• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Race of the Dragons

Sinnoh Region. Route 218. Day.

After having a pleasant sleep last night, Ash and the others woke up to continue the day. Mainly for Flurry Heart's short Pokemon Adventure. Flurry Heart felt like reporting what she had done so far to her parents via the always useful Xtransceiver.

"So you know where the Jirachi are?" But, Cadence was more focused on the existence of Jirachi's whereabouts than on what Flurry Heart and the others had done.

"Well...not really." "Flurry Heart replied, shaking her head. "We just know they're trapped in a weird dimension somewhere. It could be anywhere. Probably not here or back home."

"At least you found someone who figured things out for us." Shining Armor's face came into frame. "I wish we could just find Jirachi soon and get it over with. Before the worst can happen."

"Truth be told, a lot of things we've been through can be considered the worst, right?" Cadence chuckled in response. "Come home safely once you're done for today."

"Can't I stay a little longer, mom and dad?" The young alicorn pleaded, wanting to go on her journey a bit longer. "There's still so much I want to see."

"No, young lady. We promised one day. " Cadence shook her head, rejecting her request.

"Come on. Please?" She continued to plead. "I'm not in any danger right now, am I? Or even yesterday."

"I suppose not..." Cadence thought about it for a moment. She was still thinking about what Flurry Heart could run into within the Pokemon World.

"Just give me some more time, mom. With the friends I have here, no way am I going to be in danger ever." Flurry Heart used her magic to drag Ash and the others toward her.

"I'm not your friend." Sombra, however, used his magic to keep himself away from them.

"Alright. It won't hurt. Just be back home safely, okay?" Cadence agreed to Flurry Heart's plea. "And tell me if you've caught any Pokemon along the way. Sylveon, Aegislash and Manaphy would love to have more friends to mess around with."

"Oh! I haven't caught any, that's right!" Flurry Heart just now realized that the only Pokemon at her disposal was Giratina, who she's always had as her solo partner Pokemon. "Ash! How many Pokemon are in this route?"

"Uhh...A lot." Ash shrugged before being pulled by Flurry Heart's magic.

"Gotta go, mom! I'll be right back!" Afterwards, the young alicorn hung up, ready to go on a frenzy of Pokemon Catching with the number of Poke Balls she currently has.

Equestria. The Crystal Empire. Day.

"Hopefully, it's soon." Cadence put away her Xtransceiver once the call had ended, petting Sylveon who was rubbing up on her hoof. "At least we can tell Auntie Celestia about where the Jirachi are. That'll make everyone relieved."

"Not relieved enough." Shining Armor walked over. "They're trapped in who-knows-where. We're still practically at square one."

"Nuh-uh." However, Cadence thought otherwise. "The stairway to the cosmos is where that can be solved. Thanks to Phione and Arceus' blessing, we have the parts to reach up to the stars. If Arceus ordered Phione to gather so many of us to make that stairway, that means only one thing. The Jirachi are somewhere in space."

"Space. Yeah, that would make sense." Shining Armor nodded. "The Rift's all about cosmic stuff, isn't it?"

"Not sure how long it'll take for us to reach space of all places. Can we even breathe there?"

"No. But apparently, Reshiram and Zekrom can. Along with many other Legendary Pokemon. Lucky guys and gals." Cadence smiled. "Speaking of Reshiram and Zekrom...they're in somewhat of a similar state as the Jirachi in a way. And Giratina too."

"They are?"

"Mm. This isn't their universe after all. They both are one half of the same Dragon, Kyurem. But they come from different universes."

"That is weird. How do you think that feels to them? Shouldn't we get them back to their homes, Cadence?"

"Reshiram and Zekrom know this. But they're sticking around to help us out after what happened in their worlds. I'm just curious about how they feel about their homes and being away from them. I mean...do they care as much? Flurry Heart does but..."

"I'm sure they do." Shining Armor shrugged while having some confidence. "I mean, why wouldn't they?" Cadence and Shining Armor wondered how Reshiram and Zekrom felt. It was difficult to dictate the emotions of a Legendary Pokemon. Most of them anyway.

Their stern expressions that rarely ever change are a staple of them. Especially the Dragons. The best way to dictate how they were feeling was by their cries. But even that was difficult in some way.

Canterlot. Day.

Speaking of Reshiram and Zekrom, they could be seen up in the skies of Canterlot. A gateway of massive proportions, enough to hold both of them had vanished as they had previously exited out of it. Another mission in stopping the Empress' forces and helping other worlds was a success with these two powerhouses.

They descended, landing in the Canterlot Gardens as that was the one place they were commonly seen at.

"Welcome back, you two." Celestia greeted them both, bowing in respect. The Twin Dragons did the same out of respect to the Ruler of Equestria. "Is that another universe saved?"

"Only the 45th one now." Reshiram spoke. "So far, we've blown back a majority of the Empress' forces. But we have yet to do the same to Team Plasma, who are the ones responsible for most of the gateways."

"Either way. Their allies won't be showing up to those universes anymore." said Zekrom. "Everything they need has been crushed into nothing by us. I almost feel some pity for overpowering them. Almost."

"I do. It is a shame to be such an overpowering force to them, seeing how outmatched they are." Reshiram closed his eyes, feeling some empathy. "However, it is for the better. Especially with what they've done."

"Well, you two are the best at what you're doing alongside Pyrestar and a few others." Celestia chuckled. "Perhaps you should take a break. Then again...you can have a break anywhere you want, right?"

"The Canterlot Garden has grown on me. It is a nice place to be in." Reshiram smiled. "What say you, Zekrom?"

"Hmph. Gardens aren't for me." The Electric-Dragon-Type scoffed. "Or even you. Won't you burn it away if you even have a semblance of a cold?"

"I cannot get cold, Zekrom. I am the only non-cold-blooded dragon you will ever meet despite who we originally come from. Where would you even stay if not here? The mountains?"

"The mountains can get far too rowdy. I'd much prefer a place with an onslaught of electricity more than anything. With them crashing onto the landscape, covering the skies as I lay there, getting a charge as if I was feasting during my downtime."

"Is that what you deem peaceful?" Reshiram lowered his eyes.

"The conditions must be met accordingly. But those Poke Balls are oddly comforting for something so small. And are you not the one who prefers to stay within a volcanic area? Doesn't exactly seem as peaceful either."

"Ah, so you admit that your spot is not peaceful." Reshiram pointed his claw at his fellow Dragon. If there was one advantage Reshiram had over Zekrom, it was that it was easy to tell when he was smiling, despite his stern eyes.

"Gh!" It was only just now Zekrom realized what he had said. "Wait! I take it back at once! You played a trick question on me!"

"Far too late. For a Dragon of Electricity, you are relatively slow in what you say." Reshiram taunted with sparks of electricity flaring from Zekrom. Reshiram laughing was done via draconic cries as the clouds were rumbling from Zekrom's emotional response.

"Hard to imagine that even though they're from different universes, they practically act like they know each other all too well." Luna leaned in. "I mean...they do but...in a technical sense...you know what I mean."

"In a sense, they are brothers, aren't they?" Celestia replied, chuckling. "They remind me of us."

"Hmmm..." Luna looked over at the two dragons, seeing how Zekrom was snarling at Reshiram whilst Reshiram simply acted like there was nothing wrong. "Eh. I suppose so. I see some of myself and a few others in Reshiram. For you...perhaps Zekrom."

"Zekrom?" Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Oh, no. I was thinking that I am more of a Reshiram Pony. Isn't that a unique saying?"

"A Reshiram Pony?" Luna soon raised her eyebrow next at this new word that Celestia had conjured up. It was most likely never going to be used again unless a scenario such as this happened once more.

"Yes. I have my ideals, but I look for the truth a lot, Luna. I know you have massive ideals. Especially for what you aim to do in the Equestria League."

"Indeed. Becoming Equestria's first and only champion is my ideal." Luna grinned, picturing herself as a Pokemon Champion. The first of her world too. The sisters laughed while the draconic brothers bickered. Mainly Zekrom.

"Slow am I? At least I move faster than you." Zekrom scoffed, calming down as the clouds ceased their rumbling.

"Highly unlikely." Reshiram used his wings to shrug. "I believe we are tied in speed, are we not?"

"Maybe in your universe that is the case. But I come from another universe. Perhaps I am the swifter Dragon there, wouldn't you think? Unless you're too caught up in what you deem as the truth."

"Hmmrgh..." Reshiram's smile vanished with a frown replacing his emotion. "Or perhaps it's your ideal vision of being faster than me."

Once again, history had repeated itself even in another universe. No matter what, Reshiram and Zekrom were always destined to argue over Truths and Ideals. But in this case, it was on a smaller scale.


"You two. Why should we worry about something so small as to who is faster than who?" Celestia flew in between the Dragon Duo. "Or even find out if you are equal. We don't have to argue about this."

"Princess Celestia is correct. We shouldn't-"

"When we can race!" Celestia intervened, having something far bigger than what they were expecting. She wanted to sort this argument out the fun way, clapping her hooves.

"Sister!" Luna gasped. That was not what she was expecting. If anything, Celestia had only amplified the argument to a new height.

"A stunning idea. That is the best way to settle it." Immediately, Zekrom agreed to it without even thinking about it. No hesitation whatsoever.

"Agreed. A true test of skill. Let's settle this once and for all." So did Reshiram. They were on the same wavelength with what they wanted.

"Brilliant! I'll make the preparations!" Celestia squeed as Luna flew over to her big sister.

"Sister! What are you doing?!"

"Making things fun. What better way to test their speed than having them race? It'll be just like the Rapidash Rush that we saw 2 years ago. Or was it 3? I forget." Celestia shrugged. "Besides, it won't hurt anyone."

"Won't it fuel their bickering? Especially if one of them wins and the other loses."

"Trust me, Luna. I'll have it all sorted out." Celestia winked as Luna merely grimaced at this. "To see how fast you two are, how about a race around the world? No-no-no. Around both worlds."

"Both worlds? You mean..." Luna paused for a moment.

"Mhm. You'd be guessing right, Luna. Crossing both globes 50 times will determine who's got the superior speed. It'll start at Canterlot and end at Canterlot. Now then! Let's get rolling!" Celestia raised her hoof as she was ready to see two Dragons race.

1 hour later.

In just one hour, Celestia had set everything up, informing everyone across Equestria about this race. And she had help of course. Not just from her subjects, but from BigTime Ben, who commonly helps with organizing certain things.

A massive banner to represent this race had been made along with a gigantic poster of the two Dragons staring at each other, courtesy of Fancy Pants' Smeargle who had just finished the final touches to the artwork.

"You should be here to see this, honestly." Currently, Rainbow Dash turned the Xtransceiver on, speaking to Ash and the others from the next universe. "Then again, you'll still see it either way as it will be across the entire planet."

"A race with both Reshiram and Zekrom?! Awesome!" Ash and Flurry Heart both exclaimed with joy and mass interest with this.

"I know right?" Rainbow Dash replied. "I'll show you the opening announcement to it. But ya know...I think I should be up there with them. I'm pretty fast."

"Hm-hm. You are fast." Ash nodded, knowing just how fast Rainbow Dash was.

"Indeed. My Pheromosa should also be up there too." Rarity intervened. "Theoretically speaking, Pheromosa should be faster than all three of you with Beast Boost."

"Not faster than me." Rainbow Dash thought otherwise. "I mean...then again..."

"It's Showtime!" Celestia bellowed with her Royal Canterlot Voice. Everyone's attention had been alerted to her royal majesty as everything was ready with both Dragons standing on the starting line. "The Race between Reshiram and Zekrom is about to begin. To see who is the fastest between the two. The rules of the race are simple. The first Dragon to circle both gloves 50 times will be declared the fastest Dragon Pokemon. Unless...there's another Dragon out there that says otherwise."

"I'll bet 20 bits on Reshiram winning this." Already, some ponies were betting on who would win this race.

"Zekrom has this easy by a mile. Nothing's faster than an Electric-Type."

"BigTime Ben took the time to give us these necklaces." Celestia had then used her magic to place large necklaces around the necks of them both, "They'll allow us to track your progress via a massive projection. Be careful where you fly, boys. You're massive, remember?" Celestia said to the Dragon Duo. "Now, get to your starting positions."

The two of them did just that, adjusting their wings and arms while looking ahead. The power coming from their tails could be heard as if they were engines revving up.

"On your marks..." Celestia began the countdown, raising her hoof as her horn started glowing. "Get set...Go!" She then shot her magic into the air which allowed for the race to finally begin. Once the sound went off the two halves of Kyurem took off. And with a great force too.

They didn't need to build up momentum as they had immediately left with a burst of speed, causing a gigantic shockwave that knocked everyone over. Celestia gasped as she was knocked over as well with every single glass in Canterlot breaking apart. Some repairs would have to make. Lots of them.

Once they took off, fire and lightning trailed from their tails as they were becoming white and black blurs from their immediate take-off, zooming through the air. They had already finished passing Canterlot in just 4 seconds flat. Their next stop was Deerling Forest as everyone watched from the large projection thanks to the necklaces.

The Twin Dragons ascended a bit higher as they were neck and neck with neither truly being ahead of each other. Flying-Types were outclassed easily and overwhelmed once they saw these two massive draconic creatures flying across the skies. Their competitive spirits allowed for them to move at speeds no one had seen them move at before.

The Deerling, Sawsbuck and other Pokemon living at Deerling Forest couldn't help but also notice them in the air, flying at breakneck speeds. Some of the Deerling who grazed the grass closed their eyes from the intense wind pressure generated by them both. The trees almost came flying out of the earth itself as a sonic boom could be heard in the sky. Multiple of them.

The Pikachu of the Pikachu Highlands caught wind of this race as they were all cheering for their personal favourites. Despite being Electric-Types, not all of them showed favourite to Zekrom. Some were on Reshiram's side.

They were far gone from Canterlot, Deerling Forest and the Pikachu Highlands by this point. Reshiram and Zekrom immediately reached their next destination. Whinnyapolis. Which last only 15 seconds as that had been covered swiftly without even a minute gone by.

The ponies of Whinnyapolis could only see white and black trails in the sky with fire and lightning. Chicoltgo was up next, being passed without too much trouble in their way. The ponies of Cloudsdale looked ahead to see the arrival of Reshiram and Zekrom.

These two Dragons made every pegasi and their speed look insignificant as they blitzed past them, blowing the entire civilization of Clousdale back. The ponies of Cloudsdale were taken aback as the clouds had all trembled with some of them dissipating from this.

They had passed through so many locations in so little time it was absurd to everyone's eyes. The Crystal Mountains only took 3 seconds as the Crystal Empire and its residents shot their eyes to the sky, gawking at the sight of these two. The Crystal Empire had said farewell to the Dragon Duo as they were going beyond the north.

Yakyakistan even had the pleasure of seeing them both. They weren't aware of the race but they would certainly catch a glimpse of it. And it wouldn't be the last time as these two would be going across both globes. And in just 10 minutes, they were almost done with this world.

Manehattan had said hello to Reshiram and Zekrom with some ponies at the restaurant having their meals interrupted. The table clothes flew off with bowls of food being thrown at the faces of the customers, causing an immediate mess. A theatre play was happening at Manehattan's only theatre, only for the highest note to be interrupted by a sonic boom from the outside which reached all the way here. The pony who put her heart and soul into making sure this high note landed, squeaked after the sonic boom had come through.

Appleloosa, Trottingham, Las Pegasus. All had been blitzed. Speaking of Las Pegasus, they were also gambling on who would win this race. None could see who was in the lead from how fast they were moving. Within one of the casinos, Reshiram and Zekrom had inadvertently helped one pony win a slot machine by having their shockwaves tamper with it, granting this lucky pony a jackpot.

Pegalysium was not exempt from this. Reshiram and Zekrom kept ascending as the residents of Pegalysium looked up to see an unusual sight. This was their first time seeing Reshiram and Zekrom. And they were truly majestic to look at.

The Dragons from the Dragon Lands loved this more than anyone. Seeing two dragons race influenced them to start racing too. Ember took a close look, deciding on which one to root for. She liked the way Reshiram's fur looked so her choice was obvious.

Soon, this world would've been crossed entirely as a mysterious pony who seemed to resemble the Tempest Shadow from Universe 6 had looked to the skies, seeing these massive Pokemon fly about. She stood atop the mountains, holding onto her cloak. They were reaching the end of the world at this point with a gateway being within their sights. That would lead them to the Pokemon World.

Their world.

And once they passed through, they found themselves in the Hoenn Region. Pacifidog Town was passed in seconds as the two Dragons weren't even feeling exhausted for a bit. Neither were letting up as they were still neck and neck. It seemed that Reshiram's words on them being equal in speed was the most likely result.

Once Pacifidog Town had been passed, the seas of Hoenn had been crossed with massive water trails forming without them even being near the sea. Sootopolis City and the Sootopolitans there marvelled, witnessing Reshiram and Zekrom in person for the first time as well. They wouldn't have to go to Hoenn or wait for some apocalyptic event to see them. They had even passed through the massive crater of the great meteoroid crash.

Lilycove City? That was done too with Passion's mother missing them in just the blink of an eye. Mauville? Blitzed. Rustboro? Not even a minute. They crossed the seas once more as a Wailord had jumped out of it. The Float Whale Pokemon flew over the two Dragons, causing beautiful water droplets to fly about.

Just like that, they finished with Hoenn and moved on to Johto and beyond. Every region would be crossed. And truly every region. Some that none of them had ever seen before, including Ash who was being given this view from Rainbow Dash's Xtranseciver.

But soon, he, Flash Sentry, Flurry Heart, Pikachu and Sombra would see them too. They looked up in the sky, already feeling the incoming pressure of Reshiram and Zekrom. They would get to experience this 50 times as they marvelled at them. Ash cheered for both of them with Flurry Heart flapping for joy.

25 minutes later.

They had crossed the world 49 times by now. Just one more to go and one of them would win. But even so, they were still equal. And during that time, the two Dragons couldn't help but notice some tornadoes forming in the distance right around the seas of Kanto. These tornadoes ravaged the ocean as they were large enough to threaten civilization. This was caused by them flying across the globes so fast that they ended up summoning a natural disaster.

The two of them looked at each other, knowing that they had to be stopped. So while they were still participating in their race, they took the time to deal with these tornadoes. Reshiram and Zekrom had used Fusion Flare and Fusion Bolt, unleashing these massive spheres of Infinity Energy.

Just like that, they had taken care of a natural disaster by evaporating the water and overpowering it with millions of volts. Easily done as they didn't even slow down for a second. To some of the Pokemon, ponies and people watching, it seemed like they were getting faster by the second. With each natural disaster they managed to create from their speed, they ended up stopping it, fixing what they had caused.

Eventually, they had reached the climax once they passed Ponyville, which had already seen these Dragons come and go. It was time for the final stretch.

And speaking of Ponyville, entering it at the moment where these two Dragons were about to finish was Zero. He was here for Twilight and discussions about the Rift.

"Hmm...Wonder what that was all about..." Zero said, looking to the skies while witnessing two streaks of different energies. He shrugged it off afterwards, appearing before the town. "Alright then. Princess Twilight Sparkle. That castle in the distance is where I need to be."

Now that Zero was here, he could head over to Twilight and sort the future of Rift Energy with two brilliant minds working together. All the while, the race between the two dragons had come to an end. Right back to where it started. Canterlot. Almost half an hour for them to finish this race by going across the entire world.

They stopped right at the finish line, causing a colossal dust cloud to form. Everyone coughed and closed their eyes from this dust cloud's emergence. It was over as Celestia's eyes rolled for a bit.

"That's...50." She shook her head once the race finished. Cheers erupted throughout the city from this spectacular race. A shame they couldn't see any of the Pokemon from other regions since they were moving so fast to keep up with them.

"So who won?" The Dragon Duo asked.

"Well...The projection shows us that...both of you did. It was a tie. Looks like you were right about you both having equal speed, Reshiram. Does that satisfy you?"

"..." They both looked at each other, pondering for a bit. A tie wasn't exactly what they wanted. While Reshiram did state that they were equal in speed, he did feel the urge to try and 1UP his brother. After thinking about it for a moment, they decided on one thing in unison. "Again?"

"Definitely. This time 100 Times."

"Ah, maybe another time!" Luna intervened, stopping the two Dragons before they could take off once more. But Reshiram and Zekrom were itching for another race. "Hah..."

"How about we try it, Luna?" Celestia nudged her little sister. "I'm positive I'm faster than you, eh?"

"Please...I'm younger, therefore, I have more energy." Luna had been baited into having a similar squabble with her big sister, scoffing.

"Smaller too." Celestia snickered. "Maybe that's where all the speed comes from."

"Ah!" Luna gasped with Celestia putting on a devious smirk. "Very well. Let us settle this then!"

"I was thinking the same thing." Celestia and Luna went face to face, deciding to see who was the faster alicorn among them all. And of course, upon hearing this, Reshiram and Zekrom would indulge in it. Having a second round. They found something where they could have fun and it pleased them greatly.

Nopony was complaining. They'd love to see a second race. Especially with the Royal Sisters involved.

Ponyville. Twilight's Castle.

"What a race..." Twilight spoke as parts of her castle had been blown off by Reshiram and Zekrom's intense speeds. Repairs across different parts of both worlds would have to be done. Espeon and the rest of her Pokemon helped make these repairs possible.

But while doing so, Absol's nose picked up on someone. Someone new had shown up at the castle that he never recognized before. "Sol! Absol!"

"What is it, Absol?" Twilight asked as Absol sniffed out the newcomer right to the nearest door. Somehow, this stranger made it inside the castle, without Twilight needing to unlock the door. This stranger moved undetected until Absol's scent kicked i.

"Good, morning." That person had already shown up, knowing where to find Twilight whilst sitting on one of the broken pillars. It was none other than Zero who was here to meet her. Twilight and her Pokemon reasonably pulled back with shock and confusion. "Princess."

"W-Who are you?!"

"Zero's the name. How do you do?"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 768 End.

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