• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Protean Gauntlet

Unova Region. Underneath Lentimas Town. The Pokemon Black Market. Afternoon.

Ash, Twilight, Rarity and Ember had broken into one of the most dangerous places in the Pokemon World. All to rescue Sweetie Belle and Ember's Gible. They had certainly started a ruckus as their entrance was loud and shook the entire Pokemon Black Market.

Being sneaky was not an option when it came to a close friend. Especially to a little sister. Now that they were here their arrival was made clear by Hunter J. She knew why they came here. And this was a good time to see how well her new gauntlet worked.

She put on her special goggles, deciding to go for the first targets she could find. And with her heat-seeking vision that comes with the goggles, she found them immediately.

Everyone else in the Black Market was worried that their Black Market might have been found by either Officer Jenny, the Pokemon Rangers or other authorities. Some were already choosing to leave while most stayed behind.

"Where is she?!" Rarity roared as she currently grabbed a member of the Pokemon Black Market with her magic. Already, the moment they showed up, they came across their first group. And immediately dealt with them. "Where's J?! Where's my sister!"

"I don't know!" The member cried out.

"You're useless!" Rarity then tossed him aside with her magic. "They have to be somewhere here..."

"This place is bigger than it looks." Ash looked around the area, seeing the scope of it. "But we can make this quick. Lucario, see if you can find Sweetie Belle and Gible."

"Lucario." Just like before, Lucario would use his Aura to try and find the two of them. His eye flashed blue as his vision had been enhanced. The Aura Pokemon had moved his visions across the area, spotting various Auras belonging to a multitude of people and Pokemon.

That's when he found two distinct Auras. Both were almost lifeless. Barely responding. That was a clear sign of Sweetie Belle and Gible. After finding them, Lucario sent a pulse of Aura towards Ash, telling him that they were both in separate rooms. But he also told them that J's Aura was nearby too.

"Alright! We know where they are! Sweetie Belle's over at the west of this place and Gible's north! J's close too."

"West is it?" Rarity ran ahead with Pheromosa and Piplup by her side. Ember chose to go north, heading for her partner, hoping that it wasn't too late.

"Hold on! I need Ninetales to use Hidden Power on both of them! We can't just split up!" Twilight called out but it was too late. They were so fixated on saving the ones they hold dear to them to even focus on anything else. "Guess there's no point...Let's go for Sweetie Belle first! Ash, can you go with Ember?"

"Sure!" Ash nodded in understanding as he went north as well. Twilight would follow Rarity to the west.

West of the black market.

When arriving at the west, Rarity and Twilight were greeted with the sight of a chamber. Within this chamber was obviously an assortment of illegal and rare items. But more importantly, items that have been missing for years. Rarity could see famous paintings of certain individuals from the Pokemon World, most likely from the past. Some of these have yet to be sold or were just here for display.

"We should be a bit quiet about this Rarity. This place is huge with how who knows how many criminals?" Twilight whispered.

"I know but...I can't slow down for Sweetie Belle. If I end up failing to save her without being fast enough, then-"

"We'll save her. But if we act too recklessly that might never happen. Try to understand, okay"? Twilight gave words of advice while giving a pleading yet reassuring expression to her friend. Rarity looked Twilight in the eyes as she understood her words. With a deep breath, the fashionista simmered down.

"You're right. Thank you, Twilight." Rarity then formed a smile before facing the west with a stern look. "Now...Which part of the west would she be in?"

"Nowhere you'll ever reach." Responding to them was the voice of the one who started this problem. Walking out of the corner of this chamber of stolen goods was the dastardly and horrifying hunter.

Pokemon Hunter J.

"J!" Twilight gasped.

"You...!" Rarity's eyes flared as her anger was starting to build back up. Just when Twilight had calmed her down. "What have you done with my sister?!"

"Calm down. Soon, you'll be joining her. A little unicorn already sold a lot for me. I wonder how much an adult one will sell? Better yet, how about an alicorn?"

"Espeon...!" Espeon hissed at the hunter, refusing to let J harm or even touch Twilight.

"What do you mean sell? What did you do?!" Rarity leaned forward.


"As clear as it sounds. Traded your little sis for this nifty gauntlet." J chuckled, revealing the Protean Gauntlet to them. "She'll be next and make a good pet for whoever gets her in the next bidding."

"How dare you!" Rarity exclaimed with magic showing up on her horn. "Pheromosa, Triple Kick!"

"Phero!" Immediately, Pheromosa shared the same ill-intent towards J as she jumped into the air. She put all of her strength into her legs, ready to attack Hunter J herself.

J stood there, unbothered with a smile on her face. And for a good reason. Appearing from the corner, with just as great speeds and wide-open mouth was J's Salamence.

"Sala!" It almost bit Pheromosa's leg with a vicious charge, forcing the Lissome Pokemon to instinctively back away.


"Don't lose your cool now!" J exclaimed as she put her gauntlet out, aiming it at Rarity. Out of it, she used the electricity within it to send out that same electric beam whip from before. Rarity gasped as the whip definitely moved at the speed of lightning, which she wasn't expecting.

Pheromosa jumped in the way, acting as a shield for her trainer. But as a result, the whip had not only shocked her but it had wrapped around the Lissome Pokemon's supple body. "Mosa!"

"Ah! Pheromosa!" Rarity gasped.

"Gotcha!" J grinned as she then swung Pheromosa around by moving her gauntlet. The hunter immediately forced Pheromosa to hit her own Trainer.

"Agh!" Rarity cried out as she was struck by a swung Pheromosa with both of them hitting the walls.

"Rarity! Pheromosa!" Twilight bellowed before turning to face J. "Eve! Dazzling Gleam!"

"Espeon!" The Sun Pokemon lunged into the air, coating her body in an aura of rainbows. After conjuring those rainbows, she then began releasing rapid-fire rays of rainbows out of her body.


"Salamence!" Salamence immediately responded by breathing flames out of his mouth. Those scorching flames managed to cancel out Espeon's Dazzling Gleam with ease. However, as a sneak attack, Piplup moved in with Aerial Ace, hitting Salamence's neck. "Sala?!"


"Let's see what else this does!" J grinned as she tested out more of the gauntlet. She switched to the fire option. And as to be expected, when she utilized the fire option of the gauntlet, she unleashed a ferocious burst of flames that went for Piplup.

"Pip?!" Piplup looked ahead, noticing a furious flame coming his way. One that was so strong that even Water-Type Pokemon could feel it without a doubt. Luckily, Twilight used her magic to pull Piplup away before that could happen. "Lup!"

"I got you!"

"Salamence!" But right after Twilight saved Piplup, Salamence flew right after the Princess of Friendship, ready to bite her with Crunch. Twilight's eyes widened as she was on the verge of being Salamence's snack.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa had shown up to stop that. After recovering from being swung, she pushed the Dragon Pokemon away with a swift kick.


"Let's add more to this, shall we? Drapion, go!" By launching another Poke Ball into the air, she sent out her next Pokemon. Drapion.


"Drapion, Night Slash! Salamence, Thunder Fang!"

"Eve, Quick Attack!"

"Pheromosa, use Rapid Spin!"

"Espeon!" Espeon moved at lightning speeds, meeting face to face with Salamence. The Sun Pokemon managed to get the first hit, striking Salamence before he could hit her. A direct tackle to the head, but Salamence immediately recovered, biting Eve's body with Thunder Fang. "E-Esp!"

"Piplup!" Piplup freed Espeon by unleashing a bombardment of Bubble Beams from his mouth, sending them to Salamence's eyes.

"Sala!" Salamence now had water in his eyes. Even if he resisted it, water being sent inside of an eye would sting regardless of the target. Although, there are some Pokemon that are exceptions. Salamence is not one of them.

"Espeon!" After Piplup saved her, Espeon unleashed Dazzling Gleam, pelting the Dragon Pokemon with super-effective rainbow rays. Salamence had been pushed back by these potent rays, finally receiving major damage.

As for Drapion, he swung his claws, clashing with Pheromosa's legs. The Lissome Pokemon was finding it hard to catch Drapion off guard. That tail of his was a major threat. Each time Pheromosa went for a sneak attack, Drapion immediately used his tail.

Pheromosa separated herself, not wanting to take the risk of interacting with Drapion's tail. "Phero!"

"This could go on forever! We need to get to Sweetie Belle now!" Twilight suggested Rarity.

"That I can get behind!" Rarity agreed. As much as she wanted to give J the beating of a lifetime, her sister came before everything else. "Pheromosa!"

"Mosa!" Pheromosa understood as she grabbed Piplup and Rarity off the floor. Espeon jumped right onto Twilight's back for a ride. They were ready to leave and find Sweetie Belle besides engaging with J.

"I don't think so!" J held her arm out, using the electric option once more. Yet again, the electric whip came flying out. And just as fast as Pheromosa's movements. It was lightning after all. Before Pheromosa could leave with a spurt of speed, the electric whip had latched onto her leg.


"Salamence, Drapion! Get them!"



"I don't think so!" Twilight immediately responded to this by blasting a magic beam onto the whip. One hit and the whip had been cut in half, freeing Pheromosa. After she was freed, the Lissome Pokemon took off like a rocket, leaving the chamber of this room.

"After them!" J cried out as she hopped on Salamence's back. After doing so, the Dragon Pokemon and Drapion began chasing after Pheromosa and the others. An immediate pursuit began. And through the hallways as well.

Pheromosa looked back to see the approaching Hunter J with Salamence and Drapion. Drapion crawled on the walls as that seemed to be a quicker way for him to travel than on the floor. Salamence's flying speed was just quick enough to keep up with Pheromosa, of all Pokemon.

J put her arm cannon out, attempting to turn Pheromosa or any of them into stone. The beam came flying out, going straight for the back of Pheromosa.

"Jump, Pheromosa!" Rarity cried out.

"Phero!" She did just that. She managed to jump over the beam, causing it to miss and hit the walls instead. However, J then decided to use her other arm, going for the gauntlet.

She decided to try the Rock-Type option. And once she did so, she found out that the rock option had the ability to send out a sandstorm. Spiral shaped and everything. The sandstorm had rocks within it as it spiralled through the hall, covering most of it. From top to bottom, making it impossible for Pheromosa to avoid something like this.


"Eve, Psychic!"

"Espeon!" The Sun Pokemon turned around, lighting her eyes with blue colouring. After doing so, she sent an invisible blast of Psychic energy. The Psychic energy then met with the spiralling sandstorm, cancelling it out before it could reach Pheromosa. IN a sense, J essentiallY had Pokemon moves in this gauntlet. And she immediately figured that out.

"Salamence, Dragon Pulse! Drapion, Venoshock!" J ordered as she then used the Fire-Type option from the gauntlet, sending out a large stream of flames.

"Salamence!" Salamence and Drapion joined in, sending a dragon-shaped blast and liquid stream of poison. The flames were strong enough to affect the walls, leaving burn marks and threatening to destroy them.

"Pip-lup-lup!" Piplup used Bubble Beam to try and fend them off. Obviously, she couldn't do it alone. Twilight and Rarity turned around, using their own magic to push these incoming attacks back. Eve tried the same with Dazzling Gleam. Soon, there was a back and forth clash through the hallways.

Pheromosa could hear the constant usage of moves as she didn't look back. She just kept moving forward. However, while it was dangerous from behind, the front wasn't safe either way. Up ahead, she noticed some more bad company.

Two Team Rocket Grunts right in front of her, standing in her way.

"An Ultra Beast! Wonder how much that will go for!" A grunt said as they both had Pokemon out, ready to capture Pheromosa and the others.


"Tentacruel, Water Pulse!"

"Magnezone, Zap Cannon!"


"Magnezone!" Both Tentacruel and Magnezone sent orb-shaped moves forward. One with Water and the other with electricity. And Zap cannon would definitely paralyze Pheromosa. Twilight and the others were occupied with J and her Pokemon from behind so the options were slim at the moment.

However, Twilight had covered the Lissome Pokemon in magic coating along with everyone else, granting her temporary protection while dealing with J and her Pokemon from behind.

"Pheromosa!" Pheromosa smirked as she now had protection. It was so effective that when Water Pulse and Zap Cannon hit, the damage could barely be felt. It definitely stung and made the Lissome Pokemon stagger, but she managed to keep her momentum either way.

The Ultra Beast ran through the smoke, instantly smashing her knee onto Tentacruel and Magnezone at full force. With that knee smash, she sent the two Pokemon flying, crashing them into their trainers.

"Gah!" The two Team Rocket grunts cried out after being hit by their own Pokemon. Pheromosa then jumped over their bodies before turning to the next part of this hallway. Further west. She slid on the floor when making that turn as she pulled it off successfully. Not only that, after heading to the further west with that turn, she evaded the incoming moves, causing Twilight, Espeon, Rarity and Piplup to breathe.

But it wasn't over yet.

J and her Pokemon made the same turn but with less baggage on them. They were still hot on their trail. After making the turn, the two groups were now in a bar.

And in that bar, other criminals could be seen, immediately locking eyes on the approaching Lissome Pokemon and her group. However, before they could act, Pheromosa blitzed past them with great speeds, causing some of them to fall over. The bartender dropped the drinks from Pheromosa's speed creating wind.

"Enough of this! Time to see what this one can do!" J was getting tired of this chase. She wanted to end this quickly. So, she went for the Normal-Type option. She was ready to unleash the full force of this one. And she found a good option. Because out of the gauntlet, a gigantic orange energy beam came bursting out with so much power that it also blew J and Salamence back from its sheer force.

This was the equivalent of the Normal-Type move Hyper Beam. And it showed. With an incredible amount of force, everyone inside the room ducked for cover as the beam tore through the floor itself with a thunderous roar.

Eve tried to fend this off with Psychic along with Piplup, Twilight and Rarity but it was no use. It was just as strong as an average Hyper Beam. As a result, Pheromosa had been blown away by the large explosion, causing her to lose her balance while dropping her friends.


Twilight and the others screamed as they fell on the floor. This entire room had been heavily damaged from the usage of J's gauntlet. Twilight and the others were also hurt by it. They had scraped their hooves whilst the force of the explosion could also be felt through them.

Piplup rolled on the floor as the group ended up falling down some stairs from the direction they went in. It was a bumpy ride all the way down. They hit a flight of stairs with Pheromosa receiving the worst of it thanks to her supple body.

Twilight just managed to recover at the last second, using her magic to hold everyone. She saved them from hitting the end of the stairs with a hard impact at the right time. Thank goodness for alicorn endurance.

The young alicorn then descended, placing everyone on the floor gently. She looked over to see a massive smoke cloud caused by the explosion. She took this chance to escape with her friends as rubble fell from the stairs. She carried them all with her magic, flying off before J could find them.

And speaking of J, she got up from the floor, holding her head. She saw the destruction the gauntlet had caused just from that one usage of a makeshift Hyper Beam. She then looked at the gauntlet, finally realizing what kind of power she had on her side.

"Amazing..." J gawked before gaining a devious grin. "I've scored a big one. Wonder what else it can do?" She was ready to test this thing out more and see the rest of its capabilities. She noticed that Twilight's group was gone now. They had just escaped after that explosion. J scoffed, knowing that they were going towards the further west.

And that was exactly where Sweetie Belle was.

North of the black market.

Towards the north, Ash and Ember were on the higher floor of this black market. They looked through a massive window while having their backs on the wall. Seeing through it made them witness hundreds of criminals, still wondering what that tremor was. And the Hyper Beam from J caused further discussion.

In this room, there were also Pokemon that were inside cages, a part of the illegal Pokemon battling that happens down there. Some of them already had signs of them being injured from all their battling. Some cages were empty, showing that the other Pokemon here met unfortunate ends in their own battles. Seeing that built Ash's anger up, but he was able to contain his anger like always.

Along the way, Ash and Ember had already taken out some Team Rocket grunts. So far, not everyone knew they were here despite the audible and rumbling entrance they made. Their eyes moved through the window as they realized they would be seen through it. Moving ahead would make them visible.

"Looks like we're gonna have to take a different route if we wanna keep going north," said Ash.


"Hm?" Ember didn't respond. Instead, when peering her head from the side, looking through the windows, she noticed something. The workers here were all carrying items of all sorts. Each of them were in either cases or boxes. And in one of those cases, Gible could be seen. "Gible!"

"Huh? Where?!" Ash looked over to where Ember was looking. One gaze and Gible was inside one of the cases, being carried off somewhere in the Black Market.

"Why those...!" Ember growled as she immediately flew through the large glass window, shattering it and startling everyone. Not only did she startle them, but she also alerted everyone in this room.

"Oh, Ember wait!"


"You! Give me back my Gible!" The Dragon Lord roared as she immediately breathed out her destructive pink flames. One usage of her flames and she immediately set the first thing on fire. A table. And that began the process of having the flames spread like wildfire.

The people sitting on that table backed away as Ember moved her flames around. Everyone backed away from her approaching flames with some falling on their backs. Ash and Pikachu jumped through the window, appearing in this room as well. Ember then closed her mouth with pink smoke fuming out of her mouth in rage.

"Nice entrance. "Ash said to the Dragon Lord.

"Hey! Isn't that..." One criminal raised her finger, pointing ahead as she and a few others noticed Ash.

"Yeah, it is! Ash Ketchum! And that special Pikachu!"

"That brat's responsible for a lot of our income losses!"

"Bet if we capture him here, it'll remove a lot of problems off of everyone's back, won't it?"

"Better. Let's just get rid of him. Someone like him could continue running everything for years to come if he sticks around. We can have the Pikachu still!"

"About that, how's he still so young?"

"Looks like you're pretty popular, Ash," Ember spoke to the Alola Champion.

"Hehe..." Ash giggled, acting calm as if he wasn't in a heavy danger room.

"But enough of this! I'm here for my Gible! If you give him back to me, then I might just leave without torching your whole place down."

"As if! Get that Gible out of here!" A Team Rocket grunt exclaimed to the workers. But they were already ahead of them. The moment Ember mentioned Gible, they ran for it, leaving this room.

"No need to worry, Ember. We can get through this."

"Pah! You've outnumbered a hundred to three!" A criminal scoffed at Ash. "Get him!"

"Not yet," Ash smirked as he looked Ember in the eyes. The criminals had already sent out their Pokemon to deal with Ash and Ember. However, soon, the numbers would change a bit as Ember understood what Ash was going for.

The Dragon Lord used er flames once again, but this time, she aimed them at the cages that held the Pokemon captive. Hr flames were strong enough to swiftly melt the metal cages. The first few Pokemon trapped inside were freed.

"Monferno!" A furious Monfero jumped out of the melted cage, taking out one of the criminals' Pokemon with Mach Punch. The rest of the Pokemon ran out of their cages, rushing over to Ash and Ember's side. They were obviously the side to be around for safety.

"Why you! Haunter, Shadow Ball!" A grunt exclaimed as they all ordered their attacks against Ash and Ember.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Lucario, Aura Sphere!"

"Come out, Drakloak! And use Scald!" Ember then held a Poke Ball, sending out one of her other Dragon-Type Pokemon.


"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu jumped into the air, sparking his body with an aura of electricity. He wasn't alone in this. The Pokemon that had been freed by Ember's flames would assist the Mouse Pokemon. Lucario did his usual signature Aura Sphere. As for Drakloak, she unleashed a stream of boiling water from her mouth. All at once, each Pokemon attacked with their own moves. From both sides.

The number of Pokemon plus Pikachu's superior electricity managed to even things out. The clash between moves caused an immediate smoke cloud to form. While the smoke cloud appeared, Ember took the chance to breathe more flames onto the other bars.

The bars had melted, freeing the rest of the Pokemon as the smoke was clearing. And speaking of flames, Ember's own flames were still spreading across the room, giving it a pink ambience. Soon, they would grow in size. Now, Ash and Ember had many Pokemon on their side, quickly gaining numbers to deal with the hundreds of criminals and their Pokemon.

"Let's clear this room out, you guys!" Ash spoke to everyone while holding out two Poke Balls. "Dragonite, let's go!" With red lights streaking upwards, out came the Dragon Pokemon.


"Let's go!" Ash pointed forward, commanding his own Pokemon and the other Pokemon that had been freed. Very soon, an immediate battle between both sides occurred. The Pokemon themselves were feeling vengeful for what they had been put through, so their rage would help with their strength. "Hyper Beam!"

"Dra!" Dragonite opened her mouth, summoning a single orb. Out of that orb, a large beam came flying out, hitting the floor. One hit and a dome-shaped explosion emerged near the side of the criminals. That one usage of Hyper Beam had blown away some of the opposing Pokemon.

Just like that, Dragonite had showcased why the Dragonite species is so powerful. One Hyper Beam and many of the Pokemon had fainted with some of the criminals being struck by their own Pokemon. And thanks to that, the Pokemon on Ash's side was gaining a massive numerical advantage.

The enraged Pokemon were able to do fine on their own too. Some of the criminals were terrified of the enraged Pokemon running for their lives while others had their Pokemon overpowered by pure primal rage.

"Ash! They couldn't have gotten far with Gible! Let's go!"

"Got it!" He nodded as he then hopped onto Dragonites back with Pikachu on his shoulder as always. "Full speed, Dragonite!"

"Dra!" Dragonite understood as she would fly at her top speed. After all, an average Dragonite can go around the globe in just 16 hours. Lucario, Ember and Drakloak would follow after them.

Dragonite broke through the walls of the room instead of just using the door Then again, she was too big for the door anyway. By breaking through the wall ad flying at great speeds, in just seconds, she had already spotted the workers with the items and Gible at their disposal. They were currently heading for the next room while moving down the stairs.

"There!" Ash pointed.

"Come back here!" Ember growled as she breathed flames on the floor, allowing them to spread rapidly. The stairs were being consumed by Ember's flames as the workers entered the next room.

However, even when they entered the next room, Dragonite just broke through the walls, causing large rocks to fly out. The workers felt this tremor from Dragonite breaking through as they almost lost their balance.

"Aura Sphere!"

"Luca!" Lucario roared, sending a few spheres of Aura. The Aura Pokemon then rolled the spheres on the floor, causing them to act like a bowling ball. And much like a bowling ball, get close to it when it's rolling and someone will trip.

In this case, it was the workers. The Aura Spheres hit their legs, blowing up with small blue explosions. They all fell over, dropping their items from the explosion on their leg. Gible was one as he flew into the air.

"Quick Attack, Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu then bolted off Ash's shoulder, moving at lightning speeds as he held his hand out. And with great speeds, the Mouse Pokemon grabbed Gible's statue successfully. "Pika-Pikachu!"

"Awesome!" Ash raised his fist in joy.

"Ugh...You brats! Why I should-" The workers were getting back up, planning on dealing with Ash and the others. But as they got up, the imposing figure of Dragonite stood behind them. The workers shuddered, seeing a massive shadow cast over them.

They turned around, gulping as the glowing eyes of Dragonite could be seen. Since she was close to them, there was no way she was going to let them take out their Poke Balls. And if they even made sudden movements, Dragonite would move faster than they can act.

They wouldn't have to do any of that. Because Lucario had an easy solution for everyone. To save them from having the pain of dealing with Dragonite's fury, the Aura Pokemon casually walked up to the workers, tapping one of their heads.

One tap and he set a pulse of Aura that went through the heads of the other workers. And just like that, the workers had fainted, falling to the ground, unconscious.


"Pika-Pikachu." Pikachu went up to Ember, raising Gible to Ember.

"Thanks, Pikachu." Ember patted Pikachu on the head before grabbing the statue of her partner. "Oh, Gible."

"No need to worry. One Hidden Power and he'll be back at his best."


"I know. Let's hurry and find Twilight."

Further west of the black market.

Speaking of Twilight's group, they had actually taken a different way to move towards the further west. The ventilation systems. Twilight used her magic to remove the cover as Rarity returned Pheromosa. The Lissome Pokemon was too tall for this. After they all entered the vents, Twilight then used her magic to place the cover back on, making sure they weren't traced.

They moved through the vents, hearing the sounds of furious Pokemon battling against the criminals. It was a complete ruckus. But then again, with Ash's group, it's always a ruckus.

Causing an uproar is what they do best.

Rarity kept thinking about Sweetie Belle, hoping that it wasn't too late. If she fails, she could never face her parents or anyone ever again. She would even think she failed as a sister. However, Rarity kept her hopes and spirit up, not letting them down for a second. Sweetie Belle would be saved. But someone wouldn't allow that.


With her special goggles, J was able to see through the walls thanks to the many properties it holds. J's goggles have also improved over the months, making her more dangerous than she was before. And with an increase in her goggles, she noticed four signals moving.

J raised her head, spotting Twilight, Rarity, Espeon and Piplup moving through the vents. She had found them. "Aha."

With one use of her gauntlet, she used the Steel-Type option. By using that option, multiple steel spikes were shot out of the gauntlet, heading for the walls. One hit and the walls had holes blown in them, right near the vents too.

"Ah! Twilight gasped afterwards as her friends came to halt. Not only that, one of the spikes had reached the vent, almost going all the way through. It was a few millimetres from hitting Twilight in the eye. "J!"

"Come out, my little ponies~!" J whistled as she then used the Fire-Type option from the gauntlet. This time, explosive fireballs were sent instead of a stream of fire. This was similar to Fire Blast.

The explosive fireballs hit the walls, further blowing holes in them and threatening to destroy the vents. Twilight and the others sped up their movements in the vents. The fireballs had revealed the ventilations as J kept her goggles active. She saw them moving as they just couldn't escape her sight.

"Salamence, break it apart with Hyper Beam!"

"Sala...mence!" The Dragon Pokemon opened his mouth, ready to unleash a behemoth of a Hyper Beam. Twilight heard the command, already knowing what could happen. For safety, she cast yet another magic coating around her friends.

The large Hyper Beam was sent. And as to be expected, there was no way the vents were withstanding this. A large outburst of Infinity Energy had spread out engulfing the upper part of this room. J watched as the explosion consumed everything within the vents. A chain reaction happened with the ventilation being obliterated.

Thankfully, these vents didn't connect to anywhere important. This was the underground and a secret hideaway after all. But it would leave a lasting effect, that's for sure.

Twilight and everyone closed their eyes as they had been blown back by the explosion. However, the magic coating managed to protect and nullify some of the damage. But they could still feel it. Hyper Beam was nothing to scoff at. As they were blown back, the group fell out of the vents, entering the next room.

This room was some sort of storage room, filled with rare items and boxes that also had rare items in them. Possibly even more than that.

"Ugh!" Twilight and the others fell on their backs while entering this room. The magic coating had done its job. While they were hurt, it wasn't a severe amount. If Twilight never used that spell, the Hyper Beam would've done more than just hurt them.



"I-Is everyone okay?" Twilight groaned as she got up from the floor.

"Barely. I'm not sure your coating spell can handle anymore darling." Rarity sighed while getting up.

"Esp? Espeon!" Just then, Espeon called for everyone, finding something of great importance. They all turned to where Espeon was facing. And it was certainly of great importance. Rarity's eyes widened. Her lower lip shaking as her hooves were quaking.

Sweetie Belle was here.

"Sweetie Belle!" Rarity exclaimed, galloping over to her little sister. She immediately hugged the petrified filly with all of her love. Even though Sweetie Belle couldn't do anything as a stone statue, she could hear and see Rarity.

Then again, she can only look in one direction and hear her surroundings. But in this case, with Rarity here, she was happy to hear and see. Rarity teared up, continuing to hug her little sister. The last time she showed this much emotion was when Spirtiomb attacked.

"Come out, Ninetales." Twilight then sent out the answer to this problem. Ninetales.


"Use Hidden Power Dragon."

"Tales." Ninetales nodded as he got to work. By covering his body in a white light, he shot out a gentle version of Hidden Power instead of its usual destructive one.

The white light covered the petrified Sweetie Belle. Rarity continued to hug her, not letting go for a second. She needed this moment. The white light then increased in size as Rarity's eyes were opening. Once they opened, she could no longer feel stone. But instead, her sister.

"Mmmrgh..." Sweetie Belle grumbled as the light faded away. Her eyes blinked a bit before looking Rarity in the eyes. "Rarity! Piplup!"

"Sweetie Belle!" The big sister raised her little sister in the air. The two f them had a splendid reunion giggling with excitement. They jumped around together, showing their sisterly bond.

"Piplup!" Piplup also had to get in there as he lunged into the air, landing Sweetie Belle's head. "Lup! Pip-Piplup!"

"Oh! Are you still hurt at all?!" Rarity asked.

"Nope! Totally fine now!" Sweetie Belle grinned. "Thank you all so much for rescuing me! I thought I was a goner there!"

"Now we just need to get to Gible. Let's hurry before J finds us," said Twilight.

"Espeon!" Espeon was already ahead of that. She hissed at the door, knowing exactly who was showing up. Approaching the storage room was Hunter J herself.

"Not quick enough, princess," J spoke while opening the door, revealing herself and her Pokemon to Twilight's group. "I'll admit, you're just as elusive as your friend, Ash. Seems like that just comes naturally with whoever he befriends. Makes me sick to my stomach."

Sweetie Belle hid behind Rarity while Espeon and Piplup acted as shields for their Trainers. Ninetales growled as he also stepped forward. His tails flared up at the sight of J.

Hunter J ow had them cornered in the storage room. The outcome of this was yet to be decided. But with Sweetie Belle free, there was still hope. And with Ash and the others on their way to try and find Twilight's group, this little scenario is reaching its climax as the journey continues.

Chapter 504 End.

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