• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Reflection of a Shadow

Equestria. Magehold. Nightfall.

At Magehold, currently under control and working for the Dread League was Fantina. Still, she had no idea what truly happened to her and Hearthome. She was only thinking about what to do. Just what Rosa wanted.

Her only mission was to teach the vampires about Pokemon and listen to orders. Nothing more, nothing less. Not like she could do anything. But despite this cruel act, Fantina's Pokemon were a smash-hit with the young vampires, considering that they love anything horrific. And since each of Fantina's Pokemon are capable of horrific things, no issues were formed here at all.

On this night, Fantina continued tutoring them, sharing with them the basics of Pokemon that were easy to get through. Everything else would take some time.

"Alright, settle down children," Fantina spoke to them as the children couldn't resist spending time with her Pokemon. They would gather around these spectral species just to mess around. "It will almost be time for me to head back to my room at this point, so let's finish up what we have left, okay?"

"Ms Fantina! Your Pokemon are the best!" A colt vampire had half his body inside of Dusknoir's open body which led to the afterlife.

"Why, thank you. I'm still shocked that you children can be so casual around them. I suppose being a vampire and living here has its benefits that not many can have."

"We want more! More Pokemon like this!"

"More? Don't you have Pokemon of your own?" Fantina questioned, seeing that these young vampires each had Poke Balls. Mainly Dusk Balls with a rarity of standard Poke Balls.

"Yeah, but we want more Pokemon like this! More Ghost-Types, please!"

"Oooh! Maybe a Poison-Type too!" The children were clearly eager for these kinds of Pokemon. They had their preferences and weren't afraid to spout them out, despite how ominous it may be.

"Well...I suppose we can do that. How about I take you all on a trip to catch Pokemon? Tomorrow, I mean. But let's remember to stay safe. I'll have to speak with your seniors to get this permission though."

"That's fine. But make it a strong Pokemon this time. One that can do this to hoof." One of the vampires revealed that this hoof had come off. All because he interrupted Gengar whilst it was eating, removing his own hoof as Gengar was stunned in disbelief.

"Oh! Y-Your Hoof!" Fantina gasped while Gengar felt like throwing up after what just occurred. The Hearthome City Gym Leader felt like fainting on the spot, witnessing this dismemberment.

"Don't worry. It'll grow back. I'm a pretty fast regenerator if you must know."

"Not as fast as Mr Fractured Note. You only brag about it because we can't regenerate as fast as you." A fellow vampire nudged him as they then started bickering.

"W-Well...I think this is a good place to call it a day." Fantina didn't bother questioning this anymore. It was clear these young vampires thrived on horrific things. And it was best to leave it at that. If anything, it reminded Fantina about herself and how she came to love Ghost-Type Pokemon.

Speaking of which, despite how she was casually going along with living here, her Ghost-Type Pokemon, specifically Mismagius, felt that something was amiss. Very amiss.

The vampires all scattered, returning to their respective homes. Fantina received a home here at Magehold with a room and everything. One of the various buildings was free for her to live in.

After leaving the school, she was met with her new home which was greatly different from what she had back at Hearthome City. But despite the changes, it still looked pleasing.

From the outside this house looked posh and extravagant, fitting with the theme of Magehold. It may be creepy but it wasn't dirty. It has been built with brown bricks and has granite decorations. Tall, rounded windows add to the overall style of the house and have been added to the house in a very symmetric way.

The house is equipped with a small kitchen and one modern bathroom, it also had a surprisingly cosy living room considering the location, four bedrooms, a cosy dining room, an office and a large basement. For a place of darkness, this looked very light and comfortable.

The building was shaped like a circle. The two extensions extend into a patio to each side. The second floor is bigger than the first, which creates several overhanging parts on several sides of the house. This floor follows the same style as the floor below.

The house itself was surrounded by a well-kept yet eerie garden, with a black-grass field and mysterious flower patches at the edges of the garden.

"Hah...What strange children." Fantina lay on her bed, sighing. "But...it's good that they want to learn so much about Pokemon. And yet...I can't help but wonder about this place. Is this my home?"

Fantina had to think about it. Though Rosa made it so that she was permanently a part of Magehold, the Gym Leader couldn't fully recognize this building. Her old home looked different from this. Either way, she was going to get used to it. She had to. That involved looking at the rules of this place and that certainly couldn't be avoided since there was a list of them on her walls.

And by seeing them, she saw how aggressive they appeared to be.

This provincial law dictates all those found guilty of public indecency will face the punishment of long-term solitary confinement.
This provincial law dictates all those found guilty of escaping from Magehold will face the punishment of short-term servitude.
This provincial law dictates all those found guilty of missing the Box of 100 Demons will face the punishment of long-term servitude.
This provincial law dictates all those found guilty of betraying, overthrowing or assaulting the Lich Queen will face the punishment of an 'Eye for an Eye'.

"Hmmrggh..." Fantina grumbled as all she could do was go to sleep and prepare for tomorrow morning. But at this time, the vampires were active as opposed to the morning. They were indeed nocturnal some would say.

Kanto. Lavender Town. Nightfall.

Lavender Town. The Noble Town. A small town covered in a beautiful hue of purple. It is a solemn, quiet town where people come to visit their departed Pokémon. But this solemn town was disturbed by the vampires who had trapped them all by using their own shadows to do so.

However, Galaxy Master had appeared, here to save those in need as always. And following his trail via the golden flash in the sky was Princess Luna, here to make this their final encounter. She wasn't the only one planning on doing so. The Rift had the same idea in mind, already present within this area as Luna watched from atop a building.

"Those shadows...Are they being restrained by their own shadows?" Luna observed how the shadows of the victims were holding them back. She was ready to get involved early on without interacting with Galaxy Master yet.

"I'll have you unhand these innocent citizens at once!" Galaxy Master declared, bombastically pointing at the vampires with Pikachu doing the same.

"Says you. Who even are you, costumed freak?" A vampire taunted him while the rest of them laughed at his appearance.

"I already introduced myself! Now is the time for action! Not only do you restrain them...but you frolic around with what they were enjoying themselves with? For shame!"

"Aha...Well then. Let's see what your shadow thinks!" Not bothering to waste any time with him, a vampire held out the cursed mirror to him, expecting to send out his shadows to restrain him. However, upon holding the mirror up to him and Pikachu, something surprising happened.

In fact, nothing happened.

Galaxy Master simply stood there alongside Pikachu, not moving an inch. The vampire scrunched her face trying it again to see if she somehow missed. But she didn't miss at all. But it was a direct view but yet again, nothing happened. "Eh?! W-What is this?!"

"Let us try!" The other vampires would try the same thing, holding out their mirrors to the Fictional Character. Galaxy Master and Pikachu just continued to stand there while multiple mirrors were shown at them, trying to take out their shadows. But lo and behold, that was not the case. No matter how many of them were used and how frantic the vampires moved around just to try and make it work, nothing was happening and nothing would happen.

"What gives?! Why won't their shadows come out?!"

"Ah. Take a look below my vampiric villains!" Galaxy Master exclaimed, encouraging them all to look down. And once they did, they saw the reason for their failed attack.

Galaxy Master had no shadow. Neither did Pikachu. Despite how physical they appeared, there were no shadows around them at all, throwing the vampires off guard. "No shadow?!"

"No shadow?" Luna repeated while watching from afar. "Since when?"

"Now is our chance! Pikachu!"

"Pikaaaaa!" Pikachu already knew what to do. Now that they've caught the vampires off guard, Pikachu could unleash a flare of electricity from his body, which also meant he lit up his body, generating light.

"Gaaaah!" The vampires hissed, moving back as the light from the Mouse Pokemon began searing their bodies. Now it was time for Galaxy Master to continue capitalizing.

"Have some more then! Andromeda Flash!" Galaxy Master added some more light by using his own light from his body.

As Galaxy Master fought the vampires, Luna stealthily approached one of the people trapped by their shadows. She needed to be cautious as these shadows looked to be sentient, therefore aware. Luna decided on the best possible force to fend them off. The light from her magic.

One of the shadows spotted Luna, hearing the sound of magic going off. The moment this shadow turned around, Luna emitted a dark blue flash of magic from her horn, sending it towards the shadow. Upon seeing it, the shadow was affected by this light, similar to how the vampires were hit by the light of Pikachu.

The shadow had been staved off, howling eerily as it dropped the lady who had been caught being held back by it. She got on her knees before then feeling bewildered and stunned.

On two sides, lights were being flared out. One from Luna and one from Pikachu. Sensitive to the light, the vampires dropped their mirrors from this. Quickly, they sent out their Pokemon who weren't sensitive to the light at all.

Luna would gallop around, showing her light to as many shadows. Naturally, something like this would be noticed by one of the vampires. Alas, she was too weak to do something about Luna since Galaxy Master had them all occupied. At this rate, victory would be given to both sides with the vampires being exempt.

"I can fix that for you." And that's where the Rift came in. It was already planning to deal with Luna either way and now was that opportunity to do something. It took advantage of this one vampire that was in the back, using her as a vessel, the same way Galaxy Master sometimes becomes a vessel.

This vampire gasped as she felt a shock in her system. Something abnormal that her body was never meant to feel had taken over. Right now, the Rift had found a vessel to capitalize on as cosmic lights flared from the vampire's eyes. But instead of harming her, these eyes did nothing.

Speaking of lights, just then, the Rift-Controlled Vampire started casually walking despite what was being shown to her. Her body was no longer sizzling from the dual flashes of light that went off from Pikachu and Galaxy Master.

Right now, this vampire was immune to the light. A special rarity of a vampire but it would only be temporary as she picked the mirror. She went off without even being noticed by her friends, who were too busy using their Pokemon for cover from the light.

As for Princess Luna, she was on a roll, freeing as many victims as she could. Each time they were freed, they dropped to the ground either asleep, unconscious or bewildered. Either way, they needed to recover after having their shadows affected.

"Get some rest, Officer Jenny," Luna said to Officer Jenny, who she managed to rescue. Officer Jenny was also out of commission, half asleep at this point. "Alright. At this pace, Galaxy Master and I could save this town together easily. The problem is approaching him after this."

"You won't be approaching him at all, Luna." A voice replied to her. That voice came from the vampire who was speaking for the Rift. Alert, the Princess of the Night swivelled to face this Rift-Controlled Vampire who was walking casually with the lights in the distance going off. That was the first thing that stuck out to Luna.

"Fairly bold for you to come this close to me," Luna replied, shocked that one vampire chose to come this close to her considering everything that was happening.

"I can't afford to have you slow me down constantly with how much you're snooping around." The vampire spoke, giving Luna an ominous feeling. She felt that something was amiss with this particular vampire.

"Strange...a shame you're bogged by one weakness!" Luna readied her horn, causing the vampire to freeze for a bit, waiting for what Luna's next move would be. Luna smirked before unleashing a bright flash from her horn, expanding it to reach this one vampire. But after seeing what it was, the vampire simply stood casually now that she was immune to it.

Thus, she was free to use the mirror without any issues. Luna gasped, shocked that the light did nothing to this vampire, unaware of who it truly was. And upon being shocked, the vampire used the mirror, holding it up to Luna. And as to be expected, Luna did have a shadow as opposed to Galaxy Master and his Pikachu.

"!" Luna's body pulsated, letting out a chromatic flash. The effects of the mirror were starting to occur. Luna felt her own shadow being ripped out of her. A feeling that was not uncommon with her but it was never her shadow that she had to worry about. "U-Ugh...!" Luna groaned as she was starting to resist it, unlike everyone else here who ended up being overtaken instantly by the mirror.

The Alicorn struggled to hold her ground as the hooves of her shadow were starting to show themselves. As always, Luna showed to have the most resistance out of many others in Equestria and to an extent this world as well, aggravating the Rift. It was now that he decided to use some of its recovered power to guarantee Luna's restraints. By adding power to the mirror, it accelerated the curse magic within it. And by doing so, the shadow came out faster.

Thus, Luna experienced what everyone else felt. Having her own shadow out of her did cause some body problems but yet again, she wasn't fully stunned. That didn't stop her from being held back.

"Good. Stay there." The vampire added before then adding the Rift's voice into it. "Everyone else here can move freely except for you. As if I'd let Galaxy Master save you."

"The Rift!" Luna exclaimed, finding out the identity of this controlled vampire. "That explains the light immunity."

"I still haven't fully recovered because of all your interruptions, Luna. Swaying him to your side is one part of that." The Rift scoffed. "Why couldn't you have just enjoyed the Pokemon Festival? Always feeling the need to intervene."

"Apologies." Luna grinned even in her current predicament. "The same thing happened last year. When my subjects are in danger and especially my friends, I can't resist. But why is it that you let Galaxy Master do this which slows down things in its own right?"

"I still crave entertainment. Galaxy Master provides that entertainment for me. After all, who doesn't enjoy seeing heroic antics? He can do whatever he wants so as long as it doesn't involve you. Now! You should sit this one out!" The Rift expelled more of its power. This time, with a limit to how much it can use right now but it was enough. By using its own power, it heightened the shadows that were holding Luna back, only further increasing her restraints.

"Y-You can't keep me here forever!" Luna groaned and growled, trying to overpower her shadow. But this strength was something else. Just then, Luna's eyes were half-shut, feeling the need to close themselves. "What now...?!"

Unable to break free from her own shadow, Luna felt exhausted. It was hard to tell if this was the result of the shadows or the Rift's power. Either way, she felt the need to rest, though her spirit and will said otherwise. Alas, it was pointless as the shadows then covered her mouth, preventing her from staying anything else. Her saddlebag involving her Poke Balls had been ripped away, tumbling on the ground right afterwards.

"Go to sleep, Luna." The Rift turned around before leaving the body of this vampire, causing her to drop to the ground. It did what it needed to do. Silence Luna. This mirror seemed to be the ace-in-the-hole just for that one purpose.

Right now, Princess Luna had fallen asleep. Ironic since it was nightfall at this time. The vampire who had been taken over immediately fell over, unconscious once she was freed from the Rift.

Now, the Rift could expect Luna to be apprehended in some way once Galaxy Master was done with his current scenario. The cosmic entity was feeling somewhat good about itself. After frustration after frustration, doing this filled a void that it so desperately needed. It wasn't payback against Ash but it did involve one of Ash's friends either way.

"Time for the finale! Pikachu! Torterra! Go!" Galaxy Master bellowed as he had recently sent out Torterra. These two working together managed to hold back the opposing Pokemon. With a burst of electricity followed by golden shockwaves that came from the earth itself, the combined attacks of Pikachu and Torterra blew away the opposing Pokemon.

With the advantage of light on his side, Galaxy Master dominated this battle. The Rift wasn't surprised at all. Right now, the Rift needed some time to recover after using a chunk of its power to hold back Luna. But it felt like its work was done here and it expected nothing less from Galaxy Master.

The Rift needed to return to its own dimension just to recover as always. It expected Galaxy Master to deal with Luna thoroughly after the story it shared with the fictional character, albeit one that was favoured by the Rift.

"T-Time to go!" As for the vampires, they were too overwhelmed by this, feeling the need to retreat. They left behind their cursed mirrors, unable to retrieve them considering how close they were to Galaxy Master. It didn't help that Torterra stomped on one of them.


"Let's not go after them, Torterra The citizens here need our help first." Galaxy Master halted Torterra from pursuing these vampires who managed to flee. "The shadows are all that's left."

After the vampires fled, Galaxy Master focused on the next task at hand. Freeing them all. Luckily, much like Luna, he had the means to do so. The light energy from the Sea Temple of which he was made out of, would suffice. Of course, there was being cautious around these shadows as they could be unpredictable too.

Luna was at the far back of Lavender Town after choosing to distance herself from Galaxy Master. It worked to her benefit since it would take some time for him to reach here but also to her downfall as the fictional character would never witness what occurred with Luna and this one vampire and even what Luna did to the other shadows, already freeing innocents.

Luna was bound to be found by him eventually, held back by her own shadow while asleep. But, during that time when Galaxy Master continued to help this town, something else happened with Luna.

At this time, ever since Mesprit split something from her, a certain alter-ego would emerge only during the night when she feels the most comfortable. It was not Lunar Ire but instead Nightmare Moon.

Exempt from the shadows, Nightmare Moon began exiting Luna's body. As always, she appeared as a night-sky wisp rather than her full body. Slipping through the view of the shadows by disguising herself in the darkness of the night, Nightmare Moon escaped. Since she was connected to Luna, everything that happened here was memorized by this alter-ego.

Upon leaving Luna, she zoomed away in her wispy body, even taking the time to grab Luna's saddlebag with Poke Balls in them. Sensing the presence of Galaxy Master nearby and the constant flashes that were coming this way, Nightmare Moon fled. She fled the area with Luna's saddlebag, leaving Lavender Town.

And shocking, leaving Luna behind as well.

Route 12.

The wispy body of Nightmare Moon arrived at Route 12. Away from Lavender Town. Here at Route 12, she ended up at a bridge known for its fishing, nicknamed 'Silence Bridge'.

Finally away from the town, she felt the need to emerge as her true self. Nightmare Moon's full body had been brought out, feeling safe at this distance.

"Hoh..." Nightmare Moon took a deep breath once out of that wispy body. On her horn was the saddlebag before she then removed it. This was all she could grab with her current strength. Luna herself, not so much.

"What an unfortunate series of events. Luna. I must regrettably apologize. That one shadow was too strong. Far stronger than the rest because of that cosmic nuisance. You may not hear what I'm saying right now. But have no fear. You and I need each other as much as you deny it. So wait until I do something about this."

Nightmare Moon was not running away at all. Instead, she was only getting a safe distance from a rough position. Right now, Luna was restrained by a Rift-Powered Shadow of Luna who held an unconscious Princess Luna. To make matters worse, there was the presence of Galaxy Master, who Nightmare Moon would rather not approach.

All she had was her current magic level and the saddlebag of Luna's Pokemon to help her with. This was the only part of Luna that was free and unrestrained and ironically, the only one she could count on without knowing as the journey continues.

Chapter 894 End.

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