokemon House, everything is ordinary and calm. Although, there are a plethora of visitors today. The Pokemon House in recent months has gained a lot of traction, mainly from younger groups. But older groups could come by. They either come here to gawk and have fun with the Pokemon or choose their new partner.

Among these individuals was Princess Luna. She was more on the choosing side as her goal to become Equestria's first Pokemon Champion.

Fluttershy would assist those who wanted new Pokemon on their team. But this time, she had more help than ever. Before, it was just her and Audino who would do this, but Chikorita and Scorbunny are now assisting her. Not just that, Team Rocket and Zecora, who are now permanently living here, assisted in Pokemon choosing.

"Hm..." Luna stared at the Pokemon before her, feeling a bit picky about which one she would want. Right now, she was shooting for a new Steel-Type Pokemon, but the Pokemon House is a bit low on that kind of Type. "Are you sure there aren't any other Steel-Type Pokemon? I need the most defensive Pokemon possible."

"Sorry. We don't usually get Steel-Type Pokemon here. They're fairly rare like Dragon and Ice-Types." Fluttershy shook her head.

"But we've still got some fairly swell options!" Jessie whistled as she and Team Rocket slid in.

"Who's need defence when you have something intangible like a Ghost-Type!" James grinned.

"Nothing's touching that!" Meowth shook his head.


"...Who are you four?" Luna squinted her eyes at Team Rocket as this was her first time being introduced to them.

"Oh, this is just Team Rocket. They're staying here with me along with Zecora until the Everfree Forest grows back." Fluttershy explained.

"You could've at least given us a grander entrance!" Jessie stood up. "Especially to a princess!"

"Are you that important?" Luna questioned?

"Are we? Ahem." Jessie and Team Rocket stood together, clearing their throats as they were prepared to do their usual roll call to really show Luna how important they are. And of course, their unique team poses.

At least, according to them.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all people within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"


"And James!"

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare for a fight!"

"Meowth! That's right!"


"..." After that, an immediate silence filled the airspace. Fluttershy clapped her hooves together, applauding Team Rocket for their usual motto.

As for Luna? Well...

"Pfft!" She made a silly face while holding her cheeks in, trying not to laugh. Team Rocket shot up after hearing that sound she made. From her reaction, it didn't sound like she was impressed by their motto. "Bahahaha!"

"Huh?" Team Rocket said collectively.

"How amusing! Most amusing!" In fact, it seemed she was amused and found a laugh out of that. She certainly didn't think it looked impressive or as wonderful as Team Rocket were hoping for.

"Uh...Thanks..." Jessie sighed.

"Ah, anyway." Luna cleared her throat after her outburst of laughter. "At this point, any Pokemon will do. Besides, I'll need to give some to Flurry Heart as well."

"Oh. A new Pokemon to join her and Manaphy?" Fluttershy asked.

"Um...Well..." Luna knew about the alternate universe Flurry Heart and the massive age difference compared to the one that lives here which is still a baby.

Before she could properly respond, out from the shadows themselves, her ace Pokemon had emerged. The Pitch Black Pokemon Darkrai.

"Luna," Darkrai spoke, appearing as his usual imposing self while also startling Team Rocket.

"Hm? Darkrai? What is it?" Luna asked her partner.

"It's urgent. We have a bit of a problem going on."

"Is it the Nightmare Pokemon again? Or the Desires?" Luna stood up, gasping. And as she stood up, Fluttershy's cutie mark started flashing. It only ever flashes when the Cutie Map is calling for either her or any of her friends.

"Right now?" Fluttershy looked at her Cutie Mark.

"Worse. It's those Rift humans. They're affecting the world right now as we speak."

"Affecting the world?" Fluttershy and Luna both said collectively. If anything involved the Rift, then it was clear that something of a grand magnitude was about to happen. Or at least, minuscule but still effective.

9 hours earlier. North of Equestria. A cold settlement. Late night.

Here, there exists a humble town out in the open known as Themcolt Port.

Since it exists in the north, it only makes sense that snow and ice could be found. And speaking of ice, the most common Pokemon Type that resides here is the Ice-Type as they live together with the ponies of this town. There are also some Water-Types here but the Ice-Types dwarf them in population numbers.

One of the ponies that live here was Gelidity and her Alolan Vulpix. One of Sweetie Belle's Pokemon Contest rivals. This was her town. And much like Gelidity, everypony that lives here talks in a unique way that is still understandable.

The buildings here matched that of igloos. But if they didn't look like igloos, they matched the buildings of Ponyville but with a slightly older appearance.

Gelidity walked out of her home with Alolan Vulpix, ready to practice for their next upcoming contest. However, that wasn't of importance at the moment.

There was something else brewing nearby.

Someone was here, planning something in particular. Something that they believe would be grand and cause a stellar event across Equestria.

That someone was Lucien.

Obviously, this was about the recent separation between him and Sienna. Due to them getting into a heated argument the two of them vowed to create an event that was entertaining enough for the Rift by themselves. Thus, they had planned to 1UP each other with what they had.

And Lucien was the first to come up with something.

"Hmph. I'll show her." He hid behind one of the icy hills, holding his hand out. "I've got a ton of ideas that'll knock whatever she has out of the park."

To start his event, Lucien outstretched his arm, sending out cosmic dust from it and allowing it to flow through the air. Once the cosmic dust could flow and work its magic.

What this cosmic dust was capable of was something unheard of and frankly, highly damaging to the body in every single way. The dust was transforming the air itself, shifting its properties. While it still had the natural components of air, it had a little something extra that was threatening to all.

In fact, it had two extra things. One that could cause harm and the other that could make anything scarce and unknown. This was about to be shown to the residents of the town.

Gelidity and Vulpix looked at each other, already going over what they could do next. Gelidity was even thinking of evolving her partner into an Alolan Ninetales.

"Evolution. That is what we shall do next Vulpix. Amazing things will be done. Once we evolve you that is."

"Vulpix!" Vulpix liked the sound of that. She would enjoy evolving into her final and majestic form as she flared her tails around, jumping and down.

But while she was getting excited, that's when the mood started to turn. One of the residents living here was the first to be affected by whatever Lucien had done.

The mare who was the first victim could suddenly feel like there was something off about that air. It wasn't poisoned, it wasn't thicker than usual, it was faint or lacking, it was neither of that.

Instead, it was something more physical. The mare groaned as her body started feeling odd. She at first thought it was just the cold getting to her, but she's been living here her entire life, so there's no way the cold could ever bother her.

Except it wasn't the cold air. No. Once the air got close enough, the mare suddenly noticed that she got a cut on her hoof without warning.

"Ow!" She cried out, holding her hoof.

"The sound of pain. What happened?" A fellow resident mare came running over, responding to her friends' cry of pain.

"My hoof. Out of nowhere, a cut had appeared." She showed the cut to her friend. "Nothing had hit me. From what I am aware of."

"Hm. Peculiar." The other mare narrowed her eyes as she quickly tended to her friend's aid. By getting some bandages from her home, the mare wrapped them around her friend's hoof, right on top of the cut mark.

The injured mare was about to thank her friend before another cut appeared, this time, slicing off the bandage in front of their eyes. Strands of their manes had been cut off too.

"Once more! Another cut!" The injured mare gasped as she saw more cuts appearing. This time on her friend. She had also received those cuts unexpectedly.

It wasn't just those two. Soon, the cuts were starting to spread, causing chain reactions by reaching others. However, they all quickly found out that breathing in the air was a bit different. While they could still breathe normally, the cuts seemed to become prominent and more frequent.

Sounds of people lightly crying out in pain could be heard as they all looked at their hooves and bodies, wondering what was going on. The cuts were starting to change. They were no longer light and barely recognizable. In seconds, they seemed to be getting stronger, wider and more painful than before with even more visible marks.

Not only that, but that's when the second effect of the cosmic dust showed itself. The secondary effect was more visible than the first one. When looking at their appearing cuts, the ponies and Pokemon all ran inside of their homes, believing that they would be safer in there.

And lo and behold, they would be safer inside of their homes. At least, for the time being, it seemed. Inside, their igloos had protected them. From what they could observe, it seems that this mystical and unknown problem was originating outside instead of inside.

Most notably, the Ice-Type Pokemon seemed to be fine as they were the least affected from the looks of it.

"In here. We are safe." A stallion said, looking at his visible cut marks while his friends and family bandage him and themselves up from the cuts.

"But where did they come from? Cuts from the air? A possibility like that. Does it exist?" A mare wondered.

"That is unknown to us." The stallion looked up before turning to one of his friends. "Anyone. Do any of you know?"

However, when he turned to face his friends, he noticed something bizarre and off. Even more bizarre than the cuts that were randomly appearing.

His friends had their faces blurred out by that same mysterious air that was seemingly cutting them, but this time it was visible. The ponies that stood before him had their faces and bodies blurred out all of a sudden. Even their Cutie Marks were gone.

They were so blurred out that the stallion could barely even notice his friends at all. He narrowed his eyes, trying to see if he could at least see their faces. The only thing that wasn't blurred out was their colours. Those were at least distant and recognizable. But the intensity of the blur would slowly change that.

"What? Friends? Is that you?" He asked them as he worried about what had just happened to his friends.

But when his friends replied, not only were their faces and bodies unrecognizable, but their voices as well. They no longer sounded like the friends the stallion knew. In fact, their voices had become so anonymous that the only that could be heard was the sound of air blowing.

And very soon, their distinct colours will be blurred out until they are completely unrecognizable. The stallion, rightfully perplexed, was getting worried along with the other ponies who haven't had their appearance's blurred out. It was only a matter of time until they were blurred out in an anonymous air too.

And Lucien knew that.

He looked at what he had created so far and let out a cocky smirk. What he had done was something that could be considered the best of both worlds in his opinion.

"Hah. Anonymous Sharp Air." He gave out the name of the effect. "Not only is the air sharp and can cause cuts and gashes, but it'll blur out anyone it catches, making them anonymous and unrecognizable. Oh yeah. Beat that Sienna."

This Anonymous Sharp Air was clearly a problem. For two obvious reasons. One is that no one wants to be cut constantly by air of all things but secondly, having their appearances be blurred out would mean that everyone would become unrecognizable to the point where no one would know each other.

And that is bound to start some hysteria.

Gelidity was just as confused and scared as everyone else. The remaining ponies who hadn't been too affected were moving back the approaching blurred ponies. They weren't sure if they could trust these ponies that they had apparently seen before. But they have. The blurring was just so powerful, that was barely becoming the case.

Gelidity held her Alolan Vulpix near her, whimpering at this scenario. Thankfully, someone was here to help. One of the ponies living here had used her magic to create a protective barrier around Gelidity and the barely affected ponies and Pokemon.

Unfortunately, Rift magic is known for ignoring Equestrian magic, so the sharp air just cut through the barrier anyway like it was nothing. The mare gasped by seeing her barrier fail as more cuts were appearing by her. The blurred ponies kept approaching as they were trying to communicate. But the only thing that could be heard was just wind howls.

But, from the perspective of the blurred ponies, they could understand themselves and the ponies who were barely affected as they were crying out for help. But, with how things were, things weren't going smoothly.

"Everyone else! Where did they go?!" Gelidity asked.

"Still here. They must be maybe..." A stallion replied. "Right now, here at our home, safety is minimum. Let us head out before anything escalates."

Canterlot. Day.

Luna had arrived at Canterlot with Darkrai after getting the warning call. It wasn't just her who had arrived at Canterlot. The Cutie Map had called Fluttershy here after responding to the Cutie Mark. It had called her to Canterlot.

And since it had responded to her, she was the only one meant to show up here. But she wasn't alone. The map had also called for Pinkie Pie for this as they had all shown up at Canterlot.

"Glad you all could make it," Celestia spoke, turning to face the group.

"Sister. What's going on? What's this about sharp air and blurs?" Luna asked after Darkrai told her the gist of things.

"I'm afraid we have more Rift issues occurring across Equestria. This time, it's something unusual. There's some sort of air that's both cutting and blurring out the appearance of everypony it comes in contact with."

"Cutting and blurring?" Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie said.

"Just earlier, many small towns have been affected by it. There seems to be some sort of sharpness in the air that's causing cuts to appear on their bodies. The air itself has been shifted in that way."

"Like the moves Air Slash and Air Cutter?" Fluttershy stepped forward.

"Exactly like that. And it seems to cause a powerful blur that is so great that barely anypony becomes recognizable anymore. Many ponies and Pokemon haven't been able to recognize their friends or family and all they can hear from their mouths are wind howls."

"That's horrible..." Fluttershy gasped.

"But that's exactly why we're going to stop this before it spreads and covers all of Equestria. If we don't, not only will we be greatly injured, but everyone we know will become unrecognizable, maybe forever."

"How exactly? Ash is unconscious and only he can connect with Lucario and Aura." Luna asked. "Aura's the only known thing that can go against the Rift."

"Well, that's why we have another Aura User. Cynthia! Brawly, you can come in!" Celestia called for Cynthia and Brawly. And through the door, right through her throne room, in came the Sinnoh Champion and Hoenn Gym Leader."

"Here!" Brawly responded as he was the first to enter with Cynthia.

"Cynthia and Brawly have Lucario of their own. While not as grand as Ash's Aura, it can prove effective to deal with anything Rift related."

"Sure can." Brawly nodded. "But uh...how are we gonna use it on air of all things?"

"And we can't see it all. Darkrai shook his head. "So it'll be difficult to stop something we can't see ourselves or barely interact with."

"Yes, I know. But apparently, that's where my father comes in. Father." Celestia turned to Eventide. "You said that my new mark might help, right?"

"Certainly. I was just thinking about this two days ago. It was about your Boundless Cutie Mark. I think it does more than just restore magic automatically."

"Really?" Celestia's attention was grabbed.

"I think that mark of yours goes beyond that. Here." Eventide got out one of the Travel Spheres, showing it to Celestia. "Use your magic on this."

"Equestrian magic doesn't work on anything Rift related, father." Luna pointed out.

"Of course not. But that mark might say otherwise. Try it, Celestia."

"Alright." Celestia faced the sphere as she lit her horn up with magic. Everyone leaned in as the Ruler of Equestria focused everything on the sphere.

Now normally, magic wouldn't do anything to Rift energy, let alone Equestrian magic. The only thing that has shown to be able to interact with cosmic energy is Aura and nothing more.

Until now.

Celestia's Boundless Cutie Mark started reacting to the Rift energy along with Passion. Passion herself felt a tingle in her heart from the magic as the golden light of Celestia's magic had covered the sphere.

Before they knew it, Celestia was able to interact with the sphere by using the size expansion spell. Eventide backed away from the growing sphere as Celestia opened her eyes, witnessing what she had just done.

Magic had just interacted with Rift energy.

"Oh!" Celestia herself was stunned as everyone gawked. "Really?! Is this real?!

"As real as it can be. Seems that Boundless Cutie Mark of yours is hiding various secrets that we haven't seen yet." Eventide chuckled. "I made the right call to investigate it further! I can't believe Starswirl never finished working on this!"

"We can actually use our magic against the Rift now! Well...your magic at least," said Luna.

"Seems that way. Plus, I have a spell that could deal with this mysterious air. The clear-out spell. Like a fan that blows in the wind, we'll wipe away the air with magic and aura." Celestia gave a confident grin.

"Sounds good to us! Wonder why the map chose us, though?" Pinkie Pie wondered, pouting her lip.

"What about all of the cuts?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nurse Redheart and the other doctors and nurses have it covered. They might be a bit occupied today because of this." Celestia gave Fluttershy an answer. "We've also given everypony protective gear to shield them from the cuts. From what we've found out so far, the only Pokemon immune to the sharp air are Steel, Ice and Ghost-Types. When they become intangible that is."

"Your highness!" Just then, one of the Canerlot guards barged into the room in a hurry, breathing in and out. "Big news!"

"Hm? What happened?!"

"The Pokemon! They're confused and afraid! They can't find their trainers' so now they're losing it! And over at Vanhoover, the air...It's taking form!"

"If everyone's becoming anonymous because of the blur then, of course, the Pokemon would be afraid!" Fluttershy turned to the guard. "They can't handle losing their trainers forever if they don't know where they are!"

"Or even hear them properly!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Form?" Luna squinted before thinking about what the guard meant. Hearing about the air taking form reminded her and everypony else here about the last time an element took form. The two things that come to mind are the Tree Behemoth and Storm Behemoth. "You mean like the Storm Behemoth?!"

"I-It looks like it." The guard shrugged. "Doesn't exactly resemble the usual behemoth from what we've found out. It seems to be growing size every passing minute."

"Then we can't waste any time," Celestia responded. "Let's head to Vanhoover as soon as possible. Arcanine, take care of the place."


Vanhoover. Afternoon.

The Anonymous Sharp Air was already growing. In just an hour, it had already spread across a fairly large portion of Equestria, sending cuts and blurring appearances of many ponies. The ponies had safely entered their homes, getting away from the dangerous air.

However, very soon, their homes wouldn't protect them as the air was starting to form into something odd. It was even gaining a visible appearance now.

What's worse, the Pokemon who had trainers' were starting to panic. Ever since the air obscured out their trainers to the point where their appearances were impossible to find, some of them couldn't handle it.

While there were Pokemon who knew how to stay calm and still worry, other's not so much. Thus, the Pokemon began crying out for their trainers, searching desperately for them.

In truth, the trainers could hear their Pokemon. The only problem was, their voices were just wind howls so they couldn't communicate or call for them.

But it was getting worse. Soon, the air was making it to the point where even the blurred ponies would find it hard to see anything else. Their vision would be blurred out by the air, giving them bleary sights where even they couldn't tell who was who anymore.

The safe ponies and Pokemon who entered their homes looked outside, witnessing the air take a visible shape. It seemed to have a sort of purplish colour instead of grey or white. The air was seemingly deciding on what it wanted to become.

"Okay. So the air can cut now. There's no need to panic right?" A mare said. "All we have to do is stay inside and wait for this whole thing to blow over. Easy."

"What about everypony else? I barely recognized some of them." A stallion replied. "Everything was so blurry."

"I don't know." She shrugged. "But look...we're safe here."

"Uh...Maybe not from that." The stallion gulped, looking outside as the air was finally taking on its decided form. The mare and the Pokemon inside also took a look out the window to see what kind of shape was forming.

The Anonymous Sharp Air was transforming into some sort of serpentine creature that was around the same height and length as Gyarados and had eight large legs like a spider. It looked like a creature that would come straight out of someone's nightmare.

And the ponies were definitely creeped out by it. A snake-like creature with eight legs is genuinely terrifying, especially if it can cut you with air. The air stood up tall as it even hissed like a snake. However, its hiss was equivalent to a wind howl and even greater. A tornado howl.

But some ponies, mainly the younger ones, found it to be fairly cool looking. Somehow.

Lucien stood by the hills of Vanhoover, watching his creation take shape at last and essentially reach its prime. He smiled with pride and confidence.

"Haha! Top that, Sienna!"

"Top what?" And just like that, Sienna appeared next to her fellow Rift human after he yelled out her name. When appearing, Lucien pointed his finger in the direction of the snake-spider-air creature.

One look at it and the first thing that stuck out were the eight legs. The first look immediately petrified Sienna as she could do nothing but scream at the top of her lungs. She had a fear of spiders and to an extent snake. Both those creatures mixed as one was possibly her worst nightmare.

"Aaaaah! What is that thing?!"

"You like?" Lucien had a cocky grin while pointing his thumb at the creature. "It's already gotten big and strong and it's totally messed up the North part of Equestria. "I call it the uh...Snake...Spider...Air um...Bah, I don't know. Point is, it's pretty neat. Especially with all that sharp air."

"Of course, you'd choose something like that! Sharp air!? Really?! You just love dark stuff, don't you?"

"It's not dark, it's cool! Besides, what do you have? Are you gonna crush the world in cuteness?" He flashed pretty eyes, mocking Sienna.

"Don't test me, I might just do that. And anyway, don't get too comfortable with your pet. Cause here comes someone to ruin it all for you." Sienna chuckled as she pointed ahead before fading away from here.

"Hm?" Lucien looked to where Sienna had pointed to before she left. There, he spotted Princess Celestia, Cynthia, Luna, Brawly, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie arriving here to stop the air serpent. "Ugh, now?! I wanted it to last longer!"

The group had arrived, standing before this unusual hybrid elemental creature. Of course, they couldn't help but freeze at the mere sight of it. Surprisingly, none of them were terrified of the eight legs or snake-like body. After seeing so many Pokemon, not many can terrify them.

Al they had to do was stop this bizarre creation from causing even further harm and making everything anonymous. But, this was only just the beginning of what Lucien wanted to do. And to an extent, Sienna. Many unfortunate circumstances will continue to appear as the journey continues.

Chapter 439 End.

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