• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Story for a little sister: Part 2

Equestria. Canterlot. Day. Reality.

Luna was still sick as Celestia was ready to continue the story. A fantasy story involving Pokemon, humans, ponies, dark lords, guilds, dragons and masters. All for her little sister. As she was about to continue the story, emerging into the room was Raven Inkwell. Princess Celestia's secretary.

"Uh, princess." Raven entered. "I regret to inform you that a civil war has broken out in the Pikachu Highlands. One of the Pikachu requests a chance for you to assist in this. Shall I tell them about your response?"

"Oh." Celestia's eyes widened after hearing that. "I'll be right there soon. Tell them I'll arrange a meeting between...whichever sides there are."

"Yes, your majesty." Raven left the room as Celestia prioritized her younger sister's wellbeing over everything else. She went back to reading the story, making sure to simplify it for Luna.

"Anyway. The group had come across a fearsome duo of a Salamence and a Druddigon when searching for the Great Dragon Spike."



The two dragons roared at the Mane 6, intimidating and even getting a fright out of them. They even blew their manes and tails with the force of their roar. Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie squeaked while hiding behind Audino and Slurpuff. Rainbow Dash and Applejack weren't too intimidated, but the sight of two powerful dragons in front of them was still something to be nervous about as they were shaking.

"I...I guess we can say we're close to him, huh?" Pinkie Pie stuttered.

"Dragon Peaks are known for having a multitude of dragons," said Twilight. "I'd say that we're at our destination." She backed away as Espeon snarled at the dragons. Druddigon gave Espeon a quick menacing glare that made the Sun Pokemon jump.

"Well, they don't look so tough!" Rainbow Dash flew in front of them. "I bet we can just beat 'em and get past!" She was eager for a Pokemon Battle as she held a Poke Ball out, ready to throw it. "Bring it!"

"Wait, wait!" Just then, a voice interfered to calm this situation down. Approaching from the distance, with a seemingly massive shadow as another dragon with a somewhat identical build to Druddigon. But smaller. There was also a second one on the horizon.

Rainbow Dash promptly stopped before looking ahead. Even Druddigon and Salamence came to a halt. Two dragons had emerged. One was an Axew. An Equestrian Axew. And the other was a baby dragon wearing some robes while holding a sceptre with a red gem in it.

This was none other than Spike and his Equestrian Axew.

"Let's not tear each other up just yet, okay?" Spike spoke.

"W-Who are you?" Rainbow Dash stammered as everyone squinted at the baby dragon. Fluttershy gushed instead.

"Who am I? Can you see the sceptre and robes?" Spike grinned. "I'm Spike. The Great Dragon Spike. Nice to meet you."

"You're the Great Dragon?" Twilight pulled back.

"I was kinda expecting a super big dragon." A doubtful Pinkie made a poker face while squinting her eyes.

"Oh! He's so cute!" Fluttershy gawked, flapping her wings with excitement as she squealed like a kid at a candy store. "And that other dragon beside him!"

"Axew!" Axew raised his hand as a greeting.

"I'm not cute! I'm fierce!" Spike put on a serious face, trying to act intimidating while stomping the staff. But everypony else just gave out light chuckles. "Ugh...Nevermind. Anyway. Sorry about Salamence and Druddigon. They're high strung lately since they sensed something bad incoming. What are you all doing here exactly?"

"Right. We came here looking for you, Great Dragon Spike," said Twilight. "You see. There's a problem. The Dark Lord Ghetsis has turned everyone, including the princesses into stone. All because he came looking for me. The fourth princess."

"Wait. You're the fourth princess? An alicorn?" Spike pointed at Twilight, examining her. "You don't look like an alicorn. Just a regular unicorn to me."

"Yeah, well, I guess I haven't become one yet." Twilight shrugged. "I don't know. But what I do know is that we need the help from the Thunder Creature and Creature Master over at the Aura Peaks. And you can apparently get there faster than anyone else. That's why Princess Celestia and Princess Luna set us here."

"Well, if he's coming for you, then you have to be hiding something. Plus, you came to the right place. Salamence and Druddigon, and practically every Pokemon here could feel that something like this was happening." Spike turned to face his Pokemon. "Dragon Pokemon are the most arcane of them all. They can sense when something is wrong from a mile away."

"So you'll help us?" Twilight questioned.

"Well, I-" Spike was about to give his answer until he saw something that had stunned him. It took him a moment to realize this, but Rarity's appearance had grabbed him. Immediately, his eyes shifted with pulsating hearts while seeing Rarity with a pink background. His actual heart was also pulsating as he was in love. Much like reality. "Uh-uh, sure!" He agreed for a separate reason "Anything for my friends the princesses!"

"Wonderful! Thank you so much, Great Dragon Spike." Rarity thanked, much to Spike's pleasure

"Call me Spike. And you'll see how we can get to the Aura Peaks quicker. I know a shortcut, plus you need a Dragon to get there." Spike then led them towards the Dragon Isle, allowing them to bear witness to it.

The isle was hidden behind a wall of dragon scales. These scales looked to belong to a Kommo-o. A perfect entrance considering how hard Kommo-o's scales are. Druddigon had moved the scales away, revealing the isle to the group.

"Oooh!" They all gawked at this giant island that was filled with Dragon-Type Pokemon. The island itself was even shaped like Kyurem. Dragons roamed everywhere, living in harmony in their own ways. Sometimes battling. Not only that but there were regular dragons that acted as Pokemon Trainers. Such familiar faces included Garble.

"Neat, huh?" Spike spoke. "Yeah, I've been ruling here for quite a while now. A certified Dragon Master. Dragons are super hard to control, but I figured it out. Plus some are just really friendly. Isn't that right, Axew?"

"Xew. Axew."

"So anyway. We can head there by air. Good thing a lot of Dragons fly. We can take you with Salamence, Flygon, Druddigon, Dragonite, you name it. Either way, we'll get you there in no time."

"Any is fine. As long as we can head to the Aura Peaks as soon as possible." Twilight nodded. "Before Dark Lord Ghetsis absorbs all of the magic and finds out that I'm still free and roaming around."

"Yeah. Plus, which one of these is fast?" Rainbow Dash asked before observing the group of Dragons.

"Most of them are. I'll choose for you." Spike hopped onto Salamence's back. "No time to waste then. If you need something before you leave, then don't worry. The Dragon Isle has you covered. Need something to eat, then gemstones are for you."

"Uh...We don't eat gemstones." Applejack shook her head.

"But I'll gladly take some if you don't mind." Rarity chimed in. "Besides. They'll fit in this without any issue." She then placed a massive bag of items that she had carried with her along the way. Just in case they needed to rest for the night. "But make sure it's not too much. I've brought some armour for the Thunder Creature and Creature Master."

After that, everyone else got on the backs of Salamence as they could all fit on him due to his superior size. Spike then recalled Druddigon.

The Dragons looked to see their leader taking off to the skies, knowing that he was off on important business. He waved to them as Salamence let out a powerful roar that echoed throughout the sky.

"Is this all foreshadowing?" Luna interrupted.


"It feels like it is." Luna sniffled. "Did you or the story predict this?"

"Well, it's not impossible, is it?" Celestia replied. "Spike does want to be a Dragon Master, plus the original character in this story is a Dragon Emperor. So there's some relation."

"Is the Creature Master part the foresha- Achoo!" She sneezed mid-sentence. "Foreshadowing for the future?"

"Ash is aiming to become a Pokemon Master. I know for a fact that you'll want to see him reach that goal more than anyone. And hopefully beat Twilight to the punch." Celestia nudged her little sister.

"Mmrgh...Wish Ash was here...Can we skip to the part where they find him and Pikachu?"

"Not yet. We have to go over to the villain's side and what they're up to." Celestia resumed the story. "Meanwhile, over at the Dark Lord's Castle..."

The Dark Lord's Castle.

There, the castle resided. A massive spiralling black tornado always hovered above it with a black mist as well. It was even shaped like the castle that Team Plasma used to have back in Unova.

Ghetsis was already extracting magic from everyone for himself. He didn't waste any time. He had put his hand out, absorbing the magic of humans, ponies and Pokemon. He had them all lined up horizontally for him to constantly feed on them.

Especially Celestia and Luna. They could give out the most magic including Passion and Darkrai. But, Ghetsis, while feeling victorious, was still wary. About the Thunder Creature and Creature Master.

The Seer then came over, entering the castle herself. The Seer was none other than Starlight Glimmer as she arrived before Ghetsis.

"Ghetsis." Starlight Glimmer said.

"Seer. I've outplayed your premonition. The fourth princess has been destroyed in the meteor fall and most of the magic here is mine to consume. Soon, I'll have enough magic to end the Thunder Creature and Creature Master without issue."

"Hmm...Nah." Starlight shook her head as Guild Plasma gasped. Ghetsis then turned to her with red glowing eyes.

"What?" He said with a growl.

"You didn't. The fourth princess is still out there." Starlight smiled, unbothered. "Seems like a slip-up, if you ask me."

"Still alive?!" Ghetsis roared. "Always one that manages to weasel their way out of things, isn't there?"

"You'd better not get sloppy, Ghetsis. Or else, you'll end up failing because of a few things that flew over your head. As a Seer, I make sure to always look for anything that might be a drawback. Inconsistencies are important.

"Enough." Ghetsis stopped her. "So what if I made a mistake? I can just correct it. Now with this magic, I won't miss my designated target again. Tell me, Seer. Where is she?"

"Ah...I'll tell you. But it'll cost you." Starlight wiggled her eyebrows, using her magic to send out a money jar. Ghetsis scoffed before placing the money inside. "Pleasure doing business."

"So. Where are they?"

"I can tell you this..." She gave a sneaky grin. "Good luck!"

Just then, Starlight had vanished, using teleportation. All she wanted was the money. She had just scammed Ghetsis. The Dark Lord took a deep breath but ignored it.

"Forget her. I'll take care of her once I have everything under my control. Now." Ghetsis faced his guild. "We're going to find that fourth princess before she can become an alicorn. Even if it means destroying everything in our path."


"And so, the Dark Lord and his forces set off to find the fourth princess before she could become an alicorn," Celestia said. "They flooded the land, covering the sky. All the while, the group made their way towards the Aura Peaks. A perilous journey as the method of getting there was not easy. Horrible tornadoes. Fearsome thunderstorms. Terrifying whirlpools and typhoons galore."

"That doesn't sound so pleasant for someone so heroic," said Luna.

"Important figures are usually harder to reach, Luna. Or rather, there are extra steps to it. The invasion was a good example of that."

"Hm." Luna ate a cookie. "I suppose. How long until this story ends? That civil war might spiral out of control and somehow affect us."

"Don't worry. We're reaching the rising action. How about we simply and shorten the journey to the Aura Peaks?"

"That would be nice." Luna sniffled as Celestia resumed the story.

As they moved through the perilous obstacles, the group felt like any moment would be their end. But thanks to the Great Dragon Spike's expertise with Dragon Pokemon, they managed.

"Woah!" Twilight and her friends held on for dear life as three great thunderbolts came crashing down. Salamence's amazing manoeuvrability allowed the group to be kept safe. Spike kept a straight face, unbothered. "H-How close are we, Spike?!"

"See that giant mountain shaped like a sphere?" Spike pointed up ahead as a hurricane was chasing the group down. "That's where we need to be."

"How is this the easier and quicker way?!" Rarity screeched as the hurricane destroyed everything in its path. Salamence quickly used Hyper Beam to blow the Hurricane away, however.

This was just one big natural disaster area. Almost every kind of disaster was present and threatening to harm the group. Minus the earthquakes since they were below. There was one other disaster. One that was more unnatural.

The nearby mountains started closing in suddenly. As if they were about to clap. Nothing was stopping that, especially considering the scale of these mountains. They were high enough to reach past all of the clouds.

"Oh. This actually looks like it's gonna be close." Spike observed.

"Close?!" They all squeaked. It looked grim for them. But then, that's when the projections of Celestia and Luna came to assist. Even though Ghetsis was sucking away their magic, they could still muster some.

"Rainbow Dash! Use Braviary's Superpower to push back the mountains!" Celestia spoke as their projections flew beside Salamence.

"The force of the pressure is enough to even control the weather!" said Luna.

"Got it. Braviary! Come out and use Superpower!" Not wanting to be crushed, Rainbow Dash had sent out Braviary for assistance.

"Braviary!" The Valiant Pokemon cawed before enveloping his wings with energy. He then clapped his wings together, causing a powerful wind pressure and shockwave that had momentarily pushed the mountains back.

But not for long as they would move again. But that allowed Salamence to move ahead with spare time. "Thanks, Braviary! Return! " Rainbow Dash recalled her partner.

However, the other disasters would not cease. Especially the lightning bolts, which were the most frequent occurrence here. Multiple of them threatened to strike them down as even Salamence couldn't keep up with all of them.

"Rarity! Use one of your many armours to direct the lightning somewhere!" Luna spoke to Rarity, giving her own advice. "It will conduct it instantly!"

"Aww....!" Rarity took out a helmet from her bag "But I was to give this to the Thunder Creature!" She groaned before knowing what needed to be done.

Rarity threw the helmet either way and other armour objects located inside. And just like that, with the abundance of them outnumbering the lightning bolts, they immediately conducted. The lightning had focused on the armour instead, straying away from the group. Rarity watched as her hard work fell to the disaster zone.

With that, they had narrowly escaped the closing mountains before it could crush them. They had left the disaster zone finally. Salamence could slow down as he descended. Everyone else took deep breaths after that adrenaline rush.

"Done. See? The quickest way here." Spike grinned as he hopped off Salamence. Everyone else fell off the Dragon Pokemon's back. That was far too perilous for them. But it was to be expected considering the situation.

But at least they had reached the Aura Peaks. Aside from the giant sphere-shaped mountain, the two great mountains that the Thunder Creature and Creature Master are said to be within could be found. Funnily enough, they were shaped like thunderbolts.

The group was exhausted since it has been hours since they left Crossville. They would require some rest and something to eat soon. Necessary essentials for going on an adventure. Salamence stayed behind to keep watch as Spike led the group towards the mountains.

As they got there, they noticed two humans standing by the two mountains, wearing robes of their own. One had red robes while the other had pink robes.

These two were Goh and Chloe.

"Hm?" Goh looked ahead, noticing the familiar face of Spike. But the unfamiliar faces of the Mane 6. "Great Dragon Spike. Nice to see you again. Who are they?"

"Afternoon." Spike greeted. "They're my guests. Or I guess adventurers that were aiming to arrive here at Aura Peaks. For the Thunder Creature and Creature Master."

"The Thunder Creature and Creature Master?" Goh repeated. "Why? They're not set to awaken for another billion years. I'm afraid they can't see them."

"It's urgent. My Dragon Pokemon could sense that something was wrong. They always do. Dark Lord Ghetsis has already captured the two alicorn princesses and has maybe already taken their magic. Turns out he's planning to put an end to all of this. Even coming after the fourth princess."

"Who's the fourth princess?" Chloe asked.

"Her." Spike turned to Twilight as the unicorn gave a wave. "I mean, she's not a princess or an alicorn yet. But if Ghetsis finds her, that'll be it for the alicorn legacy. And we can't have that."

"Hm, I guess so. But wait. The shooting stars haven't burst to the north yet." Goh looked up. "We've been checking ever since. Plus, the bell didn't ring so...eh?"

"Seriously? We gotta wait for that stuff to happen?" Applejack groaned. "Can't ya just...wake him up?"

"Sorry. We can't." Chloe shook her head. "We also have to ring the bell for it to happen. See?" Chloe pointed to the west as there was indeed a bell near a shrine.

"So as long as the stars are-" Goh was about to finishing speaking until Twilight interrupted.

"Hold on. They are." She said, pointing her hoof at the sky, causing everyone to look. "They've burst north."

"Uh...We didn't see it." Goh shrugged. "It looked like it was the same position as always."

"Actually, Goh. I said earlier that the stars might be different today. I felt it. remember? But we didn't see it did we?" Chloe intervened.

"Nope." Goh scratched his hair. "Weird. Maybe it's the position of the sky? Nah that can't be right."

"Hm. Eve. Can you take a closer look at the sky?" Twilight requested. The Sun Pokemon looked up at the sky with clear vision. She knew what Twilight was getting at as her gem started glowing.

She took a closer look at the skies above to see if anything was wrong. That's when she noticed something irregular. Something only a Psychic-Type would notice. A few stars were not twinkling. Instead, they were motionless. Static without any movement. Meaning that they were fake.

"Esp! Espeon!" Espeon jumped up and down.

"Eve says that some of the stars are off! They're not twinkling at all!" Fluttershy translated as everyone gasped.

"They're not!" Goh pulled back.

"Ghetsis." Twilight quickly deduced it. "He must've hidden the stars so that the bell wouldn't be rung ever."

"I told you something was off!" Chloe bellowed as Goh yelped. "Oh geez! We should've known today was the day! The sky was flashing blue yesterday!"

"My bad, my bad!" Goh tried calming Chloe down. "I misread it okay? H-How about we just ring the bell before things get out of hand?"

"Fine." Chloe walked over to the bell as everyone was eagerly waiting for the arrival of the Thunder Creature and Creature Master. The Mane 6 were the most excited, wondering who these Legendary Figures were. Chloe rang the bell as it resounded in the night sky. In order to erase the uncertain future, that bell would ring out a melody that would ensure everyone that it would be alright.

Blue sparkles of aura exuded once the bell rang as they filled the skies. Everyone watched in wonder as the beautiful aura particles flew everywhere. The Aura particles were so great that they also broke apart the illusion that Ghetsis had made.

As for the two mountains, they started trembling. Lightning bolts crackled around the mountains, sending sparks flying. The sparks clashed with the Aura, creating a nice synergy between the two. This was it. To see what this legendary figure looked like.

The two lightning bolt mountains had then exploded with a burst of lightning as two silhouettes could be seen emerging from the rubble and smoke. The human was giving off a radiating blue aura with glowing eyes while the Pokemon was constantly exuding electricity. 100,000 volts worth of it. Everyone looked on to see the individuals of legend.

The Thunder Creature and Creature Master.

Or in this case, Ash and Pikachu.

In this world, Ash almost looked the same. Except, he wore a long jacket with golden lines while having a hat that resembled the one he has in reality.

"Aaah! Man, finally! I've wanted to get out there for so long! Right buddy?" Ash stretched his arms along with Pikachu.

"Pikachu!" And Pikachu agreed.

"T-The Thunder Creature and Creature Master are...them?" Goh squinted his eyes as he was surprised by this as well. "They don't look like what I imagined them to be."

"Doesn't really have the look of a master, does he?" Chloe whispered. "I would've thought it was Zekrom that was the Thunder Creature."

"Hat." Applejack and Rarity said after looking at Ash.

"Cool looking." Rainbow Dash also spoke.

"He almost fits the description, doesn't he?" Twilight said as Pinkie Pie nodded. "But is that really him?"

"Hey." Ash raised his hands to them all. "How are you guys?" They expected him to be someone overly serious, only to find that he's happy and energetic altogether.


"Uh...Thunder Creatue and Creatue Master, right?" Twilight went up to them both.

"Yep. My name's Ash. And this is my partner Pikachu." Ash introduced himself as Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder.


"Oh, thank goodness we found you! It's urgent!" Twilight jumped up, meeting with Ash's face. "Like, really urgent! I think we might be running late too. The D-"

"Ghetsis took Celestia and Luna and is looking for you. The fourth princess, right?" Ash responded, answering Twilight before she could explain everything in long sentences.

"Wh...How'd you know?" Twilight stuttered.

"The Aura told me. It told me everything since it's everywhere." Ash said before showing everyone the Aura particles flying about. "I got it all. No need to worry." He gave a thumbs-up as did Pikachu.


"Wow. He's good." Pinkie nodded.

"Ah, sorry about the delay." Goh chuckled. "I didn't really think about how the stars would look weird or any illusion. Some guards we were, huh?"

"Ah, don't sweat it." Ash patted him on the back. "I'm out now. Besides, Pikachu and I get to go on adventures as long as we want. Forever!"

"Forever?" Rainbow Dash repeated.

"Yeah. We live forever, ya know." Ash and Pikachu pointed at themselves. "You can thank Ho-oh for that.


"Well, we won't be needing this anymore." Chloe grabbed the bell, tossing it aside. "Now that he's free forever. There's no need for another one."

"Oh my goodness! It was worth coming here! That Pokemon is so cute!" Fluttershy gushed at Pikachu, picking him up and touching his red sacs.


"Wait! Don't touch his-" Ash tried warning her, but it was too late. Soon, everyone within the vicinity of Pikachu had been struck by Pikachu's Thunderbolt. A serving of 100,000 volts.


"Aaaaaaah!" They all screamed as it even struck Salamence.

"Ugh...Still cute." Fluttershy coughed smoke as Pikachu apologized.


"As they had found the Thunder Creature and Creature Master of legend, Guild Plasma had managed to trace the group down via the Dark Lord using a spell to see past usual distances. Unbeknownst to them, they were approaching. All except for the Creature Master, who could read the Aura patterns in the air."


"This is where the good part comes, Luna. Are you ready?"

"Mhm." Luna nodded while sneezing again. "Achoo! I can't wait."

"Neither can I." Celestia took a deep breath, ready to continue until Luna's stomach started growling. "Oh, Luna. Didn't you eat already?"

"Just the cookie," Luna grumbled. "Other than that, I haven't been eating my usual amount due to my sickness. What a shame."

"Oh, I was so wrapped up in the story, I forgot, Luna. I'm sorry." Celestia put a bookmark in the book before getting off the chair. She then put her hoof over her sister's head. "Seems like you're getting better. Wait right here. I'll get you your food, okay.


Celestia promptly left the room to better care for her sister At the same time, she would try and get a word in about the civil war in the Pikachu Highlands. Multitasking.

But as she had left, Darkrai emerged from the shadows, holding the book and sitting on the chair. It was at this moment that Luna was reminded that yes, Darkrai has legs. "Feeling better?"

"A little bit." Luna twitched.

"Good. I'll take over for Celestia. Heard the whole thing. Not a bad story"

"Thank you, Darkrai." Luna smiled.

"Okay then. Let's move to the really good part." Darkrai would be the one to continue the story. All for his best friend and partner. He's never read a book before. No Darkrai ever has. But there is a first time for everything when it comes to Pokemon and the bonds they are able to create.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 559 End.

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