• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Faith in Arceus

Kalos. On the road. Pokemon Festival. Late Afternoon.

Currently, Ash, Twilight, Sci-Twi, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were in Bertha's SUV, heading for Arche Valley in the Kalos Region. The breeze of the wind graced them with Spike enjoying it the most. This was an exciting group that many would be shocked to see if they knew every single one of them.

A Champion, An Elite 4 Member, Two Trainers from a parallel world, a Princess, her human counterpart, two more ponies and two Mythical Pokemon AKA Vicitni and Meloetta. No one would ever imagine this combination of characters and Bertha's SUV was large enough to hold them all. It had received quite an upgrade since last time.

"So, what's Arche Valley all about?" Twilight asked. "It must be important to you if you want to go there."

"Arche Valley's a special place, alright. I didn't get a lot from it, but it's where Hoopa is. And also where people can speak to Arceus."

"Speak to Arceus?" Twilight and the others repeated.

"Ah. You mean that Arche Valley. I knew that name sounded familiar." Bertha replied. "You mean the sacred place where the ancient people live. Why am I not surprised that you know about its existence?" She then chuckled, amused by Ash's involvement with that place.

"Wait, hold on? This is too good to ignore." Hilda stood up as a Pidgeotto flew over her head, making her duck. "Ash. You said it's a place where people can speak to Arceus. As in...physically?"

"Well, I don't know. I think it's from beyond or something like that." Ash scratched the back of his head. "But, they're super connected to Arceus, that's for sure. It's like they can hear Arceus' voice there."

"I'll explain it better. At least, from what I learned." Bertha had something to share. "Arche Valley is one of the oldest locations in the world. Sinnoh might be where Arceus was widely known, but it was Arche Valley where Arceus would visit the most. Inhabitants of Arche Valley founded this wonderful valley one day by encountering Arceus itself. Stories say that they were on their last legs, clinging onto the last thread of life. And when they met Arceus, the Creator Deity restored them, giving them life again."

"Oooh...So Arche Valley was sort of like Arceus' home?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Somewhat. It's said that Arceus once used to come there. There was something special about that valley that Arceus would gravitate there. And when Arceus saved their lives, the inhabitants were beyond grateful. Not only did they find a new land to build their homes, but they swore everything to Arceus. So much so that Arceus entrusted some of its power to that valley. Or perhaps, it was already there due to how many times it appeared in the valley. No one knows. And because of the Power of Arceus, the inhabitants of Arche Valley can tap into nature and communicate with Arceus."

"She said it better than I did. And that was so cool!" Ash's eyes lit up along with Pikachu's. "Arceus really is amazing!"


"Arceus does sound amazing. I wish I could see it in action," said Sci-Ti, yearning to see this almighty Pokemon. "I want to hear more about this story of how Arceus valley came to be too."

"The details are all foggy. No one knows what caused the inhabitants to end up in such a brutal position. They were lucky to run into Arceus when they had the time though. But, as I said before, the past can always be restored."

"That's true. Ash has something right in here that can see into the past." Pinkie Pie looked inside Ash's bag, referring to the Time Flower he was carrying.

"Oh yeah. The Time Flower. Good call, Pinkie." Ash replied.

"Time Flower? Well, why don't you tell me everything special that you've gathered during your journeys? You young ones seem to tap into other supernatural forces."

"I've got my own Z-Crystal. Arceus blessed his power into it. How about that?" Twilight asked.

"Just as interesting." Bertha chuckled. "I'm glad I'm around to learn and hear about all of this. Oh, but it's getting a bit late right now. How about we all stop by one of the cities? The closest city here is Laverre City. Arche Valley will be hard to reach so going across most of Kalos is what we need to do."

"Sure thing. We'd better hurry though. I'm getting hungry." Ash's stomach growled along with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Pikachu. And practically everyone.

"Same here." Hilbert chuckled.

"Tini!" Victini could hear the grumbling stomachs, deciding to act accordingly. He wanted them to fill up as soon as they could. And the best way to do that was to add his power. The Victory Pokemon would use his infinite pool of boundless power for this one scenario.

"Hm?" Ash and Hilbert turned around, noticing Victini's body emanating an orange glow. He then placed his hand on the vehicle, transferring his power into it. "Oh! Wait, Victini!"

"Victini!" But it was too late. The SUV went at full throttle, faster than it could ever reach. Everyone felt a burst of speed, causing their hairs to flow while Ash, Hilbert and Hilda held onto their hats. Bertha's eyes widened as she temporarily had the fastest SUV in existence, blitzing past any Pokemon that were running in the distance. Flying-Types couldn't hope to catch up either.

"T-Too fast!" Sci-Twi exclaimed as she and Twilight held onto each other.

"Oh! This is more like it! This is the kind of speed I've wanted for a while! " Bertha surprisingly enjoyed this speed. It gave her a great sense of adrenaline that she was looking for. "Excellent work, Victini!"


"I think I'm gonna be sick..." Hilda grumbled, feeling like passing out.

"I am sick..." Hilbert had already passed out, slumping on the seats as they were headed for Laverre City at top speed.

Laverre City. Nightfall.

Laverre City. The city of otherworldly dreams. An unearthly city created by those inspired by a mysterious and ancient tree 1,500 years old. The entire city sat at the base of this ancient tree which now houses the Laverre Gym.

Ash's party had reached here in a matter of seconds. All thanks to Victini. Some of them were still recovering from the absolute rush of speed that they felt.

And since the moon was about to show up soon, they would all have a chance to rest before they get back on the road again. Arche Valley was their newest major destination. A few hours passed and the moon had shown itself. They all stayed at a local hotel to get some rest.

"Hah...So that's what they meant by Infinite Energy." Sci-Twi laid down as this room had multiple bunk beds. The right amount for all of them. "So anything it touches is filled with that power."

"It's the first time I've seen Victini use it on something that isn't a Pokemon," said Hilda.

"Victini." Victini gave a V sign, something he's known for doing at times.

"Say, uh...Victini." Hilbert slid over to Victini, rubbing his hands. "Could you do me a quick solid? See, I wanna try and..." But before he could say anything else, Hilbert could sense Hilda's anger radiating his way, forcing him to back away. "M-Maybe later."

"Get some sleep, all of you." Bertha looked at them all. "You've had a good first day. Those three weeks won't blitz by, however. And Ash...there's a reason why you want to go to Arche Valley. It's not just to see Hoopa, is it?"

"Oh, right. They say that Hoopa's a Pokemon who can warp space. Just like Palkia. Ash. You're going to see Hoopa just to try and keep our worlds connected, right?" Twilight asked as Ash stayed silent for a moment. "But...Hoopa's power to do so has been sealed away thanks to the Rift."

"That's the plan. And I think the same happened to Palkia. Otherwise, Palkia would've maybe kept everything together long ago." Ash replied.


"Hoopa, Jirachi, Palkia and Phione. All of them have the power to keep our worlds connected forever. The Rift probably went for Palkia first before going for Jirachi and the others. That goes for every other universe. If they were given the chance to have their true power back, we wouldn't have to think about keeping the worlds together."

"And the Rift sealed a part of your memories that prevented you from remembering Hoopa," Twilight recalled all the other effects the Rift had left behind.

"But...I already know what I can do." Ash looked at his hands. "My Aura can break that. It can break past the Rift's energy. If I can get Hoopa's power back, then we might not need that golden staircase. Maybe."

"Will it work?" Sci-Twi asked.

"Only one way to find out. And even if Hoopa can't do it, I gotta at least save my friend, no matter what. Hoopa finds travelling from space to space a lot of fun after all. I can't let it lose that."


"Hmmm..." Bertha then looked over at Ash before then switching her attention to Victini, putting on a smile. "Well, I'm positive that you'll succeed in helping your friend no matter what. Now, let's rest up."

"Got it." Ash stretched his arms as Meloetta leaned on Bertha's shoulder. Everyone else was ready to get some shut-eye and be ready for the second day of the Pokemon Festival.


"You don't look that tired, Meloetta." Bertha looked at her. "Why don't you spend some time with me while you're awake?"

"Etta." Bertha and Meloetta would stay up while everyone else would rest. They got comfortable in their respective beds as the lights had been shut off.

Victini got comfortable. Despite being a Pokemon that possessed endless energy, he needed to rest as well, drawing up to Ash and Pikachu. Hilbert already knocked himself out, slumping on the bed. Both Twilights slept apart from each other as Twilight used the entirety of the bed sheets to cover her smaller body.

The party over at Laverre City would continue even during the night. But it would be kept down during this time for the sake of everyone's beauty sleep.

However, while this festival was ongoing, there was this constant looming threat. It wasn't Galaxy Master. Rather, it was the one who sent him on a mission to retrieve anything Rift-Related.

The Rift itself.

Vengeful towards Ash, it would constantly lurk around, eerily keeping an eye on him. Galaxy Master was its new way of gaining revenge since it was too weak to do much on its own. The Rift wanted to see Ash suffer and rid of any chance of hope that he could obtain. And that involved the connection of the two worlds.

Unova. Out at Sea. Nightfall.

And currently, Galaxy Master himself was on the move, heading for a certain place that was brimming with Rift Energy. The Arcane Sea. A sea exclusively made out of Rift Magic. He took a trip here on a small boat, sitting on it and wondering how to get to this Arcane Sea.

"How do we get there, exactly? The heroes ponder." He narrated again.


However, when trying to find the entrance, he was suddenly called by the Rift. The voice of the Rift reached him, causing Galaxy Master to look up.

"Galaxy Master. I need you to forget about the Arcane Ocean for a while."

"Hm? Why exactly?"

"Please. Head elsewhere. They're trying to speed up to process of locking my powers away forever and keeping both worlds intact."

"So soon?!" Galaxy Master gasped. "I would've thought it would have taken a few more years for that to happen."

"That's not the case. There's a devious and cruel Pokemon by the name of Hoopa, who I've kept its powers away. Even if they were to restore Hoopa, I still have its true power hidden elsewhere to prevent any further mischief. But...they have something that can guarantee them endless power. And if they manage to break the seal, it's hard for me to even say if Hoopa's true power will return."

"Hm-hm. I understand." He nodded in understanding. "It's a gamble then. If by some chance the true power of this Hoopa Pokemon returns, then everything will be for nought. But there's also the chance that the power of Hoopa will be restored, yet it will be unable to keep it all connected. Truly a big risk. And what about this Pokemon hat guarantees endless power?"

"I'll tell you the rest along the way. Right now, I need you to go to a place known as Arche Valley."

"I understand! But, I'll need a quicker form of transportation on the Sea. I need your assistance, my new friend!" Galaxy Master would summon a new Pokemon. By harnessing the power of the Sea itself, he brought up a water whirlpool. "Come to me! Lapras!"

Emerging from the whirlpool was Galaxy Master's newest Pokemon. Someone who would transport him far and safely through the seas. Lapras.


"Hup!" He then hopped onto Lapras' back along with Pikachu. This was the best way to go by sea. Already Lapras could trust Galaxy Master. He radiated that positive energy, despite being unaware of who was working for. "To Arche Valley!"


Equestria. Canterlot. Nightfall.

Meanwhile, back at Canterlot, much like Laverre City and every other city, the festival went on during the night. Luna had brought up the moon, thoroughly enjoying herself, but not without thoughts.

She thought about two things. Galaxy Master and the Cosmic Stairway. Galaxy Master aimed to restore the Rift's strength, bringing it back to full power. Meanwhile, the Cosmic Stairway, in all its golden glory, was the ultimate way to reach Jirachi, according to Arceus.

"It's probably a series of well-placed events," Luna spoke, looking outside of the window and staring at the staircase. "If Ash had never affected the Rift so greatly...would we have been able to make this staircase at all without someone interrupting us? No...Shooting Star is the missing piece. His Destiny Magic needs to be revolutionized in his own way for the staircase to be completed. Only then will we walk up it."

Luna thought about how every crucial moment that has happened so far would potentially lead to Jirachi. Looking back at it and especially when visiting the Dream Realm plus the Hyperdream, everything all leads to Jirachi.

The day Ash brought Jirachi up changed everything. The force that was known as Delayed Aura Ataxia, while dangerous, seemed like a necessary evil to help Ash better his Aura. Aura was one part of the Cosmic Stairway. Even before that, there was Cold Colt, who had been befriended by everyone back at Ponyville. He was an essential part of the stairway as well. His Rift Magic housed great potential after all.

It even made Luna wonder if Arceus knew all along. He was the one to send his blessing to Phione, letting everyone know what kind of powers were needed to craft this stairway.

"Could Arceus have already seen how it all ends? For him to share his power with Phione...does he already know what we need? Most definitely." Luna said to herself. "Arceus does know. He knows what we need...perhaps, he foresaw all of this happening before the major events could come by."

It was all so intriguing to Luna. This stairway was the prime example of a beacon of hope. More than that, the newest semblance of Arceus had been born not too long ago. Twilight's Twilightium Z. Embedded with the power of Arceus, Luna wondered if that Z-Crystal mattered as well.

"Mmm." Luna shook her head. "That should all be obvious to you, Luna. I should be pursuing Galaxy Master right now but...I wish to enjoy this Pokemon Festival for what it is. Ah, who am I possibly kidding? I can do both."

"Your majesty!" A guard came rushing in, almost falling over. "Ooh! Reports have said we've spotted him! He's on the move yet again."

"Hm. I understand." The Princess of the Night spread her wings out, ready to head out and continue her duty. Not just by having fun, but by protecting the Dream Realm and searching for Galaxy Master as well. Faith was in her heart after all.

Faith in herself, her friends and family and Arceus himself.

Kalos. Laverre City.Morning.

"Aaah...!" Ash had stretched his arms. The sun had beamed through the windows, waking everyone up. He woke up with Victini on his head, almost falling over. Everyone else was already awake. They got up before Ash did. Once again, he was a late sleeper. "Oh man...did everyone else get up before me?"

"Again. You somehow sleep so early but wake up so late, Ash." Twilight was still in the room while everyone else was outside. "Come on. There's good food outside to get you ready for today."

"Food? Yes please!" Ash hopped off the bed as he, Pikachu and Victini were fully awake once food was involved.



They quickly rushed out of the hotel, ready to feast on the delicacies from other regions. And as a bonus, ponies from Equestria had brought along their delicacies.

Everyone got to try something new. Especially Hilbert, who had already begun, stuffing himself with Equestrian delicacies. Most were homemade.

"Save some for us!" Hilda exclaimed, pushing Hilbert's hand way from the pile of food he ended up ravaging through, nearly finishing it all.

"My bad!"

"Meloetta." Meloetta was sitting underneath the table, eating a shortcake biscuit. Bertha was also supplying her some biscuits underneath the table. Joining her there was Hisuian Zorua, also choosing to hide and eat underneath the table.

Ash arrived just in time to have some, taking his gloves off and rubbing his hands together. Victini stayed invisible, sneaking up on some of the delicacies that others were already enjoying. He snagged one of the pies under people and ponies' noses, dragging them his way.

"Mmm. I just noticed this. Every Psychic-Type can turn invisible, can't they?" Pinkie Pie said, easily spotting Victini's actions as the pie was being devoured in midair by seemingly nothing.

"Almost," Ash replied, already having his mouth full.

"Oh. About Arche Valley. It's a Sacred Place, which means it's hard to reach, right?" Sci-Twi asked. "The stories I read usually involve that kind of thing with sacred places."

"That's certainly the case. Sacred Places, most of the time, are difficult to reach. It's usually the forces of nature being defensive. And since Arche Valley's inhabitants are connected with nature, it's guaranteed that finding this divine valley isn't easy. Not one bit." Bertha replied.

"It's gonna make it all the more fun to get there," Ash responded, raising a cupcake to the air. "Just wait up, Hoopa."

"If Arche Valley's so old...maybe it'll involve something with Mew. Just a guess." Pinkie Pie hopped on the table, scanning the area to see what else she could consume.

"Not every old place is involved with Mew, Pinkie," said Twilight.

"I don't know about that one smart cookie." Pinkie licked her lips before going for a cookie. But someone already went for it. A hand had landed on the cookie at the same time Pinkie's mouth had touched it. "Hm?"

"Oh?" And that hand belonged to Sonata Dusk. One of the Dazzlings. She and Pinkie Pie paused, looking at each other before narrowing their eyes. The scent of this cookie was too good to resist and they both wanted it. Since they both made contact with this cookie, they started pulling from their respective sides. "H-Hey, Pinkie!"

"H-Hey, Sonata!" Pinkie replied as they both said with passive-aggressive tones, fighting over the cookie already. "Surprised to see you here..., especially with your hand on this cookie...!"

"I should've already known you'd be here at such a delicious place...So, mind giving me this cookie? You've already eaten a lot?"

"But the taste is so good..." Pinkie Pie's eyes twitched as they were going back and forth with one side trying to claim the cookie.

"Pika!" But that's when someone split it. Pikachu. Ash's Pikachu came swooping in with Iron Tail, slicing the cookie in half, causing Pinkie Pie and Sonata to part. They both received half as Pikachu stuck a stylish landing.

"Chu! Pika!" Alpha Pikachu applauded his descendant's stylish action.

"Aw! Only half?!" Sonata groaned as the cookie was too good to be split in half. At least, in her eyes, as she disappointedly took a bite out of it.

"Hah...oh well. It still tastes good." Pinkie Pie had her complaints, but they subsided once she got a full taste of it.

"Good to see you three." Twilight faced the Dazzlings. "How goes your search?"

"Eh. We're getting there." Aria shrugged as the sirens had appeared. Vivace was elsewhere though, doing her own thing away from her daughters.

"We've been hit in the face with a few distractions. Hopefully, it's limited." Adagio shrugged.

"Even though you started one yesterday," Sonata said with a cheeky grin, testing Adagio's wrath.

"Ah, that's how it is sometimes. My journeys are filled with stops all the time. It's a lot of fun. Trust me." Ash could speak from experience.

"He's right." Aria raised her finger. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having fun. What else are we going to run into along the way?"

"Well, if we do run into something else, I'd like for it to be as fun as the last one. Maybe some clothes will do..."

"We'll run into someone, that's for sure. At least, if we're on time. Hopefully, he hasn't beat us to it."

"Good luck with that. We'll be heading off soon to a sacred place..." Pinkie Pie flailed her hooves around, trying to appear mysterious. Mew, Ash and Pikachu mimicked her arm movements. "And good luck on your search!"

"Yeah sure. Come on girls." Adagio showed some form of kindness to them before walking off, doing their own thing during this festive time. "Oh and, Aria. Who are you talking about?"

"Who else could she be talking about?" Sonata crept up behind Aria with a devious grin. "She's talking about Paul, who she wants to meet again at Anistar City."

"Zip it...!" Aria grabbed Sonata's face, stopping her in her tracks. But Sonata continued to be mischievous, giggling as she knew how to target Aria's weak spots.

And Aria knew that to be true. She, her sisters and Paul promised to meet up at Anistar City. That was where they were headed after leafing Laverre City. It was just in between Dendemille Town after all.

And without a doubt, Paul would be there waiting for them. Three parties were headed to Arche Valley. Two were headed for Anistar City. It was constant movement during the Pokemon Festival. And it was to be expected for such an energetic time.

As to be expected, on top of a hill, Paul stood tall, glancing at the horizon and looking in the distance to see Anistar City. He was the first to get close to this city and not the Dazzlings. But Paul kept to his promise. Even if he made it there, he would wait for them as the journey continues.

Chapter 845 End.

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