• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Sky Monarch

Pegalysium. Afernoon.

After going through a rigorous temple, Celestia, Luna and Adagio had come across some salvation in the form of a Pegalysium resident.

Not just any resident, but the son of King Paramount and Queen Luminary. His name was known as Shooting Star. He did the honour of leading them to Pegalysium, saving them the effort of going through another temple with even more dangerous traps that would force them to their limits.

Thanks to him being royalty and knowing his way around Pegalysium even with the clouds moving each part of the floating lands, he was able to guide them perfectly, evading every hazard as far away as they could.

Along the way, Celestia answered a lot of Shooting Star's questions. From the horns on Celestia, Luna and Adagio's head and what Gardevoir and Arcanine were. Plus Kricketot who had popped out of Adagio's playful mane.

"Pokemon, huh?" Shooting Star said. "That is a lot to take in. And there are that many?"

"Probably more than grains of sand on a beach," Celestia replied. "I've told Garnet about them as well. And I promised to show her more about Pokemon overall."

"Garnet? The pegasus that lives in Feathercoast?" Shooting Star turned to Celestia after hearing that name.

"Oh, you know Garnet?!" Celestia's eyes and ears shot up.

"Yeah. I kinda visit the regular towns when I'm not at the capital from time to time. I have a lot of free time on my hooves anyway. Garnet over at Feathercoast works as a foalsitter daily. Right next to the snack shop. I get all my favourite snacks from that shop. Every single day."

"I'm surprised your parents allowed you to do so. Which reminds me...why did you panic when we found you at the temple?" Luna asked.

"Uh well...my parents give me a bunch of freedom but...There are places where I shouldn't really go. Like those temples. They were built by the pegasi of the past. Way before I was born. My cousin's a bit of a history freak so she wanted me to get some information about the temples."

"Oh, research for your cousin. How sweet? That has the making of a good ruler in the future, don't you think so?" said Celestia.

"Uhh yeah...Not sure if I want to be next in line to rule." Shooting Star scrunched his face, putting his hoof at the back of his mane.

"Oh? Why not?" Luna asked.

"Well, it sounds nice to be next in line as King. But I want to be a knight. That's something I'd like."

"Seriously? A knight? Pssh. I'd take that royalty role in a heartbeat." Adagio scoffed.

"Yeah. But, you know!" Shooting Star suddenly turned around. "I could be both at the same time if I wanted! A Knight and a King! How does that sound?"

"Well...it's certainly something we've never heard of before." Celestia looked at Luna as they all passed through an assortment of trees. "But if that is your wish and goal, then shoot for it, young prince."

"Thanks, Princess Celestia. Not sure mom would think the same...She doesn't want to see me get hurt and everything." The pegasus laughed nervously before coming to an immediate halt. "Oh, we're here now."

"We are?" The three of them spoke.

"Mhm. Here's the full view. Pegalysium." To fully introduce them, he separated some large golden leaves, showing them the capital of Pegalysium. Also known as Pegalysium.

It was a familiar sight to Princess Celestia, but a new sight for Princess Luna and Adagio Dazzle as their mouths opened wide. It was just as beautiful as it was before when Celestia first saw it while being stunning to the eyes of Luna and Adagio. The way the sun complimented this place just added to that.

And this was just the scenery of it. Heading to the capital and experiencing the grounds themselves will be a different experience without a doubt. Celestia had once seen the view of it from afar, but after seeing it up close, she got to experience the full scope of it.

This city was layered with constructions of soft and dazzling marble comprising thousands of residential and modernized blocks leveraged one atop the other, forming a massive mountain usually capped by a crown of great spires that stretch thousands of metres into the sky, breaking through the many clouds here.

The many buildings here were all valuable in their own way. The more wealthy and powerful residents AKA where the nobility live, work and play.

"Oh..." Luna gawked as her crown almost fell off. Adagio's eyes lit up with stars after witnessing this royal area for herself. It was certainly a unique sight compared to everywhere else she's been.

"Right there. Mom and dad are waiting." Shooting Star pointed his hoof at the main castle in the middle of it all. "They've got great patience so it's fine."

"Amazing! Oh, I should tell Ash and the others about this. I wonder how they are faring out there at the moment." Celestia pondered.

"Ash and who?" Shooting Star said.

"Right. We came here with company as the letter allowed my sister to do so," replied Luna. "They have Pokemon of their own. And one of them is rather special in my eyes..." She was obviously referring to Ash who she certainly had high affection for.

"Oh. Well, I'd love to meet them. I'm now curious about all of this Pokemon stuff. Say! Do you want to check the rest of Pegalysium out before you head to my parents?"

"Sounds great, big guy. But we're already delaying things as it is." Adagio shook her head, stepping forward.

"Adagio's right. We should really be getting to the meeting right about now. But, perhaps after our meeting is over, you can tour us around." Celestia nodded.

"Hm...Okay. Follow me!" Shooting Star then spread his wings out as he was going to stay airborne while approaching the main castle. The Sky Monarch's castle.

Celestia, Luna and Adagio also spread their wings out, flying alongside the prince. And once they did so, they approached the capital of Pegalysium with Passion levitating and Arcanine simply walking.

And as to be expected, eyes were immediately shot and focused on them. Immediately after seeing Celestia's group, thoughts ran through the nobles and residents of the capital. Everypony stopped what they were doing to take a look at these individuals.

From Celestia's elongated horn, Adagio's siren wings and the sheer appearance of Passion and Arcanine. They were unlike anything they had seen before. And for good reason considering they've been living up here for centuries now. They've never seen an alicorn or siren/unicorn before and they certainly haven't seen Pokemon before. Immediately, silent gossip and chatter started to flood the atmosphere.

"What kind of ponies are they?"

"The wings on her are gigantic...They're as big as the King and Queen."

"And look at their manes...they're flowing like the stars and night sky themselves.

"What is that thing? Some sort of wolf?"

"It's not Winged Wolf, that's for sure."

"I can feel a menacing aura from that orange one. Her wings are also different than ordinary wings from the looks of it."

"And look how tall that creature is...What is it?"

"It has such a bizarre build. But that dress looks stunning on her."

"Are we sure that's a dress...? It looks like it is a part of her body."

"Seems we're already gaining major talk about us, hm?" Luna and everyone had heard it all. They expected gossip from ponies who have never seen other pony races or Pokemon ever. Especially the highest race of ponies, the alicorns.

"It's fine, Luna," Celestia responded with a hush. "Let's just head for the meeting and we will be on our way."

"Better speed up then...The kids here are pretty curious." Shooting Star whispered as they came across the gates where the main castle, the Sky Monarch resided.

Standing there were the guards. Their armour was somewhat similar to the armour that Canterlot wears, but it had a more medieval look to it. Something akin to the Elite 4 Steel-Type expert Wikstrom. They stood firm before Shooting Star, acknowledging his presence.

"Welcome back, young prince." The guards spoke. "Who are these with you?"

"Ah, they're okay. They're the ponies that mom and dad wanted to speak with." Shooting Star explained.

"Ah, the visitors. Right this way then." The guards moved aside, allowing the doors to the Sky Monarch to open. Celestia, Luna, Adagio and Passion descended as they all passed through with Shooting Star leading the way. Some guards also stood behind the group for safety.

Entering the castle and the hallways for the first time, their eyes had witnessed a pair of impressive curved staircases and guards dotted around. This place was certainly heavily guarded, making it difficult for someone to sneak in without coming across one pegasus at least.

The walls and ceiling were decorated with never-before-seen crystals that do not exist in Equestria. These crystals emanated a red and golden colour as they glistened, adding flair to the room. This castle also had an assortment of rooms within this long hallway. Both this floor and the upper floor. By looking through the windows, they seemed to be guest rooms.

But as they walked through the castle Celestia and the others were wondering what Ash's group was up to at the moment.

In one of the temples.

Right now, they were in the midst of trying to avoid all of the dangerous traps that the temple had possessed. The minute they came across one of these temples, they were met with all of the ancient traps here.

"I thought you said you knew what you were doing, Rainbow Dash!" Applejack cried out as she had narrowly dodged an incoming metal bar that came in rows. Sceptile used his vines to grab the bars, tossing them away.

"Sorry! I guess not every temple is the same!" Rainbow Dash apologized as her faith in the Daring Do books didn't help her this time. She flew over some of the metal bars that seemed to be endless.

"Lucario! Force Palm! Pikachu, Iron Tail!" Ash commanded his Pokemon while running from this room.

"Chu...Pika!" Pikachu and Lucario had broken the metal bars either in half or pieces from their raw strength via a harder metal or a palm strike. After dealing with the bars here, everyone immediately entered the next room.

But they were immediately met with the next trap in an instant. Lucario reacted before everyone else thanks to his Aura as he came to a screeching halt. The Aura Pokemon pushed everyone back with a pulse of Aura, and at the right time.

A giant steel box was dropped from the ceiling, almost crushing them underneath it. It even shook the entire temple. Lucario smashed through the metal box with Force Palm, destroying it and giving everyone a free path. Once he did so, everyone advanced. However, that wasn't the only metal box.

Lucario sensed more falling from above in rows. Each step the group took, more boxes will arrive. The trap reacts to the movement of its targets.

"Luca!" Lucario created Aura Sphere within his hands as he allowed everyone to go ahead of him. The Aura Pokemon obliterated the falling boxes in the air by shooting multiple Aura Spheres. He eradicated each of them before they could even hit the floor or even touch Ash and the others.

"Thanks, Lucario!" Twilight thanked the Aura Pokemon. However, they weren't fully safe yet. Even though Lucario destroyed all of the metal boxes in this room, other traps were waiting for them.

And this time, the next entrance had different paths, each going in separate directions. Everyone came to a screeching halt, standing before the paths.

"Great! Now there's this?!" bellowed Starlight.

"Let's not take any chances! Stick to one path!" Twilight ordered everyone. They couldn't take the risk of going separate paths as that might make things worse for them. So, they chose to stick as one group.

However, as they all went down one path, the middle path, the temple would soon deny them the chance of sticking together as a group.

Turns out, those separate paths existed for a reason. Not just to make someone choose or path over the rest. Each path had its own booby trap. And the middle one was no exception.

By running across the middle path, the other pathways had suddenly descended, breaking apart before everyone's eyes, as if they were being dragged down. And once they descended, the area around Ash and the others revealed a bottomless pit as the pathways had fallen into this pit. Taking the middle path was both a good and bad idea.

The good part of it was that it was the only pathway that didn't sink to the pit. The bad part was that this pathway was now thinner due to other pathways sinking. And now everyone was walking on that thin pathway. As if that wasn't enough, arrows were being shot at them via pistons on the walls.

Lucario turned around, holding up an Aura Sphere to block the incoming arrows as everyone had to now walk on this thin path except for running. However, those that could fly chose to use the air instead, ignoring the trap's pits. More arrows kept showing up from all sides, threatening to hit them while they were on this thin path.

"Espeon!" Espeon had used Psychic to hold the incoming arrows, shooting them back at the pistons that they were fired from. Some of the pistons had been obliterated by the arrows as Lucario and Espeon successfully protected everyone from harm. But it wasn't over yet.

Behind them, the platforms were also starting to fall as they ran. Each step they took, the tiles of the middle pathway sank in response to the foot and hoofsteps that pressed on them. And more pistons with arrows were approaching. Lucario was forced to keep moving back from the falling tiles. It would be a bit harder to focus with the floor beneath him falling apart each passing second.

"Sceptile! Make some vines!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Sceptile!" The Forest Pokemon jumped into the air, holding his arms out and allowing all of the hidden vines to appear from him. Multiple vines flew across the room, sticking and latching onto the walls, forming the shape of a spider web.

Sceptile then landed on this spider web as he also used the rest of his vines to grab Applejack and everyone else bringing them up the vine web for protection. Plus, Sceptile's vines were thick enough to withstand the arrows. Lucario and Espeon then destroyed the pistons by using Aura Sphere and Dazzling Gleam on them.

That solved their arrow problem as all of the pistons had been obliterated. But even though they've stopped that trap, they still had to deal with the thin pathway below them along with the bottomless pit.

Thankfully, Sceptile and anyone else that could fly helped with that. With precision, they all gradually left this part of the trap room.

"This is a bit much, isn't it?" Chloe sighed. "Is there an easier way to get out of this place?"

"Only one easy way. Castform, use Weather Ball on the ceiling." Rainbow Dash ordered.

"Cast!" The Weather Pokemon flew out of Rainbow Dash's saddlebag as his cells reacted to the bright sun, transforming him into his Sunny Form. Castform then opened his mouth, shooting a ball of fire upwards.

The ceiling had been struck, receiving a blown hole through it. Rainbow was hoping to have the ceiling reveal the outside of the temple. But it didn't. All it did was reveal the upper floor, much to her chagrin.

"Man, his place is tough," Ash said. "Bet the pegasi who built this must've really prepared for anything, huh?"


"How'd they even live in a place like this?" Goh sighed.

"This is most likely a temple meant for enemies," Twilight replied as they were all slowly moving on Sceptile's vines for safety. "There are average temples which were meant for living and temples like these for less habitual reasons. That would explain the massive path at the other temple."

"What massive path?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Right near one of the temples, I saw something noticeable. That temple looked like it was nearly destroyed with major parts of it missing. There was also a huge crater surrounding the temple along with a giant path, suggesting that something was dragged through it. Something big."

"So, you're saying the pegasi that lived here dragged something through that temple? Why?" Starlight questioned. "And what were they even dragging?"

"No idea. But judging from all the destruction around that one temple, they were most likely dragging it in a hurry instead of taking their time. Otherwise, they wouldn't have caused such visible damage."

"Oh! So like a really big battle happened here, then?!" Rainbow Dash put her hooves together.

"Maybe." Twilight simply shrugged as the group was about to enter the next room. They were prepared for whatever trap would come their way this time after having time to breathe.

However, thankfully, they had reached the end of this little temple run as the light from the sun revealed itself, showing Ash's group the vibrant green grass. They had endured the temple.

In truth, they ended up taking a quicker route through it without even noticing. But honestly, with how new this was to them, could anyone blame them? Sighs of relief exhaled out of their mouths as their hearts could beat normally. For their first temple run, that wasn't so bad, honestly.

Then again, Ash has been through a temple run himself via the Sea Temple so this wasn't his first rodeo. But that temple was certainly different from the Sea Temple.

"Man, what a rush that was!" Ash laughed, thoroughly enjoying himself after all of that.


"Finally...That could've gone worse..." Starlight slumped on the vine web. "Let's not go through another one of those again, okay?"

"Where to next then?" Chloe asked as Sceptile lowered the vines, allowing everyone to get off and touch the soft grassy ground.

"What about the capital of Pegalysium?" Pinkie suggested. "We just gotta see what that place is really like, ya know!"

"I mean...we're allowed to go alongside Princess Celesia." Twilight sat down, placing her hoof on her chin, pondering for a moment. She would like to be by Celestia's side right about now and see the city for herself. "Heading there would be nice."

"Then it's settled." Ash put his hands together. "Next stop, the main city! If we wanna go up there, we might need to use those Flow-up streams, right?"

"Maybe not since the clouds have changed everything. But that does kinda sound fun actually." Pinkie bounced along as everyone started moving again throughout this sky land.

The temple experience did have its fun moments despite threatening their lives. If anything, theirs was a bit tamer than what Celestia had to go through. An entire Cloud Tsunami with flames inside was still bizarre to think about and they may never experience it.


Sky Monarch. Throne Room.

Finally. The throne room.

Where Celestia needed to be. She and her group had to scale ten flights of stairs just to reach here. But the journey was worth it as the door had been opened by Shooting Star himself.

"Mom, dad! I'm back! And I've got your visitors!" He announced as he revealed the throne room and the ponies residing in it to Celestia and the others. They didn't focus on the interior of the throne room, but only the ponies sitting there.

King Paramount and Queen Luminary.

"My little Star!" Queen Luminary was the first to speak, not paying attention to Celestia, Luna, Adagio and especially not the Pokemon despite their unique appearances. Her son was the first thing she paid attention to. She dashed over to her son, gifting him a hug. "Where were you, do you have any idea how worried I was young stallion?! You were gone for 2 days!"

"I was only going for research since cousin Sandstorm asked me to." Shooting Star groaned as his mother was hugging him excessively.

"I know! But your father and I were worried sick! Isn't that right dear?!" She turned to King Paramount.

"You've finally made it." But King Paramount was the opposite. While Luminary was focused on her son, Paramount focused on Celestia's group. "Princess Celestia, was it?"

"Y-Yes." Celesia nodded as she could already feel the intimidating aura exuding out of the king. "Sorry for the delay."

"Hm. Have a seat at our roundtable. Shooting Star. You may leave." Paramount spoke to his son whilst walking to the massive roundtable that sat in the middle of the throne room.

"Oh. I was kinda wondering if I could just talk to them a little bit because the-" He rambled on as his father ended up giving him a sharp stare, immediately causing the young unicorn to stay quiet. "I'll just go to my room then." Just like that, he dashed out of the throne room to do his own business.

Celestia, Luna and Adagio sat down on the chairs that surrounded the roundtable while Passion and Arcanine stood beside their trainers. Out of curiosity, Luminary went up to the Embrace and Legendary Pokemon.

Passion already had her hands ready for whatever might threaten her while Arcanine built up some flames from within. However, as Queen Luminary came close, she put her hooves on the Legendary Pokemon's fur, touching him.

"Oh, look at this. It's softer than the Air Wolves we have here. And so adorable as well!" Luminary gushed as she was rubbing the right spots of Arcanine, satisfying the Fire-Type.

"Arca...Arcanine!" Arcanine panted with his tongue out, licking Queen Luminary's face. The Legendary Pokemon could sense no ill intent from her at the moment.

"Anyway..." King Paramount wasn't too focused on the Pokemon despite his wife's actions. "I believe you know why we are having this meeting and why I have summoned you here."

"I know. It's about Pegalysium being discovered by me on that very day." Celestia nodded. "I assume I should've never found it in the first place, correct?"

"That is right. Pegalysium should've been hidden to everypony below for all eternity. But the Concealment clouds seemed to have failed for a moment, revealing part of it." Paramount replied.

"Concealment clouds?" said Celestia, curious about those kinds of clouds.

"Here at Pegalysium, we have clouds of various varieties," Luminary spoke up.

"Aside from you finding it and the Memoir Petal failing to erase your memories, we have called you here to actually discuss your own land below." Paramount followed after. "It has been centuries up centuries that anypony from below has even gained knowledge or seen Pegalysium. The only time anypony has even heard of it was when it was first constructed above the clouds."

"I apologize for intruding." Celestia lowered her head, giving an apology. "Pegalysium had been a fable and foal's tale that existed during my mother and fathers time and faded away over time. If you wish for us to not spread information about it then I can promise that I will keep it all hidden away from everypony for years to come."

"Right. However, considering the events and actions that happened below...that may not be the case." Luminary shook her head.

"What do you mean by that?" Luna questioned.

"Even though we here at Pegalysium reside in the skies forever, we occasionally head below if we wish to find better resources for our subjects across the nation by sending secret pegasi to do so. They do not interact with other ponies, however. And we are most definitely aware of the Strange and Mysterious creatures known as Pokemon."

"Y-You know about Pokemon?!" Celestia leaned forward, gasping.

"We do. And we also know about the destructive fury they hold. Especially considering how they've affected Pegalysium." Paramount narrowed his eyes, giving Celestia and Luna a slight shock. "Your actions are included."

"Our...actions?" Luna spoke slowly.

"These battles that you have with Pokemon reached far greater than you can imagine. Pegalysium and other cities, towns and states have been victims of their battles and frequent power surges. The Pokemon have threatened to destroy our entire nation, and they have been come close at times. Last year, some sort of potent power shook the entire world while also destroying some of our cities." Paramount went on.

Hearing about the entire world made Celestia realize that was Passion's doing when she had an uncontrollable power surge as a Kirlia. Unknowingly, they affected Pegalysium as well before they knew it existed. Passion put her hands together, acting sheepishly as she also knew she was the cause of this.

"O-Oh..." Celestia simply said, feeling guilty.

"Not just that. Fairly recently, many weeks back, two dragon-like creatures shook our whole foundation by battling through the skies. They obliterated many clouds with their battle, including our own. The clouds that held many landmarks were obliterated, falling out of the sky. Fire and lightning eclipsed the clouds, threatening to destroy Pegalysium. We were thankful to save them with the combined magic of my wife and I."

Obviously, that referred to Reshiram and Zekrom's battle. Their battle was so intense that they obliterated many cloud formations and caused lightning and flames to erupt from said clouds. Reshiram and Zekrom certainly had the power to destroy the world themselves.

Celestia and Luna's nervousness and guilt were piling up. They weren't aware of this at all and the damage that they had caused as they scrunched their faces."

"They are wonderful creatures are certainly adorable to look at, however..." Luminary looked at Passion and Arcanine before turning to face the two princesses. "Our Royal Advisor had a clear vision of them in the future."

"A vision? W-What kind of vision?" Adagio asked.

"A vision that the Pokemon will destroy the world itself. No. Our universe." Paramount cut to the chase immediately as all three ponies gasped collectively.

"Destroy the world?! W-When?! Luna leaned forward.

"At any given time." He replied instantly. "With all that power they hold, the due date for the end of our universe could be any moment. However, we know of a way to stop this."

"You do? How?" Celestia was curious as she nodded rapidly.

"The Blue-Violet Hole. Months ago, we figured out how it functions. And it's simple. Once it leaves this world, all will return to normal and the Pokemon will leave as well. That is what we are hoping to make a reality. And possibly, the Blue-Violet Hole may grant us that wish soon."

"The Rift? Y-You actually want it to leave and pretend like none of this ever happened?" Adagio said.

"For the safety of Pegalysium and your own world. The Pokemon should have never been here in the first place. All of this is nothing but a fantasy that the Blue-Violet Hole has made possible and in the process, endangering the lives of many." Paramount stood up tall. "Our world should not be on the verge of destruction because some entity wishes to find enjoyment."

"Well...I agree on that part about the Rift's actions to witness entertainment." Celestia stood up. "However, we at Equestria, across the world and even in the Pokemon World wish to keep things the way they are?"

"I beg your pardon?" Paramount narrowed his eyes after.

"Down below, we have managed to actually form bonds with the Pokemon, gaining new friendships from them. Even the humans from the Pokemon World have become closer to us, forming unseen relationships. And they are certainly scared about having everything return to normal." Celestia explained her side while looking at Passion and Arcanine. "Having them just vanish from our memories as if none of this happened would be devastating and the loss of the friendships that we have formed. So are we choosing to keep things the way they are."

"You would allow these creatures to exist onwards in our world just for something like Friendship?" He raised an eyebrow as the atmosphere of the room was changing.

"D-Dear..." Luminary could feel that atmosphere changing and the tone of her husband.

"I do. Whether by Jirachi or by Cold Colt mastering his magic, we will stay with the Pokemon and humans. And we will prevent the universe from being destroyed by the Pokemon so we can continue to live in harmony." Celestia made her decision.

"Tch. I disagree. These Pokemon have already dealt so much cataclysmic damage to parts of our nation. Even our rival lands from the far north and east have suffered from their battles. The visions of our Royal Advisor never fail. In fact, the vision he had spoke of you finding Pegalysium, Princess Celestia. The universe will end with the existence of the Pokemon and we are going to make sure that never comes. And if the Blue-Violet Hole fails to restore everything to how it was before, then we will take it upon our own hooves to fix it."

"And what do you mean by that?" Celestia also narrowed her eyes, nervous about Paramount's response.

"We will harness the magic that comes from the Blue-Violet Hole to make things right. If it has the power to alter fate, then we shall do the same."

"Do you have any idea how long of a risk you are taking with that? Rift Magic is something that should only be interfered with slightly." Celestia placed her hooves on the table. "The Travel Spheres are examples of that. Changing and manipulating fate itself should be out of the question."

"I think not." He scoffed. "Who cares about boundaries when your own universe is at risk. And the fact that you are willingly choosing to have these destructive creatures continue living here, even though they were never meant to arrive here in the first place is rather jarring. You wish to keep the universe safe, don't you?"

"I do! But I don't want to say goodbye to the new friends I've made and forget them forever." Celestia shook her head. "The same goes for everypony who has had the pleasure of meeting with the humans and Pokemon. Even the new friends we've formed here in Equestria that were never meant to be possible in the original timeline. That is the future we want to keep."

"Hoh? And you arent changing fate yourself by doing so?" Paramount looked down at Celestia with his eyes flaring.

"Call it what you want. But I will not let you remove what we have found with this possibility. And we won't allow the universe to be destroyed, even if your vision says it will." Celestia declared. The room fell silent as even Adagio was nervous, holding her necklace and shifting her eyes to the side.

Princess Celestia and King Paramount glared at each other for a while with stern looks on their faces. Although, King Paramount always seemed to have a stern emotion and this was only intensified.

They were both hoping for a civil discussion in this meeting. But it seems that did not play out as they hoped it would. Outside, Shooting Star had heard the whole conversation as he backed away, fearing that the intensity may increase. After looking at each other for a while, the final words were spoken.

"Hmph. Very well then." Paramount sat back down. "Leave. Return to your nation and bring about the destruction of everything we hold dear. As for us, we shall pursue our goal of restoring everything to how it should have been. And if you even think about getting in our way..."

"I know. Luna. Everyone. Let's go." Celestia gave her final words as they all walked off. They were done here. Arcanine looked back at Queen Luminary who gave a sheepish grin and wave. In truth, she was actually supportive of restoring the world to its original timeline.

A world without the Pokemon.

Celestia was obviously going to tell Ash and the others about their departure. And she would do so by using her Xtrasceiver. She took out the communication device, instantly selecting Ash's Trainer number. The device started ringing as Ash picked it up immediately.

"Yeah? Celestia, what's up? Did you get there?" Ash spoke.

"We did. And we're leaving."

"Huh? Now?"


"Yes. I'll explain everything along the way." Celestia then hung the call up before placing the Xtransceiver back in her saddlebag. They were leaving Pegalysium for probably the last time.

Celestia may never have the chance to see Garnet again and teach her about the Pokemon and what they have to offer. And the same goes for Shooting Star, who had his own thoughts about the Pokemon and restoring the original timeline.

It was time for them to leave. Although, Team Rocket may not be there due to their own little adventure. But even so, they can leave the skies another way as the journey continues.

Chapter 492 End.

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