• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Never a no-show

The Human World. Crystal Prep Academy. Day.

Currently, Twilight was working in her private learning room. About Pokemon again of course during summer school. Normally, Ash would be here to help.

But he wasn't present in the Human World at the moment. Then again, it was early in the morning. She was also listening to the radio to see if anything new about Pokemon would pop up for her to learn about. But this went on for a while so nothing new had emerged about Pokemon.

"Now, tomorrow's horoscope. Virgo and Gemini. Bad luck awaits for you both, so stay inside. But the luckiest star sign today is Leo. Libra. Your day might bring you great wealth soon."

"No." Twilight turned the radio off as there was nothing about Pokemon for her to learn. "Nothing yet, Spike. And Ash isn't here yet either. I can't be too sure to head out without him helping."

Twilight sat up before holding a Poke Ball in her hand. She has yet to really use it on any Pokemon. Neither does she have one of her own. She was even wondering what it would be like to have her own Pokemon.

Twilight already had some good notes about Pokemon. She was starting small with it. So far, she had found out about Infinity Energy and Aura. Two major forms of energy for the Pokemon. One of which holds life. Twilight was waiting patiently for Ash to show up as soon as he could.

After all, Ash is never a no-show.

But for now, she was about to leave her private room. She doesn't always stay in it after all. As she went out, some students had passed by, either entering or heading for their classes at the moment. Twilight wanted to sightsee some Pokemon in the meanwhile before Ash gets here. If he gets here.

"Hey, Twilight." One of the students called for her. A student by the name of Indigo Zap alongside her friends, Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet. Twilight froze on the spot after her name had been called out. "Say. Have you worked out this Pokemon issue already?"

"Oh. Not yet." Twilight shook her head before facing them. "It's not as easy as it looks. It never was anyway."

"Well, can you like hurry up? Those Pokemon have already messed up my home a few times." Sugarcoat groaned. "At least tell us how to deal with them."

"Well...There is this." Twilight did in fact have a solution to their problem. A solution that was 50/50. She pulled out a Poke Ball from her bag. "This."

"..." The three of them squinted their eyes, gazing at the Poke Ball as they were clueless as to what this could be. And Sour Sweet was the one who asked a question next. "Uh...What is it?"

"A Poke Ball. With this, you can easily deal with the Pokemon by catching them in this." Twilight explained.

"Ooh, that's a great idea!" Sour Sweet said in a sarcastic tone before being rude. A bipolar trait of hers. "If it made any sense. It's not even big enough to catch most of them."

"Yeah, it's only as big as our palm," said Indigo Zap. "H-How are we supposed to catch them in this?"

"Oh, right. You see, it looks small but really, it's capable of holding even some of the biggest Pokemon. It's simple. One throw of it and there's a chance that the Pokemon might be caught in it. If it's fully healthy, then it won't be as effective. But if it's weakened, that's when the chance skyrockets." Twilight broke it down for them.

"Seriously?" Indigo's eyes opened.

"That's..." Sour Sweet was about to bing out her bipolar personality but she couldn't due to how impressed she was by that. It genuinely surprised her. "Actually pretty cool. Really?"


"Knew we could count on you to figure something out, Twilight." Indigo nudged her.

"Well, I couldn't have done it on my own. I have Ash to thank for that." Twilight held the Poke Ball close to her. "And a lot of other things."

"Who's Ash? Does he go here?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Not really. You see...he's from another world." And once she said that their faces became dumbfounded at her words. They froze for a second, trying to comprehend what they had just heard.


"He's someone that knows all about Pokemon. Like, a lot. He's experienced Pokemon for years now when he was young." Twilight mentioned Ash, giving a quick explanation of who he was. "He came here through some magic portal just to help me learn about Pokemon. I would've been snake food if he didn't show up honestly."

"Magic. Really?" Indigo squinted.

"Yes. I mean, the Pokemon are essentially magical aren't they? And it's a bit weird that they showed up all of a sudden without warning, right?"

"Oh yeah..." Sour Sweet and the others agreed to that. Twilight did have a point. Pokemon are also considered magical creatures. Plus, since they can shoot out various elemental attacks, that further proves Twilight's point.

"So, these Poke Balls. Just use them and you'll solve your Pokemon problem in no time."

"Cool but like...just one?" Indigo shrugged. "The Shadowbolts and I have to deal with at least 40 Pokemon back home. It's messing with our practice a lot, ya know."

"Oh, right. More. Um...I don't actually know where to get more, but I can have Ash bring you some. W-When he gets here."

"And that's..." Sugarcoat lingered on her words, waiting for Twilight to give the requested response on Ash's arrival.

"I don't know. But he'll be here. Hopefully." She scrunched her face before lending Indigo Zap a single Poke Ball. It would have to do as Twilight wasn't loaded with Poke Balls to cover every Pokemon here. It was impossible.

"Well, when he shows up, maybe he can help out a lot like you say he does. Plus, when the Friendship Games come around, we don't want any Pokemon messing things up for us." Indigo said her last words as she and the others left while Twilight went on with her merry way to sightsee.

Equestria. Ponyville. Carousel Boutique. Day.

"So what do I need to do again?" Ash was currently at Carousel Boutique, chatting with Rarity while Sweetie Belle was being carried by Pikachu.

"You're a Champion and a hero in many ways," said Rarity. "Your hat has already become popular with the youth and a few others from far away. All three of them. It's time to think bigger, Ash!"


"Really. My workers over at Kalos think so too. So, your summer getup. Nice isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is!" Ash raised his arm. It's super comfortable to move in. Even reminds me of my other region clothes, ya know. Might even keep it all the way through."

"Well, I have noticed that you are a short-sleeve kind of person. So, ask me this. If, by chance, you do decide to change your outfit someday. What would you like? Some have already voted on this poll." Rarity pulled out a large board that had a poll of outfits that would suit Ash.

Ash looked at the options before him as there was a lot to choose from. Some would prefer him to wear a cape to fit the hero motif. That was the majority vote. Another major percentage voted for him wearing a robe. Suits, crowns etc. All the options were nice to look at.

"Nice...But I already had something on my mind."

"Such as?" Rarity leaned forward.

"Well, when I'm older, I wanna wear a really cool jacket on my shoulders!" Ash spread his arms out. "Like when I'm a bit taller of something. And when I become a Pokemon Master, maybe it'll have something on the back that says 'Master'. Y-You know...when that happens."

"You do have a big mind, Ash." Rarity nodded. "I'll remember that cape in the future. But um...the now?"

"Ooh! Wear the cape next!" Sweetie Belle came over whilst being carried by Pikachu. "That'd be nice!"


"You think so?" Ash looked at a mirror, imagining himself in a cape. Pheromosa also appeared behind him in the view of the mirror, flailing her arms around. "That would be pretty sweet."


"Sweet is right." Rarity slid over. "Oh. And your hat? How would you feel about a new look for it."

"I kinda like this one the most." Ash took his hat off, looking at it. "So I think I'm gonna keep it up."

"Hm. I see. Understandable." Rarity nodded before heading towards a spare wardrobe of various hats that were all meant for Ash. Each having their own unique design to them. She closed the wardrobe afterwards. "Another time, my darings."

"Okay...What next?" Ash crossed his arms, thinking of what he could do next. It was still early in the morning and the day was young and barely even close to the afternoon. He tapped his foot on the floor as Pheromosa mimicked him. Also mimicking them both was an unexpected guest in the form of Scorbunny.

"Scorbun." The Rabbit Pokemon said, alerting Ash and the others. If he was here, that meant two things. Scorbunny only came here for Milotic, or Fluttershy was also present. It was the second one.

"Ash. Today's the day," said Fluttershy as she had shown up through the doors.

"Right! A total upgrade for the Pokemon House!" Ash grinned along with Fluttershy. They were both enthusiastic about today. The Pokemon House has mostly remained the same for months now. Practically a whole year. But after some time, it had received an expansion.

"Ooh. Today you say?" Rarity uttered as she and Sweetie Belle were interested. Ash wasted no time as he rushed out of Carousel Boutique with Pikachu jumping onto his shoulder.

The Human World. Day.

Meanwhile, Twilight ended up heading out to undergo her little sightseeing and observation. And she would do so by the same spot she and Ash had previously gone to observe Pokemon. It was also where she got the chance to experience riding on a Pokemon, mainly Ash's Dragonite.

However, she wasn't just going to sightsee and observe. After her previous ride across the area, Twilight felt a bit encouraged to fully interact with the Pokemon. Not just by sight. But by vision too. She already felt what it was like to ride on an airborne Pokemon. But what about other Pokemon on land and sea?

"Okay...I can do this. It was really fun the first time." Twilight took a deep breath before observing her surroundings. And the one thing that caught her eye was the lake. Some water riding could be made with that. Maybe not a prolonged once since the lake wasn't the biggest out there but still fairly big.

And popping out of the lake was a regular Wishiwashi, spotting Twilight and Spike up ahead. "Wishi?

"Oh?" And soon, Twilight noticed it as well. "You're that Wishiwashi Pokemon. The one that can form into a bigger Pokemon when a whole school of yours gather?"


"C-Can you do that?" Twilight asked as she hoped that the Pokemon could understand her. She felt a little bit silly for requesting a Pokemon. But then again, she does talk to Spike a lot so it's ordinary in this world. Twilight was also hoping for a ride from the School Form Wishiwashi if possible.

"Wishiwashi." In response, the Small Fry Pokemon had descended into the lake afterwards. Twilight wasn't sure that Wishiwashi accepted her request. She felt a bit awkward now as she rubbed the back of her hair.

"Guess not." She laughed nervously. "M-Maybe the local beach has some Water-Type Pokemon for us to try and ride. Or some regular land riding here wouldn't do. Let's-" However, as she spoke, she felt something off.

So did Spike.

Spike noticed that his collar was missing. Twilight also saw that her bag and equipment had just up and vanished. Even her coat was nowhere to be found. At least, at first.

"What?! Where'd they-" Soon after, Twilight looked up ahead as she and Spike noticed the culprits. Mainly three of them.

Three Ducklett had nabbed their stuff. One had Twilight's coat on its head, one had Spike's collar around its neck and the other had a Twilight's bag on its back.


"Hey! That's ours!" Twilight cried out. "Give it back!"

"Duck? Ducklett!" The Ducklett Trio chuckled as they immediately made a run for it. And that prompted Twilight and Spike to follow after them.

And the moment they left, Wishiwashi had emerged. Not a regular Wishiwashi. But a School Form Wishiwashi. It did receive Twilight's request and fulfil it. But as it emerged from the lake, the Demon of the Sea noticed Twilight chasing down three Ducklett's that had nabbed her objects.

A little too late.


"Duck!" But as Twilight and Spike were running after the trio, one of the Ducklett had suddenly stopped. That Ducklett had used Scald, sending boiling hot water that had struck Twilight's face.

"H-H-Hot!" She cried out before flailing her arms and stopping in place. "What's up with this scalding water?!"

"Ducklett!" The two Ducklett laughed as they had run off into the distance after the other Ducklett had stalled for time. Scald had eventually stopped as Twilight held her face. Spike looked at his owner before barking at Ducklett. "Lett!"

"Oh..." Twilight whimpered before trying to cool herself off However, her water bottle was in her bag so that was no good at the moment. "Spike, wait!"

The chase continued. But now, they had no idea where the other Ducklett had run off to. A strange start to her day as Twilight let out an irritated sigh. However, she wasn't about to give up. After all. They were just three mischievous ducks. She knew she could find a way past them.

"Okay...I've seen something like this before. There's a good chance that they've split up in different directions. If they're basically ducks, there are only a few places they would be at." Twilight was certainly perceptive. For her to figure things out, mainly about Pokemon, she would have to think about the natural animals that live in this world.

And with that knowledge, Twilight could capitalize on that.

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

The Pokemon House's new appearance was here. It was now fully landscaped with a creek, water mill/workroom, gardening areas, hives for mainly the Combee line, an exclusive farm for just the Bug-Types. There were also multiple connecting pathways in the form of slides. For certain Pokemon who want to either get around in a more exhilarating way or are just too lazy to move. Like Snorlax.

And best of all, in Fluttershy's eyes, there was now a park for the Pokemon that stretched out far enough to reach the outskirts of Ponyville and near Lapras Lake. Only by a bit.

"Isn't it wonderful? Zecora even chose parts of the design based on her home." Fluttershy said whilst looking at Zecora.

"I made sure that it would have a homey and familiar feeling to it," Zecora replied. "Not just for me but for the Pokemon for however way they see fit."

"Yeah. Talk about an upgrade." Ash admired the view.


"This makes things a lot easier. It was getting pretty crowded in here with all the new Pokemon showing around." Fluttershy hovered over to the Dark-Type room. "But now, with this extra space and more quality of life additions. Plus its child friendly now."

"It wasn't before?" James spoke.

"Okay...there's something else I gotta do today," Ash said. "Say, Fluttershy. You got any Pokemon Food with you?"

"Mhm." The pegasus nodded in response. "Need it for something."

"Oh yeah. There's some more stuff I gotta show the human Twilight. I'm teaching her all about Pokemon. Taking a while since she likes it slow though."

"I'm sorry, what?" Jessie, James, Meowth and Zecora were surprised by what Ash had said. A human Twilight? Unthinkable to them as they were unaware of the otherworld.

Fluttershy gave Ash an array of Pokemon Food for him to carry for the day. However, most of it would probably just be taken by Twilight. Berries and Pokeblocks. The two common food sources in the Pokemon World. And to an extent, the elusive Rare Candy.

Ash didn't stop there. Regarding the Poke Ball situation, Ash had stopped by to grab as many Poke Balls as he could. Varieties of them. He received ordinary Poke Balls from Twilight's lab while also choosing the Rarity Ball, courtesy of Rarity. He grabbed a few other things before getting ready to head towards the Human World.

"Okay. Let's not keep her and Spike waiting, buddy."


The Human World.

Meanwhile, Twilight had found the Ducklett in the one place she suspected. The local beach. And she already had a plan for them. The Ducklett were swimming across the water with Twilight's objects being affected. Her bag and everything was now wet.

"Just as I thought. Ducks love open areas after all." Twilight said before pulling out some makeshift fishing rods. Two of them. If there's one thing she's good at, it's improvising with what little she has. She had used an array of straws, meshing them together while also adding a thread and thorn to complete the look. And on the leaf was a breadcrumb. "These should work."

Twilight then held both makeshift fishing rods, casting them at a great distance. She made sure to choose some long threads for this. The threads went far as the bait had been sent far, landing right next to the Ducklett.

"Ducklett?" Obviously, they were each pulled towards the breadcrumbs. No matter what universe, ducks love breadcrumbs to the core. They swam towards the two large breadcrumbs They weren't pint-sized at all.

However, the middle Ducklett suspected something was wrong. So, in response, the middle Ducklet grabbed the first bait with a strong bite.

"Ah!" Twilight got her catch. She was ready to reel the Water Bird Pokemon in. However, Ducklett had a counter for this. With a complete turnaround, Ducklett used the full force of its biting strength to keep the lure and bait in place. As Twilight tried to reel them in, she noticed how the bait was being held there. "What?!"

"Ducklett!" The other Ducklett laughed as they bit onto each others tail for extra holding strength. Twilight growled as she started putting extra effort into her reeling capabilities. She reeled as hard as she could while the two Ducklett started pulling their fellow Water Bird Pokemon back. It was a tug of war situation.

One that Twilight unfortunately lost. Not only did the Ducklett overpower Twilight's reeling with their combined strength, but they had also pulled her towards them. Twilight went flying through the air from how hard the Ducklett pulled. "W-Woah!"

Spike barked as Twilight screamed whilst being flung. Thankfully, it wasn't too high as Twilight had crashed landed on what seemed to be a sandcastle. However, this was no sandcastle.

This was a Palossand.

"Palo." The Sand Castle Pokemon's attention had been caught by Twilight. Twilight sat up, quickly hearing the voice of a new Pokemon while the Ducklett laughed at her misery. Twilight had noticed what she had crashed landed on. Palossand and her looked each other in the eyes.

"A...sandcastle Pokemon? What?" Twilight had found a new species of Pokemon to gaze at. A sandcastle. One of the many species of Pokemon she would've least expected. But that wasn't important. Because now Palossand had its prey.

Palossand is a Pokemon that controls humans, making them build a sand castle that provides camouflage and also raises its defensive abilities. And it did the same for Twilight.

"Huh...Hey, I-I can't move!" Twilight was immobile. And without warning. This was the cause of Palossand's ghostly curse. This curse was made to control any human that Palossand encountered without letting go. Twilight was one of those victims. Twilight was unable to do something to counter this as the sand itself was consuming her feet.

Spike ran over to try and save Twilight, only to be met with some sand rising from the ground and whacking him away. "Spike!" Twilight cried out as she groaned. She took a deep breath realizing that struggling against Palossand was hopeless. The curse was reaching her mind, ready to put her under Palossand control.

However. That was until something odd happened. The moment the sand got close to Twilight's mind, something dark had shown itself for a few seconds.

An ominous form of energy and a strange winged silhouette had flashed out behind her. An aqua blue fire could also be seen bursting out of the silhouette. The silhouette seemed to resemble Twilight a bit as its hair was flowing up. Devious purple eyes had gazed Palossand in the face while Twilight herself was looking down.

In those little seconds, that odd darkness had not only forced the sand away but also gave Palossand a scare. It's rare for a Ghost-Type Pokemon to be scared, making it more impressive.

"Palo?!" Terrified by what it had seen, the Sand Castle Pokemon fled, descending into the sand and leaving the beach entirely. Twilight quickly looked up, seeing that she was free from the sand.

"What happened?" Her glasses fell off while Spike ran over to her. He was a bit hurt after that whack from Palossand however. "Oh, Spike. Are you okay?" She asked as he gave a bark to reassure his safety. Twilight then looked over at the Ducklett who had also witnessed that dark silhouette form from Twilight.

"D-Ducklett!" They were so terrified with what they had seen, the Ducklett had tossed the objects they had stolen back to Twilight. Twilight caught them as she was confused about what was happening. The three Ducklett then swam off, not wanting to know what was lurking inside of Twilight. "Duck! Ducklett!"

"What was that all about...?" Twilight said with her eyes blinking. Spike had no clue either. "Well. The important thing is that we got our stuff back." She smiled before placing Spike's collar back on. It was time for them to leave. Perhaps head back for a wash.

But as they got u, popping out of the water was another Pokemon. The Pokemon she had just missed back at the forest. And the same Pokemon that granted her request.

School Form Wishwashi.


"Wishiwashi...? You actually did it!" Twilight ran over to the Small Fry Pokemon, witnessing the School Form for the first time. It was just as amazing as Ash had described. "So...can I have that ride now?"

"Washi!" The Demon of the Sea had already agreed to it. It had turned its body around, allowing for Twilight and Spike to get on. Twilight let out a giddy laugh before getting on Wishiwashi while holding onto Spike.

And with them on, Wishiwashi could begin the ride. Back to the forest it was. Getting from the beach to the forest was certainly something that wouldn't take too long. However, Wishiwashi was going to make it fun for them both. The Small Fry Pokemon began dashing through the waves with Twilight holding on close.

Along the way, just like the Dragonite ride, Twilight got the chance to experience some beautiful Pokemon in all their natural habitats and activities. Mostly on the water this time. She got the chance to see the beautiful Lumineon and Lanturn light up the sea and give off glorious vibrant lights with their natural bodies as they swam by Wishwashi.

Flying over her head were some Mantine. Twilight looked up with wonder as she saw the Kite Pokemon glide for over 300 feet. Just a result of them building up enough speed. Twilight couldn't help but gaze at what she was seeing. She definitely saw the appeal of Pokemon now. They truly are strange and wonderful creatures.

Twilight's home. Afternoon.

Early in the afternoon, around 12:00 AM, Twilight had returned after having a great ride on Wishiwashi. She has now experienced an air ride and a sea ride. Now she was hoping for a land ride and possibly a fourth one that she hasn't even thought about.

She was a bit of a mess with the sand so some cleaning up was done as well as for Spike. The day was still young, now entering the afternoon. Twilight had more she wanted to do. So far she's learnt about 6 things about Pokemon. A 7th was due eventually. But she was also hoping for Ash to guide her on what to do next.

And thankfully, that time was now.

He had shown up. Because of course he would. He always does. Early, on-time or even late. It didn't matter. "Hey, Twi!"


"Ash! Yes, you made it! You won't believe what happened today!" Twilight rushed over. "W-Well...you might because of your world but get this! I got into trouble with some three Ducklett, taking mine and Spie's stuff and all..."

"Three Ducklett? Oh, I think know those three." Ash nodded, recalling the meddlesome Ducklett Trio that gave him, Iris and Cilan trouble in the past.

"Yeah. But...I'm a little too excited right now." Twilight squeed, struggling to find her words. Ash entered the room as Twilight had a bit more to tell him. But Ash had more to give out. As well as Poke Balls. Just what Twilight needed after she promised to find a solution to the Pokemon overabundance issue.

However, this dark enigma was still lurking inside Twilight without her knowing. But that didn't matter now. What did matter was that Twilight was learning everything she could from someone she could most definitely call a friend as the journey continues.

Chapter 532 End.

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