• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Journey to the Sea Temple

Equestria. Out in the sea near Lapras Lake. Afternoon.

An adventure had just begun. To the Sea Temple, Samiya. A ship owned by Canterlot known as the Grand Equestria was aiming to take the passengers there as Manaphy would be the ultimate guide.

On the ship were Ash, Pikachu, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry and a few other Crystal Empire guards, Princess Luna and some Canterlot guards along with Adagio Dazzle. They were all heading for the same place where the Empress and Daybreaker's forces were headed to.

The gateway up ahead led to a place in the Pokemon World, but it was unknown which part of the Pokemon Word it led to thanks to Ghetsis' actions. But with Manaphy being able to track the Sea Temple and Ash having the power to remove the darkness from the gateways, it was safe sailing. The one pony not happy about this was Adagio as Celestia requested that she would come along.

"Why so glum?" Flash Sentry asked Adagio who was currently looking over at the distance.

"Because my teacher requested me to come along on this," Adagio replied. "Says it'll help me discover new things or something like that."

"Well, I mean, we are going someplace new that's almost out of our reach."

"Would rather be back in Canterlot right now. But I have to put up with this until we find that temple before those goons do. So the whole trip through, I'd prefer it if no one here decided to get close. I'd like to be alone if you must know."

"Then what about Kricketot over there?" Flash Sentry pointed his hoof at the Cricket Pokemon who was residing in Adagio's unusually large and playful mane.

"Kricketot!" Kricketot waved at the pegasus.

"Kricketot's my best friend! He stays!" Adagio growled at Flash, intimidating him as her deep-red and sharp siren fangs showed.

"O-Okay...I get it-I get it. Your privacy." Flash nervously said before backing up, not wanting to feel Adagio's wrath. Kricketot then waved goodbye to Flash Sentry before hiding back in Adagio's mane.

Meanwhile, Manaphy was outside of the ship as she could move better on the water than on any form of land. That way, guiding them to the Sea Temple would be easier.

"Mana! Mana!" She cried out each time she dove in and out of the sea. The captain of this ship only had eyes on Manaphy the whole time. The Seafaring Pokemon was the closest to the gateway. She promptly stopped, knowing that passing through it was not safe due to Ghetsis' influence.

"There's the gateway we need to pass through," Luna spoke to Ash. "The location of it here in Lapras Lake is fairly new and we won't know which part of the Pokemon World it will lead to. Will your body handle another one, Ash?"

"Only one way to find out." Ash looked at his hands as the ship slowly approached the gateway with Manaphy hopping onboard. Ash went up to the bow of the ship, facing the gateway.

Pikachu hopped off his shoulder, giving his partner some free space and time to focus. Luna was ready to dispel the darkness if it latched onto Ash. Ash then put his arms out, allowing the Aura within him to flow. His body radiated its usual vibrant azure blue colour with particles also flowing out.

Ash's hands came into contact with the gateway, laminating the cosmic portal. Aura had interacted with cosmic energy once more, but not before Ghetsis' Dark Aura flowed out, leeching onto Ash's hands. Ash had one eye closed as he could immediately feel the horrible sting of this Aura.

Luna quickly rushed to Ash's side to save him from this darkness. She used the same spell her sister used to save Ash during this first interaction. However, hers was on the darker side. Ash managed to resist the Dark Aura this time after having a rough experience with it and coupled with Luna's magic, they were able to dispel the darkness, preventing another Delayed Aura Ataxia from occurring.

And as a reward, the gateway was now safe to pass through.

"Man, that smarts!" Ash held his hands, shaking them. "Thanks, Luna."

"No worries. Now, where do you suppose this place leads to?" Luna asked. Flash Sentry would find out personally. He hovered over the bow of the ship, heading straight for the now-free gateway.

The pegasus guard poked his head through to see which location they could possibly be in right now. He squinted his eyes, observing the area thoroughly. "Um, nothing but the vast sea here." He pulled his head back before looking through once more. But I do see an island or two up ahead. Do you recognize any of this, Ash?"

"Hold on." Ash then went over to see this for himself. Throughout his many adventures, he's been at so many locations it was hard to keep track of all of them. And even to this day, he's finding new ones, only fueling his endless adventure. Looking through the gateway, Ash noticed the vast sea as well as the islands. But he had no recollection of them. "Nope. I haven't seen this either. This all brand new to me."

"Manaphy!" Manaphy hopped through the gateway, being the first to fully enter it. The Grand Equestria then followed afterwards with a slightly slower speed than the Seafaring Pokemon.

So far, this journey started off slow with nothing too major ongoing. However, the lurking threat of Empress Twilight and Daybreaker's forces still existed, searching for the same thing. But it was unclear as to where they could possibly be at the moment.

Sinnoh. Out at sea.

In truth, they were practically on the same trail as them. Riding on the seas of the Sinnoh Region, the combined forces of Empress Twilight and Daybreaker's troops were on a ship identical to the Grand Equestria. But instead of the flag of Equestria, it was just the flag of the sun, representing Daybreaker.

On the ship was Tempest Shadow from the Empress' side plus her own special group, Spitfire's group who were taking flying ships since that was their speciality. Plus, they would be able to see anything from above, threat or not.

But next to them was Team Plasma, using the Plasma Frigate which works well on sea. It wasn't just built for the skies after all. On the ship were many grunts, the Shadow Triad and Colress.

Unfortunately for them, they did not have a Manaphy. A Pokemon like Manaphy was fairly hard to get and even control. This was a blind sail without a Manaphy guide. However, that could change entirely as Daybreaker was shown on his monitor.

"Manaphy, you say?" The Triad member said, sitting next to Colress.

"From the knowledge I gained from the Sea Tempe, only Manaphy is capable of finding the Sea Temple. All of them." Daybreaker explained.

"It's why we're heading to Sinnoh Region in the first place. The most common place to find a Manaphy" said Colress. "Having Manaphy take us there will be difficult. A Pokemon like that will not listen to us, that much we know."

"I figured as much. It's always the cute and cuddly ones that are resistant aren't they?" Daybreaker replied. "But you don't have to worry. With a little help from Nightmare Rarity's magic, any Manaphy you end up finding will be instantly vexed and tempted to listen to you. Right now, Tempest is holding it. If I were you, I'd strike at night."

"Why night?" Colress asked.

"Nightmare Rarity's magic works better during the night. If it's used during the day the temptation startup will be weaker and fade over time. But at night, it will carry on until a whole month."

"Fair play. But there won't be any need for that." Colress smirked as Daybreaker raised an eyebrow. "All Manaphy are born from eggs. If we can find one, we can raise and hatch it so that the Manaphy inside will see us as family. Listen to ur every request as well."

"Okay. But what if you end up finding an already hatched Manaphy roaming around?" Daybreaker gave a surprising yet effective response to the genius Colress.

"Fair point." Colress cleared his throat, trying to play it cool. "We'll keep that magic in mind if we come across a roaming one. But aside from that, what about Celestia? Your less fiery self. When will she and her forces depart?"

"They already have. Just today." Daybreaker revealed. "They've just taken a ship to find the Sea Temple before we do. And since they already have a Manaphy on their side, it's safe to say they're one, no, ten steps ahead of us. Right on the seas of Unova. You can choose to find a Manaphy or follow theirs. The choice is yours."

"How did you know they were departing already?" A Triad Member sat up, curious as to how Daybreaker could know but not Team Plasma or even the Empress' group. "And their location as well."

"Don't worry about that. I have things I need to do myself right about now. Good luck with the Sea Temple. Toodles~" Daybreaker whistled before having her face disappear from the monitor.

"So. Do we find an egg or a roaming one?" A Triad Member asked.

"Finding a roaming one will take time." Colress adjusted his glasses. "So will finding an egg. Manaphy are not easy to find. Our best option is to follow their Manaphy to the Sea Temple. But, I'd suggest we split up. One of us will take the Sunstorm to their Manaphy while the I and a few others will take the Plasma Frigate to find another Manaphy. We can tackle the best two options that way."

"All 3 of us work together when we're in the same area. We'll take the Sunstorm." The Shadow Triad stood up, choosing to go with Tempest Shadow's group.

"Good. Let's spread the news and hurry, before they find it and prevent us from ever reaching it.

Unova. Out in the sea.

The gateway had led to the Unova Region. The Grand Equestria was now sailing on the Unova seas, which were gigantic, but not as big as Hoenn or Alola's seas which were gallant. Manaphy led the way, heading north with the ship following.

Up ahead, the two islands could be seen, both unknown to Ash. Speaking of Ash, he and a few others were inside of the ship's main room, having something to eat. The guards stood outside with their Golurk out.

"Ugh..." One of the guards was already seasick as he was staying indoors. Not many of them if not all have been on ships before apart from Ash and Pikachu.

"Pika." Pikachu patted him on the back to make him feel better.

"Hey, where'd Adagio go?" Ash wondered, noticing Adagio's absence.

"Adagio Dazzle prefers to be only with Kricketot at the moment," said Luna. £But she's chosen one of the more luxurious rooms to stay in. It's my first time hearing about these rooms myself."

"Everything about this feels luxurious." Ash laid his head on the comfortable seat pillows. "Feels like bliss, doesn't it?"

"It does." Luna smiled with a nod before thinking to herself. Outside, she seemed normal, but inside, she was feeling a completely different emotion. One that involved Ash. "Gahaha! This is tremendous luck!" Her inner smaller self squeed with joy. "This is just like that romantic story about a ship! B-But the ending was less than fortunate. Either way, spending time with Ash like this...Is this what they call a date?!"

She then started having fantasies in her head that were only possible in her dream ironically. She pictured an Ash that was slightly different from the real Ash, having very detailed eyes that glistened like sparkling water. She was about to dream something farfetched until...

"So, Luna. How's your Equestria League quest coming along?" Ash asked, quickly bringing Luna back to reality.

"Oh!" Luna gasped with her wings flapping. She then cleared her throat afterwards. "Um, y-yes. I've just about finished the last gym not too long ago. I should be entering the league once a maximum of 60 ponies manage to finish their 8th Gym Battle."

"Woah! 60!" Ash bellowed with awe.

"Indeed. But those 60 Trainers will go through an elimination process. The true Equestria League will only have 16 competitors in a bracket. So some will have to be cut short."


"A shame. All of them have their dreams of winning the Equestria League too. Some relatively young. If any of them were to lose and it somehow ends up being under my hoof, I don't feel like I would forgive myself." Luna sighed, taking out a Poke Ball before spinning. "What say you, Ash?"

"I get ya. I didn't see anyone go through the same thing at the Alola League. It was 100 Trainers in a battle royale and all of us had to battle for a while."


"And...well...we just did the league afterwards. But no one was too beat up by it since they could watch the league for fun. Not sure about this one though."

"Well, I can cross that bridge when it comes." Luna shrugged. "But it all feels a bit overwhelming too. I wonder what it will be like when I become champion? What does a champion exactly do, Ash?"

"Uh..." Ash thought for a moment. "I don't really know. I mean, I'm a champion but not as super important as Cynthia, Steven, Leon or the others really. They know what it's like. Oh!" Ash then recalled something. "You could try setting up an Elite 4 of your own!"

"Our own Elite 4?" said Luna, slouching on the seat.

"Yeah! Have the four toughest trainers in Equestria or even your whole world come together to make an Elite 4. It could be right before the Equestria League, maybe."

"Not a bad idea." Luna pondered, agreeing to that notion and how much it made sense. "My sister could fill that role, no doubt. And if I don't become champion, I could take on the role of an Elite 4 member. Who else?"

"Rainbow Dash and Spike." Ash snapped his finger. "They're both going for the league too and they're no joke. "Those are our four. Not bad, right?"

"Not bad at all, Ash Ketchum. But if my sister wishes to not be in this Elite 4 of ours, perhaps you could fill that role yourself. Hm-hm?" She winked while nudging him.

"Sorry. But I gotta keep journeying, ya know." He chuckled as Luna shrugged.

"Oh, well. There are always other worthy candidates. Such as Rarity. Or perhaps Spitfire and Daylight Blazer. Then again, either of them could win the league and become the Equestria Champion. I cannot let them leave me in the dust. Not at all."

"That's why we're gonna work together." Ash put his fist out.

"Hm?" Too caught up in the moment, Luna's fantasy had emerged as she looked over at Ash. The moment she saw him, the detailed handsome face had reappeared. She imagined Ash saying something far different than what he meant in a deep voice.

"Let's stay together, Luna." He said with a deep tone. Instead of his fist out, it was a gentle hand that was used for dancing.

"Yes." She became flustered, living in her dreamland at the moment as she put her hoof out, aiming to place it on the hand.

"Great. So we'll battle regularly then?" But soon, Ash's regular toned voice came through, snapping her back to reality.

"H-Huh?" Luna blinked for a moment. "O-Oh. T-That would be nice yes." She nodded while nervously laughing.

The ship continued on its way north. and from the direction, the ship and Manaphy were heading at, they would either stop by the islands or pass by it. Most likely the first since they couldn't let the opposing forces find Samiya before them.

But as they got closer, time was passing, slowly transitioning to nightfall. And once the sun was almost set and the moon on the verge of rising, Manaphy noticed something ahead. Something odd. And it was coming from down below. To investigate, she stayed underwater for a while.

When going underwater, the Seafaring Pokemon tried to observe and find what she felt. But what stuck out to her the most was how most of the Water-Type Pokemon swam to the side and south instead of the north. She noticed how they were actively avoiding going north.

Manaphy then looked ahead as she saw something beautiful yet intimidating at the same time. This view was similar to another sea area in Unova known as the Arcane Sea.

"Mana?!" Manaphy gasped, witnessing a bundle of various Rift lights in the shape of cubes up ahead, all gathered in a specialized position. They all acted as a wall. A massive blockade that would naturally block anyone who would come across it.

The light they gave off was better revealed when nightfall was near. They clashed with the solar light of the sun and the lunar glow of the moon. Manaphy could also see something moving nearby this massive blockade. From what she could see, it looked to be a Scrafty, but something was off about it. It came into view as Manaphy could make it out some more.

This Scrafty for instance did not have its usual humanoid shape. Instead, it had five legs in total. Similar to a crab. A fairly huge crab. The odd Scrafty then turned its head, spotting the Seafaring Pokemon with a glow in its eyes. The head was still similar to a regular Scrafty.

After the glow, multiple of these oddly-shaped Scrafty appeared out of the dark waters with their eyes glowing in unison as well. This was their way of intimidation from what Manaphy could observe. The odd Scrafyt then started rapidly walking towards Manaphy on the seafloor.

"Mana?!" Manaphy could see this as a threat as she quickly jumped out of the water and onto the ship. This was not a good sign at all as she had to warn the rest. "Mana! Mana!"

"Yeah, yeah? What is it?" Shining Armor, Flash Sentry and the guards went up to the Seafaring Pokemon, asking her a question. Unfortunately, none of them could speak Pokemon.

"Phy! Mana! Mana-Mana!" She spoke, but it was no use. They couldn't understand her. However, wherever there is Princess Luna, there is Darkrai.

Emerging from the shadows of the ship, the Pitch Black Pokemon had arrived, clouding a shadow over his friends. He could understand Manaphy, no problem. "I'll translate. Say it all again, Manaphy." Darkrai said.

"Phy! Mana! Mana-Mana!" Manaphy repeated everything she had just said as Darkrai nodded in understanding.

"I see." He then turned to the guards. "Turns out we have a massive blockade up ahead. In various forms. These oddly-shaped Scrafty and a wall of Rift down below. We should be able to avoid the wall but the Scrafty are a mystery." Darkrai translated. "What did these Scrafty look like, Manaphy?"

"Scrafty!" They wouldn't have to get an answer from Manaphy. The Scrafty had already shown themselves.

And they did so by crawling and stabbing their sharp pincers onto the ship. A plethora of them either hung on the side of the bow of the ship. Much like crabs or rather a swarm of spiders.

Speaking of which, seeing them up close made the group and especially Manaphy realize how close they looked to spiders and crabs. They looked to the side and bow, seeing their comically large sizes. "Ew!" A guard exclaimed with disgust on his face. "What kind of Scrafty are those?!"

"Judging from their alternate appearance...These are most likely Equestrian Scrafty." Darkrai said.

"Equestrian? Did that Rift Magic end up getting to the Pokemon World as well?" Flash Sentry asked.

"It's always been there. Ash and the others said they went to a place known as the Arcane Sea. An ocean full of Rift Magic that flows everywhere. It also exists in Unova. The same goes for Twilight's Togekiss who was an egg that was touched by the Rift Magic in Unova as well."

"Is Unova just full of Rift Magic compared to other regions?" A guard wondered.

"Nevermind that! We have to focus on these Scrafty! Are they here to attack?" Shining Armor turned to the Scrafty. Surprisingly, they had not attacked yet. Instead, they stood with their creepy eyes. It made almost everyone uncomfortable. Darkrai was unphased as his creepiness far surpassed theirs.

"Well...Can they stop staring at us like that?" Flash Sentry grimaced, trying to look away. But something was vexing about the way the Scrafty all looked them. It was as if their glowing eyes were impossible to look away from.

There was an awkward pause with both sides for a moment. Nothing too major was happening. Nothing at all really. The guards all awkwardly stood there, expecting something exciting to happen.

However, after almost a few seconds, each of the Equestrian Scrafty had made a move. And this move was done by their legs. With incredible strength, the Scrafty had ripped out the gold parts from the Grand Equestria with ease.

And it was an impressive amount. Not just small bits that were the size of apples but rather, chunks the size of a school table. It stuck to their claws as well as they started jumping off the ship with the destroyed gold.

"Hey!" Shining Armor exclaimed as the rest of the Scrafty on the sides were doing the same. They ripped off the gold from the ship, damaging it in the process.

"Scrafty-Scrafty!" They cackled, teasing the group as the ship had already suffered some noticeable damage under a few seconds.

But it didn't stop there, some more Scrafty showed up, jumping onto the ship. But these ones decided to enter after their eyes had locked onto the objects indoors.

"Don't let the rest of them get away!" Shining Armor ordered. The guards immediately took action to try and stop these gold-stealing Scrafty.

"Golurk!" The Golurk went over to grab the Scrafty with their slightly superior sizes. Slightly being the keyword here. These large Equestrian variants were almost as big as the Automaton Pokemon, only adding to their intimidation factor.

"Scrafty!" But as soon as the Golurk advanced, some of the Scrafty had all used Water-Type attacks. Mainly Water Gun, Water Pulse, Brine and Bubble Beam. All super-effective against the Golurk as they were pushed back with some staggers.


"Aegislash, use Fury Cutter!" Shining Armor ordered.

"Aegi...!" Aegislash flew past his trainer, covering his bladed body with Bug-Type energy. "Slash!" The Royal Sword Pokemon then swung at two Scrafty that weren't looking.

"Scra!" But one Scrafty was. Getting in the way, this Scrafty had used Crabhammer, counter-blocking Aegislash's Fury Cutter.


"Mana! Mana!" Manaphy chose to go after the Scrafty that had gone in the water. She wasn't about to let them get away with this. Not at all. She quickly jumped off the ship, pursuing the escaping Scrafty, even if it meant going near the Rift wall. Darkrai would do the same, floating above the water whilst throwing a Dark Void along the way.

A few Dark Voids had struck the Equestrian Scrafty, putting them to sleep as they had dropped the gold before they could make a clean getaway.

Meanwhile, Ash and Luna noticed the Equestrian Scrafty through the windows while also hearing some commotion on the upper deck. Their attention was drawn to the Scrafty crawling onto the windows.

"What the?! Scrafty?!" Ash stood up, gasping at these new variants of Scrafty. He then took out his Pokedex to see what it could tell him about these variants.

"Data not found." The Pokedex said, making a giant X over Scrafty.

"No data...So it's an Equestrian form!" Ash put the pieces together since there was no collected data of this Scrafty. At least, not yet.


"Scrafty!" With brute force and their mighty legs, the Scrafty had broken the window of the ship, shattering it easily as it allowed them to enter side. Four of them in total.

Once inside, the four of them observed the area, spotting the objects that only mattered. They then split, rapidly moving across the area. But one of them had used String Shot, sending a thick strong towards Luna's crown and necklace. Basically, her entire Regalia.

And it happened so fast as well. In the blink of an eye, Luna's regalia had been snatched with precision. And without any damage done to it. Now she was a bare pony like many.

"Ah! You scoundrels!" Luna gasped before covering herself with her wings. But there was nothing to cover at all.

"Scrafty! Scra!" The Scrafty that had regalia cackled before rushing to the outside. For a quick getaway.

"Pikachu, use Quick Attack!"

"Pika-Pika!" Moving at lightning speeds, Pikachu had rushed over towards Scrafty. The Mouse Pokemon had swiftly knocked the regalia off of Scrafty's possession as they spun on the floor.

"Scra?! Scrafty!" In response, Scrafty had used Brick Break, slapping Pikachu to the side after he knocked its stolen goods.

"P-Pika!" Pikachu cried out before sliding on the floor, recovering successfully. "Pikachu...!" He growled.

"Ty! Scrafty!" Scrafty then jumped out of the window, escaping after failing to steal the regalia. However, there was still the issue of the other Scrafty that were currently swarming the ship. Soon, the Grand Equestria was being covered by these Equestrian Scrafty.

"They're everywhere!" Ash looked at the other windows, seeing the overabundance of Scrafty. However, just then a whistle could be heard from the north. A whistling sound that made the Scrafty pause for a moment. They all listened to the sound of the whistle before promptly stopping their little theft escapade.

The Scrafty all started leaving the ship altogether with no extra group showing up. Altogether they hopped off after responding to the whistle. Darkrai managed to put a lot of them to sleep with Dark Void, however, there were still so many of them that managed to escape. He then placed the Scrafty back in the water where they came from.

Everyone watched as the Scrafty departed. After heading back into the water, they all quickly zoomed towards the north. And from the direction they were going, it seemed to be one of the islands.

"Was that just a momentary attack?" Luna uttered before using her magic to place her regalia back on. "Why did they all suddenly leave?"

"It sounded like they were responding to some whistling..." Ash could make out the sound from afar. "Whatever it was, it might've called them back. But what were they doing?"

"Thievery that's what!" Just then, bursting through the doors of the other room was Adagio Dazzle. She startled Ash and Luna as they turned around.

Adagio's eyes glowed red as her mane was almost a mess from how agitated she was. But the most notable thing was how her necklace and gem were gone.

"They took my mother's gem...!" She rumbled with her eyes pulsating a red light. Similar to a heartbeat. "They're going to pay for that!"

"Princess Luna!" Flash Sentry showed up in a hurry. His armour was seen missing too. "The Scrafty! They've taken a majority of the gold from the ship. The ship was made out of gold so it's caused severe damage! Important parts are missing as well! W-What should we do?"

"Flash Sentry. What happened to your armour? Why just the helmet?" Luna asked.

"Oh. T-They took my armour..." Flash grumbled.

"I see. Well anyway, We pursue them of course." Luna stood up, clearing her throat. "I'm not sure why they came here to steal we had but-"

"But we're going to crush them!" Adagio interrupted Luna with a bellowing shout. "Enough talk! After them!"

A surprise attack from a group of Equestrian Scrafty. But not a physical attack on the crew, rather, a heist. The Scrafty had stolen a majority of the ship's parts which was mostly gold. But it wasn't just that. They had gone for other things that looked shiny, such as Adagio's necklace and Flash Sentry's armour

Clearly, they were only in it for the goods. Glistening goods. This adventure towards Samiya wasn't going to be so easy. Obstacles were bound to appear. And this was just one of them. Including the incoming threat of Tempest Shadow and the others. A quick chase towards the Scrafty was about to be made as the journey continues.

Chapter 601 End.

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