• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Massive Dahara City

Alola. Poni Island. Seafolk Village. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

"Ah...what a great start to the second day!" Exiting the Pokemon Center was Princess Celestia, stretching her arms. Leaving the Pokemon Center were Spike and Ember along with Cynthia. The three of them had caught themselves new Pokemon. Specifically, Dragon-Types.

They previous raced to catch Totem Kommo-o, but only one of them succeeded in reaching the Scaly Pokemon first and successfully caught the Dragon-Fighting-Type.

Princess Celestia was the victor of that race. Princess Celestia had caught herself a Totem Kommo-o whilst Spike and Ember had caught themselves a Hakamo-. The Hakamo-o were already weakened from Gardevoir's Psychic, making their capture easier.

"I would've done with Kommo-o but this is fine." Spike sighed, still disappointed that he wasn't the one to catch Kommo-o. But, Hakamo-o only needed one stage to reach that final form.

"Well, now that that's done, let's order just one Cream Vanilla Cake. This time with extra sweets." But the second Cynthia said that, when she and Celestia approached the table, the lady was gone. The one who gave them the cake after knowing exactly what they liked had vanished along wither Ralts, Deino and the entire stand. "Hm? Did she leave already?"

"Oh! She's gone?!" Celestia gasped as the food stand was no longer there. The witch had vanished yet again. And without a trace. "What a shame...Such a wonderful combination. Gone."

"Don't worry." Cynthia put her hand on Celestia's shoulder, already having an alternative. "There's a place in Johto that can fulfil your wishes. It won't go anywhere, I promise you."

"Oh. Works for me. I should try and contact Luna first. Spike. Ember. What will you two do?"

"I'm heading back to see Fluttershy and the others." See you around, Princess Celestia. Cynthia. Oh and uh...Ember."

"I've got places to be too." Ember spread out her wings. "Maybe I can test my luck and catch another big Dragon-Type elsewhere...

They all soon went their separate ways, having new draconic partners on their side. Celestia wanted to personally see her sister as a human as well while also enjoying everything else in Seafolk Village before heading to Johto for some more delicacies.

As for the witch, her identity reminded a mystery as well as her presence. She was gone with the wind when she could be anywhere at any time.

Kalos. Out at sea. Afternoon.

Elsewhere, over at Kalos, Galaxy Master was currently on a journey to reach Arche Valley, as ordered by the Rift. Since the order from last night, he has been moving through the seas on the back of his Lapras. Eventually, he reached a hillside, prompting Lapras to stop.

"Thank you, Lapras. I'll call you when needed." Galaxy Master held his hand out as Lapras had dissipated into an azure light. With ethereal energy, she was gone. Galaxy Master and Pikachu would now continue their journey to Arche Valley on land.

This hillside may look peaceful but it was undoubtedly rough and would be tricky to travel on. Not to mention the absolute scale of it. Galaxy Master also had to keep a down low since he was a wanted man. He knew that because of the Pokemon Festival, Canterlot Guards would become ever-present in various locations. Calling for Charizard and taking to the skies might be the wrong approach now.

And he was right to be cautious. Popping their heads out of the sea were Canterlot Guards, wearing snorkels and swimming armour. A unique type of armour specifically made for underwater purposes. They had been following Galaxy Master ever since they spotted him out at sea. Now, he was on land.

After that, they took off their swimming armour and continued pursuing him while also dripping wet from being underwater since last night.

"Hm-hm. This terrain is incredibly rugged." Galaxy Master commented while trying his best to traverse such a rough terrain. Pikachu would stay on his shoulder to keep away from this rugged mess.

The guards saw that Galaxy Master was struggling with the terrain. They would use this to their advantage. Luckily for them, they had Golurk, who was an expert with this kind of terrain. The Golurk all assembled together before then slamming their fists onto the ground.

Together, they had caused tremors that had caught Galaxy Master off guard, halting his movements. He gasped, almost falling over as the plan was to catch him while an earthquake was going off. Especially with this terrain that he was already struggling to get used to.

"Suddenly! An earthquake occurs in such a rough place!" He narrated his own predicament as Pikachu held on tightly to his shoulder.


"Have no fear! There is always the Pokemon for the job..." Just then, Galaxy Master managed to regain his balance as he was about to call another Pokemon.

"Here it comes. This time, we'll intercept. Get ready Golurk." But the guards were ready this time. Whoever comes from those skies would be knocked out. However, very soon, they were starting to feel a tremor. Their smiles faded away once the tremor came towards them, causing some of them to fall over "Ough! W-What?!"

"You shall make things easier for us! Now, come my terrain-moving friend! Torterra!"

Bursting out of the ground was Galaxy Master's newest friend. This was the Pokemon responsible for all those tremors as a super-sized Toreterra had burst through the ground, causing a strong magnitude.


"You'll help us through this my verdant friend." Galaxy Master hopped onto Torterra's back, finding an easier way to move through this terrain. "Our destination is Arche Valley. A place that is hard to reach. But we'll find a way. Onwards!"

"Tor!" Torterra then burrowed a hole through the ground, choosing to travel that way. Underground travel could most likely work in their favour. The guards got up, recovering from the tremor.

"So he's gone underground this time." And joining the guards, focusing on pursuing Galaxy Master was none other than Princess Luna. She had shown up, wearing a Pokemon Hat and drinking some soda she received at the Pokemon Festival. She looked silly putting on a serious face with these objects.

"He's been cleverly evading us since last night, your majesty. Somehow, he's able to perform everything perfectly." The guard said.

"Of course he has. He's straight from a comic book that was made by a younger Ash. Which means that everything he does is bound to be successful. Because that's the natural law of being a superhero. But, I'll end up overwriting that law. Go, Gliscor! Excadrill!" Luna had sent out two Pokemon to pursue Galaxy Master underground.



"Enter underground and purse Galaxy Master. I'll be right behind you. The same goes for you all." She then looked back at the guards as they nodded in understanding.

Excadrill began burrowing underground instead of using the hole that Torterra had already made. It would intercept Torterra. Once Excadrill made the hole, Gliscor, Luna and everyone else entered, following the fictional character and his Pokemon.

"As he travels through the underground, he wonders how he would reach this Arche Valley." Galaxy Master narrated his adventure once more. "Torterra moves through the underground for an easier time, but the heroes can't help but feel like they're being followed."


"I know, Pikachu. Our presence is a great risk overall. If we are to restore the Rift, finding help aside from the friends I summon will be difficult. That entire nation of Equestria sees us as enemies, so our numbers don't compare at-" Just then, he cut his own sentence off turning his head. "Suddenly, he senses imminent danger with Interstellar Sense! Torterra, beside you!"

"Tor?!" Torterra looked to the side as he could see cracks forming within the walls. Galaxy Master also possessed the power to sense danger and straight through the walls, Excadrill had appeared.

"Exca!" Excadrill bared its claws, going in for a devastating slash with Metal Claw.

"Pikachu!" But Pikachu intercepted with Iron Tail, hardening his tail and clashing with Excadrill's Metal Claw. The impact resulted in a loud clanging sound as Torterra's movements were halted. Up ahead, another fellow Ground-Type had made his appearance.

"Gliscor!" Gliscor came charging in, using his flying strength to power through the underground itself.

"They caught up fast! Torterra, brace yourself!"

"Tor!" Torterra bellowed as he would stand his ground. Gliscor came charging in with Aerial Ace, smashing his claws into Torterra. Torterra had been pushed back while Galaxy Master braced himself. The Grass-Ground-Type managed to withstand the blow as Pikachu jumped back on Torterra's back.

But it wasn't just two sides that Galaxy Master had to look out for. Other Ground-Types were incoming. But appearing before the Golurk was Princess Luna, who had followed her Pokemon.

"There you are!" Luna appeared, using her horn as a drill by enchanting it with magic.

"Princess Luna! You're a persistent one!"

"So are you. But you're more stubborn rather than persistent." Luna replied as the hands of the Golurks burst through the walls, appearing before the fictional character and the underground. "You should be clever enough to know that everywhere you go, you'll be followed either way."

"I know. But that won't stop me. We'll carry on and achieve our goal!"



"That's admirable. Unfortunately, we have that same burning spirit as yours. To keep our worlds connected." Luna descended as the guards all showed up, climbing over their Golurks. Galaxy Master was surrounded but Luna knew that outnumbering him and surrounding him wouldn't matter because of one major factor.

"But...none of that matters much if he has the power to always succeed. How do we defeat someone who's destined to succeed? There has to be a way."

"Well, good luck catching me. Torterra! Andromeda Shine!" One of his signature moves. By striking a pose, Galaxy Master emanated a blinding light that had confounded Luna and the others. The underground had been lit up as this gave Torterrra the chance to keep moving.

"Not this time!" Luna used her magic to quickly recover her eyes before pursuing Galaxy Master. The chase was on and she would certainly be too busy to speak to Celestia.

Kalos. Dahara City. Afternoon.

Sitting by an inlet in the desert, Dahara City is a sprawling metropolis with towering skyscrapers surrounded by stone houses and home to one of the tallest towers in the world. The Dahara Tower.

Ash and his party had arrived here with their goal to find Arche Valley. And this city is where Ash first learned about Arche Valley. Bertha stopped her SUV as they came across this grand city which was once a small village but it prospered greatly.

"Here we are. Dahara City." Ash got off the SUV, standing before this great city once more. "Man, it's been a while since we've been here, Pikachu."


"I've never seen this place before!" Hilda gasped as the existence of Dahara City, especially with how massive it was, wasn't known to her. The same goes for Hilbert.

"We can learn something about Arche Valley here. I might get to see Baraz and Meray again. But...I wanna what they've got here during the Pokemon Festival!" Ash ran off to explore the city and how it was affected by the Pokemon Festival. Victini and Meloetta would follow him as to be expected.

"Uh! That won't help us find information about Arche Valley sooner!" Twilight shouted before realizing it was pointless.

"It's hot here though..." Sci-Twi commented as the summer heat was present within Dahara City.

"They say there's a nice beach here. Cool off there and also find something about Arche Valley. Dahara City has some connections to Arche Valley due to its history."

"Just do what you usually do Twilight and find those books." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "I'm gonna cool off too with some drinks."

"Count me in!" Pinkie Pie followed Rainbow Dash right afterwards. Everyone else would spit up and meet up once more. At least, until they find something about Arche Valley.

Ash got to see the development of Dahara City. It improved surprisingly fast when he was last here. An extra part of the city was built along the banks of a labyrinth of rivers and is truly a leading-edge marvel. Its grace is matched by the backdrop of a majestic mountain which had helped improve this city greatly.

The skyline is packed with various skyscrapers and they have aspects which represent their past, present and future. Technology was thriving in Dahara and it has attracted a lot of attention since their technology was less present than others. But recent years have changed that.

Ash never got a chance to fully explore the city when he first got here due to the problem of there being a Legendary Battle. But now, he had that chance, witnessing everything that he missed out on, such as hundreds of take-outs, concession stands and food carts that offer a plethora of culinary choices and those who feel hungry for something else. And anyone here can enjoy sightseeing, an amusement park, libraries or one of the many other recreational venues.

Ash saw that there were three massive parks to choose from along with the free access to check out any building he wanted. Didn't matter which one he entered, he could view the architectural features on the inside and outside.

And with such a hot place, the drinks were at their absolute peak. Sci-Twi stopped by to see the beautiful options that Dahara could offer during the day and the night. They had holiday-related drinks, night walks, traditional plays and cold beverages. The night walks would have to wait when it's eventually nightfall.

Twilight brought herself some of these drinks, sipping with great joy. She ended up passing some of them to Ash when they ran into each other, taking the same path. Dahara City smacked them in the face with all of these activities that were plentiful during the Pokemon Festival. Possibly the most so far.

Scavenger hunts, truth and dare games, romantic gestures and traditional hair styling. Sci-Twi styled her hair alongside Hilda and Bertha, getting new and unique styles that were Dahara City's exclusives.

"I'm not planning on catching every Alpha Pokemon. That feels like it'd be possible. But I want to catch as many as I can before Hunter J can do it." Sci-Twi spoke to Hilda and Bertha. "But I'm afraid they'll become harder to catch later on."

"That's the natural force that comes with catching Pokemon." Berth replied. "Get through it, young lady. You have the skills and spirit to do so." They had a chat while having their hair styled while Ash and Hilbert watched closely, observing these bizarre styles.

"Would you two boys like something fresh?" One of the employees appeared behind them with a comb and scissors. The way she held them was downright menacing, causing Hilbert to shudder and hold onto his hat. They were offered a chance to change their hair but Ash and Hilbert preferred their hairstyles the way they were.

Victini wandered off on his own, sneaking around with some invisibility. Thanks to his power of invisibility. Some food had been taken under others' noses without them noticing. Victini would always do this just to get a quick bite.

However, when going for a cupcake, he was suddenly interrupted. "Tini?" When trying to grab the cupcake, someone else grabbed the cupcake. Another invisible force. "T-Tini!" Victini growled, trying to pull the cupcake back to his side, but the other invisible force was strong enough to fight back, initiating a struggle.

The people and Pokemon witnessed a floating cupcake being pulled back and forth, stunned for a bit as they couldn't take their eyes off it

"V-VIcitni!" But Victini had his endless energy. And with a boost of that energy, he managed to beat out the other invisible entity, successfully retrieving the cupcake. Afterwards, people and Pokemon witnessed the cupcake being broken apart with parts of it vanishing. Truth is, this was just Victini enjoying his cupcake while the other invisible force backed away, holding a tiny piece of the cupcake, defeated by Victini.

That is until the invisible force retaliated, not taking that defeat lightly. While Victini was enjoying his cupcake, a cup of soda had been dropped on him. Victini's eyes widened as his body was almost exposed since his concentration had been broken. He quickly hid the rest of his body as the other invisible force started laughing after dropping the cold soda on Victini

"Tini...!" Victini threw away the cupcake, causing it to fly towards one of the people, only for a Munchlax to jump up and consume it.


As for Vicitni, he could now sense the other invisible force. Thus, he flew towards that force, only for the other invisible entity to fly away, laughing mischievously. Victini was certainly occupied.

As for Twilight, during her search for something about Arche Valley, she came across one of the stands that caught her attention. It wasn't a food stand. Rather an accessory and trinket stand. There, she saw something that was surprising to her.

"Hey...What's this?" Twilight flew over to the stand where there was a lady who wore white and gold garments. She certainly had an older style than everyone else in this village.

"Oh. You've noticed how special it looks." The lady held out the trinket, letting Twilight get a closer look. Twilight's eyes did not deceive her. What she saw was exactly what she thought it was.

That symbol was all too familiar as she's seen it a few times. She made an interesting discovery. This symbol was now on a pendant as it was dangling in her face. It was the symbol of the Alpha Pokemon and the creator of the Pokemon Universe.


As the journey continues.

Chapter 850 End.

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