• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Slumbering Weald

Galar Region, Hammerlocke, Night.

The region where Dynamax is the most prominent and present. And of course, the one region which holds the Pokemon responsible for the Dynamax Phenomenon.


A Pokemon of unknown origin and alignment. One that had seemingly faded in obscurity centuries ago, supposedly from the efforts of either one single hero or two heroes.

But either way, the defeat of this Pokemon was only temporary. As it was only a matter of time until the day would come where it would finally regain the strength to cause havoc across the world as it did in the days of old.

However, Eternatus was currently being kept inside of a strange orb-shaped core at a hangar. As if it was a baby in an egg. But this hangar didn't just have Eternatus present there. The sphere was surrounded by scientists who were assigned to study and keep watch of the core.

The hangar let out a constant alert noise that wouldn't stop playing, indicating that something was definitely wrong, most likely relating to Eternatus. And the one overseeing this whole operation was none other than their boss and the director of Macro Cosmos.

Chairman Rose. Alongside his secretary, Oleana.

They had currently arrived at the hangar to check up on Eternatus after getting the alert. Despite how serious this seemed, Rose maintained a calm demeanour and face when entering the hangar.

"What's wrong?" Oleana said.

"When we had the core absorb Galar particles, it started overloading." A scientist answered.

"That's why we have the hangar then, isn't it obvious?" Oleana raised an eyebrow.

"Well...the energy tore through the hangar." The scientist replied.

"You intend to release it again?" Oleana crossed her arms. She seemed to take this much more seriously than Chairman Rose in terms of Dynamax and Eternatus.

Suddenly, the sphere lit up with red and purple energy, dazzling the entire hangar. Everyone turned their attention to the sphere as 10 Dynamax lights suddenly flowed out of the sphere.

This was a sign that Eternatus was finally starting to wake up as the raw energy of the mysterious Pokemon was so intense that it summoned Dynamax power spots that erupted near Hammerlocke.

However, these power spots weren't like the previous ones in which there is just one of them each and that's it. Instead, because of Eternatus, a single pillar of Dynamax energy was actually capable of creating more Galar Particles.

The purple pillars rose high enough to pierce the clouds as they each sent out streaks of Galar Particles that scattered across the Galar Region.

Rose simply smiled as he watched them fly off into the night sky. But the particles weren't just scattering across Galar. They had a second destination.

Eternatus always reacts to Dynamax energy, wherever it may be. The Galar Region is the only region filled with Dynamax power spots, so it was natural for it to focus on Galar and no other region

However, thanks to the actions of Lucien bringing Dynamax to Equestria, Eternatus now has a second location where it can absorb Dynamax energy as some of the purple streaks were heading straight for Equestria.

"Hurry and reinforce the hangar," Oleana ordered.

"Ma'am!" The scientists replied in unison.

"Truly unlimited energy..." Rose said to himself. "Marvellous."

Equestria, night.

"It's time," Lucien said as he opened his eyes, standing on top of a cloud with Sienna as always.

"What? What time?" Sienna asked him.

"This is what I've been waiting for." He rubbed his hands together as the night sky cast a shadow over his face, giving him a sinister appearance. "Time for the true Dynamax Phenomenon to show itself!"

"Oh! Is this when Eternatus finally wakes up?!" Sienna gasped. "I didn't think we'd be here so soon. This should be fun."

"It's more than just fun," Lucien smirked. "Don't you see what this means?"

"Uh..." Sienna looked at him with a poker face. "N-N-No not really." She shook her head.

"In the original timeline, Etenrnatus reached its peak power after absorbing all the energy in the Galar Region, entering a state of overload. But, now that Equestria has Galar particles here..."

Sienna took a moment to process what Lucien was talking about. It didn't take long since it was easy to understand what this all meant. "Oh no..." Her eyes widened.

"Oh yes. Sit back and relax, Sienna. This is where the fun begins!"

Cerise Labs, Vermillion City, Night.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" Both Ash and Goh said as they were having a small game of rock, paper, scissors on who would get the highest part of the bunk bed. Goh ended up winning with rock and Ash with scissors.

"I win!" Goh exclaimed. "Off you go, then."

"Darn." Ash groaned as he walked towards the door. "I'll just turn off the lights then.

"Okay!" Goh nodded as Ash turned off the lights.

Ash now had to navigate himself in the dark, but his best buddy Pikachu was there to help as the Electric Mouse Pokemon summoned an electric field around him, giving Ash some light. "Pi...!"

"Thanks, Pikachu." Ash thanked his buddy for helping him out.

But Pikachu's electric field wasn't the only source of light in the room at the moment. Inside of Ash's bag, a mysterious reddish glow emanated out of it, grabbing the attention of Ash, Pikachu and Goh.


"Hm?" Ash, curious by what was going on, went over to his bag to check inside. Once he looked inside, he noticed that the source of the reddish light was none other than his Dynamax band. He picked up the band, looking at it as he wondered why it was glowing now of all times.

He wouldn't have to wonder much longer. He knew of the one person who could help give him an answer to this. The owner of Cerise Laboratory, Professor Cerise himself.

Luckily, he was still awake and available due to him being a Pokemon Professor after all. They rarely sleep most of the time anyway.

"Hmm...This is new." Cerise looked at the band that was now in his hand. "I know that trainers in the Galar Region use these bands to Dynamax and Gigantamax their Pokemon. But still, there are many things unknown about the exact mechanism."

"I was wondering about it for ages, too," Goh said. "Why do Pokemon Dynamax to begin with?"

"Yeah now that you mention it..." Ash crossed his arms.

"I thought it was limited to Wild Areas and Stadiums but Equestria has some of their own." Goh scratched his hair. "I don't really understand it..."

"Right." Ash nodded.

"There have been a number of exceptions, actually." Chryssa, one of Cerise's assistants replied.

"Exceptions?" Ash turned to her.

"Even before the two worlds crossed over and our connection with Equestria, Pokemon Dynamaxing outside of Wild Areas and Stadiums has happened before." The other assistant Ren further explained. The computer he was facing showed off the Galar map as multiple signs of Dynamaxing had been seen popping up. "There have been many reported cases as of late."

"I wonder if it has something to do with my Dynamax band shining." Ash looked over at his band.

"Anything we're curious about, we go straight to check it out!" Goh grinned. "That's our job as fellow researchers, yeah?"

"He's right," Cerise replied. "Goh. Ash. Head to the Galar Region to solve the mystery of Dynamax. There's also someone there who can be of great help to you."

"Got it!" They both said in unison.


Meanwhile, at Equestria, Galar Particles have already interacted with the world itself.

The power spots plastered on different locations from Manehattan to Dodge Junction were reacting to Eternatus's energy. But this wasn't like before where Eternatus was only slightly influencing the energy due to it still being in a somewhat weakened state.

Instead, with a highly-active Eternatus who now seems to be getting back to full strength, its influence was much more present than before.

So present that when the streaks of Galar Particles flew in the air, a horrible chill filled the atmosphere, as if it was giving Equestria a warning.

Mostly everypony in Equestria couldn't feel this chill since they were asleep along with many Pokemon minus the nocturnal ones who weren't.

One Pokemon, in particular, definitely sensed it. The Pokemon who showed up when there was a Dynamax Crisis occurring in Equestria.

That Pokemon was none other than the Disaster Pokemon, Absol, who was, of course, living in the mountains on his lonesome. His horn already picked up on the presence of brand new Dynanax energy arriving here in Equestria. But it also sensed some over at the Pokemon World as well.

"Absol..." Absol growled as he felt the uncomfortable chill more than anyone. He knew that this wouldn't be like the previous Dynamax Crisis. From how intense and violent these Galar Particles were, whatever happens next will blow the previous crisis out of the water.

Absol knew that he had to set out and do something immediately. He wasn't sure that he could stop this due to his horn telling him the scale of this disaster, but Absol was willing to try anyways as he left the mountains, off to stop this second crisis.

And of course, the two ponies who can never sleep, Jade Skies and Cold Colt, felt this chill run through their bodies. And it wasn't the chill of the night, that's for sure.

The duo looked up to see red streaks pass by as Cold believed it was just a shooting star. But Jade wasn't so sure about that. She noticed that it was most likely going to land somewhere that wasn't close to Ponyville but much further.

Not at Lapras Lake, Bidoof Beach, Saddle Lake or even the Everfree Forest. Its landing spot was unknown to her, but she made sure to remember it. Everypony else in Ponyville hadn't even noticed or felt the chill that filled their town.

At least, most of them anyway. There was one other pony who was still asleep but could still feel something relating to Dynamax.

That being Twilight Sparkle was currently tossing and turning in her sleep. She didn't think too much of the chill as she thought it was just the night having a strong wind pressure at the moment.

That is until her head decided to ache out of nowhere. Although, this time, the cause of it wasn't a mystery to her. The headache ruined Twilight's perfect sleep as the young alicorn's heart started racing all of a sudden.

"Ow...!" Twilight sat up from her head, holding her head as a splitting pain came to her. She could automatically tell that this had something to do with Absol as she had visions of the Mega Evolution symbol like before. "Again...? Is Absol near?"

Curious if Absol was nearby, Twilight hopped off her bad as she looked outside the window, wondering if she could see the Disaster Pokemon.

But there was no sign of him. He wasn't even close to Ponyville at the moment. However, the visions of the symbol and constant headaches was a dead giveaway that she and Absol were currently feeling something together on two separate parts of Equestria.

Absol knew what was coming, but Twilight, not so much. She assumed that it was just another Dynamax crisis, and it technically was. However, she had no idea how large scale this second crisis could be at all.

No one does.

Galar Region, near Wedgehurst, day.

Ash and Goh were on a train to Wedgehurst under the orders of Professor Cerise. To find out about the mystery of Dynamax, they would have to meet one particular person in Wedgehurst who can give them some necessary answers.

"Train journeys have a special charm to them, don't they?" Goh looked outside the train window.

"For sure!" Ash agreed. "Since we're in the Galar Region, I just had to get these!" He dug his hand in his bag, grabbing out some scones that he bought earlier. "These nice-smelling tiny thingies!" Ash held two scones in his hands. "We've gotta kick things off with some of these! Here, Pikachu, have one."

"Pika!" Pikachu was given a scone as he and Pikachu were about to take a bite at the same time.

"You mean scones...?" Goh raised an eyebrow.

"Time to eat!" Ash exclaimed as he and Pikachu went to town on the scones, chomping and chewing away. Ash got a little bit too ambitious as the thickness of the scones got stuck in his throat "G-Gogh!" His face puckered out.

"Here, have some milk tea." Goh gave him something to clear his throat.

"T-T-Thanks...!" Ash grabbed the milk tea, drinking it aggressively.

"Honestly, did you forget why we're here, Ash?"

"I remember for sure! We're going to Wedgehurst to meet a friend of Professor Cerise, right? Her name was..." Ash tried to remember what her name was.

"Professor Magnolia." Goh gave him the answer as he showed Ash an image of Professor Cerise with Professor Magnolia on his Rotomphone. "The number one Dynamax Researcher."

"Oh, yeah, right!"

Just as the train was going along, there was an announcement that interrupted the ride. "We apologize for the inconvenience. The train will stop here for some time due to a thick fog up ahead."

"Fog?" said Goh.

The train had promptly stopped. And for once, it wasn't by any Wooloo's. Ash opened the doors as he and Goh looked outside to see this supposed fog.

But there was nothing there. "Hm...Don't really see anything from here." Ash squinted his eyes.

The announcement continued further with new information. "We're expecting to be here for a long time, so we will open some of the doors."

"What a mess. We get held up here when we're so close." Goh sat back down as the other train doors opened up. They had no choice but to wait here until the train got a move on.

"Well...if we wanna pass the time, we can always head back in the Board Game World and help out Dusknoir and Kathleen." Ash took out the board game from his bag.

"Maybe..." Goh closed his eyes as he slumped on his seat.

Things seemed slow for a bit until a Bunnelby showed up in front of them all, eating one of the scones.

"Bunnel. Bunnel."

"A Bunnelby?" Goh narrowed his eyes at the Digging Pokemon along with Ash and the Pokemon.

"Bun..." Bunnelby noticed that they were looking right at it. It tried to be sneaky and grab the scones without anyone noticing, but that was an instant failure. So, the best option now is to make a run for it. And that's what it did. "Bun!"

The Digging Pokemon hopped out of the window whilst still having the scone in its mouth. Normally, that would've been the end of it, but Goh being the eager fellow that he is, decided to catch Bunnelby.

"Oh! I haven't caught Bunnelby yet actually!" Goh stood up. "Wait!" He immediately went out, chasing after the Digging Pokemon.

"W-Wait up, Goh!" Ash followed him as well.

"By! Bunnel!" Bunnelby made its way to the forest as its way of hiding. Goh stopped to check the name of the forest on his Rotomphone.

"It's called the Slumbering Weald...What a name." Goh closed his phone as he continued to purse Bunnelby. He and Ash were now entering uncharted territory in the Galar Region.

The Slumbering Weald.

A forest that was full of fog and trees that are close to each other at all times. This is most definitely where the fog was coming from as seen by how thick it was. But because of the thick fog and entering this forest for the first time, they had currently lost sight of Bunnelby.

"This fog's thicker than I thought..." Goh uttered.

"Bunnelby!" Ash called out for Bunnelby's name.


"Hm?" Just then, Goh spotted his target. Bunnelby. Turns out, it didn't get too far at all. The Digging Pokemon hopped along, not noticing Goh right behind it. "There!"

Eager to catch it, Goh chased after Bunnelby whilst Ash kept on calling Bunnelby's name. But whilst he called for it, his Xtransceiver started to ring.

On the screen it showed Twilight's face, indicating that she was the one calling him. Ash answered Twilight's call, wondering what it could be about. "Hey, Twilight. What's up?"

"Ash. We might have a problem." Twilight.

"Problem? What happened now?"

"Well, I was in bed last night and I started getting those same headaches and visions of the Mega Evolution symbol."

Like with Absol?"

"Mhm." She nodded. "I think Absol's sensed another disaster recently. But...I'm not sure what."

"Another disaster? Could it be...Dynamax?" Ash thought of connecting Twilight's call with his glowing Dynamax band.

"No idea. But if Absol sensed it then it must be something huge."

"Alright. I'll head over there and check it out as soon as I can. Gonna have to put my Dynamax research on hold then."

"Dynamax research?"

"Yeah. My band starting glowing all of a sudden last night, so Professor Cerise told me and Goh to head over to Wedgehurst and find Professor Magnolia. She's the number one Dynamax Researcher!"

"Number one Dynamax Researcher?!" Twilight exclaimed with her voice raised as she pressed her face on the screen, startling Ash and Pikachu.



"Why am I now hearing about this?! There's someone who's an expert on Dynamax?!"

"Ah, I just learned about it too, Twilight." Ash rubbed the back of his head. "I had no idea who she was until Professor Cerise told us."

"If she's the best, then she'll give us all the answers we may need! Stay there, Ash! We'll come to you!"

"What about Equestria and the potential disaster?

"No need to worry. We've got gateways after all. If Dynamax Pokemon show up in Equestria whilst we're in the Pokemon, we'll be able to cover a lot of ground depending on which gateway shortcuts we take. So, be right there!"

"Alright." Ash nodded as he and Twilight both hung up on each other. "Guess we've got a lot more to do today, huh?"


Ash turned around, noticing that Goh was no longer here. He was long gone, chasing after the Bunnelby. "Hm? Goh!" Ash called out for his name. Now he'll have to find him in this forest full of fog.


And what about Goh?

He managed to finally catch Bunnelby after a short chase with his special curveball. "Gotcha! I caught it, Ash!" But as he turned around, he as well noticed that Ash wasn't with him.

With their separation, Goh would be forced to go through this foggy forest and search for Ash himself. Which was unfortunate but inevitable considering what kind of forest they were in.

Back at Ponyville, Twilight was getting ready to find Ash and Goh. The gateway to the Galar Region was a bit further away from Ponyville compared to others such as Kanto, Unova and Kalos.

The nearest Galar gateway was located near Trottingham. And that one was connected to the booming metropolis city of Wyndom. But getting to Trottingham was a long trip in itself.

"Do we have to be in such a hurry?" Starlight asked Twilight.

"Yes. If Absol senses something, then we can't afford to waste any time." Twilight placed her equipment in her saddlebag. Ash and Goh are already at Galar right now, searching for someone named Professor Magnolia. If we hurry, we can catch up to them."

"But Trottingham's so far away though..." Spike groaned. "Are we even gonna make it in time?"

"Don't worry about that. If we went to Trottingham the normal way, it would take up most of the day. Which is why I've got a better idea." Twilight smirked. "We'll take a bunch of shortcuts through each gateway by going through the ones that connect to different parts of Equestria."

"Oh, I get it." Spike understood what Twilight meant. "We'll go in and out of different gateways leading to Equestria and the Pokemon World, right? That is some pretty easy travel."

"I've already told the others and they're ready to go too. We can maybe learn about Dynamax and help Absol with the incoming crisis, whenever it shows up."

"What if we don't have enough time then?" Starlight asked.

"That's fine. The Swords of Justice will be there to help Absol like before. Equestria's in good hooves with them around."

"I guess so...I'm just a bit worried, ya know." Starlight bit her hoof.

"I feel ya." Spike nodded.

"We'll have fewer things to worry about once we know how Dynamax really works. Let's go."

With Twilight, Spike and Starlight heading out of the castle, their friends were already waiting for them, ready to get a move on. They understood that the situation might be dire considering the connection Absol and Twilight, so they were already raring to go.

Back at the Slumbering Weald, Ash and Goh were still searching for each other, but with zero luck so far.

"Goh! Where are you?" Ash continued to call for his name, but nothing.

"Pikachu...Pika?" The Electric Mouse Pokemon suddenly stopped as he sensed something nearby.

"What's wrong, Pikachu?"

"Pi...!" Whatever it was, it was enough to get Pikachu in a stance where he was prepared to defend Ash from whatever could be near.

A mysterious and eerie howl echoed throughout the forest, grabbing the attention of Ash and Pikachu's ears. It was unlike anything Ash and Pikachu have experienced before, even with the insane adventures they've been on.

That howl wasn't just the wind playing tricks on Ash and Pikachu, not at all. Instead, a Pokemon was causing it. But the howling didn't sound like it was apart of the living world. It almost sounded like it came from a spirit.

That's when the Pokemon behind those sounds revealed itself. And as a plus, it was a Pokemon Ash has never seen before once.

This Pokemon had a wolf-like-appearance with a cyan fur colour and sharp yellow eyes. It had a pink tail and pink braids going down the side of its body. Two pink fringes of fur were present on its back. Battle scars were visible on its sides, and part of its left ear is missing as if it had been through an intense moment in its life.

This mysterious Pokemon stared at Ash and Pikachu, not making a single sound whatsoever as the fog surrounded its body.

"Pika..." Pikachu had electricity come out of his sacs as he was prepared for the worst.

"A Pokemon I've never seen before..." Ash dug into his pockets, taking out his Pokedex to see who this Pokemon was.

However, surprisingly and unexpectedly, the Pokedex couldn't properly scan the mysterious Pokemon as there was no information for it at all. "No matching Pokemon found in past data." The dex informed.

"So it's a new species of Pokemon?!" Ash was surprised. Never before has he come across something like this before. All the other Pokemon he's met have data based around them. Even Arceus himself.

This was the first time the Pokedex was stumped and clueless.

All of a sudden, the mysterious Pokemon's eyes lit up as it lunged at Ash and Pikachu whilst letting out a howl.

Similarly, Goh had a mysterious encounter of his own. He heard the howling from the forest, unsure of where it was coming from. That's when he met a Pokemon that was identical to the one that Ash was currently with.

This Pokemon had magenta coloured fur along with the same yellow eyes as the other one. Compared to the other Pokemon which had a slimmer frame, this Pokemon had a bulkier frame and a ponytail on its head. Its forelimbs, tail, and ponytail were all a deep blue. Its body was covered in battle scars, like the other one and part of its right ear was missing too. Its head and neck have thick fur resembling a shield.

Naturally, Goh was curious about what this Pokemon was. "What's that...?" Goh took out his Rotomphone to scan it.

But just like the other one and Ash's Pokedex, the data for this Pokemon was also unavailable. "No registered data for this Pokemon! Unable to analyze!"

"That means...it's a new species of Pokemon?!" And just like with Ash, the unidentified Pokemon lunged at Goh with its eyes flashing yellow.

Back with Ash, he and Pikachu had just managed to avoid the lunge from the cyan Pokemon. "Pika?!"

"Heh! Just what I hoped for!" Ash grinned as he held his hat. "Let's battle!"


"Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Ash put his arm out.

"Chu..." Pikachu jumped in the air, performing a backflip as his tail hardened up with a white glow on it. "Pika!" Pikachu then swung his Iron Tail forward, expecting to hit the unidentified Pokemon.

But to his shock, he went right through it along with Iron Tail. "Pika?!"

"Huh?!" Ash gasped.

Over with Goh, he instead tried to catch the Pokemon instead of battling it as he already had a Poke Ball. "I'll catch you! Go!" He tossed the Poke Ball. But even that phased right through the magenta Pokemon, tumbling on the ground. "W-What?!"

The magenta Pokemon stared at Goh, not moving an inch at all. Raboot kicked up a pebble, already knowing that some work had to be done against this Pokemon. "Boot..."

"Oh, right! Raboot! Use Ember!"

"Ra!" Raboot kicked the pebble two times as it was set on fire. "Boot!" The Rabbit Pokemon then sent the Ember right towards the Magenta Pokemon. But even that one failed and went through it. "Ra?!"

"It went right through?!" Goh pulled back. Confusion and bewilderment started to fill his head as he had no idea what was up with this Pokemon.

First, the Poke Ball goes through and now the Ember. It was as if this Pokemon along with the other one with Ash wasn't actually here. But just merely an apparition.

And speaking of Ash, his attempts to land a hit on this Pokemon failed miserably as the cyan Pokemon stared at him and Pikachu.

"What's going on?"

Just as Ash said that those same haunting howls came in. But not only that, the fog in the forest suddenly enveloped the entire area, thickening all of a sudden. For both Ash and Goh.

As if these Pokemon weren't mysterious enough. It seems as if they had control over the fog in some way. Pikachu stayed close to Ash whilst Sobble and Raboot stayed close to Goh as the fog started to the close in on them.

With Twilight and her friends, they were already making their way to Trottingham and Galar.

They did this by taking the gateway to Lumiose City which had a nearby gateway located East at Route 16. That Route had its own gateway that led to Neighagra Falls. And of course, that one had its own nearby gateway which led straight to Virbank City.

Obviously, with all these connections, getting to certain destinations had never been this easy before. If anything, the Rift had managed to gift Twilight and her friends the best form of transportation yet.

"So, this Professor Magnolia person. She's like the best with Dynamax?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Apparently. If we had known about her existence in the first place, we would've gone to her and learned more about Dynamax before the crisis." Twilight replied.

"At least we'll be meeting her for the first time." Fluttershy smiled.

"But which part of Galar are we gonna end up in even? And couldn't we have just taken the plane from Kanto?" Applejack asked.

"This is much quicker. As for the location in Galar...I'm not too sure about that one." Twilight shook her head. "We'll have to wait and see."

They continued on their way to the Galar Region by passing through the next gateway. Trottingham was nearly within their reach at this point, along with the gateway to Galar.

Along the way, they were already worried about other parts of Equestria They feared that Dynamaxed Pokemon had already resurfaced. But their fears had been quickly subsided once they remembered that the Swords of Justice were around.

Back at the hangar, one of the worst possible scenarios was occurring.

The core that Eternatus resided in was starting to break apart, showing that it was no longer able to hold the mysterious Pokemon any longer,

Eternatus has been absorbing Galar Particles from not just Galar but Equestria as well. As such, it's power has built up to such as a large level that the core was starting to look useless now.

In the original timeline, Eternatus reached its peak by absorbing all of the Dynamax energy from Galar. But now, with Equestria energy involved, the peak of its power was at a higher level.

The core was starting to crack with red lights shooting out of it. This prompted the scientists to pay close attention as they were all startled by this. They didn't expect the core to crack this soon.

With Eternatus almost breaking free of the core, the scientists all made a run for it as they weren't ready to be caught up in whatever chaotic shenanigans that might ensue with this Pokemon breaking free.

The hangar had been evacuated as more Galar particles flew out of the core, setting off to find some Pokemon to Dynamax instantly.

Over at the Slumerbing Weald, the outcome of Ash and Goh wasn't anything that involved them getting hurt once the fog had finally closed in on them.

However, the fog was capable of knocking them out as they had been unconscious for a while. It didn't take long for them to wake up as the heavy fog seemed to have subsided.

"Mrrgh..." Goh got up first, holding his head. "Where am I?" He took a moment to process why he came here in the first place. "Oh, right! Ash! Ash! Where are you?!" Goh tried calling for Ash's name, but no luck. "Ash!

Seeing how his calling wasn't effective at all, Goh decided to wander about in the forest until he could find his research friend.

That's when he got himself a call. But not by Ash. Instead, it was from Twilight. The Xtransceiver and Rotomphone could thankfully share trainer numbers. "Hm? Twilight?" Goh answered his Rotomphone.

"Goh! Glad I could answer you! I've been trying to reach Ash but nothing!" Twilight bellowed. "Where is he? Isn't he supposed to be with you?"

"About that...I've kinda lost Ash too. We're in this Slumbering Weald forest in Galar with all this fog." Goh looked around the forest. "We got separated once we came in here."

"Did you say a forest with fog?" Fluttershy moved her head to the screen.

"Mhm." Goh nodded.

"Funny story!" Pinkie went in front of Twilight and Fluttershy. "We just spotted one from super far away!"

"Eh? Eh?! Then does that mean you're close?"

"I think so." Starlight was now the focus of the screen. "Hold on. We'll be right there!"

"Okay. See ya soon." Goh hung up on them as he sighed. "Thank goodness...But where is Ash? Maybe he went back to the train without me?"

Speaking of the train, the sounds of it honking passed through Goh's ears, making the researcher's eyes widen. That could only mean one thing. The train was about to leave.

"Oh no!" Goh gasped as he ran to the direction where he heard the honk. He and his Pokemon ran as fast they could to try and catch up to the train, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

The train had left, leaving Goh behind and to an extent Ash as he and his Pokemon watched the train slink away, heading off to another location in the Galar Region.

"Curses." Goh sighed, feeling defeated that he had lost the train. However, his defeat soon turned to a semi-victory as his running led him out of the Slumbering Weald, finally.

And that prompted Twilight and the others to notice him. "Goh!" Twilight waved at him.

"Oh, finally. Some familiar faces." Goh felt relieved. So far this day has been a bit more eventful than he expected. Little did he know what was coming his way.

After passing through so many gateways, they had finally made it to the Galar Region. Trottingham's gateway led to a train track close to the Slumbering Weald from the looks of it.

"Goh. Have you found Ash yet?" Starlight asked.

"No..." Goh lowered his head. "I think he might've gotten on the train already but, I'm not so sure."

"You guys got lost in there?" Pinkie pointed her hoof at the Slumbering Weald.

"Right. That place is kinda creepy...I passed out all of a sudden from all the fog, I think. I'm not too sure."

"Well, we're here now right." Rarity said. "Where is this Professor Magnolia?"

"Well...that train was meant to take us to Wedgehurst but..." Goh sighed.

"Don't worry about it." Pinkie appeared behind Goh, patting him on the back. "We'll find both Ash and this Professor Magnolia person in no time." She reassured him.

"Esp?" Eve's ears perked up as she looked up in the sky. She was the first to see the purple streaks of Galar Particles flying shooting in the sky. "Espeon. Esp." Eve nudged Twilight's hoof.

"What is it, Eve?"

"Eon." The Sun Pokemon raised her paw, showing Twilight and her friends the sight of the Galar Particles and how they were passing by.

"Those purple lights..." Fluttershy gawked.

"They kinda look like Dynamax lights." Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. With her mentioning Dynamax, this gave everypony the conclusion that there was indeed a second Dynamax crisis heading their way.

But before they could decide what to do next, all of a sudden, a pink car almost crashed into all of them, causing each of them to jump in shock as they had been startled.

"H-Huh?!" Goh pulled back whilst Starlight and Rarity fell on their backs.

The person inside of the pink car was none other than Sonia, who had binoculars out, looking straight up at the sky. "Oh dear, even out here?" Sonia said.

"S-Sonia?!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Hm?" Sonia turned her attention to the one who called her. Very soon, she had seen so many familiar faces along with an extra one right in front of her. "Oh! My little ponies! Are you here investigating the Galar particles too?"

"Something like that. We're actually heading to find this Professor Magnolia person." Starlight replied.

"Professor Magnolia?" Sonia thought for a second. "Oh, you mean my grandmother!"

"Grandmother?!" They all shouted in unison, not expecting Sonia to be the granddaughter of Professor Magnolia. But, they've technically struck gold now and found an easier way to reach Professor Magnolia.

As for Ash, he had just woken up after being knocked out. He and Pikachu stretched their limbs, feeling a bit refreshed after that. "Why was I sleeping here?"


"Where's that Pokemon?!" Ash looked around for the Pokemon as he still remembered seeing it. "We'd better get back to the train soon, Pikachu."

"Pikachu." Pikachu hopped on his partner's shoulder, ready to leave this unknown forest since it was already starting to make him feel sleepy again.

The duo ventured in the Slumbering Weald, trying to find a way out of here whilst also searching for Goh. "Goh! Are you here?! Goh!"

"Pika! Pika!"

"I won't make it aboard in a time like this. Goh could've gone on ahead. I'll have to take the chance."

"Pi. Pika?" Very soon, Pikachu and Ash would end up noticing the streaking purple lights in the sky themselves, making them aware of it. Still, where they'd up landing was a mystery. But one that Ash and Pikachu would end up following.

The closest Dynamax light to them seemed to be heading straight for a small town where the people there were unbothered by anything at the moment.

"Centi! Here's some Oran Berries." A little girl was giving a Centiskorch some berries to eat the moment alongside her father.

"Skorch!" The Radiator Pokemon took a bite out of the berries, getting the wonderful taste of them in its mouth. "Centiskorch!"

The Centiskorch, the little girl and the father seemed happy due to how peaceful it was here. But unfortunately, that peace wouldn't last at all.

A Galar Particle had found its way here at the small town. Despite it being a random streak of light, it still had the ability to aim and find a target due to Eternatus being apart of it.

The streak of light crashed down on Centiskorch, catching the Radiator Pokemon off guard. "Centi?!

"Ah!"The little girl backed up as her father held her.

"C-Centiskorch?" The father stammered.

"C-CE-CENTI!" That's when it had begun. Centiskorch was one of the first Pokemon to Gigantamax as its body was pulsating, growing in size as the skies around the town turned red all of a sudden. "CENTISKORCH!"

"W-What's going on?!" A townsperson said as they were all looking up at the Gigantamaxed Centiskorch. "Gigantamaxing in the middle of town?!"

"I don't know either!" The father replied, holding his daughter.

"SKORCH!" The Fire-Bug-Type bellowed as it suddenly coiled its body up. The circles on it started glowing bright yellow as massive fireball then forms before its body.

This prompted the townspeople to make a run for it as soon as they can as they were panicking and screaming. "No, Centiskorch!" The father screamed as he ran away.

"Centi!" The daughter called out for the Radiator Pokemon. But with Eternatus being in control, any sense of reason was knocked out of the park.

The fireball was released from Centiskorch's body as once it made contact with the ground, the nearest building had been wiped out in one go, leaving nothing but a small pile of rubble with fire spreading.

But Equestria wasn't safe from this either.

Over at Canterlot, they were all unaware of what was coming their way as well.

Daylight Blazer was currently at his home with his Medicham out as they were having a small conversation at the moment. "Alright, Medicham. We're going to swap out Fire Punch with Calm Mind. So let's train hard, okay?"

"Medi!" Medicham agreed to learn a new move if it means that he and Daylight can become stronger together. However, their moment of peace had been interrupted once a Galar Particle came flying in, breaking through the windows and choosing Medicham as its target. "Cham?!"

"Huh?!" Daylight backed away. "Medicham?!"

"Ch-Cham...Medi!" Just like Centiskorch and all the other Pokemon across the land, the Meditate Pokemon was growing in size, unable to control its body as he was in immense pain. "MEDI...CHAM!"

Medicham broke through the ceiling of the house, startling everypony as the skies turned red. They were all graced with the sight of a super-sized Medicham.

Daylight and Sunrise ran out of their homes before it crumbled into pieces. Daylight wasn't so sure what was going on or why his Medicham suddenly gigantified out of nowhere. "Medicham! What's wrong?!"

"C-Cham...Medicham!" Enraged with violent energy boiling from within, Medicham stomped its feet on the ground, causing a mini-earthquake to occur.

The buildings in Canterlot trembled with some of them having the windows shattered and ceilings falling off just by Medicham stomping his feet.

Naturally, it didn't take long for the Royal Sisters to notice the super-sized Fighting-Psychic-Type just standing there. After that commotion and sudden earthquake, it was impossible to ignore.

"What is that?!" Luna gasped.

"No idea..." Celestia narrowed her eyes. "But, I have an uneasy feeling about all of this."


The second Dynamax crisis had finally begun. All across Galar and Equestria, Dynamax Pokemon were spreading like wildfire at an unfathomable rate. Eternatus was no longer slumbering. The time for it to finish what it had started centuries ago had begun as the journey continues.

Chapter 283 End.

Author's Note:

Finally, the Darkest Day.

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