• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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It's a Teacher's Job

Equestria. Old Magehold. Underwater. Nightfall.

Old Magehold. Situated in an ominous forest, Fantina gained the pass to bring the young vampires out for a field trip but only during nightfall and at a place flooded with Ghost-Types, away from most civilization. The goal was to catch Pokemon, but this trip came with its dangers.

Some children came across a Basilisk, formed by the previous Lich King of Magehold. Instead of revelling in the dangers as they usually do, the children showed visible signs of fear as the Basilisk pulled them underwater.

Under these murky waters, there existed a skeletal ship known as the Morbid Tartarus, an old ship belonging to the Dread League and the home of the Basilisk. Dedicated to saving these children who were dragged underneath by the Basilisk, Fantina risked her life, facing the sentient ship of bones. At this very moment, the Hearthome City Gym Leader was on the brink of drowning with only Dusknoir being able to save her.

"My breath...I can't hold it forever..." Fantina thought to herself as her face was turning blue. At any second, she could give out. "Dusknoir...Gengar...!"

"Dusknoir!" If Dusknoir wanted to save Fantina, it would need some reach. Thankfully, there was one move in its arsenal that the Gripper Pokemon could use in that way. Shadow Punch.

Dusknoir's hands become surrounded by a shadowy aura, and it vigorously reached its arms out. Two fists in the shape of Dusknoir's fired out of Dusknoir's fists before turning into hands, aiming for Fantina, only for the bones of the skeletal ship to get in its way. The bones intercepted Dusknoir's hands, prolonging the rescue. Now Dusknoir had to change them back into fists, clashing with the bones.

When connecting with the bones, the fists have a grey trail that connects to Dusknoir's fists, and when the attack hits, the fists merge back with Dusknoir's fists. However, only one fist met with the bones. The other one was used for Fantina. Dusknoir used the other fist to phase straight through the bones while the other one held back the bones.

Dusknoir needed to twist and turn its shadowy arms as the bones were relentless in trying to stop it, but in this instance, being a Ghost-Type and possessing intangibility was a blessing. By a narrow thread, Dusknoir managed to grab Fantina's dress. It was certainly big enough to be in grabbing distance. But even when grabbing Fantina, the tail of the Basilisk struck Dusknoir's back.

"D-Dusk!" This would prove troublesome for Dusknoir, but not for Fantina. With all of its strength, Dusknoir launched Fantina upwards with its shadowy fists, enough to bring her upwards to the surface as she passed through the gap, unfortunately harming her leg in the process.

Dusknoir succeeded but by doing so, it was then attacked by the Basilisk and soon the bones. Being wide open meant heavy hits were guaranteed.

"Khaa!" Fantina gasped for her air as she was saved at the last second. Upon being thrown out of the dark waters, she tumbled on land, landing flat on her back. She huffed and puffed, catching her breath before Gengar rushed over, still holding onto Rattle.


"She made it out of there?" One of the vampires said, surprised that Fantina managed to leave the waters even with what was lurking there. She only survived thanks to Dusknoir. But thanks to Dusknoir's rescue, the Gripper Pokemon was now vulnerable.

"Miss Fantina?! Are you alright?!" Rattle asked.

"You still won't help them..." Fantina coughed, glancing at the older vampires who were just sitting about while the younger vampires were underwater, surrounded by a vicious Basilisk and a Skeletal Ship. The fact that they wouldn't even bother to protect or even save their own aggravated Fantina. "Fine! Dusknoir...Children! Please be safe! Mismagius!" Fantina didn't hesitate to go back in. She didn't even bother to lie there for a bit. By sending out her next Poke Ball, Mismagius joined the fray.


"Gengar. Continue staying here and look after Rattle." Fantina prevented Gengar from doing anything else. All Gengar needed to do was protect Rattle from any other threats. "They obviously won't."

Giving one last glance at the teachers, Fantina dove back underwater. This time, she was joined by Mismagius. Fantina wasn't sure if the foals could hold their breath for long considering how she couldn't hold it that long either.

"Wait..." Rattle wanted to chime in and help Fantina, but she felt like she would only harm herself in the process. All she could do was stand next to Gengar and hope for the best.

"N-Noir!" Meanwhile, Dusknoir was getting absolutely pummelled by the bones and the Basilisk. The Morbid Tartarus and the Basilisk took quick turns in battering the Gripper Pokemon. Dusknoir took this punishment as he couldn't even find time to phase through these attacks.

At this point, he was the equivalent of a pinball. Left and right, up and down, Dusknoir was tossed around. And during his pummelling, his eyes caught something crucial. Through the windows of the Skeletal Ship, the foals could be seen. And at this moment, they held their breath with all they could.

None of them could swim so leaving here was out of their power. Dusknoir could see that the foals weren't gone yet. If only he could grab them as well. But at this rate, even they wouldn't be able to hold their breaths. One of the foals was unable to hold her breath, thus she sunk even further than her classmates. It was getting too crucial now as the bones went in for another strike.

"Mismagius!" And then there was Mismagius. Mismagius arrived with Dark Pulse, unleashing a potent blast of darkness that came zooming in. The second the bones went for Dusknoir, the blast broke them apart with devastating strength. Dusknoir had been saved from another strike, giving it the chance to evade the tail swing of the Basilisk.


"Mmm!" But Fantina came in with extra help. By throwing out one more Poke Ball, her fourth Pokemon emerged for assistance. Driblim.


"Mismagius!" After saving Dusknoir, Mismagius homed in on the Skeletal Ship. That was her prime target and potentially the biggest threat despite how old and weakened it was. As for Driblim, she would go for the Basilisk.

The Basilisk was now the one outnumbered thanks to Fantina's extra Pokemon. However, Dusknoir would focus on the ship instead of retaliating against the Basilisk, the foals were Dusknoir's first focus. By using Shadow Punch, it once again unleashed shadowy hands to gain some distance.

The Skeletal Ship refused to let any of them get the better of it though, using the rest of its bones to target all of these spectral species. For a ship that has been here for years, unused and weak, it was surprisingly capable. Dusknoir's hands manoeuvred around these bones whilst Mismagius replicated the stylish dances of her trainer, using them to evade the ship's attacks.

The Basilisk went for Drifblim, only to soon discover that getting up close and personal with Fantina's Driblim was not a good idea unless a plan was conducted. The Basilisk had no such plan, thus, Drifblim was free to use Hypnosis. But not before giving the Basilisk a false sense of security.

The second the Basilisk went to try and gnaw on Drifblim, the Blimp Pokemon utilized its arms. Drifblim grabbed the creature's face, halting its movements while it still had its fangs out. Her body becomes outlined in light blue, overflowing with Psychic Power. The Basilisk attempted to break free by writhing around, only to find how alluring Driblim's eyes were.

"Drif...!" With the Basilisk captured via this gaze, the Ghost-Flying-Type then fired a yellow 'X' from the 'X' on her face, giving the creature a signal. That signal only had one message. Go to sleep. The Basilisk closed its eyes, seduced by this signal as it dozed off via Drifblim's command.

That was one problem out of the way, but then there was the ship. The foals within were giving out. The first foal already failed to hold her breath, sinking in the process. And swiftly, the others would follow as none of them could hold their breaths for that long. They looked to all have a similar time limit.

But then along came Dusknoir's hands. Both of them managed to wrap around four foals instead of just one. All it had to do was do the same thing it did to Fantina. The bones started closing their gaps, attempting to make things harder for Dusknoir.

"Mismagius!" However. Mismagius said otherwise, using Dark Pulse to blow away those bones yet again. The bones cracked and shattered from Dark Pulse's impact.

At the end of the day, this was still an old ship, leaving it vulnerable to various attacks. And so far, Dark Pulse was a problem, absolutely crushing the bones with its wide radius. This sentient ship let out its horrifying howl once more in response to Dark Pulse. A good indicator that these attacks were very effective. However, it also aggravated the already tenacious and violent ship.

"Dusk!" Thanks to Mismagius' actions, Dusknoir had time to throw the children up with that same tactic. In the process, Dusknoir obliterated the already-damaged windows with the strength of Shadow Punch. With a mighty toss, Dusknoir managed to throw them up. But there were only three foals left that it couldn't grab.

The bones struck back, crashing into both Dusknoir and Mismagius from the side, blindsiding them. Even still, the bones could outnumber their opponents even if parts of them are destroyed.

Fantina would focus on the three foals. And to do so involved entering the ship itself. Due to the destruction, Fantina found an entrance. While she had a fresh time limit, the same couldn't be said for these three foals. Losing consciousness and air, they noticed how Fantina appeared before them.

Before blacking out, the last thing they saw was Fantina's arms and her face coming close to them. Success. Fantina managed to grab the remaining three. But even inside, the bones were lethal.

The ship unleashed the bones from indoors, continuing its relentless attack. Fantina would have to keep them safe by having two of them in her arms and the third one on her back without dropping one. Seeing that the bones were attacking from even inside, Fantina took a mighty leap while also finding the time to twirl. The bones chased her down, breaking through the furniture that was once here and everything else.

Each of these evasions that Fantina performed was narrow. She couldn't exactly move swiftly underwater or dance as quickly. That wasn't an issue for her Pokemon though. Fantina's Drfiblim-based dress had been damaged by each incoming bone, ruining something that was so fashionably timeless.

But, to Fantina, the children mattered more than her dress which she has had for years now. She left the same way she came out but the chase wasn't over yet. Her slipper had been cleaved off by the ones along with her hair accessories. Fantina's four-bun hairstyle had been ruined thanks to the bones, now revealing the true extent of her hair.

She had vastly long hair as hinted at by the accessories that kept those quadruple hair buns up. Yet another target that was long enough for the bones to attack. Or in this case, grab. The bones managed to grab Fantina's long hair, holding her back, much like how she was held back at the beginning of this rescue mission. The third foal on her back was also grasped by the bones, making it harder for Fantina at this point.

"Drifblim!" And then there was Drifblim. Drifblim had used the Basilisk's asleep body as a weapon, launching it while also using Ominous Wind. The Basilisk was thrown into the bones, breaking them apart with the creature as the catalyst. And what was Ominous Wind's role in this? Pushback. The howling wind pushed parts of the ship back, keeping it at bay. It worked well enough as the bones of Morbid Tartarus were blown back so hard that they ended up hitting the rest of the ship, causing further damage.

This was their chance. Their chance to leave. Could they swim up in time? Only Drifblim had that answer. By using Psychic, Drifblim grabbed Fantina and the foals whilst Dusknoir and Mismagius would handle themselves, having the speed necessary to swim back up.

The Morbid Tartarus, while it had no eyes, was clearly focusing its angle on Fantina and her party. All of that struggle led to their victory instead of this sentient ship. Once again, it would rest here instead of going back up to the surface. Not that it had the strength to do so anymore.

"Hah...hah!" Fantina returned to the surface, catching her breath once again. Now, it was for the final time as she had every foal up to the surface. Her long and wet hair covered her face as her hair accessories were now lost to the sea, meaning that this style was here to stay for a bit. "Success...I did it."

But it wasn't over yet. While they all managed to receive air thanks to Fantina and Dusknoir, there was still one pony who didn't get any. It was the first pony to drown as Fantina rushed to her side. She checked up on this little filly while the other vampires coughed, gasping vigorously.

"Oh, please! Wake up, my little pony!" Fantina pressed her arms on the little vampire's chest, trying to bring air back to her. Everyone else were being tended to by Dusknoir and the rest. But this one filly was in a worse state compared to them all. Fantina pressed and pressed, doing what she could to save her.

"No use. You're too late." One f the vampires commented as Fantina kept pressing. "We told you it was pointless."

"It's never pointless!" Fantina thought otherwise as she persisted. Since the chest press failed, she went for CPR next. The vampires simply watched Fantina's efforts, having unimpressed looks on their faces as she tried what she could.

"Perhaps we should wait until she explodes." A tired vampire commented. "She'll return either way...or become a skeleton. Whichever one Queen Rosa prefers."

The vampires were unbothered due to the Dark Chambers. Those same chambers that could bring back a vampire once their bodies combust and are destroyed. They expected that to happen with this filly or the alternative. She becomes a vampire from her failed body.

"Dusknoir! Shadow Punch!"


"Gh!" Neither happened though. From all of Fantina's attempts, the filly coughed out some water after Dusknoir unleashed a heavy blow to her chest via Shadow Punch, doing it from afar even. That one strike added greatly. Her life had been saved thanks to this as now the vampires had to admit that they were impressed. "Ohh..."

"Thank goodness. Feeling better now?" A relieved Fantina said with a smile on her face.

"Ugh...What's with your hair?" The filly noticed Fantina's hair instead of realizing that she survived. She then closed he eyes before breathing in and out to collect her energy.

Fantina could rest easy now. She saved their lives after all before then lying on her back once again. "See...? I could do it." She then spoke to the vampires while looking up at the night sky, which would soon give way to the golden Sun.

"You saved us?" The other foals commented before sitting up, stunned that Fantina went that mile to save their lives. "Why?"

"Why wouldn't I? I'm your teacher. It's my job to make sure you children are safe and sound. The other teachers should know this..."

This was new to the young vampires. In fact, this only further proved that the older vampires would've never saved them even if Fantina never showed up. But someone did save them. Someone unlikely.

"T-Thank you!" For that, they were grateful to Fantina. At the end of the day, even if they were vampires and from the Dread League, they were still children, showing some signs of positivity, however, well it may be hidden. They then gathered around Fantina who needed her downtime at this point. Normally, she would be in bed by now.

The other Ghost-Types celebrated as well, joining the foals as they figured the next best thing to cheer them up was the eerie forces that they could perform. After all, they enjoyed interacting with the Pokemon on the first day they met them.

"Hmph. Whatever!" Naturally, the older vampires were a bit bitter about this after Fantina proved them wrong. What's worse was that Fantina managed to gain the respect of the children and their full-blown attention. "We're ending this field trip early."

The trip would be called off at this point. No one would receive a Pokemon after all as they would all leave empty-hoofed. This was only because of what the vampires witnessed and nothing more. Fantina laughed with all of the children around her, having smiles on their faces.

In the end, Fantina cared for them mainly because of how interesting they were. The way they interacted with her Pokemon and their enthusiasm wasn't too bizarre. After all, Fantina was a Ghost-Type Specialist for a reason.

And that reason the same reason Rosa Maledicta chose her. Fantina was reminded of her younger self when seeing these children interact with anything spectral.

As for the Lich Queen, eavesdropping on her subjects was common. And of course, even she heard what was said here. Rosa learned about Fantina's efforts and how she succeeded in saving these young vampires. However, unlike the vampires who felt bitter about this, Rosa only smiled at this. What could a smile entail for this kind of scenario?

Equestria. Magehold. Nightfall.

They all returned to the current Magehold, leaving the old one behind. Fantina was hoping it was for good. Once she was back home, Fantina got herself cleaned up before heading to bed.

Her beautiful dress now had holes and tears thanks to those bones. Her usual hair accessories were gone, revealing her long hair which had been hidden for years now.

But there was one more problem Fantina had to attend to. Healing her Pokemon. There wasn't a Pokemon Center anywhere or a Nurse Joy. She had her Pokemon out, deciding to care for them instead.

"How do I heal you all?" Fantina wondered, looking for a first aid kit or anything like that. But, try as she might, there wasn't one. A place like this having any form of first aid seemed impossible. And judging from the absence of one, Fantina found it out swiftly. "Oh well...I can try and ask the higher-ups for something. I can't have you all move around with such tatters. For now, get some rest, okay?"

Unable to heal them, resting was the only option now. Fantina would also have to sleep in this state with her beautiful clothes ruined. Mismagius and the rest of her Pokemon were unfortunately forced to sleep with battle damage on them, which is something no Pokemon is fond of.

However, the absence of healing was no longer a thing. Whilst Fantina set the bed, something passed through this building. A purplish aurora entered by phasing through the windows, catching the eyes of Fantina and her Spectral Teammates.

This purplish aurora had green sparkles inside of them, each ending up touching Mismagius, Dusknoir and Drifblim. To an extent, Fantina was touched by them. They seemed completely harmless. Instead, they were helpful as the scratches were being cleansed away as if they never existed.

Fantina was relieved by this. She wasn't sure how but there was indeed some form of healing here at Magehold somewhere. She just wasn't sure where it was coming from.

There was a source. All the way from the Lich Queen's Castle at the very top. Rosa Maledicta was the cause of it, using her magic to intervene. After healing Fantina and her team, Rosa ended her magic abruptly. That was all she needed to do and nothing more.

"Fantina. I would've probably replaced you with another Pokemon expert if you were to have failed and lost your life there. But alas, I can't have you leave. You're too promising." Rosa said to herself as she mainly did this to keep Fantina around.

But then it dawned on her. A new idea. Something that could make things easier for Magehold's Pokemon Learning Process. With a smile on her face, Rosa Maledicta was already feeling chipper about what she aimed to do next.

"But of course...why should I just stop at a Ghost-Type specialist?"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 903 End.

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