• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Cerise Laboratory, Day.

Twilight had invited her friends over to see Cerise Labs. Her second job there. To them, the place was very advanced due to all the high-tech equipment here. She had even introduced to them to Goh and his newly caught partner Scorbunny. He did say Mew would be his first Pokemon but Scorbunny won him over. Today, was more than just a visit though.

"Here they are." Professor Cerise had given them all 9 tickets to a certain event that Misty mentioned a while back.

"The World Coronation Series?" Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey. This is what Misty mentioned! The Pokemon World Championship." Ash smiled.

"Not only that but its the finals." Fluttershy replied.

"Awesome! I get to see a championship with my very own eyes!"

"Up until now, each region has had its own league or championship." Cerise's assistant said. "Each with its own champion."

"But at the World Coronation Series, they choose the top trainer from everyone around the world." Another one of his assistants said.

"Oh sweet! And these are for the finals... then that means we'll get to see the strongest trainer be crowned!" Ash was loving this. Misty already made it sound exciting but this was even better than he thought it was. "Oh man, I can't wait! Let's take off to the Galar Region!"

High above the skies near the Galar Region, it had a bit of a sunset look currently. This was the first time the Mane 6 were on a plane. It was all so new to them.

"This plane stuff is pretty cool. But I bet I could fly there faster than it can." Rainbow Dash said as she was absorbed by the comfy seats.

"I can't wait to see this, Ash. This Pokemon Championship sounds so intriguing." Twilight talked to him.

"Yeah, it is. I wonder who the finalists are. They'd have to be on another level to reach the finals and be crowned the strongest trainer."

"But I doubt they're as strong as you Ash."

"Oh no. I'm strong but I've still got ways to go if I wanna become a Pokemon Master, Pinkie. Right Pikachu?"


"I can't wait to see all the Pokemon in the Galar Region. Ooh, I wonder what will be there?" Fluttershy was excited to visit this brand new region she hadn't been to yet.

"I can't wait to catch all the Pokemon there!" Gou was excited for catching instead.

"In the meantime, I constructed this." Twilight got out a chart that showed all the Pokemon Types and how to work around them. "This new and improved type chart! Working at Cerise Labs and reading about them, I've figured out how types actually work finally, and I've found a way to counteract them. Even the ones that don't work."

"How exactly?" Applejack asked.

"It's simple. Electric-Types can't affect Ground-Types obviously. But I've gone over the data and found out that if enough electric force is built up, it should be strong enough to break through even the ground itself. Making Electric-Types capable of damaging Ground-Types."

"Are we sure that's how it works?" Pinkie asked her.

"Of course I'm sure. The amount of power needed would be similar to Pikachu's Z Move that he used against Sombra. All we need to do is find a Ground-Type to prove this theory."

"Twilight. It's not that some Pokemon can't damage the others, its more of the case that they don't do as much damage. Grass-Types can't deal too much damage on Poison-Types but they can knock them back and deal damage over time if they're careful. Type matchups aren't everything." Ash explained.

"They aren't?"

"Nope. Take it from me. I've won a lot of my battles despite me having the disadvantage. It's all about the skill and bond you share with your partner. Isn't that right buddy?"


"Well then. I'll have to see it for myself. And if that's true then this chart is meaningless."

Pinkie Pie had smelled something delicious nearby as she bounced over to it.

"Mmm... what's that delicious smell?" She looked over as she saw the plane food. They had some Pokeblocks on the tray. Delicious candy that Pokemon love. And Pinkie Pie too. "These look and smell delicious!"

"These are Pokeblocks." The Stewardess explained. "Though they're only for Pokemon-" She was cut off as Pinkie Pie had gobbled up the Pokeblocks, finding them delicious.

"Mmm! These are some unique sweets! Keep it up!" She bounced back to her seat as the Stewardess was a bit on the dumbfounded side.

"By the way, I thought about it for a while and I've decided!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Decided on what?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm opening up a second boutique at Kalos! The Carousel Boutique will be world-wide! Universe-wide even!"

"Oh my. Seems everypony has plans for Pokemon."

"Well of course. You have your Pokemon House, Fluttershy. So we decided to involve ourselves with Pokemon as well, darling."

"Yeah. And I'm gonna find the pinnacle of sweets!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Pinnacle of Sweets?" They all said.

"Apparently, from what I've heard... somewhere in the Pokemon World, there exists a sweet so grand, so delicious, so tasty that only a certain Pokemon can keep guard of it without eating it. It drives others crazy when they see it. They just wanna gobble it up in one go! And I'm gonna find it one day!"

"What about you Applejack, darling. Any goals for Pokemon?"

"Nope. I ain't got nuthin'. I'm perfectly fine with where I am right now. But I do enjoy the Applin's company."

Just then, there was an announcement.

"We have just entered Galar Region Airspace."

"Oh sweet. We're almost there." Ash said. Suddenly, the lights went off in the plane. Everypony, human and Pokemon were confused. Was a movie going to play or something?

"Everyone please remain calm. And remain seated with your seatbelts fastened." The Stewardess said. But suddenly, Pikachu was look out the window. He could sense something, something ominous outside.


"Something's out there!" Ash exclaimed. The Mane 6 and Spike had looked out to see what it could be.

"I don't see anything Ash." Spike said.

"It's coming. I can feel it." Both Ash and Pikachu knew something was there.


Something WAS out there. It was unexplainable. There was this large purple thing that soared through the clouds. It was hard to see what the rest of it looked like since it was so gigantic. Red lightning sparked in the skies along with a red aura that surrounded it. More purple bits of it were seen as the gang were surprised by what they were seeing.

Pikachu felt electricity just surge out of him. Like this red energy was affecting him in a way. Whatever this thing was, it was trouble. Then, more of its body was seen. It had some sort of purple part inside of it. In fact, its whole appearance seemed to be that of a skeleton of some sorts. It was still hard to see what it was due to its size and the clouds, but they got a glimpse of it. Once that mysterious figure left, the lights came back on, returning all systems to normal.

"Pikachu. Are you okay?"


"What in Equestria WAS that thing?" Twilight asked.

"No idea. But I can tell that it was a Pokemon. A pretty overwhelming one too. Gets the blood pumping doesn't it?"

"You seriously enjoy THAT Ash?"

"Yeah, Twilight! Just think of all that mystery...and it's in the Galar Region, waiting for us!"

"I feel ya, Ash. It's got my blood pumping too!" Applejack responded.

The plane had finally landed at Galar. It was time to head to the stadium. Once they all arrived there by bus, they were met with the stadium itself. It was so gigantic that it was hard to see where the front was.

"Where is the stadium?" Ash said, thinking that he wasn't there.

"There." Goh held Ash's face turning it up to show him where it was.

"Huh? WOAH!"


It was huge. The shape of it resembled that of a flower. The others were taken aback by the size of it.

"Holy cow! It's gigantic!" Rainbow Dash gawked. Ponies and people had gathered around the stadium to see the championship take place. It was about to start anytime soon.

"Come on! We can't miss this!"


"Slow down, Ash! You're moving too fast!" Twilight said.

Inside the stadium was a huge crowd. All tickets sold out since everyone was anticipating this. Ash, Twilight and the others weren't the only ones here. Team Rocket with their grade-A disguises were here as well.

"Twerps and Twerpettes in the middle of this place?" Jessie said.

"Normally, I'd be suggesting we steal Pikachu." James followed.

"But when the boss gives a direct order, we put normal stuff aside. Besides, Zecora let us have a day off finally." Meowth retorted.

"We are to steal the Galar Pokemon who grow to gigantic size." Jessie uttered.

"Yes! For a giant prize!" James yelled.

"Right! And this time, we've got the right phone for the right job!" Meowth held up the Rotomphone.


The lights went off. It was time. Introductions were first. A light show happened, where golden lights sprung up. Red, blue, green and white circles surrounded the floor, moving about.

"Welcome everyone! It's the moment you've all been waiting for! We're here to witness the world's largest, worlds greatest Pokemon Battle to determine the world's greatest trainer!" The light shows were going crazy. It was hyping this all up to the max. "Welcome, to the World Coronation Series!"

The cheering was off the charts as fireworks were in the air.

"So how did we get here? The Masters 8, the top trainers ranked by the Pokemon Battle Commission, have entered this competition of high stakes battling, so that they may ride for the much-coveted title of 'Monarch'! But who you may wonder, are our two finalists?"

Out came the challengers who were in the finals. One was a very familiar face to Ash. The spotlight landed on this challenger.

"First up! I introduce to you, Lance!"

"Alright, it's Lance!" Ash exclaimed.

"Representing the Kanto Region!" Goh replied.

"Oooh, this is so exciting." Pinkie Pie was shaking Rainbow Dash, but she didn't mind since Dashie was just as excited.

"One of the Kanto League's Elite 4, and winner of the prestigious Elite 4 Cup, Lance then went on to emerge victorious from the trainers ultimate dream... The Pokemon World Tournament in Driftveil City!" The announcer was building up and explaining all of Lance's feats. "Lance showed his attack skills as a member of Pokemon G-Men. His use of Dragon-Type Pokemon has been described as battling art! A world-class trainer, with world-class Pokemon!"

"Oh sweet! He's a Dragon-Type Trainer?!" Spike jumped out of his seat. "I gotta see this now!"

"I am now pleased to introduce our other finalist." The second one was here. The one who was the most impressive to all. The light shined on this seemingly new trainer. "It's Leon!"

"Born and raised in Galar, and known for winning the Galar Champion Cup on his very first try on battles that weren't even close! One who has never tasted defeat. A trainer who takes on any challengers, even once taking on a hundred challengers throughout the world and beating every single one of them! The King of the Kingdom! The Super Star of Galar! The Undefeated Champion! Leon!"

"Oh, sweet Celestia. This guy sounds unstoppable." Rainbow Dash said.

"No kidding. 100 challengers?!" Twilight exclaimed. "I have to get a note of everything that happens right now." Twilight had some paper with a quill, ready to take notes. The Stadium lit up with lights.

"Now. Lance and Leon have taken their positions on the battlefield." A man riding on a flying machine with an Aegislash on the front arrived to be the referee.

"We will now begin the final match of the World Coronation Series. Will both trainers come forth." The two champions stepped forward, ready. "The battle will be a single match. A trainer wins when the opposing trainer's Pokemon cannot continue."

"I've seen your previous battles. I can tell you're a trainer with considerable skill. That's why I imagined that you would be the one to eventually join me here." Lance said to Leon, praising him even.

"Are you able to feel it, Lance?"

"Huh?" He didn't get what Leon meant.

"To witness the tense still air on the pitch. The opposite of the audience, cheering and yelling. Feels fantastic wouldn't you say? But remember, the audience is also a bit cruel. They want nothing more to see one of us lose after all. But I love pushing past the fear. I love giving it everything I've got as a trainer. It's the greatest feeling!" Leon held his cape, getting riled up. "And I can't get enough of it."

"Hmph. You think you've already won." Lance retorted.

"The reason I'm unbeatable is because I learn from every battle I see or take part in. And today! I'll learn. From my victory."

"There's no need for words now. We will battle to determine who's stronger!" Lance held his Pokeball out.

"Please bring out your Pokemon!" The referee exclaimed. Leon got out his Pokeball, ready to do this and settle it once and for all. He tossed his Pokeball up in the air as it sent out his partner and strongest Pokemon.

Charizard. The minute that beast of Pokemon landed it caused the ground to shake, creating dust around it. The mighty Flame Pokemon let out a strong and fierce roar.

Lance then sent out his Pokemon. A Pokemon he caught long ago back in the Johto Region. The Red Gyarados. The Atrocious Pokemon was ready to battle as well.

"Incredible! Look at the coloring of it! Fetching!" Rarity yelled.

"It's Leon's undefeated Ace Pokemon, Charizard and evolved from a gold Magikarp, Red Gyarados!" The announcer said.

"Battle begin!" The referee said. It was off.

"The time has come!" Lance yelled.

"Indeed!" Leon yelled back. "Let's have a Champion Time! Now Charizard, Flamethrower!" Charizard had the first move. Letting out an intense blast of fire.

"Gyarados! Counter it with Hyper Beam!" Gyarados wouldn't let Charizard get the first hit in. Its mouth glowed unleashing a mighty beam forward. Both attacks met as they clashed. A powerful shockwave was left from it, even reaching near the crowd. Luckily there was a barrier to protect the audience from getting hurt. Both attacks were in a struggle, however, Hyper Beam managed to be the stronger attack as it broke through the Flamethrower.

"Dodge it!" Charizard flew in the air, escaping the Hyper Beam as it was chasing him down, hitting the barriers in the process. Charizard flew back down as the Hyper Beam had stopped.

"I must say Gyarados. It seems you're just as strong as I suspected." Leon praised Gyarados's great strength. "Alright, Charizard use Air Slash!" Charizard's wings began to glow as it flew forward.

"Block it Gyarados!" Charizard let out slashes of wind towards Gyarados, as the Atrocious Pokemon slammed its tail on the ground, making huge rocks come up to block the Air Slash.

"Use Flamethrower!" Charizard flew up into the air, unleashing another Flamethrower downwards.

"Oh geez! That one looks like it's gonna hurt!" Rainbow Dash said as they all looked up at it.

"Dragon Dance!" All of a sudden, Lance didn't make Gyarados counter it. Instead, he let his Pokemon stand there as it danced around with a purple energy surrounding it. Gyarados's speed and attack strength had been boosted. The Flamethrower hit Gyarados dead on. This didn't phase Gyarados too much.

"We need to get closer. Take it down using Aqua Tail!" Gyarados's tail had a water coating around it as it slammed its tail on the ground, sending it flying into the air towards Charizard. It made direct contact as it smacked Charizard with its Aqua Tail, sending the Flame Pokemon back down to ground level.

"What strength." Applejack gawked.

"Since Gyarados is part water, it took that Flamethrower and used Dragon Dance to gain a boost. Man, Lance is still so awesome!"

"You okay Charizard?" Charizard was more than okay. It was still healthy and pumped up.

"Let's follow up! Use Ice Fang repeatedly!" Gyarados's already sharp teeth became much more deadly. It slithered towards Charizard, circling around him continuously as he was biting the Fire-Type repeatedly with Ice Fang. It winded around Charizard with a series of attacks. Due to its speed increase it could keep on going as Charizard was finding it tough to break free.

"Throw it off Charizard! Then use Fire Spin!" Charizard had whacked Gyarados away with its tail as it sent out a fire that circled around the Atrocious Pokemon, trapping it.

"Gyarados! Cut your way out using Aqua Tail!" The Water-Flying Type broke out with its Aqua Tail, putting the flames out. "Now use Ice Fang!" Gyarados rushed in once more for another Ice Fang, but Leon wasn't going to let that happen again.

"This is what I've been waiting for. Alright Charizard, use Thunder Punch!"

"What?!" This caught Lance off guard. He was keeping that this whole time. Charizard's dragon-like claws and hands were surging with lightning. He slammed his fist onto Gyarados's face, sending the Atrocious Pokemon to the ground.

"Use Thunder Punch repeatedly!" Charizard was about to deliver a second one.

"If it lands over and over again, that Gyarados is done for!" Pinkie said.

"Counter with Aqua Tail repeatedly!" Lance wasn't about to go down so easily. Gyarados raised its tail up, clashing with the Thunder Punch. Their clash caused strong wind pressures to fly across the battlefield. They clashed their two attacks like swords, going back and forth. Eventually, the two of them pushed each other back.

"This battle isn't over yet! I forbid it." Leon sent Charizard back as it was time for the real show-stopper.

"Yes. I couldn't agree with you more." Lance returned Gyarados as well. They both knew what was coming.

"What's about to happen?" Ash asked.

"No idea. But oooh has it got me all kinds of excited!" Rainbow replied.

"So many things to take into account." Twilight had made so many notes on this battle so far.

"Alright! Gyarados, ready?" Lance outstretched his arm as his Dynamax band had activated. His Pokeball had changed colors as it grew in size.

"What the?!" They all said in unison.

"GO! DYNAMAX!" Lance tossed his Pokeball into the air as out came Gyarados. Bigger. Bigger. Gyarados was much bigger than it was before. Gigantic even. The skies around the stadium turned purple as they were all perplexed. Ash and the others especially. This wasn't like Darkrai's tricks or a dream. This was the real deal. A super-sized Pokemon. This was the Galar Region's speciality.

"It's huge! Gigantic!" Twilight said.

"So when professor Cerise said there'd be things that would amaze us, he wasn't kidding."

"Now this is battling!" Even Jessie was impressed.

"Good things come in big packages too!" Meowth said.

"So when the boss spoke of giant-sized Pokemon, this is what he was talking about!" James uttered.

"This Dyna-socks is for me!" Jessie mispronounced it.

"Big stockings isn't what he meant." James replied to that silly saying.


"Oh, Boy... the word is Dynamax." Meowth corrected her.

"Dynamax Gyarados? I like it. Now I'll show you what Charizard can really do!" It was Leon's turn. His Charizard was more than just Dynamax. He tossed the Pokeball up as it released his partner Pokemon. "GIGANTAMAX!"

Charizard grew huge as well, but his appearance was much different. Like he had gone through another evolution. This unseen to Ash. The Mane 6 fell out of their seats, perplexed by this behemoth. Including the ponies who came to watch this. Spike was in awe. He loved every second of this. It felt like two dragons battling it out.

"It's Gigantamax Charizard!" The announcer said.

"That's Gigantamax?!" Goh exclaimed.

"So cool!" Ash bellowed.



"This has gone from a normal Pokemon battle to a super-sized Dynamax extravaganza!" The announcer exclaimed.

"Use Max Geyser!" Out of Gyarados's mouth came an intense and maxed up beam of water. More powerful than a normal water move. Rain kicked up once the attack was fired.

"The Water-Type Max move huh? It seems like something you would use. Charizard! Meet it using Max Lightning!" Lightning surrounded Charizard as from above, lightning came down, striking Gyarados. The Max Geyser missed Charizard due to Gyarados being thrown off course. An Electric Terrain formed after the Max Lightning hit.

"Aiming for Super-effective hits is the way to victory!"

"Now! Use Max Strike!" Gyarados dug its tail on the ground, making the stadium shake with cracks forming. The rocks rose up as a shockwave of energy headed towards Charizard.

"Charizard use Max Airstream!" Charizard flew into the air, avoiding the attack as it let out a whirlwind of air that raced towards Gyarados. A direct hit too. "It's a champion time to turn up the heat! G-MAX WILDFIRE!" Charizard then followed up with its new signature move. All of a sudden, its wings got hotter as it looked like they flew off its back. A flaming figure in the shape of a bird soared to Gyarados.

"Gyarados! Use Max Guard!" Gyarados set up a shield to protect it from the wildfire.

"Now! Get ready for the last act!" The final move was in play. Leon had it all sorted out. The G-Max Wildfire wasn't over. It was still flying around. Once that guard was gone, the attack hit Gyarados. Continuously even. Like a bird rapidly swooping down on its prey. Then with one final hit, the wildfire dashed down, hitting Gyarados in the head. The aftermath was a flaming explosion that was large enough to cover even the super-sized Gyarados. A burst of flames was left over as well as it was burning Gyarados.

"Gyarados!" Lance shouted. Too late to counteract now. Gyarados return to normal size as it had fallen down. The referee had flown over to see the state of Gyarados.

"Gyarados is unable to battle! SO! The winner of this match is Leon!"

"And Leon pulls out a stunning victory!" The announcer yelled. Everyone cheered at that awesome battle. Ash stood up, amazed at what he saw.

"Oh, man. I've never seen Lance lose before. Ever even.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Spike yelled.

"Charizard. You did very well. Now you and I are true World Monarchs."

"Char!" Charizard and Leon high-fived each other. They aced that. Charizard let out fire in the air as a celebration of its victory.

"That was more intense than any battle I've seen so far." Rainbow Dash was taken aback by all of this.

"It was rough and tumble but it was amazing!" Even Rarity loved it.

"So this is what it looks like when two champions battle..." Twilight didn't know what to think. The notes she had written down didn't do it any justice.

"You were amazing. Now get plenty of rest." Lance returned Gyarados to his Pokeball as Leon walked up to him. "I guess it's over." They shook hands in good sports. The victor had been decided.

"That Dynamaxing was amazing." Leon said to him.

"I previously went on a journey in the Galar Region. And trained in the Dragon Gym. Wearing that historic uniform left a deep and lasting impression on me. Which is why I wear what I wear now."

"I'd say, this is a proud moment for them too."

"It's an odd feeling. I'm not angry I lost. But I'm happy I got to witness the rise of a great new Monarch."

"Thank you, Lance. It was a tremendous battle!" Lance lifted up Leon's arm to congratulate him to the audience.

"Here today! We've witnessed the rise of the greatest Monarch in the world! If a trainer has a strong and outstanding nature, then Pokemon will respond! And that's how a trainer grows strong with their Pokemon! As strong as Leon and Charizard!" Lance exclaimed to them all.

"Now! Once again presenting! The winner of the World Coronation Series crowned the Strongest in the World! The Monarch Leon!" The announcer said. Leon did his signature champion pose to them all. Spike had mimicked that pose as he had gained himself a new devotion.

"Amazing.. so he's been crowned the strongest Pokemon Trainer in the world?" Fluttershy said.

"Yep! And I wanna have a battle with him!" Ash exclaimed.


"HUH?!" They all said to him.

"Ash. I admire your bravado and spirit, but didn't you hear what they said that he's accomplished? He even won with the type-disadvantage!" Twilight said. But Ash didn't care. That never stopped him before.

The match was over and all were headed home. Rainbow Dash stretched her hooves from all that sitting. That was an event. It all looked like it was over until something had happened. Team Rocket had come across a Drednaw. The Bite Pokemon. They had sort of riled it up and triggered a Dynamax spot with a Bellsprout. This caused the Drednaw to grow in size, reaching its Giganatmax state.

"What in tarnation is that?" Applejack said, referring to the sudden red energy that rose up. Drednaw was chasing after Team Rocket who ran off indoors. Drednaw extended its neck, breaking in. It was now pandemonium. A Gigantamax Drednaw had to be dealt with.

Chapter 43 End!

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