• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Call for Cosmos

Equestria. Ponyville. Beyond Twilight's Lab. PokePark. Arbor Area. Day.

"Bisharp!" Moving at breakneck speeds alongside his platoon of Pawniard was the Bisharp of PokePark. He had approached Twilight who was joined by Fluttershy and BigTime Ben. "Sharp!"

"Uh, hi Bisharp." She waved at the Dark-Steel-Type who ended up kneeling to Twilight with absolute respect. It was only natural as Twilight was a princess and Bisharp along with his platoon of Pawniard all serve a queen. Queen Serperior that is.


"Oho. My Bisharp and Pawniard seemed to have found a liking to you." Ben replied. "Look at you being worthy of their absolute respect."

"It's only because I'm a princess that's why..." Twilight chuckled. It was mainly Bisharp who sowed the most loyalty to Twilight. The Pawniard, not so much. They were loyal but not to an extreme degree as Bisharp. Speaking of the Pawniard, they closed their eyes, silently sighing at how dedicated their captain was to being by Twilight's side. They had a larger bond to BigTime Ben thanks to their past. Their fabricated past that is.

"I've tried suggesting Bisharp should go to Shining Armor and his guards. He's so loyal that the Crystal Empire could flourish with someone like him. But he's said no a lot of the times. He'd rather stick by me since I'm his trainer now."


"That's the kind of loyalty we love to see, right?" Fluttershy giggled. "It's just like Rainbow Dash."

"Right. Anyway...now that I'm here, I think it's high time a lot of them got out there to experience the world apart from PokePark. Only Bisharp and Dewott have been outside. Everyone else has been here for how long?"


"That's right, Bisharp. Everyone." Twilight didn't need Fluttershy to translate Bisharp's words for her. His reaction spoke volumes. "I still don't get how an entire world exists here or how you managed to bring it to my lab, Ben. Oh, wait. I do. Rift Magic. "But anyway, it's time all of you got a taste of well...everything."

"There's a lot to see." Fluttershy leaned in. "A lot to do. The same goes for us when it comes to this park."

"Sharp. Bisharp!" Bisharp stood up tall, saluting along with his Pawniard. This was a direct request from the Princess that would be carried out instantly. He rushed off to tell everyone at once.

"In the meantime, how about we try those attractions out, Twilight," Fluttershy suggested, showing excitement towards the attractions that had appeared during the Pokemon Festival two times now.

"Read my mind! We didn't have a go at the Lopunny Dance Inferno so now's a good time as any to get that chance!" Twilight replied with an equally giddy expression. The two of them wasted no time as they were off to the attraction.

As for BigTime Ben, he decided to sit around for a bit along with his Gothitelle while everyone else would be off doing their own thing. More on the active side while Ben chose to keep it slow. He was still old so he did prefer the quieter things in life.

But while looking at the scenery of PokePark, and seeing Twilight fly off with Fluttershy, he couldn't help but think of what would come next. Lots of things about the future were on his mind. Mainly one involving Twilight.

"You know Gothitelle...I already gave the entirety of PokePark to Twilight. That goes for all my Pokemon here." He said to the Astral Body Pokemon.

"Gothitelle? Goth."

"Mm. But you know...I was thinking about leaving everything else to someone else." Ben continued as Gothitelle already knew what he was referring to. His entire corporation. BIG.Co as it's known.


"I'll have to leave it to someone I can trust. I was thinking that Twilight could be the one. But...I'd hate to force it on her." He lowered his head. "Maybe there is someone else out there. What do you think?"

"Telle." Gothitelle shrugged as no one came to mind. But whoever would be chosen would have to be ready for control of such a corporation.

"Ah! Maybe it could be you!" Ben then turned to Gothitelle, startling her. "Yes, yes! You've been around it long enough to know what to do, right?!"

"G-Gothitelle?!" Gothitelle jerked back. She didn't even think about herself or even that possibility. "Telle! Gothi!" She shook her head promptly.

"Hm? No?"


"Well, okay then. I was for sure you'd love it. You always seemed happy to see the new inventions that were made." Ben scratched his hair before shrugging. "Ah, can't be helped. "I'll think of someone another time. Wish I had kids right about now..."

"Gothi..." Gothitelle wiped her forehead, easily escaping from that potential rabbit hole. Despite her love for the company, she certainly couldn't see herself being in charge of it.

Sweet Apple Acres. Afternoon.

"Hmm..." At the moment, at the wonderful and verdant Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack had an unamused look on her face whilst being surrounded by her 9 Golett who were moving about as if they were children. In a way, they were since they were relatively new to the world after being made out of clay.

The Golett jumped around the house, interacting with Apple Bloom and her Pokemon most noticeably. But Applejack wasn't focused on the rampant Golett. What truly mattered to her was Emerald Aura.

Currently, the weakened Rift Pony was laying on a couch that had been made exclusively by her as seen by the emerald patterns and her face being involved in the centre. She looked at Applejack with a relatively smug face before eating some apples in front of her. "Something wrong, AJ?"

"You ain't done anything for a while ever since you came here." Applejack said, narrowing her eyes.

"I don't have to." Emerald shrugged. "I'm only staying here because...uh..." Emerald then froze, wondering what to say next. There was one thing that was most certainly true. Emerald Aura had nothing to do here.

"Nothing." Applejack finished Emerald's sentence for her. "You're only here because Cold invited you here."

"That's right. And we're all family, aren't we?"

"Not yet." Applejack thought otherwise as Emerald almost choked on the apple. "Ever since you moved in, you've been eating the apples out of the trees day and almost night. Ya know how hard we try and grow those? Messes with the cider too and I'd rather not get all those complaints again..."

"Not my fault they taste so good. And yeah...I did get carried away. But come on...this is the first time in forever that I've ever felt sleepy or even this hungry. Being a Rift Pony with nothing to worry about was the greatest feeling ever. And that some of those feelings are gone, it's become a struggle for me."

"Not much of a struggle..." Applejack lowered her eyes as Emerald Aura showed no signs of struggling with her new conditions. If anything, she made herself comfortable here while still having enough Rift Magic for quality of life effects.

"I'm not bothering your family so it's all good. Plus, as long as you can keep these apples coming then any future problem won't do."

"How come you can't make your own apples?"

"Uh well...when I try, it doesn't taste as good." She scrunched her face. "Doesn't have that same flair to it, even if I copy the way your family makes it."

"That's because it's all-natural." Applejack gave a proud smile. "Can't copy that. If ya wanna taste the real thing all the time...you gotta grow it. Unless your magic can sort that out?"

"No." Emerald Aura sighed. "I can't even use my magic to make things grow quicker anymore. Being weak suuuucks!" She slumped on the couch, pulling her head back before making a prolonged groan.

"Then how about this? You're gonna help out on the farm by growing those apple trees with us. If ya know how, you ain't gotta worry about wanting more. But it'll still take some time.

"Never worrying about more?" Emerald sat up as now she was interested. "Aw, but that means I do have to do something."

"But it's a pretty great reward, ain't it?" Applejack reeled her back in, letting her know that the reward was worth it. "There's even apple pie and cider for a job well done."

"Apple pie and cider..." Emerald's love for apples was starting to show as she shook her head vigorously. "Okay! You've got yourself a deal, cowgirl!"

"Love to hear it. First thing tomorrow morning. And hey...that Rift Magic of yours could come in handy in some parts."

"Aw, tomorrow morning? Can't I wait a bit longer?" Despite agreeing to help, she wanted to wait a bit longer. Applejack looked at her with a face that was easy to read and understand. Emerald had complied. "But, tomorrow works anyway."

Life carried on naturally over in this world and the Pokemon World as well. So far, nothing surprising had occurred. But of course, with how frantic things get around here, it was only a matter of time until some other event pops up and throws everyone off guard. Whether it's on this earth or the Pokemon World.

An unknown dimension.

Elsewhere, the resided a peculiar dimension. A dimension that was similar to Chaos Dimension where Discord resides However, it had its differences and they were not pleasant at all. This odd realm was a twisted one. Furious flames burned within this realm, replacing the ethereal skies that would usually be found within a dimension.

Alongside these flames were vast venomous forests that were floating around with nothing to connect them, a bone-choked swampland and rivers of churning magma. Dangerous wisps of unknown origin flew across this horrific plane, moving with the ferocity of fire and lightning. A colossal maelstrom resided in the middle of this disturbing dimension, forming destructive sounds that would be unbearable to be around. This entire place felt more than just chaos. It felt like malice. And despite how corrupted this place appeared to be, someone lived here.

Within the maelstrom, a figure was hovering there, unbothered by the disruptive sounds this dimension made and all of the life-threatening forces flying about.

A figure that was eerily similar to Discord. The same race as well. A Draconequus. This draconequus stayed quiet until something had been heard. The sound of Rift Magic. A spark of this cosmic magic had grabbed the attention of this draconequus as it had appeared as a small spark instead of a large one. The small spark of Rift Energy had then called the name of this draconequus, already knowing it.


"What's this?" Cosmos pulled the spark towards her. It kept calling her name before soon stopping once it was already close to her. "Who is this?"

She listened closely to the spark of Rift Magic. It continued to speak but in a quiet tone. The voice was hard to hear as entering this dimension was difficult for it. The voices coming from it were from none other than Lucien and Sienna. Their plan to call for Cosmos ended up succeeding, albeit barely as their weakened power result in this small spark.

Cosmos listened in to the words of the spark and the message that was sent through. She hovered there for a moment, taking it all in. She didn't just take in information about Lucien and Sienna, but also the Rift, along with the existence of the Pokemon World. All of this was enough to have Cosmos pay her full attention to it.

In a few minutes, she had already learned what she needed to hear. Everything that had happened in Equestria had been revealed to her. And her response?

"They want me to help them? Ridiculous." She crushed the Rift Spark, making it far smaller than it previously was. "As if I'd help anyone else. But...you've ended up meeting new folks haven't you, Discord? This Pokemon World also seems somewhat interesting to me. I'd love to take a venture there...if I could escape."

Cosmos didn't live here out of her free will. She was trapped here within this dimension, only having the malicious vibes to keep her company. She pondered for a moment, noticing how the spark of Rift Magic was still active. Lucien and Sienna knew all about Cosmos, especially where she was located if it had shown up here. Cosmos then thought about it for a moment, realizing that these two Rift Humans who had sent this message could do one helpful thing. She grabbed the tiny spark of Rift Magic, looking at it for a bit.

"Or maybe...this is what I can use to break free of these accursed stars. Turning them into a realm of malice got boring too quickly." Cosmos saw a chance for freedom. The remaining spark of Rift Magic had been rejuvenated by her, increasing in size. The Spirit of Malice was ready to leave this dimension as soon as she could and this was her only hope for it.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 776 End.

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