• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Rematch was here.

Rainbow Dash had lost previously, and it definitely made her feel down, but now she's prepared for what's to come. No one said this entire league would be easy after all. Sunset Shimmer was waiting in Manehattan. Taking her time off Canterlot High at the other world to give Rainbow her rematch.

"So. You ready for that rematch, Rainbow?" Sunset asked.

"More than ever. And I'm winning this time!"

"The battle will be a 3v3 like before. Once again, only the challenger can substitute Pokemon. The battle will be over when the other side has no Pokemon that are unable to battle. You may both send out your Pokemon." said the referee.

"Fletchinder. Out you come!" Like before, Sunset Shimmer sent out Fletchinder as her first pick. Rainbow Dash knew about Flame Body now, so she was going to be cautious this time.

"Go! Whirlipede!" Whirlipede was her choice. Despite it having a huge disadvantage against a Pokemon like Fletchinder, Dash still decided to go for it. After all, learning about abilities had made her learn about her Whirlipede's ability. She was going to use that to her advantage. Ash, Twilight and the others were ready to watch this rematch go down, hoping that Rainbow Dash can pull through on this one.

"Battle Start!"

"Pin Missile!" She went for a good distance move. Missiles of pins rained down on Fletchinder.

"Dodge it and use Flame Charge!" Fletchinder was avoiding the pins as it had its body light up with fire.

"Keep firing Pin Missiles while moving!" Whirlipede began to roll as it repeatedly kept on using Pin Missiles. The pins were everywhere, getting stuck in the ground and even on the walls. Fletchinder was actually finding it a bit hard to avoid all of the pins as it some of them hit it.


"Keep the pressure on!" Rainbow Dash was returning the favor of Sunset Shimmer putting the pressure on her in their first battle. Fletchinder was taking the pins but it wasn't doing too much damage. But it was good for racking up some hits,

"Fletchinder! Use Steel Wing to block them!" Fletchinder's wings turned into steel as it made the pins bounce off. "Good. Now go!" The Ember Pokemon swooped down, striking Whirlipede with Steel Wing as it flew by. Whirlipede rolled back, but it luckily regained its balance.

"Move around using Rollout!" Whirlipede took off, rolling across the area. "I always wondered why Whirlipede was so fast. Then I found out that its ability is Speed Boost. I'll use this outpace you! Go!"

"Fly up!" Fletchinder avoided the Rollout by flying high up. "You can use your speed if Fletchinder's up in the air ya know. Razor Wind!"

"Counter with Pin Missle!" The pins and the cutting winds met, cancelling each other out. "Now return." Rainbow Dash had called back Whirlipede, planning her next move. "Swablu! You're next! Get in there and use Disarming Voice!" Not only did she toss Swablu out, but she also gave it a command before it exited out.

"SWA!" Swablu let out a charming sound wave that struck Fletchinder. Fletchinder was sent to the ground from the noise.

"Awesome job!"

"Fletchinder! Acrobatics!" Fletchinder moved at blinding speeds as it flew past Swablu, hitting it numerous times with agile moves.

"Shield yourself!" Swablu used its cotton wings to nullify the damage, softening each blow.

"Flame Charge!" Flethchinder flew back as it was much faster than before.

"So Flame Charge is what makes it faster..." Rainbow Dash thought. "Swablu! Disarming Voice! One more time!" Swablu let out a second wave of sound that was pushing Fletchinder back from hitting it. However, Fletchinder easily broke through, hitting Swablu.


"Quick! Grab it with your wings!" All of a sudden, Swablu grabbed a hold of Fletchinder with its cotton wings!

"What the?!" Sunset yelled.

"Hold onto Fletchinder and use Disarming Voice!" Swablu wouldn't let Fletchinder go as it yelled into its face.

"Shake it off Fletchinder!" Fletchinder was trying to get off but to no avail. Swablu was holding on tight. But it came at a big cost. Flame Body had affected Swablu. Rainbow grit her teeth. She knew it was coming anyway. More and more, Fletchinder was pelted with Disarming Voices. "No good. Steel Wing!" Fletchinder made its wings steel as it weighed Swablu down. Flethchinder had escaped from it as it struck Swablu on the head with its wings.

"Swa!" Swablu went falling down but recovered. It was taking burn damage in the process.

"Return Swablu!" Dash called Swablu back to avoid constant burn damage.

"Rainbow's being super strategic on this one." Spike commented.

"Mhm. It's like she's battling in a whole different way." Fluttershy replied.

"That's just the signs of a growing trainer." Ash said.


"Whirlipede. Your turn again!" The Curlipede Pokemon was up next. Sunset was a bit confused on why Rainbow Dash was doing such excessive switching out. She was up to something.

"Fletchinder. Stay on your guard. Use Razor Wind!"

"Pin Missile and move!" Once again, the two moves connected against each other. However this time, Whirlipede managed to get more hits in. Its momentum was picking up. Speed Boost was greatly helping it. However, Fletchinder was still faster. "That Fletchinder's a speedy one. It's still keeping up with Whirlipede even with its speed rising." Rainbow said to herself. This might go on forever, until... "Hold on! Whirlipede roll and jump up!" Whirlipede reached maximum velocity as it gained enough speed to jump high in the air.

"What the?! Fletchinder! Dodge and use Razor Wind!"

"Pin Missile!" Fletchinder avoided Whirlipede but was quickly hit by Pin Missiles. This had bought down Fletchinder to the ground, but not enough to knock it out. But that's what Rainbow Dash counting on. Because she had one move that could take Fletchinder out in one go. "Rollout!" Whirlipede came flying down from the ground as it smashed into Fletchinder while it was still down. The impact was devastating as a smoke cloud erupted. As it faded away, Fletchinder was down and out.

"Fletchinder is unable to battle! Whirlipede wins!"

"Yes!" The first major obstacle was down. That speedy Fletchinder won't be a problem anymore. But it did leave behind a burn effect.

"Good job, Fletchinder." Sunset returned Fletchinder as Litleo was growling, wanting to go next. "Gotta say, Rainbow. You've improved since the first battle. But let's see how you get past my unstoppable Braxien!" Tossing the Pokeball forward, she sent out the biggest threat. Braxien.

"There she is. Braxien." Rainbow Dash was getting a bit tense. This was the Pokemon that threw her guard off after all.

"You knew this was coming. Braxien! Attract!"

"Whirlipede! Close your eyes and use Pin Missile!" Whirlipede shut its eyes as it fired pins frantically all over the place. The pins were randomly hitting their mark as Braxien was hit by some.

"Relax Braixen! Fire Spin to blow them away!" Braixen engulfed itself in a fiery ball, destroying the pins. This left Braixen wide open to Whirlipede.

"Rollout!" Even if it couldn't keep up with Fletchinder, it could definitely outspeed Braixen. Before the Fire-Type knew it, Whirlipede smashed into at max speed. Braixen took the hit and felt it real good. Her eyes widened as she was sent flying, rolling on the ground.

"Oh no Braixen!" Sunset bellowed. It was super-effective, but it didn't take her out in one hit. Braxien could feel the damage as it was tattered itself. Rainbow Dash had picked up new skills along the away. Skills comparable to the Dark-Type and their tricky moves.

"Rollout again!" Whirlipede was about to get another hit in, ready to seal the deal.

"Attract!" Braixen quickly looked up, winking at Whirlipede. The Curlipede Pokemon was 2 inches away from ramming into Braixen as it was now infatuated. Rainbow Dash squirmed. Attract hit its mark. Sunset Shimmer sighed a huge relief. That was a close one.

"Use Psybeam!"

"Return!" Quickly, Whirlipede had returned to its Pokeball. Even though she couldn't take down Braxien, she dealt considerable damage. Now it was Sunset Shimmer who was backed into a corner. "Go! Swablu!" Out came Swablu who was still taking burn damage.

"Come on Rainbow Dash! You can do it!" Pinkie yelled from the crowd.

"Braixen! Stay sharp!" There was a small pause. The battle had been halted from a bit. Rainbow Dash had a smirk on her face. She had the upper hand and she was about to put her next plan into motion. "Attract!"

"Cover your eyes with your wings!" Swablu shielded its eyes with its cotton wings, preventing Attract from making contact.

"Psybeam!" Braixen still had other long-ranged options. Firing a beam of psychic energy at Swablu.

"Fly up!" Swablu avoided the beam, heading higher into the air. Psybeams kept on flying at the Cotton Bird Pokemon, but it kept on avoiding each beam. "Now Ice Beam and follow up with Fury Attack!" Swablu fired down a cold beam of ice, just to freeze the fox in place.

"Double Team!" Braixen split itself into afterimages, just to confuse Swablu. The ice beam hit the ground, phasing through an afterimage.

"I won't fall for that again! Move on Swablu!" Swablu spread its wings out, hitting each of the afterimages as they fizzled out.

"Gotcha! Attract!" The real Braixen showed itself as it used Attract on Swablu. But like before when Swablu was training, it avoided Attract on instinct. Swablu then struck Braixen on the head with its wings. Fury Attack hit its mark as Swablu was pummeling the Fox Pokemon, eventually smacking it away with its wings. Braixen fell on the ground, knocked out.

"Braixen is unable to battle! Swablu wins!"


"Great job Swablu!" Swablu flew over to hug Rainbow Dash. Now two of Sunset's Pokemon were down and Dash had all three of hers still standing. Sunset returned her Braixen, seeing how much Rainbow Dash has improved.

"She really took that loss and turned it into strength huh? Well then. It's your turn. Litleo."

"Litleo!" LItleo. Her final Pokemon and the one that stood by her side. It was ready to take its trainer's win back.

"Alright. Let's finish this last one and that gym badge is ours!"


"Litleo. Let's show them what we can do. Noble Roar!"

"LITLEO!" A mighty roar emerged from the Lion Cub Pokemon. A roar befitting of that of a king. Swablu was intimidated by Litleo, getting a bit nervous. Rainbow Dash gulped, knowing not to underestimate this Pokemon. After all, she hasn't battled this one yet.

"Let's be careful. Use Disarming Voice!"

"Counter with Noble Roar!" Two sound waves clashed against each other. However, Noble Roar proved to be the mightier voice as it broke past the Fairy-Type move, pushing Swablu back.

"Fury Attack!"

"Fire Fang!" Swablu swooped down towards Litleo, but the little cub jumped up, biting onto its wings as fire surrounded it.

"Swa!" Swablu cried out in pain as the teeth were deep in its wings.

"Swablu No!" Litleo dragged Swablu down as it let go of it, launching it away. Swablu took burn damage from the Fire Fang, taking it out.

"Swablu is unable to battle! Litleo wins!" And just like that, Sunset Shimmer managed to take out one of her Pokemon. Rainbow still had two Pokemon left but they had some damage leftover.

"Aw. Just when she had a number advantage." Fluttershy sighed.

"Cheer up. She's still got two Pokemon left!" Pinkie replied.

"Whirlipede can seal the deal with Rollout. But I'd better be careful. Who knows what else this Pokemon can do...?" Rainbow Dash thought to herself. "Now go! Rollout!" Whirlipede started rolling towards its target.

"Litleo! Flamethrower!" Stopping the Curlipede Pokemon in its tracks was an intense blast of scorching fire. This was very effective on Whirlipede as it stopped rolling along. In one shot, Whirlipede was taken out.

"Whirlipede is unable to battle! LItleo wins!" In just one move, Sunset had already evened the odds.

"I don't believe it. Just like that?" Twilight uttered.

"Flamethrower is a powerful move. One of the strongest of the Fire-Type attacks. So it was to be expected on Litleo." Ash explained.


"Poor Rainbow Dash. She might end up losing again." Rarity worried. Rainbow Dash was without a doubt worried. But she still had Rufflet with her. And she was ready to put all of her trust in him.

"This is it. Her last Pokemon and mine. Rufflet! Let's end this!" Sending out her last Pokemon, it was time for the final stretch. Both Sunset and Rainbow were sweating hard. Neither wanted to lose.

"We'll finish this in one hit! Litleo! Flamethrower!"

"Dodge it and use Aerial Ace!" The wind kicked up from behind Rufflet as it flew over the fire, flying past Litleo while hitting him. "Keep using Aerial Ace!"

"Noble Roar!" Litleo had stopped Rufflet's movements with a mighty roar that echoed in its ears. "Now Fire Fang!" Litleo jumped up, biting on Rufflet's wings.

"Rufflet! Shake it off!" Rufflet was trying to shake him off, but the teeth were too deep in. The fire was reaching Rufflet, casting a burn status on him. Rufflet didn't want to disappoint Rainbow Dash. So it pecked its beak into Litleo's eyes.

"Lit!" Rufflet flew back as it had bite marks in its wings."

"Flamethrower! Spread it!" Litleo sent out a Flamethrower that was spread all over the place, making sure that Rufflet was stopped from all sides. Rufflet was avoiding the fire from each side, but it kept on going. Rainbow Dash was looking for any blind spots. She couldn't get too close because Flamethrower is a wider attack than Psybeam. And the heat will get to Rufflet. So she decided to pull a crazy stunt.

"Rufflet! Use Brave Bird to fly through the Flamethrower!" Rufflet engulfed itself in blue brave energy as it flew towards the Flamethrower

"IS SHE CRAZY?!" Twilight yelled.

"This is good! Brave Bird's got a protective aura around it!" Ash said. "But will it be enough though?"

Rufflet went through Brave Bird as he was struggling to get closer. Flamethrower kept pouring on.

"Hotter Litleo!" Litleo kept on increasing the fire. Rufflet was taking the heat as he was sweating like crazy.

"Go! Rufflet! You can do it!" Rufflet could hear his trainer's cry. Rufflet poured every last of its strength in its body. Flamethrower had cast a burn on him, but it didn't stop him. The Eaglet Pokemon screamed at the top of his lungs as Brave Bird broke through Flamethrower, hitting Litleo square in the face. Rufflet pushed Litleo back as they were both flying through the air.

"Oh no! Litleo! Quickly! Headbutt!" Litleo headbutted Rufflet, but it was no use. Rufflet kept on going with no signs of stopping. Rainbow Dash didn't expect Rufflet to stay in Brave Bird this long. "Fire Fang!" Litleo bit onto Rufflet's head, but it still didn't stop the Flying-Type.

With one final hurrah, Rufflet flew higher up and crashed Litleo into the ceiling. A fiery explosion was left over as the smoke was clearing. Both Pokemon were falling down from above. As they both hit the ground, smoke surrounded them. Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer looked forward to see who was left standing. The rest of the girls and Ash also peered their heads forward.

As the smoke cleared, only one Pokemon was left standing.


All damaged with tatters on its body along with burning holes, it was still up, while Litleo was down and out.

"Litleo is unable to battle! Rufflet wins! Therefore the victor is the challenger Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow Dash took a moment to take it all in as she had a wide grin on her face.

"WE DID IT! YEAH! Rufflet you're awesome!" Rainbow Dash went over to hug her Pokemon with all the joy in her heart.

"Woohoo!" Pinkie Pie sprayed confetti everywhere as Sunset Shimmer returned her Pokemon, telling Litleo that he did a great job.

"She finally did it! That was so exciting!" Twilight squeed.

"Rufflet. You were amazing. Rufflet?" Rufflet didn't respond as it was looking at the ground, when all of a sudden, its body started to glow. Rainbow Dash backed up as everypony watched what was happening.

Body size increasing, stature growing. It was time for Rufflet to evolve. Into its final stage.



"Woah..." Rainbow Dash looked at the awesomeness that was Braviary, taking out her dex.

"Braviary. The Valiant Pokemon. Known as the 'Hero of the skies', Braviary fights for its friends, without any second thoughts, even if it means danger for its life. It fears nothing, not even death and will never stop battling."

"You've become an even more awesome Pokemon!" Rainbow Dash said. Braviary turned back to his trainer, giving a proud smile.

"Amazing. So this is its final evolution? It's so... majestic." Rarity gazed at it.

"It sensed Rainbow Dash's spirit to win. So it pushed itself further. So much so that it reached its final form." Ash explained.


"Well, Rainbow Dash. Gotta say. You impressed me. You're just as awesome as your otherworld counterpart. So you deserve this. The Blazing Badge." Sunset used her magic to hand over the badge to the victor.

"Awesome. I got my third gym badge. AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash felt such happiness. This was her biggest win yet.

"You beat me here, but be careful. The next gyms aren't gonna be type based anymore. They're gonna be more theme-based. So keep your guard up."

"I will. Thanks, Sunset.!

As the battle ended, the group saw Sunset Shimmer off.

"Hope we can meet again Sunset Shimmer." Twilight said.

"Me too. But I have to get back to the other world. I like it there just a bit more. Plus uh... I'm gonna have to sneak in so that Celestia doesn't see me. Still kinda nervous."

"Wait... she doesn't know you're here?"

"Oopsie! Gotta go! Bye!" Sunset quickly teleported away.

"I'm just glad I finally won my third badge. Next gym, I won't take it for granted at all. Isn't that right Braviary?"


"Oh you're so cool!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

Finally winning her tough third battle and gaining her first evolved Pokemon, Rainbow Dash's league path is looking bright once more. But she should heed Sunset's words. The upcoming gyms far surpass hers. And Rainbow Dash will make sure she knows what to expect. As the journey continues.

Chapter 62 End!

Author's Note:

Braviary is the coolest flying type. Fight me on the ends of the universe if you disagree.

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