• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: A Sonata for a friend

The Dazzlings were hanging about near Whitetail Woods. Their attempt at consuming negative energy wasn't working out as they planned. It's like they've been stripped of their natural talent, and it was something else. After all, they had Cutie Marks each.

"We're making 0 progress. Our singing is doing the exact opposite. It's making them... happy." Adagio twitched.

"Maybe we've gotten rusty?" Sonata shrugged.

"Nonsense! Sirens don't get rusty. Our singing is pitch-perfect."

"But we're not Sirens anymore. We're just ponies now." Aira slumped on a rock.

"Well, I'm hungry. I wonder if that Delia person will give us some more of that tail?" Sonata was drooling, thinking of eating Slowpoke tail again.

"Forget it. We aren't going back there. Don't want their goody-two-shoes energy rubbing off on us. Even if it is the most delicious thing we've ever tasted, ever." Adagio rejected having to involve herself with anyone else.

"Come on Adagio. We've done absolutely nothing for a week now. I'm getting bored. So why not just do whatever for the time being."

"I thought I already told you, Sonata. No. We're not here to have fun. At all."

"You're not here to have fun. Only you." Sonata responded with an attitude.

"Excuse me?"

"You keep dragging me down! If I'm gonna feed of negative moods, I should at least enjoy myself first. You always prevent us from having some fun."

"We're Sirens! Singing to take others moods is what we were born for! Quit trying to negate that!"

"Well, I am. And I'm not gonna let you boss me around anymore. You're not my mom!" Sonata and Adagio stared each other down as Aria looked at the two in a heated state.

"Fine! Get lost then. See if I care. You'll probably end up getting lost on your own." Adagio turned around.

"I will. And I'm so gonna consume negative feelings before you do!" Sonata walked off, leaving the two, making one member of the Dazzlings gone.

"Well. She's gone." Aria said.

"Who needs her? We can work better now that the airhead is gone."

As Sonata was wandering on her own, she could feel her stomach rumbling. She could only think about returning to Pallet Town and getting some of that sweet Slowpoke tail.

"Oh.. wait for me Slowpoke tail." As she kept moving, she came across a Buneary. "Oooh. Look at how small this one is."


"Wait a sec," Sonata remembered she had a Pokeball that she never got to use on that Jigglypuff. Now was her chance. "Hehe. Go!" She tossed the Pokeball as it made contact with the Rabbit Pokemon.

1...2...3... Get!

"Yes! Haha! First try! But... what do I even do with this thing?" She looked at the Pokeball. She only knew that you could catch them, but never past that. "Oh well. I got it so that's all that matters."

Sonata eventually ended up in Ponyville, returning there. She was already on the verge of pure starvation as she could only keep walking for a while.

"Ugh. Where's that town with the Slowpoke tail?" She was looking around for where the gateway to Kanto might be. She was definitely lost, but not for long. Ash and Pikachu caught sight of her, walking to greet her.



"Hm?" She turned around to see the two chuckleheads. "Oh, it's you.. uhh... what's your name again?"

"Ash Ketchum. And I don't think I ever got your name.

"Sonata Dusk."

"Well hey, Sonata. Have you found your way home yet?"

"No. Totally lost. I don't even know where are our home originally was." Sonata slumped on the ground.

"Where are your other friends?" Ash looked around, not seeing Adagio or Aria anywhere.

"I left them. Adagio's too commanding. I can't hang around with someone like that. Especially if I'm not allowed to anything on my own."

"Oh. That's a shame. You looked like you got along pretty well."

"Yeah well.. that was before. I took me this long to realise how horrible she is." Sonata didn't want to think of Adagio anymore, but she was thinking about food. Her stomach kept growling. "Ugh.. food."

"You want some food? No need to worry. SugarCube Corner's right there. You'd love the stuff that's made there!"


"Are they as good as Slowpoke tail?"

"You're gonna have to find out." Ash led Sonata to SugarCube Corner to fill that growling stomach up. Inside, Sonata was greeted to a pile of pastries. Made only by Pinkie with the help of Slurpuff. "Here we are. Check out all the stuff you can eat!"


"Wow..." Sonata was drooling at the sight. Pikachu went over to grab a box of cake, wanting to hand it over to Sonata. "You're gonna give me some?"


"Thanks." The third time someone was nice to her. It was at this moment that she realised that her entire life, she had been feeding off the negativity of ponies who she could've been friends with from the beginning. But the nature of the Sirens and Adagio's commanding personality had negated that. She took a bite out of the cake by smashing her face on the box, making Pikachu jump. "Mmm! This is just as good as the tail!"

"Isn't it?" Ash smiled along with Pikachu. Pinkie Pie entered, seeing Sonata with Ash and Pikachu.

"Oh heya! Who's this new pony?" Pinkie called out as Sonata turned around. She recognized her from the other world, except this was her pony version. She was about to freak out, worried they might blow her away with song again. Pinkie zoomed over to Sonata, placing her hoof around her. "Nice to meet ya! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?"

"S-Sonata Dusk." She awkwardly said.

"Well glad to have you here! How about we throw you a big welcome party?"

"A welcome party? Just for me?"

"Of course silly. It'd be a crime not to have one. Everypony would love to have you here!"

"That... sounds fun! I'm up for that!" Sonata's worrying was thrown right out of the window. She was surprised that there wasn't any hostility sent towards her. Whether it was Pinkie's charm or the cake, didn't matter. All worries are gone.

"Oh. I see you've caught a Pokemon already?" Ash pointed at the Pokeball she had on her back.

"Oh yeah! But uh... what do I do with it now? It's in the ball."

"You can send it out. Just toss it and your Pokemon will know when to come out." He explained.

"That easy?" Sonata thrust her back up as the ball went flying in the air. Buneary came right out of it.

"Oh sweet. A Buneary."


"These things are weird." Sonata looked at the Pokeball. "Well, I like em! Hey there. Buneary! My name's Sonata. We're like totally partners now!"


"Since this is your first Pokemon and you're super new to all of this, I can help you get to know the basics."


"Yeah! Ash is an expert at Pokemon. You won't find anypony better at it than him!" Pinkie Pie said.

An hour had passed. Adagio thought she could forget about Sonata, but to her surprise, she felt like there was something missing.

"You miss her don't you Adagio?" Aria pointed out.

"Not at all! I'm just thinking of all the things she's getting herself into without us. It'll show her that she can't be on her own." Adagio was reluctant to admit any positive feelings towards Sonata. She really was caught up with her goal. "But just to make sure... we'll go and check up on her."

"Right. Check up on her." Aria could see right through Adagio, easily.

As the two ponies headed to Ponyville, the first thing they saw was Sonata. And she was chatting away with Ash, Pinkie Pie and the CMC. Casually too. No problems here. Adagio was confused about how she could be talking to one of the ponies who blasted them away back in the other world. Then again she had no idea that both Pinkie's were two different entities.

"Well. No problem here. Looks like she's found herself some company." said Aria, chuckling.

"You cannot be serious..." Adagio felt like she was going crazy now. Everything she knew was changing right before her eyes. Sonata saw her two Siren partners, waving at them with a wide grin. Adagio's eyes squinted as she looked at Sonata with scorn in her eyes. Sonata's eyes widened, having a bad feeling about this.

"Oh hey. It's your two friends. Maybe they're here to talk it out?" Ash said.

"I don't think they're here to talk it out.." Sonata was quaking in her hooves. As Adagio got closer, Sonata could feel the anger from afar. It was like a behemoth of a monster was heading her way and there was nothing she could do to stop it from reaching her.

"Sonata... What happened to consuming negative energy huh? You end up having fun and here you are, chatting away!" Adagio growled.

"Well... I don't want to anymore. At least not for these guys."

"What?! You really HAVE grown soft. Budding with these chumps."

"Chumps?" Scootaloo said, feeling offended by that.

"Hey! You can't just-" Pinkie Pie was about to say something.

"Stay out of this you pink menace! You're almost as insufferable as her!"

"Oh.." Pinkie Pie stepped down.

"I've had enough of you Adagio!" Sonata bellowed at the top of her lungs. This was enough to keep Adagio quiet. "I've made my decision. I won't consume their negative moods. Not the moods of friends."

"Friends?" Adagio felt like she just threw up in her mouth. She knew there was no convincing her now as she stomped her hoof on the ground. "Fine! Fine! Whatever! Aria. Let's go." Aria was neutral to all of this. Despite her actually enjoying her time with those who cared for her, she still wanted to consume emotions like Adagio. She went with Adagio's side, much to Sonata's dismay. Adagio and Aria had left, making this the last time they'll see Sonata again. At least to them.

"Gee. I didn't know it was that serious. Sorry Sonata." said Ash.


"Don't be sorry. It's for the best. I don't want to involve myself with them anymore." Sonata's usually bubbly personality was sidelined as she was 100% serious about this.

"Well, I'm sure it'll work out in the end. So cheer up. Your party's almost ready." Pinkie tried to cheer Sonata up. Sonata felt a built of guilt. Seeing how she might've lost the two Sirens who she knew the longest. But she felt like she got a huge load off her back.

"Can't we do something?" Sweetie Belle asked Ash.

"No. It's something that had to be settled by them and them only. It's best not to ever get involved." Ash replied. "You gonna be okay Sonata?"

"Totally." She replied with confidence. It was on this day that Ponyville gained a new citizen. One who would've originally been a threat to them. The remaining Dazzlings will now have to decide what to do now in their current state.

Chapter 59 End.

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