• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Adagio's Amulet

It was dark. Highly dark.

Twilight's vision was cut off. She had woken up, but couldn't see anything. A blindfold was placed on her eyes.

"W-Where am I? What's going on?!" Anypony?!"

"Shut it! I need perfect focus for this!" A voice replied to her. Adagio's voice that is. They were in a damp cave were Twilight was tied up along with her horn. So that she wouldn't try any magic.

"That voice... You're Adagio!"

"That's right. And this is the moment I've been waiting for. No one's gonna get in my way this time!"

"W-What are you going to do to me?" Twilight started shaking.

"You took everything from me. So now I'll take everything from you!" Adagio grinned as she held out a familiar item. But Twilight couldn't see this item due to being blindfolded.

The Alicorn Amulet.

Adagio had managed to swipe it from Zecora's wooden box late at night.

Anypony that wears this amulet will gain untold powers. Adagio was turned into an Earth Pony, however, the amulet can grant anypony a horn, just to give them access to all the magic that it holds. Adagio wore the amulet as she went up to Twilight.

"I'll be able to feed off negativity once more. And maybe... I'll blow away those traitors Sonata and Aria." Adagio had tapped into the amulet was she was planning to strip Twilight of her magic and transfer it to her. Adagio began the process as she was absorbing the magic within Twilight. Twilight could feel her magic slipping as she had to do something. She tried harnessing all of her magic in her horn which was tied up. Luckily, tying a horn can only restrain it for so long. So Twilight blew away the tie and created a magic pulse that pushed Adagio back.

But Adagio had already taken a good chunk of Twilight's magic. Exactly 70% of her magic had been given to her, showing just how powerful the amulet is. No wonder Trixie loved this thing. Adagio could feel the magic brimming within her. She had all this power at her disposal now. And she can dole out some sweet revenge.

"Yes. I feel it all. This thing is the best! How does it feel to have something special to you be taken away?!" Adagio yelled.

"You...You won't get away with this Adagio. Twilight felt weak with so little magic in her.

"I already have. And I can blow you away once and for all!" Adagio charged up a magic beam but she couldn't control the amount of power she had so she started firing beams frantically all over the place. The beams hit the cave walls, making it crumble. "Uh oh. See ya! You can meet your fate by the falling rocks!" Adagio ran out as Twilight could hear all the rocks falling and the place coming down.

She gasped as she cast a barrier around her out of instinct. It was a good call since the entire cave had fallen down on her. Adagio had left, thinking that she had finally gotten her revenge.

"Hah! So long Sparkle! This thing really is impressive. That Emerald Aura pony was right when she said that I would love it. Now to really test this baby out. Where should I start?" Adagio walked away from the now destroyed cave. Once Adagio got a good distance, Twilight emerged from the rubble, shaking her head.

"That was close. But my magic... I can't feel most of it. How did she do it...? She doesn't have a horn." Twilight wondered. But there was no time to waste. Adagio was most likely planning to ruin Ponyville as well. So it was time to get a move on. "Ugh." I wish I was better at flying..."

Over at Ponyville, everypony was unaware of what was coming to them. Adagio had entered Ponyville, placing her hoof down and drawing their attention.

Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie turned around to see Adagio.

"You're that Adagio pony! What do you want now?" Rarity said.

"Zip it." Adagio had caused a zip to appear on Rarity's mouth, causing her to stop talking. That's when they all noticed the Alicorn Amulet.

"The Alicorn Amulet!? But how? Zecora kept it safe and hidden!" said Applejack.

"Heh. A pony by the name of Emerald Aura told me where this amulet was. And I don't regret taking her advice. I've already stolen your precious Twilight's magic. I'll use it to get all of my payback on you all. You annoying Rainbooms!"

"Mmmphmhm!" Rarity was trying to say something, but she couldn't.

"How'd she get a horn? She didn't have that before." Pinkie pointed out Adagio's newfound horn.

"Who cares? As long as I have the power, I can do whatever. Now for my first form of revenge!" Adagio had encased Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack into a jar by minimizing them. Everypony gasped as they saw the little ponies trapped in the jar. Adagio walked up to them as she picked up the jar, looking at the three tiny ponies. "Don't worry. There's much worse coming your way."

"Hey! Drop my sister!" Apple Bloom shouted.

"Yeah! You can't mess around with my big sis like that!" So did Sweetie Belle.

"Shut it you brats. Oh but wait. These are your sisters you say? Then how about you join them?" Adagio then turned them small, placing them in the jar. "There you go. A nice family gathering."

"Hey! You can't do this!" A pony called out.

"And what are you gonna do about it?" Adagio turned to the pony. Nopony was brave enough since they were intimidated by the Alicorn Amulet and Adagio. Compared to Trixie, Adagio was a bit of a rage monster.

"Where are the rest of those Rainbooms? I wanna make sure they all get their just-deserves!"

"Adagio!" A voice grabbed her attention. A familiar voice. It was Sonata.

"Look who it is. The first one to drop out of the sirens. Come here to scold me or something?"

"What are you doing? I thought you wanted to just feed off their negativity, not this!"

"Oh, I'm still gonna do it. Eventually, I'll manage to feed off every single pony here. And soon all of Equestria. But for the Rainbooms, it's different. They deserve special treatment for ruining me. All of them!"

"You've gone crazy!"

"Butt out Sonata. Unless you want me to use this amulet on you as well." Adagio threatened her. Eventually, Twilight had made her way back to Ponyville, seeing her friends in a jar and the Alicorn Amulet. She thought she was dreaming for a bit.

Adagio turned around to see the young alicorn princess who was still alive and well.

"Seriously? The cave didn't crush you?!"

"Barrier spell. And how is that YOU have the amulet?"

"I already explained it to them, I don't have time to explain it to you. You're the one I want to humiliate the most. But more than that... the one I want to destroy the most!" The Alicorn Amulet was doing what it usually does. Anypony who wears it for too long becomes corrupted. Too corrupt.

"I have to get it off her. All she needs is some convincing..." Twilight thought to herself. They managed to get it off Trixie last time by tricking her so the same should go for Adagio. "You know Adagio, I b-"

"Nice try! Emerald Aura already told me about how you got it off that Trixie pony last time. I won't fall for it." Adagio had fired a magic beam at Twilight, but the purple alicorn had thankfully moved out of the way. "Getting rid of you will be a massive thorn out of my side!"

"That amulet's corrupting you Adagio! As if you weren't already evil enough... You have to take it off!"

"Forget that! This is exactly what I want!" Adagio had then trapped Twilight in a steel cage, restraining her hooves with shackles. "And what I want... is revenge! And I'm finally going to get it!" The amulet seemed to effect Adagio much differently than Trixie. Her urge for revenge was actually making the amulet stronger than ever, turning Adagio in the most powerful unicorn here.

Twilight attempted to teleport out of the cage, but her drained magic meant that it was much more difficult now. Adagio did take a good chunk of it after all.

"What's wrong, Sparkle? Feeling tired?" Adagio taunted. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you get an ETERNAL SLEEP!" Adagio had suddenly made the cage much smaller, closing Twilight in.

"Twilight!" The miniature Pinkie Pie yelled. Somepony had to do something, so a few Ponyville townsfolk tried to get close, but Adagio turned around, creating a floor of quicksand near them. Adagio watched as the cage kept getting smaller until...

"Iron Tail!" The cage was destroyed in one hit by Pikachu's Iron Tail. Ash, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy with her Audino had arrived.

"What now!?" Adagio growled, seeing Ash and the others. Twilight quickly ran to everypony else to get some safety, however, Adagio noticed her running. "You won't get away from me!" She was about to stop Twilight until Pikachu dropped an Electroweb on her. "Why you..."

"Pika-Pikachu! Pika!"

"Pikachu says that you've gone too far trying to harm our friends!" Fluttershy translated.

"So?!" Adagio destroyed the Electroweb with her magic. "I've got a ton of payback just waiting to be unleashed. And I won't let anyone get in my way!"

Everypony else started to back away from the scene. Scootaloo had quietly grabbed the jar Applejack and the others were trapped in, keeping it away from Adagio.

Big Macintosh was carrying a weakened Twilight on his back.

"Actually. Now that I think about it. You're also involved with Sonata's disgusting change, Ash Ketchum!" Adagio hissed.

"What's up with you? You looked happy when my mom took care of you. She even gave you food to eat since you were all starving."

"Yeah, Adagio! Think about the tasty Slowpoke Tail!" Sonata yelled from the crowd.

"Shut up! Both of you! I could care less about what your mom does for us. For me. I only needed the food to gain my strength back and-"

"Don't lie to me." Ash suddenly stopped her.


"I saw how you felt back at home. You didn't want to show it. You're too stubborn to really show your true feelings and emotions." Ash called her out. He's had a long history with people and Pokemon who always hide their emotions to feel stronger. So he saw right through her.

"That's ridiculous! You don't know anything about me! You're just some kid with a yellow mouse!" Adagio replied. "I'll blow you away as well!" Adagio had then released a magic beam, still unable to control it. But one of them was headed for Ash and the others.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Pikachu jumped up, blocking the beam with a bolt of lightning. "We don't wanna get physical Adagio."

"Oh but I certainly do." Adagio's eyes had turned a crimson red. The amulet had completely taken over her. Faster than anypony it has ever corrupted. "How about I show you just how physical I can get!" Adagio grinned as she was pushing the limits of the amulet. So much so that she couldn't control it. The magic was going all over the place as Adagio could feel the intense pressure on her.

"Adagio!" Sonata shouted, actually worrying for her.

Adagio groaned as the magic was too much for her to handle. The magic that dwelled within the amulet started to fly everywhere. Everypony moved away from the frantic magic waves going all over the place. Adagio squirmed on the floor, not able to take the pain anymore. Sonata looked at Adagio, realising that all the hatred towards her personality didn't matter anymore. That was her sister.

"Adagio! Please! Save my sister from that amulet!"

"We can't. The amulet can't be removed by anypony else but the wearer." Twilight explained. This had made Sonata's hope dropdown.

"In that case. We'll just have to break it." Ash said.


"You can't just break it, Ash. It-" Twilight didn't finish her sentence because Ash was already going for the idea.

"Iron Tail!" Pikachu dashed forward, avoiding the frantic magic waves, making sure none hit him. He jumped over one as he ran to the side. He set his eyes on the amulet, aiming to destroy it, but a magic wave had managed to him, sending him back.

"Pika!" Pikachu cried out, but luckily he recovered.

"Keep on going Pikachu. Make sure you strike that amulet!" Ash pointed forward.

"Audi. Protect Pikachu with Safeguard." Fluttershy had commanded her Audino to cast a protective barrier around Pikachu, making sure that the waves don't hurt him. The safeguard came in handy as the magic waves didn't budge Pikachu at all. Pikachu got in close as his tail started to glow. He jumped up, aiming for the amulet as he struck his tail down.

Suddenly, the amulet had consciously pushed Pikachu back. It had gained its own consciousness, using Adagio's body as a vessel.

"Oh, this is so much better than just being a piece of neckwear." A voice came out of Adagio. It was still her voice but altered with an ominous and mysterious voice added on. "I finally have a vessel!"

"Vessel? Does that mean the amulet has a consciousness?" Twilight uttered.

"That is right, alicorn. And I'm glad to finally be truly free. Now. This little rat tried to break me did it?"

"Pika.." Sparks were coming out of Pikachu's cheeks as he was looking up at Adagio.

"Get out of my sister!" Sonata bellowed.

"And give up my first vessel? Never!" Adagio's eyes flared red as the wind around them started to kick up.

"We're still gonna break that amulet. We just gotta find a good moment to strike." Ash said. "I got it! Rainbow Dash! Can you help?"

"Always!" Rainbow replied.

"Alright. Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Pikachu had sent a bolt of thunder upwards, but the possessed Adagio had cast a shield to protect it from the bolt.

"Go! Braviary!" Rainbow Dash had sent out Braviary to help. "Use Brave Bird!" Braviary flew upwards, heading towards the possessed pony. Adagio had levitated higher in the air, avoiding Brave Bird.

"Chase after him!" Rainbow Dash commanded. Braviary started to chase Adagio through the skies.

Amethyst Star looked out, seeing the event going down. She didn't even bother to sigh anymore. It had become the norm for Pokemon to make this town more lively than it already is.

"Get lost you oversized bird!" Adagio had held Braviary in place. Ash saw an opportunity now.

"Thunderbolt!" This time, Thunderbolt hit its mark, causing major damage to Adagio. This had dropped the corrupt Adagio down to the ground, freeing Braviary. "Now! Iron Tail!" Pikachu ran towards Adagio, ready to finally remove the amulet.

The controlled Adagio looked up, seeing Pikachu head towards him. It was ready to cast a spell to stop Pikachu from destroying the amulet.

"Go!" Pikachu was moving too fast for Adagio as Iron Tail made a direct hit. Right on the amulet. The powerful steel from Pikachu had split the Alicorn Amulet in two.

"NO!" The amulet yelled as it had been released from Adagio. All the magic that Adagio had used had been undone. The girls returned back to their normal sizes and all the magic that Adagio had sucked returned to Twilight, restoring her to full strength. The amulet was on the ground as the consciousness had become a red wisp floating in the air. "You brat! You cost me not only my vessel but my own amulet!"

"Heh. Yeah, I did." Ash proudly said.

"How about... I corrupt you!" The wisp shouted out, heading towards Ash.

"No, you don't! Blow him away with your wings!" Rainbow Dash commanded. Braviary flapped its wings, creating a wind flow strong enough to send the wisp flying. "Now Fluttershy! Destroy the wisp!"

"Destroy it?! Oh dear. That doesn't sound-"

"If we don't it'll take over somepony else!"

O-Oh alright. Audi. Hyper Beam!" Audino had aimed at the wisp, eradicating it as it was blown up by hyper energy.

That was the definitive end of the Alicorn Amulet.

Adagio twitched as she stood up. She looked around her, remembering what had just happened.

"Adagio?" Sonata went up to her.

"Get back!" Adagio moved away from Sonata, not wanting to get any closer to her. Adagio then chose the only option she had. Run. So she ran off, leaving Ponyville. Sonata sighed, not getting the chance to reason with her.

"Adagio." Sonata lowered her head.

"Cheer up. I'm sure we'll run into her again." Ash reassured her.

"But I guess this is the end of this thing now." Rainbow Dash placed her hoof on the broken amulet. "What are we gonna tell Zecora?"

"Eh. She won't mind. This thing was nothing but trouble anyway. But I wonder who even made it?" Twilight picked up the remains with her magic.

"Whoever did must've been PRETTY powerful." Pinkie replied.

"Ah, who cares." Twilight tossed the amulet away, forgetting about it completely. But I wonder what'll happen to Adagio now? She really hates us. Especially me.

"No idea. But I reckon she'll find something and come right back to us." said Applejack.


"Welp! I'm starving. Got anything to eat?" Ash asked.

"Just in luck. Slurpuff and I have just come up with this multi-layered ice cream cake. Layers on the outside, layers in the inside." Pinkie Pie held out a mouth-watering ice cream cake, with chips, cherries, chocolate, vanilla, the whole catalogue. Everypony was watering at the mouth from just seeing it. They had even forgotten about the amulet and what just happened today.

"Pika..." Pikachu started to drool uncontrollably.

Celestia had peeked her head through the bushes, being drawn to this new cake recipe, licking her lips.

"There's enough for everypony!" Pinkie Pie declared. They all went inside to grab a bite out of the Ice-Cream Cake as Celestia quietly watched from the windows.

Another day continues and another problem solved. A normal day in this connected world.

But, like always, Obsidian is up to something. But this time he has a request.

"Rift. I'd like to make a request. Any chance you create a special kind of pony. I've got an idea that's really gonna spice things up a bit."

"I'm listening."

Chapter 76 End.

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