• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Necrozma's Infinite Greed

Hoenn Region. Lilycove City. Late Afternoon.

Lilycove City was as lively as ever during the late afternoon even. Many went about their day or were even ready to end the day off in this bustling city. However, all was not what it seemed.

Not that the city was odd but what was coming towards the city that was odd. Something gigantic and larger than it as well. And that would be the Sea Temple, Samiya.

Moving at light speed due to its travelling capabilities, this gigantic temple was moving out of control without a clear sense of direction. Once it showed up in a golden flash, the temple started falling.

The people in Lilycove started gasping after seeing the falling temple. Many of them backed away, running as it was near the land. Luckily, the temple only dropped at the sea but it was right near the port too, nearly hitting nearby boats.

It made a colossal splash, causing the nearby boats to fly and a tidal wave to appear. The tidal wave stormed onto Lilycove City, threatening locations such as the Pokemon Fan Club, Cove Lily Motel, Lilycove Museum and more. Thankfully, the tidal wave didn't get too far, but it certainly splash onto a few houses in the process.

After the initial splash, the temple found a balance within this part of the sea. However, even with this balance, there was still an issue. The corrupted Dragon Force. Even after using lightspeed travel, albeit uncontrolled, the Dragon Force remained either way in the temple.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Dragon Force was still out there in the seas of Unova near Humilau City, eating up the ocean with its destructive fury.

Within the temple, the fighting had promptly stopped once the Sea Temple crashed into the sea. However, they all recovered afterwards. The People of the Water felt confounded and on the verge of fainting from all the overwhelming action that had occurred.

"Hm. Was that supposed to do something?" Daybreaker said to the People of the Water. Necrozma and her were unaffected by the sudden light speed travel despite how overwhelming it may be. No one from the People of the Water responded to Daybreaker's words. "Oh well. Necrozma."

Necrozma then approached the crystals, ready to absorb all of their light. And after using the destructive Prismatic Laser to obliterate parts of the room around everyone, many Pokemon had fainted from the Prismatic Laser. The Prism Pokemon was free to absorb the light.

And that is what he did. He spread his arms out, causing his body to act like a black hole. The almighty light from the crystals were flowing into Necrozma's crystalline body as he was essentially eating a buffet.

When feeding on it, Necrozma felt an unusual sensation. One that he has never felt before. The light radiating from these crystals was so wonderful that Necrozma felt a rush of enjoyment and all-time greed upon absorbing it. At this point, the Prism Pokemon was mad for these crystals as he wanted to absorb nothing else but them.

With the crystals losing some of their power, what happens many years ago was about to happen once more. A flood. Immediately, water started emerging across the temple, threatening to flood and drown everyone within the temple. Without the rest of their power, the temple was essentially prone to complete and utter destruction.

"Don't you worry." Daybreaker spoke to them once more. "We'll just take the light and be out of your ha-"

However, while the People of the Water seemed helpless right now, in came Princess Luna, sending a ray of magic that flew through one of the many holes made by Necrzoma's Prismatic Lasers.

Necrozma was hit, staggered by that attack. He didn't see it coming at all as he was knocked away from the crystals, rolling on the floor. Daybreaker, Tempest and Colress' attention was soon turned to the arrival of the other alicorn.

"Is everyone okay?!" Luna asked after showing up indoors. She took a moment to observe the scene around her, seeing the utter destruction. And this destruction would only continue with the Dragon Force.

"The Dragon Force..." A lady said, sitting up. "It's still ongoing, ripping everything apart."

"Is that what that thing was?" Luna replied. Since she arrived here, the one who got the biggest reaction from her appearance was Daybreaker.

Seeing Luna here reminded the Empress of her world's Luna. A Luna who was long gone in a tragic way. Daybreaker paused for a moment as it had truly been a long time since she's seen Luna right in front of her. Princess Luna then soon turned to Daybreaker immediately.

"Daybreaker," Luna spoke with a serious tone as Daybreaker snapped out of it. She then remembered that this was not her world's Luna. It was another.

"A little too late, Luna," Daybreaker smirked. "Necrozma's already gotten his first fill. "Still needs more. Don't you, Necrozma?"

"Not while I'm here." Luna got in front of the pedestal of crystals. "Ash and everyone else are working hard to make sure that you do not succeed at all costs."

"Hah. And what are you going to do when all of the crystals lose their light? Necrozma's off to a great start. Who knows how much he's taken?"

"She raises a good point..." One of the people spoke, alerting Luna. "The crystals and their light. If taken, there is little chance for them to be restored..."

"Little!" Luna exclaimed. "That means there is a chance! We just have to keep that chance. As for me, I shall do my best to keep Necrozma away from the light."

"How are you going to do that with us here?" Tempest stepped forward while Colress hovered with his vehicle. Indeed, Luna had major threats getting in her way. Ranging from Necrozma, Tempest Shadow and Colress. And to an extent, Daybreaker as well.

"Do your worst. I'm far greater than I was before." Luna scoffed as she exuded a magical aura of dark blue and red that was fairly intimidating. Daybreaker then recognized this as Lunar Ire's magical aura. She could see that Luna had received full control of Sorrowful Rage Magic, altering it.

However, despite this staredown, something got in the way. The Dragon Force. It had ripped right into the Treasure Room, right in the middle of the two groups. And from the looks of it, even when moving away from the seas that were corrupted by the Dragon Force, it was still spreading.

Luna jumped back as the People of the Water all backed away in the corner. The Dragon Force ripped apart the Treasure Room, splitting it in half. Luna put a magical shield around the People of the Water, keeping them safe.

Despite the destruction, Necrozma still wanted more of the light. He approached the crystals with his arms out. Luna quickly intercepted by flying forward. Necrozma didn't want anything to interrupt his meal, so upon getting closer, the Prism Pokemon had used Brick Break, hitting Luna up-close.

"Ugh!" Luna cried out as she was whacked away by Necrozma's gigantic claws. Luna recovered by sliding on the ground, however, she did not advance as the Dragon Force emerged.

The Princess of the Night had then instinctively avoided an incoming magic ray from Tempest by swaying her head. On all sides, she was prone to danger. But, after Tempest unleashed her magic ray, the Dragon Force erupted behind her as well.

"Hope I don't make a suggestion but..." Tempest spoke, backing away from the Dragon Force. "Can we do this another time? This Dragon Force thing looks like a big deal."

"You raise a good point." Daybreaker nodded. "Don't want to risk our chances being destroyed in this thing. We'll just grab all of them and go. Necrozma."

Necrozma was clearly being told to return to the other world as that was the best way to avoid the Dragon Force and the incoming flood. But the greed for the crystals was immense. So much so that despite the utter destruction, he was still focused on the crystals.

"Necrozma!" Daybreaker cried out, trying to reach him. But Necrozma only focused on the crystals. He kept drawing light from it as a ferocious tsunami burst through the walls.

Tempest had almost been taken by this tsunami while Daybreaker evaporated the water with her flames. But another tsunami was creeping up along with a constant Dragon Force rampaging through the temple. "Necrozma, Return!" She held out the Ultra Ball to try and recall the Prism Pokemon.

However, Necrozma had suddenly slapped the Ultra Ball out of Daybreaker's magical hold, rejecting to go back. Not until he had all of the delicious light from the crystals. Daybreaker was shocked by Necrozma's refusal but not surprised by his greed.

"Is your greed really that immense?" Daybreaker gawked before being almost caught by the Dragon Force. She then hopped back into the gateway for safety. "Fine. Absorb it all and then return to me."

"Everypony! Out now!" Luna decided to put the people first. She grabbed them all with her with magic, carrying them outside of the Treasure Room as Colress immediately retreated by flying out of the temple room.

Daybreaker had closed the gateway to her universe which was poor timing on Tempest's part as she was aiming to leave via gateway as well.

"Hey! You forgot about-" She roared before falling through a destroyed floor. The Dragon Force had obliterated the floor beneath her, causing the unicorn to start falling.

The Treasure Room at this point was lost. Being attacked by both a ferocious tidal wave and the Dragon Force. The crystals included. The pedestal that originally held the crystals had been split in half by the Dragon Force. However, the crystals were undamaged as they only fell out, carried away by the tidal wave.

But Necrozma remained either way. He saw the crystals escaping with the rapid flow of the tidal wave as he chased them down instantly. He managed to grab 2 crystals but the rest had gained a great distance. Even still, this would not stop Necrozma's pursuit.

Like a giant sword, the Dragon Force had split more rooms in half before attacking more than just structures. As Colress hovered away, his vehicle had been grazed by the Dragon Force, destroying parts of it. The Dragon Force was now going for everything else.

And within its line of fire, this time was the Plasma Frigate. The corrupted Dragon Force made its way there rapidly, striking the frigate. Many of the remaining grunts inside of it made a run for it once they saw the Dragon Force approaching. However, upon touching the Plasma Frigate, the Dragon Force, in some irony that Necrozma never did, had shut off the power from the frigate via disruption.

Many of Colress' inventions had been powered down and overloaded by the Dragon Force's Aura. Including the Travel Spheres inside. The Dragon Force and the Rift Energy exuding out of the Travel Spheres created an odd collision. These two potent energies reacted violently as the material that held the Rift Energy couldn't handle this reaction.

Thus, the Travel Spheres combusted. But that wasn't the only disruption. The Legendary Pokemon that were being imprisoned with the Frigate were involved. Their Ultra Balls fell to the floor as the Dragon Force raged on, finally splitting the Frigate.

Meanwhile, Pikachu looked over at the ledge, waiting for Ash to return. "Pikapi..." He cried out his name. But there was nothing. Ash wasn't coming up. Mostly because he was in a different region alone and deep underwater.

"Gengar..." Gengar started worrying himself as well. It wasn't common for a Ghost to worry but when they do, circumstances become dire. They waited, holding out hope for Ash to show up.

However, due to their focus on the body of water over the ledge, this led them to be vulnerable to whatever came their way. Including a tidal wave plus massive rubble that was a part of it. The rubble flew out of the wave, threatening to hit them both.

"Lu!" But they had been saved. By two groups. Lucario, who had blasted the rubble into smaller pieces and Luna, who had manipulated the tidal wave with her magic, moving it away while also having the People of the Water beside her.

"Pika?!" Pikachu gasped before realizing how close he was to being harmed without him knowing. Gengar included. Luna had also reunited with Darkrai and the rest of her Pokemon after a while thankfully.

"Pikachu! Gengar! Are you two alright?! Where is Ash?!" Luna gave a barrage of questions as the People of the Water stayed close to her.

"Pikapi..." Pikachu pointed over the ledge, aiming at the body of water. But instantly, that body of water had been split apart by the Dragon Force, startling everyone.

"The King hasn't been seen as of recently?!" A lady gasped along with many others. With how things were, they couldn't handle bad news after bad news back to back.

"Let's not panic again." But Luna stopped them from gaining more worry. "Even if he's not present around us, he has to be somewhere. Lucario. Can you please search for Ash's Aura?"

"Lucario." Lucario could do just that. He put his paw on his chest before allowing his Aura to flow. Due to how expansive the temple was, Lucario could sense millions of Auras.

Many good while some evil. He searched in even the destroyed areas that the Dragon Force had ravaged, even sensing the crystals. However, as he kept searching, Lucario was shocked to find that Ash was nowhere near the temple. His Aura could search even a large building such as this but even still, Ash's Aura was missing.

Then, Lucario went further, seeing if he could find anything. He growled, struggling to have his Aura move ahead. He wasn't used to going this far with it.

"Let me help you." But Luna was here to help. She had used her magic, touching Lucario's back. With the power of Lunar Ire, Luna not only linked with Lucario's Aura sense but also heightened it, giving it an extra oomph. This allowed Lucario to search beyond Lilycove City.

Rapidly moving across the seas of Lilycove City. Lucario felt the Aura from the seas of Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova. Nothing in Hoenn. Nothing in Sinnoh. But something Unova.

Ash's Aura could be found there. However, it was then discovered that Ash was underwater in the seas of Unova. He never came along with the lightspeed travel. He was out there, trapped with the Dragon Force.

"Lu!" Lucario gasped after sensing Ash's Aura signature. It was starting to fade away. Luna sensed it too as she and Lucario were shocked. The Aura was responding to Ash's life signature as it had then gone out. The Dragon Force had covered the Aura signature.

"Ash..." She uttered silently as tears were starting to form.

"Pikapi?" Pikachu was waiting for an answer, hoping that Ash was okay. But judging from how Luna's eyes met with the floor, it wasn't looking good. "Pikachu..."

Disrupting this silent moment was a tremor, followed by the Dragon Force. The Dragon Force roared with the equal ferocity of a Dragon as the entire temple was finally caught by this raging force.

Not only that but it now threatened Lilycove City as the tidal waves, earthquakes and the Dragon Force were about to give this city an unpleasant time. All the while, Necrozma was still hungering for more.

Shining Armor's Aegislash tried using King's Shield to block the Dragon Force but it was no use. Thus, everyone was forced to move somewhere else to avoid this corrupted energy.

Tempest had managed to withstand that sudden collapse beneath her. However, the Travel Sphere had been damaged, lowering her chances of returning home. But not entirely. She groaned, tossing the now destroyed Travel Sphere aside as she had a backup.

She teleported to the location of the Plasma Frigate, hoping to snag a quick Travel Sphere. However, it was soon discovered that the Plasma Frigate had suffered some damages from the Dragon Force. Plus, getting close to the frigate was a terrible idea in general since the Dragon Force leaves a continuous never-ending streak.

"Great. Just great." Tempest growled as she was unable to enter the Plasma Frigate due to the almighty and unstoppable obstacle that was the Dragon Force.

Just like Spitfire, she had an earpiece to communicate with her allies. And she did so in this same scenario as well, reaching from Hoenn to Unova. "Hello? Can you hear me?"

"Oh, you're still around. Seeing that temple travel so fast all of a sudden made me think something destructive had happened." Spitfire replied.

"Yeah, well, something destructive is happening. In every shape and form here. I need a pickup right now. My Travel Sphere's busted. The Plasma Frigate's blocked by this Dragon Force thing. It's not looking too good here."

"Sounds like it. Where are you?"

"Someplace in uh...I don't know honestly. Just see if you can find me okay? Just look for the destructive purple energy moving around you should be good."

"That'll be tricky in its own right. There's this weird light following us and the Grand Equestria's being a massive bother right about now. But we'll see if we can make it there." Spitfire then hung up on Tempest as the unicorn as on her own for now.

Meanwhile, the tsunamis had reached Lilycove City as the Dragon Force had grown so violent that even the weather was being affected. Thunder started rumbling with the skies being coloured purple from the Dragon Force's influence.

A colossal tsunami emerged, casting a deadly shadow over the city. At the moment, the coordinators in the Contest Halls had stopped their competition once they witnessed the tidal wave approaching. Those within the Pokemon Fan Club stopped enthusing about their favourite Pokemon for this and more.

From the size of this tsunami, it could do more than just crash on Lilycove City. Lightning also started striking from above due to the weather corruption as many panicked screams filled the city. It seemed that the tsunami would inevitably flood and damage the beautiful Lilycove City as it came crashing down. However, someone was there to stop it.

And that someone was Gardevoir. Specifically, Passion's Mother who still lives around here. This was her home after all. The Embrace Pokemon appeared via teleportation. Right in the nick of time too.

She put both her arms out, using Psychic to telekinetically hold the gigantic tsunami with all of her might. Gardevoir's amazing Psychic powers were capable of doing that. Any Gardevoir could. However, the Dragon Force said otherwise. Bits f it lurked within the tsunami, forcing Gardevoir to put in extra strength.

"G-Gardevoir...!" She growled, not using her telepathy to speak at the moment as there was no reason to do so. Gardevoir just barely managed to re-direct the tsunami elsewhere, using a majority of her strength.

After redirecting it elsewhere in the far distance, the Embrace Pokemon then panted, feeling overwhelmed. The Dragon Force was overwhelming for any Pokemon really. She then got on her knees before looking over at the Sea Temple and the transformed weather.

Gardevoir could only wonder what was going on.

"Flamethrower!" Meanwhile, Carlita and her Hydreigon had successfully defeated all of Colress' Pokemon. Truly, numbers did not mean a thing against the mighty Dragon-Type. The last Pokemon had fainted which was Rotom-Wash, aka the hardest one to take out. But they did it. "Great work, Hydreigon."


"But..." Carlita then looked at the ongoing carnage within the temple. She still felt guilty for making the Dragon Force become corrupted. She was unable to stop Necrozma even when Ash told her otherwise. "This is still my fault in a way. The People of the Vale haven't used the Dragon Force for so long. Even my brother couldn't properly control it."


"But that's about to change." She then put on a dedicated expression. "I can fix this. That crystal was made for my people so I can revert everything that's happening. I just need to find that secret room. Come on, Hydreigon!"

"Dreigon!" Hydreigon roared as Carlita hopped onto his back. Luckily, Dragon-Types have great senses including a great sense of smell. It was no Slurpuff but it was effective. Hydreigon had already mesmerized every area that Carlita had been at, recognizing the scent.

He then let his nose guide the way, taking to the air while also avoiding any disasters nearby. Dragon Force included. All the while, Carlita couldn't help but hope that Ash was okay.

Speaking of which, the revelation that Ash was out there in the seas of Unova, deep underwater brought distraught to Luna and the others. Especially Pikachu and all of Ash's Pokemon. The seas of Unova at this point were now corrupted so much that even being there was a disaster waiting to happen. Especially considering the Grand Equestria was there as well.

"Why did you leave him?!" Luna roared at the People of the Water.

"W-We didn't know! Honestly!" A man backed away after Luna bellowed. "The transportation was disrupted by Necrozma! It wasn't meant to be like this! We would never leave his majesty behind!"

"S-Sorry. Sorry." Luna then calmed down, knowing that it was just the heat of the moment. "But I shouldn't lose hope at all for Ash. I never have before." She then went to pick Pikachu up. "And neither have you, Pikachu."

"P-Pikachu." Pikachu whimpered while nodding.

"There is a way to save him..." The slightly older man spoke, stepping forward. "The way we, the People of the Water know how to."

"You do?!" Luna turned to him. "Tell me, quickly! We have to save everypony within the Grand Equestria too! They are still out there!"

"You see...King Ash is still the King of the Sea. Meaning he holds the Sea Crown within his body. The Touchstone between us and the Water Pokemon. All that is needed to do is to have him awaken that power once more."

"Pika!" Pikachu gasped with joy meeting his face.

"Well, quickly then! You know how to do it, right?!"

"That requires the power of the crystals. And the assistance of Prince Manaphy. It might not go the same way it did all those years back when he first saved the temple..."

"It'll have to do. Anything to save Ash and everyone," said Luna. "Manaphy shouldn't be far. He should be with Flurry Heart's Manaphy right now. And the crystals?"

"Necrozma might have absorbed their light, but they still hold amazing power to be used. If we can use at least one of the crystals, it can form that touchstone once more. Even from a completely different region."

"Then we know what to do. Shining Armor. Darkrai. Pikachu. Everyone. Spread out and find Necrozma before something else horrible happens to the crystals." Luna started giving out orders. "Manaphy will be easy to find."

"Yes, your highness!" Shining Armor and the guards saluted.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu nodded along with the rest of the Pokemon.

"And judging from our location, we seem to be in Lilycove City." Luna recognized this city from the background as this was the first area in the Pokemon World she and her sister arrived at when being toured by Ash. "I can get help at this rate."

As for Adagio, she was fairly lost amongst the chaos and confusion. Very few grunts were being seen. Mainly because even the grunts didn't want much to do with this Dragon Force. Plus, their main means of transportation had been damaged as well. The grunts had fled, jumping into the sea for a quick getaway.

By hovering in the air, she had spotted Luna and the others currently on the move. Luna also took the skies as Adagio followed in her general direction. "Princess Luna! What's going on here?!"

"Adagio! I'll have to catch you up on a few things. Right now, I need you to do something for me!

The disaster had reached Hoenn and Lilycove City. But soon, it would threaten the rest of the Pokemon World. However, there were those doing what they could to stop this.

Carlita aimed to reverse the Dragon Force into its natural energy, Luna and the others were set on saving Ash, everypony in on the Grand Equestria and stopping Necrozma too. The fate of every region and this whole world was riding on this as the journey continues.

Chapter 621 End.

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