• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Days after the Galactic Scuffle

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. Nightfall.

The silver moon up in the sky has never been so peaceful. After everything that happened in outer space, silence graced the heavens above as the stars could rest easy from any further conflict.

"They're not here?!" At least, for a while. Immediately, the silence was broken up. Jessie screamed as even though she hasn't had any sleep thanks to Nightmare Moon, she still had the energy to do this, startling James, Meowth and Nightmare Moon. They showed up at the Pokemon House, expecting to see their Rocketship return since it was already midnight. A day has passed by now. "We travelled all the way from Kalos for what?"

"There's still a chance it might show up." James shrugged. "Hopefully soon because...I'd like to take a rest in that ship if necessary."

"Only if she lets us sleep." Meowth pointed at Nightmare Moon. "I haven't seen a nice dream in so long..."

"How long are you going to keep us like this?!" A frustrated Jessie yelled with baggy eyes that were only getting worse. "I'm starting to look shrivelled here! Even my bags have bags!"

"Tch." Nightmare Moon scoffed. "You're too loud. Even for me. Have patience, will you? I highly doubt Luna would lose. It's a matter of waiting for them to return. And if their opponent is just that powerful, the bigger they are, the harder they fall."

"That's not what I'm mad about.." Jessie groaned, banging her face on a tree.

"Skitty!" From all this standing around and waiting, it didn't take long for some of the Pokemon to somewhat recognize Nightmare Moon. All they saw was a taller Princess Luna and assumed she had a sudden growth spurt. Thus, she attracted Skitty and other Pokemon from the Pokemon House.

"Hm? GH!" Nightmare Moon's eyes shot open upon seeing droves of Pokemon approach her. It could be seen as an adorable or intimidating sight depending on the viewer. In Nightmare Moon's case, she was slightly intimidated. The Pokemon in the front were small and adorable while the ones in the back were bigger and fiercer. "Halt!"

The Pokemon all gathered around Nightmare Moon, babbling with some of them jumping around. Some even applauded, confusing the variant of Luna as she had no idea what to make of this scenario.

"W-What are they doing?" Nightmare Moon turned to Meowth, requesting that he translated.

"Sounds to me that they're congratulating you for your growth spurt." Meowth translated all the words of the Pokemon.

"Growth Spurt?" Nightmare Moon repeated before being licked in the face by a Poochyena. "Disgusting!"

"Ah, right. Everyone here knows that Luna wishes she was as tall as her sister, so now that they've seen you like this, they can't help but congratulate you. Even though you're not the actual Luna." James explained.

"I'm always this tall! She's the one who's short!" Nightmare Moon felt somewhat insulted before then holding up Poochyena. But, it was then that Nightmare Moon spotted an opportunity in front of her. Or rather, around her. "Hold on."

Around her were various Pokemon of varying types and sizes. Nightmare Moon's most prominent goal at the moment was attempting to form a large group. And right now, all of these Pokemon fit that goal perfectly. Each and every one of them, here at the Pokemon House.

"Hm-hm-hm. Why did I not come here first?" Nightmare Moon chuckled. "It's perfect! I hereby declare you all join my group!"

"Poochy?" Poochyena and the other Pokemon tilted their heads after Nightmare Moon's declaration.

"My group shall only grow from this point. I will have three geniuses and multiple Pokemon on my side. That will bring me close to the hundreds, no doubt! I shall recruit you all to join me and together, everything I want to accomplish can happen. Because what can stand in the way of so many Pokemon?"

"Not happening." Darkrai and the rest of Luna's Pokemon shook their heads. Not because they didn't want to but because they couldn't fully trust Nightmare Moon to get it done.

"Pah! What do you know?!" Nightmare Moon scoffed. "You're mostly going off on your own, Darkrai while the others stay in groups. I don't expect all of you to..." Just then, Nightmare Moon, when surveying all of Luna's Pokemon, realized that something was amiss.

Someone was missing. She gently placed Poochyena down before counting how many Pokemon were present at the moment. Luna already had an abundance of Pokemon thanks to how she caught so many of them during her first go and continued to gather more teammates. But it wouldn't take long for Nightmare Moon to notice one of them was gone even with all these numbers. It was mainly the appearance of certain Pokemon that are easy to distinguish. And the one that was currently missing was Aurorus.

"Where is she? Where is the Ice Dinosaur?" Nightmare Moon asked.

"Aurorus? She came along with us, right?" James would soon notice that Aurorus was not present at all. So did everyone else. "Right?"

"She's gone!" Darkrai yelled. "Did she pass through the gateway?! Is she back at a Kalos?!"

"Did any of you see her at all?" Nightmare Moon questioned Team Rocket and each of Luna's Pokemon. Sadly, they all shook their heads in response. None saw Aurorus at all. "Tch. Even when I kept you all out of your Poke Balls just to make my group imposing and one of the bigger Pokemon just happens to be the one we don't notice? What could she even be doing?"

"She's probably still bummed out about how Luna's missing," Meowth answered. "That face wasn't so chipper the whole way through."

"Hm-hm. True." James nodded. "Being that she's a Fossil Pokemon from the past, you have no idea how attached she made herself to Luna. She showed up as an Amaura so that doesn't make it better."

"She's like a lost child out there, right?" Jessie added. "All scared and alone without her mother. And you're definitely not the mother figure she wants."

"By that logic, she's trying to find Luna herself, waiting for her to come back from space," Darkrai replied. "But she won't do it on her own and she can't possibly guess where Luna will appear from. After that, she could break down after a while. Her emotions got the better of her clearly. She always was the most emotional of us all. Not to dismiss you, Florges."


"That reckless dinosaur!" Nightmare Moon growled. "Running off on her own...! I promised I'd find Luna and she does this?! You all! We're retreading our steps to find her!"

"Moving again..." James sighed. "Without any rest too. On the bright side, at least we know how great our stamina is at the moment."

"The rest of you colourful creatures...you shall come with me as well." Nightmare Moon faced Skitty and the other Pokemon that surrounded her. "Assist me in finding this one Pokemon."

"Skitty!" They didn't even have second thoughts. Aurorus was one of them. Each of them agreed to help find this one Pokemon in whichever world she could be in.

"Hold it!" Jessie stopped them all in their tracks. "There's no way you can all fIt in the van! We already struggled with letting each of Luna's Pokemon inside because of tall, dark and petty here."

"Hmph!" Nightmare Moon crossed her arms in response, scoffing at Jessie who was just as petty as her.

"Unless she puts some of them back in the Poke Ball, you're all not coming inside." Jessie denied them entry. "Or you can all just walk and hope you're fast enough to keep up with the van."

They certainly couldn't all enter the van. But they had no qualms about staying outside. They'd have better area advantages that way. The pokemon didn't complain at all. It was off to find Aurorus, whose current location was unknown at the moment.

2 days later. Unova. Out in the Mountains. Ghetsis' Castle. Day.

Two days have passed now. Everything about the events in space calmed down. And the Pokemon Festival would resume as normal. But news about what happened in space would remain. And most definitely, it was bigger than what the first batch of news offered.

Newspapers were being spread across both worlds as they involved three prominent figures from each respective world. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Cynthia respectively. This was for many across different regions to see. Especially Ghetsis.

After receiving a new castle per his request from the Rift, he caught news of the events that happened up in space. The one responsible for letting everyone know about this was Chrysalis. He read about the events that happened up at the tower. From the Rift possessing Galaxy Master to the summoning of the Rift Creation Trio.

He sat on his new throne before putting on a smile, seeming happy about the result. Ash and his friends won and that prompted Ghetsis to put on that smirk.

"Of course you won. It'd be boring if that's where your story ended." Ghetsis said, expecting something like this to happen. He surprisingly preferred Ash to gain victory rather than lose.

Inside this castle, he gathered Team Plasma to reside here while also keeping Universe 11 as an extra hideout. This castle was a perfect mixture of old and new. Old in terms of its appearance as it looked like it came straight from the olden times while everything inside was technological with the obvious olden interior design.

"Lord Ghetsis seems awfully happy about that." A Team Plasma Grunt said. "You'd think he'd be a bit annoyed."

"Something must've happened in that other dimension. He was in there for so many years but little time passed back in Universe 11 and even our world."

The grunts were worried about what happened back in that dimension. What did Ghetsis see for those years and what did he learn back then? Whatever it was, it definitely did something to their King.

What it didn't do was change Ghetsis' goal to become a ruler. This castle was proof of that. Not only that, but he built it around his hometown which was now nothing ruins for tourists to view. At least, it used to be until this castle was summoned. Aside from the castle, buildings could be seen that had a homely appearance to them.

Houses were all overshadowed by the castle as no one was currently living in them. At least, not yet. Today was the day that Ghetsis would receive even more news concerning his newly established land.

"Lord Ghetsis." One of the grunts walked in on Ghetsis reading the newspaper. "Those houses around the land...they might be filled up finally. The Shadow Triad found people who were currently lost with nowhere to go."

"Good." Ghetsis placed the newspaper down. "Allow me to greet them."

Who were these people in question? To be lost and have nowhere to go meant that the Shadow Triad had to be very lucky to find these specific individuals. Or rather, they weren't all that lucky. These people wore clothing that looked just as old as the castle.

Mainly because these were the same people frozen by Froslass' ice so long ago, stuck in a cryo-freeze that allowed their lifespans and age to come to a chilling halt. They once lived around Snowpoint City before it became a city, freed thanks to the efforts of Rarity.

Even after being saved and caught up on what age they were in, they were still lost. At least they weren't freezing uncontrollably or suffering from frozen systems. Ghetsis would greet these ancient people, emerging from his castle.

"They look...old fashioned. Even more so than what we've seen." Ghetsis said whilst approaching the people. Walking by his side was one of the Shadow Triad Members.

"Apparently, they're not from this age, Lord Ghetsis." The Triad Member explained. "According to them, they've been frozen for years by a vengeful Froslass. It was until a few months ago that they were freed. But because of this freedom, they're completely out of touch and their original homes are long gone."

"So, they're ancient, hm? They'll fit right in and find a new place to live peacefully." Ghetsis replied before stopping in front of these people. He would soon see the rags that these people wore, unable to purchase anything new. The current currency of today was lost to them as well.

Despite that, they managed to improvise with the clothes they had, wearing rags in two styles for Male and Female. For males, What was once a shirt is now nothing more than pieces of fabric held barely together, it hung from their shoulders like a discarded old towel. There's a massive tear on the right side, which leaves much of them exposed to the elements.

They wore old jackets over their shirts. It was too small and unkempt but at least it helped them stay protected from the wind, even if only for a little. Their pants were just as bad. A big tear has split the left leg in two and the right leg is full of smaller tears as well. But at least they had shoes to protect their feet. Although they're old, a little too small and the sole of the left shoe has come loose at the heel.

The females wore their own distinct style, wearing a rugged fleece over their t-shirts. It's filthy, flimsy and worn out, but at least it helps them stay protected too. They wore large scarves around their necks and had them wrapped around their faces to just below the nose. It's torn and worn, but otherwise in decent shape.

"Rugged but stylish. Not bad." Ghetsis couldn't help but feel impressed. "So. Lost to time, are you?"

"Very much...We have nowhere to go. The world feels so different from how we remember it." One man said. "So...when we were told of this place by that man standing next to you-"

"Don't say anymore." Ghetsis stopped them. "You're free to live here. I can catch you up with the entire world. Colress will do the same with things that are harder to explain."

"Really?!" Happy gasps and tones came from these people as it didn't take Ghetsis long to accept them here at all. They already found themselves a new home and a way to keep up with the current age.

"But of course, you're under my rule now. That much is easy to know. And you'll be under my protection as well. You shall live here with little to bother you at all. Understood?"

"Mm! Understood!"

"Good. Get them to their new homes. Call for Colress too." Ghetsis ordered the grunts and Team Plasma. "They have a lot to learn."

"What about you, Lord Ghetsis? What will you be doing?" A Team Plasma grunt asked. Ghetsis turned to face the grunt before putting on a smile.

"I'm needed back at Universe 11. I'll be back soon." Ghetsis would not be present here to see his new subjects enter their homes at all. "But, don't stop searching for the New Seven Sages. I expect some progress until I get back."

Ghetsis was ready to travel. Despite giving all of his power to the Rift, that consistent part about Rift Energy returned. As long as there's one piece left, it shall regenerate as the infinite source of power it truly is. And after these past few days, Ghetsis' Rift Magic has recovered.

At least to a point where he can summon a gateway. He waved his hand, summoning a gateway to Universe 11. The people saw Ghetsis' amazing power for the first time, stunned by it. It wasn't so often that they get to see a human perform this. Or even at all. They only knew of one individual who could do this but it was hard to say if she was actually a human.

Everywhere else, the news kept going. Twilight's parents read about the events in space, proud of their daughter. They continued to be proud of her due to all her accomplishments.

The rest of her friends from Canterlot would continue to see her continuously make it far in the world. The same goes for everyone in Pallet Town, seeing the same for Ash. Both of them were making their respective home locations proud at this point.

Much like how Twilight Velvet and Night Light were proud of them, the same went for Delia, who was currently in the Hoenn Region. But it wasn't just Ash that caught her attention. Galaxy Master was obviously a prime focus in this news story. Naturally, since Ash based it on his father, Delia was essentially reading about her husband and son at the same time.

It was a bit bizarre, seeing the two people she loved duke it out in space of all places. But it brought a sense of whimsy to her that made Delia giggle. She knew for a fact that wasn't her real husband. Ash's father was somewhere else in the world after all. But it was nice to see a semblance of him.

"I wonder if this is a sign," Delia said. "A sign that we'll see each other again someday. And maybe, it'll be under the stars."

Equestria. Magehold. Queen Rosa's Castle. Day.

Nothing was stopping Rosa Maledicta from reading the news as well. Thanks to her vampires, she could catch up on the world. However, none of this truly interested her at all. She found no value in reading about Ash and the others. The only thing that slightly caught her attention was Chrysalis but that didn't last at all.

"Hmph. Worthless." Rosa tossed the newspaper into the air before obliterating it with a blast of magic. "Why can't there be news about Yveltal? Or something similar. Oh well. I still have that area in Holon that I can count on. If Daybreaker wants to get in my way again, then so be it." Rosa Maledicta would continue focusing on that spot. Yveltal's resting place wasn't something she was just going to casually ignore.

That was the biggest lead on Yveltal by far. If she couldn't find it anywhere else, then the only place where it could come and rest was the clear answer. However, when thinking about her next move, she received a message from her subjects via the usual mind communication. "What is it? Are you at Holon?"

"W-We have a problem, your majesty!" A distressed vampire yelled. "These past two days haven't been too kind for us. At least...with what's been chasing us when we got to Holon. Right now, we're underground trying to elude it."

"What? What's been chasing you?" Rosa questioned, sensing the severity in her voice.

"It's some sort of White Dragon with Blue Eyes!" The vampire screeched. "I think it knows about our plan!"

"A Blue Eyed and White Dragon? Reshiram?" Rosa Maledicta knew which Pokemon fit that description. "Ah, yes. Reshiram's a guardian for Celestia and her nation, isn't she? Hm...Well, fear not. I can fix that. I'll have Opal Vivacity there at once. She can prove to be useful with what she gained. And as a bonus, I'll throw in one of the 100 Demons. This time, I'll select the demon."

"Uh great. But what about the cliffs? Where can we find Yveltal, your majesty?"

"That is for you to find out. But, I believe Reshiram might be the key to finding Yveltal." Rosa Maledicta smiled. The vampires weren't sure how Reshiram could be the key, but they simply had to wait and see.

"I see this as a perfect opportunity. Let him keep chasing you. At least until you reach the area where Yveltal is said to rest. And of course...whatever happens to Reshiram is bound to get Celestia's attention."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 927 End.

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