• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: A Pokemon's choice

Author's Note:

After the 200th chapter, I needed a short.

Twilight's Pokemon Lab, day.

Today, new trainers from across Equestria are starting out their Pokemon journey. Whether it be to participate in the Equestria League and become champion or perhaps succeeding as a top coordinator. Either way, there is one consistent thing about each of them.

They require a Starter Pokemon. One that will lead them to their path of victory and help them understand the world of Pokemon even further.

Twilight had the only Pokemon Lab in Equestria, making it a frequently visited area for upstart trainers to get their starter. Which is exactly what is occurring now at the moment.

"Alright, everypony. Take your pick." Twilight spoke to four young foals who've travelled far with their parents to choose their Starter.

The previous choices from before were still here. Chespin, Litten, Mudkip, Pansage, Marril and of course, Vulpix, who has yet to be picked. But perhaps, today might be that day.

"They're all so cute!" A young filly squeed. "But I'm really liking this one!" She was leaning towards Azurill.

"Forget cuteness." A young colt replied. "I want the Pokemon that can hit the hardest. This one looks like it!" He turned his attention to Litten.

"Vul..." Vulpix let out a tiny whimper, looking up at the young ponies who were making their decisions on which Pokemon the desired. None were really glancing at Vulpix's way or even mentioning the Fox Pokemon.

"It's okay, Vulpix. I'm sure one of them will pick you." The young alicorn looked down at Vulpix, giving him a head pat. She was trying her best to raise his spirits up, but unfortunately, everypony had already made their decision. None of them chose Vulpix. Now it was just him, Azurill, Pansage and Chespin left.

"I've made my decision, alright!" A colt wearing unnecessarily large glasses held Mudkip.


"Oh...Well, okay then." Twilight stammered, realizing that Vulpix hadn't been chosen. "Then you'll all need these. Starlight."

"Hm? Oh, right!" Starlight used her magic to bring over the essential gear for any trainer. The Pokedex which acts as an encyclopedia for all things Pokemon, Pokeballs for their starter and whatever colourful beastie they come across on their path, food for the Pokemon and of course the badge case. And for coordinators, the ribbon case. Each of them were given their starter gear, already looking like certified trainers now. Their parents talked and chattered about how proud they were to see their sons and daughters reach a point in life such as this.

But for Twilight, she wasn't feeling as happy. She did feel joy for the ponies, but she knew that Vulpix wasn't feeling any joy at all. But perhaps, with the remaining trainers that arrive, they might just pick the Fox Pokemon. The young trainers had left the lab, setting out to start their journey with glee in their hearts.

"Don't worry, Vulpix. We still have some other trainers coming in today. So don't feel too down." Twilight spoke to the Fox Pokemon.

"I don't know...I'd feel pretty down if I was him." Spike said.

"Trainers just have their own preferences. I'm 100% sure that there's a trainer out there for Vulpix. We'll just have to wait for the next trainers to come in."

Three hours had passed and the next trainers indeed came in. But none of them chose Vulpix. Instead, they chose the remaining Pokemon in the lab. So Pansage, Azurill and Chespin were out of here.

"Oh..." Twilight's heart sank. "Well um...I didn't expect that."

"They didn't even look in its general direction." said a surprised Starlight.

"Maybe they don't like foxes?" Spike shrugged.

"Espeon." Eve went up to Vulpix, comforting him by patting his head, telling him that it'll be alright.

"I don't get it. Why won't they choose Vulpix? How can they resist something this cute?!" Twilight held up the Fox Pokemon, showing off its cuteness.

"Let's try next week maybe?" Starlight suggested.

"Right. Next week, somepony's gonna choose him. I know it!" Twilight stomped her hooves in confidence, positive that next week will be Vulpix's lucky day.

Well...Next week came.

The Pokemon that could be chosen along with Vulpix were Fennekin, Totodile, Turtwig, Poliwag and Bounsweet. Twilight believed that this couldn't happen a third time.

But it did.

All 5 of them had been chosen by young ponies. All except for Vulpix, yet again.

"It happened again?!" Twilight's jaw dropped. She was honestly flabbergasted by this. How could Vulpix not be chosen yet again, but every other Pokemon gets a chance to set off on their own journey with their new trainers. "Ugh! Why does this keep happening...?"

"It's pretty bizarre. Maybe there's a Pokemon casting a curse around Vulpix?" Starlight said as she was petting her Hatterene.

"A curse...That's it!" Twilight jolted up. "It has to be a Ghost-Type Pokemon lurking somewhere around here! Why didn't I put it together? SIlly me."

"Are you sure it's a Ghost-Type?" Spike asked.

"It has to be. Nopony or I guess...Pokemon is this unlucky. A Ghost-Type must be putting a curse on Vulpix...somewhere around this lab. We just haven't seen it yet." She sure was optimistic about it being Ghost-Type Pokemon. "Don't worry, Vulpix. We'll break this curse and you'll finally have a trainer come over and pick you as their starter!"

However, Vulpix was unbothered by this. Honestly, he didn't really care too much about not being picked by any upstart trainers. Because as long as Twilight is here, he doesn't need to be upset. Even if he gets a little bit down when somepony ignores him.

"Vul?" The Fox Pokemon tilted his head, confused about this. If only he could speak her language, he would able to tell her that he wanted her to be his trainer.

"He doesn't seem to be bothered by it actually." Starlight noticed Vulpix's expression. "Maybe Vulpix is a pretty calm Pokemon. Or at least...this Vulpix is. I don't know about the others."

"Starlight's right," Spike said. "Maybe Vulpix doesn't care if nopony picks him."

"Vulpix." The Fox Pokemon licked his paws, showing his further carefree nature surrounding all of this.

"Alright, Ghost...show yourself!" Twilight called out.

But no response.

Probably because there wasn't a Ghost-Type here at all.

There are Ghost-Types in PokePark sure, but it's currently not open at the moment.

Not to mention that Ghost-Type Pokemon are much different from your average ghost. They're easier to spot since they're all visible unlike average ghosts were can never be seen, plus they tend to let out Pokemon cries, so you know that a Ghost-Type is nearby.

"...Twilight. I don't think it's a ghost." Spike shook his head.

"Me neither." So did Starlight.

"Yeah...probably not." Twilight sighed, dropping the ghost theory. "Alright. Best rest up Vulpix. We're heading out."

"Vulpix!" The Fox Pokemon hopped off the table, suddenly running off. His nose had picked on a delicious scent. That could only mean that Sweet Scent had been used. And that could also mean that SugarCube Corner has something fresh and new that is just waiting to be eaten.

"Vulpix? Where are you going?" Twilight turned to the Fire-Type, seeing him rush off like a child running for some ice cream. Vulpix was a Pokemon that tends to wander off if something grabs his attention. Especially when Twilight is out with her friends on their own adventures.

Over at SugarCube Corner, Mrs Cake sat down on the floor, sweating bullets. She seemed greatly exhausted, along with some Slurpuff's and Pinkie Pie.

"Finally...It took many days and weeks but the outcome was worth it." She wiped the sweat of her forehead. "Taking inspiration from Donut Joe wasn't such a bad idea, Pinkie Pie."

"Thanks. This Pastry Palace is gonna look great when Hearth's Warming or Christmas comes along." Pinkie drank some water after riding herself out.

The pastry they had baked was precisely what it sounds like. A Palace made out of pastries. To describe this baked beauty would be impossible for the ears to handle and for the eyes to witness. It even had some sweets and other delicacies mixed in with the pastry.

It had a garden made out of green fondant icing that was meant to replicate grass.

A lake of vanilla ice cream and jello.

A jelly bean pathway,

A bird's nest made out of croissants

Mountains made out of cupcakes and cream puffs.

Trees made out of cotton candies that had berries hanging from them.

The palace itself was the main attraction. This baby was baked the same way a normal cake usually is but pushed to the next level. It had a mixture of multiple flavours on each side. The front of the palace was a pure vanilla cake, the side was chocolate, the roofs were meringue, the windows were modelled with buttercream and as a bonus, inside the palace was just heaps of other pastries, waiting to be discovered.

What a sight it was.

Just seeing it would cause anyone to go mad with hunger, struggling to contain themselves as they would attempt to devour the entire palace. And the constant Sweet Scent's used by Slurpuff only made the urge to have it even worse. That's probably why the Slurpuff's are so tired.

"Here." Jade gave Pinkie Pie and Mrs Cake some water, refreshing the exhausted ponies.

Along came Vulpix, attracted to the enchanting aroma. Once he entered SugarCube Corner, he immediately set his sights on the palace. As to be expected, he was prepared to take a bite out of it.

"Hm? A Vulpix?" Pinkie Pie noticed the Fox Pokemon entering, slowly making his way towards the table where the cake sat. And of course, Pinkie Pie could tell that Vulpix was craving the Pastry Palace. It was in the eyes, the way he was drooling and the fact that he was moving slower than a Snorlax. "Oh! No, Vulpix!" She got in front of him, halting his movements. "We can't eat it yet. This is for Hearth's Warming."


"Vulpix! There you are!" Twilight flew indoors, heading over to the Fire-Type. "Don't run off like that, please. At least not without my supervision."

"It's okay, Twilight. Vulpix here was just enchanted by the oh-so-yummy scent of our Pastry Palace!" Pinkie introduced the young alicorn to the Pastry Palace, allowing her to gaze at its beauty. "I don't blame him...I'm craving for a chomp too." She stuck her tongue out along with Vulpix.

"Restrain yourself, Pinkie." said Mrs Cake.

"Vulpix..." Vulpix was eager to jump up and dive headfirst into the cake but thankfully, he has restraint. Even if he can be a bit adventurous.

"Hmm...Maybe you can have one thing from the palace." Mrs Cake decided to let the Fox Pokemon have a single bite. She had decided to take a cupcake as the only thing he could eat until Hearth's Warming. "Here you go."

"Vul!" The Fox Pokemon jumped up, snatching the cupcake from her hoof with a single bite. In two seconds, he had devoured the whole thing, savouring the taste. "Vulpix!"

"Honestly, you should really keep a look out for this little guy more often, Princess Twilight. He sure does enjoy running around Ponyville every so often." Mrs Cake gave Vulpix a head pat.

"Run around? Vulpix never leaves the lab unless I bring him along. Or even this moment right now." Twilight shook her head.

"Oh, when you're not here that is. Each time you, Jade and Pinkie Pie and everypony else are off on an adventure somewhere, Vulpix explores Ponyville for himself. Constantly, entering other ponies' homes, getting up to who knows what."

"Vulpix. Is this true? Have you been moving around Ponyville each time I'm away?"

"Vulpix!" The Fox Pokemon raised his paws up in response.

"Oh, yes. Mostly everypony in Ponyville knows about Vulpix's presence and how pops up here and there. He's even visited here a good amount of times. I've even fed him at times."

"Wow. I didn't know any of that. I thought Vulpix just stayed in the lab most of the time. I had no idea he's been on his own adventures. Guess I shouldn't really leave you alone most of the time, huh Vulpix?"

"Why don't you just put it back in the Pokeball then?" Jade asked.

"Well...Vulpix doesn't really like staying inside his ball for some reason. I don't know if its a fear or something but he always prefers staying outside. Like Ash's Pikachu."

"Vulpix!" Vulpix licked off the icing from the cupcake he ate, getting some more out of it.

"Espeon?" Eve went up to Vulpix, asking him why he ventures off without any supervision.

"Pix! Vulpix!" Vulpix replied by essentially saying that he wants to experience the same feeling Twilight and her friends feel whenever they go on an adventure. Just like when he went along with them to Unova and Canterlot. But this time, Vulpix gave Eve a better understanding of things. In reality, he always wants to tag along with Twilight at every step of the way. Not just as a tag-along, but as her Pokemon.

"Esp..." Eve nodded, finally understanding Vulpix's goals and motivations. She could see that Vulpix wanted to install himself as Twilight's Pokemon, one she officially owns. But he couldn't properly explain it to her, unable to give the young alicorn any strong signs that Vulpix wished to be her Pokemon. Eon." Eve hopped up on Twilight's back, poking her with her tail.

"What is it, Eve?" Twilight asked her partner.

"Eon. Espeon." The Sun Pokemon aimed her tail at Vulpix.

"About Vulpix?"

"Esp." She nodded. For a better understanding, Eve had gone up to Pinkie Pie, using her psychic mind to grab a Pokeball belong to one of the Slurpuff's from the table. The Sun Pokemon hovered the ball over Vulpix, who was poking his paw on it. "Espeon."

"Vulpix!" Vulpix grabbed a hold of the Pokeball, rolling around with it.

"...Wait. Could it be that..." Twilight took a moment to realize. She looked over at Eve to see her nodding in response. It finally clicked to Twilight. "Vulpix."

"Pix?" The Fox Pokemon stopped rolling with the Pokeball, looking up at the Princess of Friendship.

"Is it possible that...you wanna be my Pokemon?"

Those were the words he was waiting to hear. And once they travelled through his fluffy ears, his eyes widened along with the biggest smile anypony's ever seen. An abundance of joy flowed through the Fire-Type's heart as if it was a child seeing its parents for the first time.

"Vulpix! Vul!" He raised his paws up, jumping about and circling Twilight.

"Then in that case." Twilight held her hoof out. "Let's be trainer and Pokemon. What do you say?"

"Vul!" The Fox Pokemon jumped up, connecting his hoof with Twilight's in agreement.

It was settled.

Twilight and Vulpix were now trainer and Pokemon.

"Woohoo! That makes three Pokemon alongside you! Uh...a hundred if you count PokePark." Pinkie Pie squeed

"I don't know why I didn't' see it sooner. Vulpix asking to come along with me from time to time should've been a dead giveaway. I'm sorry that it took me this long, Vulpix."

"Vulpix!" Vulpix essentially said that it was okay. He apologized for nothing making it clear to her. After all, he's never followed her all the time so it made it seem like he was just curious here and there.

"From now on, we'll go on all sorts of adventures together!"


A new friend has officially become apart of Twilight's plethora of Pokemon. A third one that travels alongside her with her Espeon and Minccino. Vulpix's thirst for adventure and endless curiosity is sure to mesh well with Twilight's friends, with new and exciting possibilities lurking around the corner as the journey continues.

Chapter 201 End!

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