• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Higher than ever! An unlikely interruption

Equestria. Magehold. Nightfall.

Rosa Maledicta, the Lich Queen, was healing. After a fierce struggle with Yveltal, she was forced to rest and take a backseat. Some would say she earned it as Yveltal was successfully under her control. Alas, she could not act yet. Not when Yveltal got her body back almost destroying her.

Within one of these chamber rooms, Rosa Maledicta was being held up by bony thorns. However, these thorns were healing her, emanating a dark green light. The healing process wasn't swift. Not when Yveltal's power was involved. Rosa had her eyes closed, taking a deep sleep. But even when asleep, she could use telepathy, speaking to her subjects from afar.

"Opal. It's time." Rosa spoke to Opal Vivacity. "Before the Black Crusade can begin, soften them up for me and Yveltal. If we want to win, we need to greatly cripple them all. This involves the Pokemon World and all the valuable things there. I wish I could do it myself but I am healing. Remember how I ordered you all to go out there and do whatever you wanted? Now is your chance. Go wild. But save some for Yveltal."

"And what about me, your majesty?" Fractured Note, who was standing outside of the chamber asked.

"You will continue to make sure that Fantina doesn't notice anything. She's too valuable to us. But once you've sorted her out, I can trust you to do something amazingly terrifying as well, Fractured Note. "Now go. Unleash some demons and cause some mayhem. Make Equestria and the Pokemon World fall weak to the Dread League."

Canterlot. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall.

The Golden Stairway. Or the Cosmic Stairway. Or whatever name fits it. Either it, it was the key to finding Jirachi. All of them. Due to being sealed away in an unknown dimension, by the guidance of Arceus, these stairs would take them to the stars and that mysterious dimension. All that was needed was for it to be completed.

"This is it?!" Seeing it for the first time was Iris along with her fellow Dragon Experts. Arriving at Canterlot, two things stuck out. The massive castle and the stairway. The height of it nearly surpassed the entirety of Canterlot Caste. It wasn't quite at outer space level just yet.

Witnessing this stairway was also the Boundary Pokemon Kyurem. Canterlot wasn't a stranger to giant Legendary Dragons in the form of Reshiram and Zekrom, especially since Kyurem was the originator of those two dragons. Kyurem, if he was to turn into either one of his forms, wouldn't even match the size of this stairway. And later on, when the full scale of it is revealed, not even a Wailord could reach it.

"It's made up of 6 different power sources and some of us are involved. And all of it is focused on Phione who basically constructs it for us." Twilight explained. "I'd be happy to tell you how it goes but it's better to show you. Right, Princess Celestia?"

"Right, Twilight. Because now...we have the 7th Element we need." Celestia nodded in approval. After learning about Shooting Star's breakthrough, meeting with her was Phione who was always bound to sense anything relating to the stairs. Thanks to Arceus' blessing, this was natural. "I've called for everyone who helped make the stairway to show up again. According to Phione, even though Shooting Star received his breakthrough, we still need to combine our powers to enhance the stairway."

"Question is...can you all breathe in space?" Lance questioned. This was a common question whenever the stairway was brought up. Considering that it was set to go to outer space unless they were Legendary Pokemon or even Mythicals, none of them were surviving up there.

"No need. I already covered that for them." Luckily for them, Drayden sorted it out. "I've ordered space suits to be made for them all. The right sizes and everything. And um...the right patterns and flair, according to Rarity. Because it's important to be stylish in space, according to her."

"She has a point though." Twilight shrugged. "Being stylish in space can be special. Especially since we know our world has alien life out there."

"Very soon, we'll find Jirachi. All of them. And once we do, that one wish of ours will be made." Celestia could see it now. Everything would truly be together by the power of Jirachi. The fate of their future and bonds rested in the hands of this one Pokemon. "I hope Reshiram is there to see it."

"What about Reshiram?" Kyurem questioned.

"You see...While we were in outer space, Reshiram had a run-in with the Dread League. I'm not sure what happened but to preserve his energy, he turned himself into his light stone." Celestia brought out the Light Stone via her magic. It was taken from the castle, appearing outside, still in perfect condition. Believing that this was truly Reshiram's healing state, Celestia would keep it safe and clean until the Vast White Pokemon would emerge once more. "I'm hoping he can see the day everything comes together."

"Wait a sec!" Iris raised her arm, alerting everyone.. "Kyurem is the Original Dragon so everything about Reshiram and Kyurem, he probably knows about. I'm sure Kyurem over here can solve it. Maybe even heal Reshiram faster."

"Oh, that's right!" Ash gasped as Iris spoke a heavy dose of truth. It couldn't be debunked since Kyurem was the whole package. Albeit slightly limited. "Talk about being in the right place at the right time, huh?"

"Glad to hear that. Kyurem. Could you help me? I wish to see Reshiram again." Pleading Kyurem for help, Celestia would levitate the Light Stone to the Boundary Pokemon. Kyurem stayed silent for a bit before standing upright. He would welcome the Light Stone into his claws as everyone was waiting to see just how the Original Dragon could restore Reshiram. What secret powers did Kyurem have that not many would ever witness until now?

The answer...nothing.

Because Kyurem crushed it. By staring at it and feeling the orb for a few seconds, the Boundary Pokemon shocked everyone by viciously breaking the stone with a simple muscle exertion. By witnessing Kyurem shatter the orb into tiny white pieces, absolute shock shot them through their hearts and eyes. Pupils shrunk, jaws dropped, beards ruffled and more. And Celestia was more taken aback by anyone. She did not see this coming. No one did.

"W-Why...?" Celestia uttered with a weak voice, almost falling over. "Why would you do such a thing?!"

"This is a fake." Thankfully, Kyurem's response was swift. "The Light Stone is a part of me as much as Reshiram is a part of me. It is indestructible and will not break even if I willed it to."

"It's fake?!" They all said. This entire time, Celestia truly believed that was Reshiram's true Light Stone. The resemblance was uncanny to the real one.

"That means...That means..." Celestia realized that Team Rocket played her. Giovanni gave her a counterfeit that was made by Colress. "He tricked me!"

"So then...where's the real stone?" Ash asked. "Does Team Rocket have it?"

"I hope not." Celestia bit her hoof. "If they do then the things they can get away with."

"It'll be easier to find them though if they do end up using Reshiram." Lance brought the brighter side to this. "If you spot or heart of a blue-eyed white dragon, you know where to be."

"Lance is right. Plus, no way Reshiram's gonna listen to them after spending time with you." Ash reassured Celestia. "He'll know when to find you when he's healed up after what happened back at Holon. But that light stone stuff is pretty real."

"What about Zekrom then? I heard you had Zekrom in this world too?" Iris brought up Zekrom. "Did it become a stone too?"

"We haven't heard anything from Zekrom either. All we know is that he went his separate ways from Reshiram. Both had important missions to take care of. Reshiram went after the Dread League and Zekrom...we don't know." The Sun Princess couldn't confirm Zekrom's location. "Hopefully, he shows up again."

"Princess Celestia. They're here. All of them." Changing the topic was Raven Inkwell who showed up. Upon approaching, the first thing she saw were the usual faces of Ash, Pikachu, Twilight, Fluttershy, Drayden and a few more. But some of them took her back. Mainly Kyurem. Her face scrunched as it looked like Kyurem was gazing directly at her. But since he had no pupils, that was hard to confirm.

Aside from that, those that helped make this bridge appeared at last after receiving Celestia's call. The Royal Family from Pegalysium ascended from the skies in their chariot. Chrysalis would show up from the south while Cadence appeared from the north. Showing up after everyone else, almost being late were Applejack, Jade, Zecora and Cold Colt. As ordered by Phione and by extension Arceus, they all had to gather here again.

Inside the castle, Princess Luna was the only one who stayed indoors, wanting to spend more time with Snowdrop since they recently reunited. But upon seeing the arrival of the other royals, she knew she was needed outside. "That is my cue. My magic is needed to construct the stairway. But...I have to ask...what about your home?"

"My home?" Snowdrop repeated. "Is something wrong?"

"Now that you're back at Equestria, your old home is long gone by now. I can easily commission you a new house. In any shape that you prefer. And wherever you want it to be."

"About that...I think I'd prefer to stay with Kyurem." Snowdrop revealed that in actuality, she would stay with Kyurem instead of staying here at Equestria. This came as a gigantic shock to Luna. Despite returning to her home, Snowdrop did not wish to live here permanently. But only the Pokemon World.

"Only with Kyurem? But why?"

"To be honest with you...Kyurem's a lot like my father. Even if I call him uncle. Living with Kyurem has been a lot of fun and learning about Pokemon from him has been even better. I've gotten comfortable living with him."

"I would've thought you felt the same about me..." Luna pouted. She felt a bit jealous of Kyurem. It had only been three years and already Snowdrop has grown greatly attached to him, seeing the Boundary Pokemon as her father figure. "Then...you won't be coming back here?"

"I will. I'll come by and visit as many times as I can." But Snowdrop wanted to let Luna know that this wasn't the case. "My old home's gone by now. I made a new one with Kyurem and I'm very happy there. But I'll be just as happy here when I come over. And we can have fun like we used to do all night."

"I see." Luna understood. Her fears had been staved away. Snowdrop would still be around. She would just be in a different world, that was all. "Don't scare me like that."

"My bad." Snowdrop chuckled. Luna would then depart, leaving to the outside as everyone else were already set to make the magic happen. Snowdrop would have to wait. But she wouldn't be alone. Cetoddle and Alolan Vulpix were with her after all, potentially being her Pokemon.

But lurking in the shadows without Snowdrop knowing was Nightmare Moon, who overheard the entire conversation. This put a smile on her face. She couldn't help but feel proud of Luna. But at the same time, she laughed at how jealous she seemed of Kyurem.

Once more, they gathered around the Golden Stairway. Ash, Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Applejack, Cadence, Chrysalis, Zecora, Lucario, Cold Colt, Jade Skies and now Shooting Star. All 12 of them were the key to making this bridge truly work. And the one to properly conjure it was Phione who possessed Phione's light.

Iris and the other Dragon Specialists along with everyone here at the Pokemon Festival would spectate them. Most of Canterlot's residents have already seen how the bridge was made but not everyone here got the chance to witness it. Now was that chance.

"Victini." Offering up his power, Victini flew over to Phione, requesting that he chimed in. It was an obvious answer. Phione nodded in approval of Victini's request. Why wouldn't they have his power in the mix considering how helpful it was?

"Are you ready, Shooting Star?" Celestia asked.

"I hope so. My magic is still new so...I'm pretty worried it might not make a huge difference." Shooting Star squeed. "Does it matter though?"

"Not when Victini is here. With Victini, you will have a temporary boost in power. It will be enough to make this bridge work." Luna explained. "So you have nothing to worry about."

"Oh...glad to hear it. No wishing me any luck then. So how does this work?"

"Hold hands, paws and hooves. That's how we connect." Ash held his hand out as he already grabbed both Twilight and Celestia's hooves. Everyone else would follow suit, connecting their hooves and paws together. And just like before, their respective energies would flow out of them.

But this time, there were visible changes. Thanks to everything they've been through and with how much they've grown, the powers had a greater vibrance to them. They would flare out, forming a perfect union circle that would then focus on Phione. Victini would then boost Shooting Star's magic with just a simple touch, speeding up the process.

Phione's eyes opened, unleashing the almighty light of Arceus. She became a radiant beacon that unleashed gorgeous glimmering golden glitter and particles everywhere. The mish-mash of colours from each respective entity came together beautifully before interacting with the stairway.

Snowdrop could make out the colours and shapes that were moving around. And it was truly a sight to behold, especially compared to what it was like before. The stairway started growing. New steps were being added as it grew higher and higher.

It surpassed the height of Canterlot Castle at last as it kept going. Beams of light shot through the lights as a ringing sound came from the construction of this cosmic stairway. By this point, the stairway had surpassed the clouds by crashing through them. Every airborne Pokemon knew to stay away from the stairway as the voice of Arceus could be heard from it.

The speed of the stairway was also something to marvel at as it seemed to increase in speed the higher it went. It then reached the speed of sound, breaking the sound barrier while also going high enough to surpass Pegalysium's current height. It was truly going all the way. On top of that, the size of the stairway in terms of width grew. Anyone from afar could notice it and the luminescence it bestowed upon the night sky. The stars above could be seen illuminating once the stairway got closer.

Higher. Higher. The world's largest stairway would not stop. Outer space had been conquered by this point. But even that wasn't the limit. The stairway was going for Jirachi after all. Right as it reached a certain point, the power of all these energies would then open a gateway in the cosmos. This was the result of Twilight, Cold Colt and Jade Skies using their magic to make this possible.

And unlike most gateways, this one was made up of all the other elements while also having a unique white colouring instead of the usual blue and purple combination that is so commonly associated with the gateways and the Rift. Would there be any end to this Cosmic Stairway?

Only by shock. Phione gasped as something came crashing down, piercing the stairway in the middle upon its emergence into space. It looked to be a massive rose that had sharp edges. This rose was as big as a Wailord as it interrupted the union by breaking Phione's concentration.

"P-Phi!" Phione gasped, almost falling over.

"Phione?! What's wrong?!" Sweetie Belle ran over. Due to Phione losing focus, the stairway's building process had been stopped. There was now a massive hole in the middle of the stairway that was between Earth and space. This hole would then separate the top of the stairway and the rest of it. And yet, it did not fall. It just levitated there mystically.

"What happened?! Where'd that hole come from?!" Twilight cried out. This didn't seem like it was part of the plan. Not at all.

"Gotcha!" Just then, a voice rang through the skies. A familiar voice that Ash, Applejack, Spike and Fluttershy hoped they wouldn't have to hear again. Appearing in the skies as a giant face was none other than one of the most prominent members of the Dread League.

Opal Vivacity.

Still rocking that massive mane that could change fate, her whereabouts after the Holon incident had been revealed. She didn't just make it out and return to Magehold, but she was back in action, performing the biggest strike to Equestria by far. By attacking their one ticket to Jirachi's whereabouts.

"Opal!" Ash roared alongside Pikachu.


"Usually, this would be her majesty's time to shine...but she's a bit tired at the moment. So, guess what? Much to my glee, I was entrusted to take care of things from here!" Opal declared. "As it stands now, I'm calling the shots on the entire Dread League while Queen Rosa rests."

"Who is that?" Iris asked.

"The Dread League..." Celestia snarled with her mane flaring up as if it was on fire. "Of all the times they decide to show themselves here at Canterlot..."

"Queen Rosa recently ordered us to go wild. Now that we have Yveltal, our restrictions have been let go. All vampires are now free to roam Equestria and cause as much trouble as we can. But not too much trouble. We need to save some for Yveltal after all. But we can still do a lot."

"Where is Reshiram?!" Celestia yelled, demanding the location of Reshiram. "What have you done with him?!"

"Reshiram? Unfortunately, he managed to slip away. Not sure how with a body that big...but I'm not worried about him right now! Not since it was I who kept him at bay. Back on topic...I figured that now was the perfect time to make my move. Well...one of my many moves. But I plan to make this one the best until her majesty wakes up. So, get ready Equestria. The final week of your Pokemon Festival is going to be vampire-centric. And demon centric too..." A devious smile infected the skies. "For I've opened up the Box of 100 Demons and right now...there are 15 Demons out there!"

"15?!" They each bellowed.

"Good luck. I'll be doing my own thing. Try and find me if you can~" Opal stuck her tongue out. "And if you're wondering how I'm making this big face...you can thank my brother for this. Toodles~"

"Wait! Get back here!" Applejack yelled but there was no point in yelling at the sky. Opal Vivacity was gone. And she left on a high note, unleashing demons and having the rest of the vampires take action.

"Wait, why only 15?" Chrysalis scratched her mane.

"So the Dread League are finally launching a big attack on us. And it had to be now of all times." Luna growled as this was the worst time for them to strike. On the positive side, at least it was not the Black Crusade yet.

But as it stands now, the vampires would launch a nearly full-scale attack on Equestria. And on the third week of the Pokemon Festival, no less. As ordered by Rosa Maledicta, who was merely healing but could still give orders from afar, even if Opal Vivacity was taking full control.

Now, it was The Pokemon World and Equestria vs the Dread League. And yet, the Black Crusade had yet to come. The greater form of dread was still months away as the journey continues.

Chapter 865 End.

Author's Note:

We're getting close to 1000 so the next storyline begins now that will eventually lead to the biggest moment, which will also be at 1000. From here on, everything picks up until 1000.

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