• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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All-New Phenomenon

Kalos Region. Lumiose City. Professor Sycamore's lab. Afternoon.

Arriving here at Lumiose City were Ash, Rainbow Dash, Princess Celestia and their Pokemon. For one purpose. To further research and help with the Bond Phenomenon. Mainly Celestia's. Hers was a unique one that only triggered during Mega Evolution with her Gardevoir. Not only that, but she even fuses with Passion to form Celestial-Gardevoir.

They arrived at his lab, sitting pretty as always in the wonderful city of Lumiose City. The most populous city in the Pokemon World. The moment Ash opened that door, rushing over and tackling him to the ground was none other than a Garchomp. Not just any Garchomp though.


"Haha! Hey, Garchomp!" Ash laughed as he recognized this Garchomp as Professor Sycamore's Garchomp immediately. The Mach Pokemon playfully pinned Ash down, elated to see him. "Good to see you too!"

"I knew Garchomp would rush out for a reason. Look who's back." A voice spoke to Ash while he was pinned by Garchomp.

"Professor Sycamore!" Ash moved his head to the side, meeting with the man of the hour. The Kalos Region's Pokemon Professor. Professor Sycamore.

"If it isn't Ash and Pikachu," Sycamore replied, greeting the Trainer from the Kanto Region. "It's been too long, honestly. How have you two been?"

"Doing great!" Ash gave a thumbs-up while Garchomp finally got off of him.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu hopped off of Ash's shoulder, landing right on Garchomp's head.


"And who may these be?" Sycamore then turned his attention to Celestia and Rainbow Dash.

"Right. These here are my friends. Princess Celestia. Rainbow Dash and all of their Pokemon. Inside and outside." Ash introduced with Celestia bowing whilst Rainbow Dash simply waved her hoof.

"Princess? Oh, the ruler of Equestria just on the other side?" Sycamore soon realized who this was. Despite being from another world, Celestia was fairly well-known. Mainly due to her superior status as Equestria's ruler.

"That is me. Yes." Celestia confirmed her identity. Ethereal mane and everything.

"Do you know about me too?" Rainbow Dash asked, hoping for that to be the case.

"Sorry. I'm not sure I do." Sycamore shrugged with Rainbow Dash lowering her head.

"Darn. Eh, I'll get there eventually." The multi-coloured-maned-mare didn't let it get to her at all. Sycamore invited them inside, granting Celestia and Rainbow Dash the sight of yet another Pokemon Lab. At least, for Celestia. This would be her first-ever Pokemon Professor Lab.

"So, you're here for a reason. Why else would you show up?" Sycamore already got straight to the point before Ash could even do so.

"Yeah. It's about Celestia and Rainbow Dash. You see, Professor Sycamore, they've got the same thing that I have with Passion and Braviary. The Bond Phenomenon. Uh, Passion's Gardevoir over here."

"What?!" This revelation blew the Kalos Pokemon Professor back. "That's impossible. There should be only one Bond Phenomenon that exists. At least for one Pokemon. These two have it as well?"

"We sure do. Surprised?" Rainbow Dash replied. "Ash was just as surprised too."

"We've been able to tap into the Bond Phenomenon. But I didn't know there was only supposed to be." Celestia scratched her mane.

"Only Greninja wields the power of the Bond Phenomenon. No other Pokemon does." This made Sycamore think. "For years, it's been that way. And two new ones have shown up. For how long?"

"Uh...Mine was three years ago!" Rainbow Dash counted in her head, recalling when Rainbow-Braviary had been seen for the first time. Even the flash of Rainbow-Braviary was seen during a Gym Battle to boot.

"I believe mine was 2 years ago." Celestia already knew when. Just a few days after the Darkest Day did Celestial-Gardevoir show herself. "Mine is known as Celestial-Gardevoir."

"And I'm Rainbow-Braviary. With ya know, Braviary.

"But get this! This is where the cool stuff comes in!" Ash's eyes sparkled, thinking of Celestial-Gardevoir's unique way of being summoned. "Celestial-Gardevoir doesn't work the same way as Rainbow Dash and mine. Celestia uses Mega Evolution to turn on the Bond Phenomenon and even fuses with Passion too!"

"I beg your pardon?! Mega Evolution and Fusion?!" As if Sycamore wasn't hit with more surprises, this threw him off guard. Residents from the other world were certainly packing impressive things that he had yet to see. "That's also unheard of. Well, not Pokemon fusion at least. Okay. Now my interest has reached its peak."~

"Mhm. So, I was hoping that you would know what's up with Celestia and Passion's way of doing it? How come they need Mega Evolution and how can they fuse like that?"

"You came to the right person, Ash." Sycamore placed his hand on Ash. "I as well need to know how this is possible and also how there can be another Bond Phenomenon when there is only supposed to be one. Rainbow Dash. Princess Celestia. Would you mind spending a little bit of time with me?"

"Not at all. Let's do this!" Rainbow Dash was already prepared. This was the one instance where she would love to hear something informative without having to doze off. Celestia was ready as well.

"Great. Come with me to my study room and we can get this started." It was time. Sycamore had to see this for himself and also deduce the enigma that was Celestial-Gardevoir. No matter how long it may take.

Over at his study room, Celestia and Rainbow Dash stood next to each other with Sycamore having objects that recently delved into Ash-Greninja when it was first known to him. But over the years, these objects received an upgrade. And what better time to test these upgrades than on two new Bond Phenomenon Pokemon. Passion was already out and joining her was Braviary.

Ash sat back and watched, holding the three Kalos Starters in his arms. Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie. Pikachu continued to sit on Garchomp's head, resting for a bit.

"Alright then. Show me these new forms." Sycamore was ready.

"Right," Celestia revealed the Gardevoirite that was hidden in her mane. This entire time, it never fell out. She removed the crystal on her crown before then transforming the diamond hole to make it match the circle shape of the Keystone. The stone was placed inside while with the Infinity Energy already beginning to pulsate. The signature glow of Celestial-Gardevoir was teasing Sycamore, waiting to emerge. The Ruler of Equestria tapped on the keystone, initiating Mega Evolution. "Now, Passion! Mega Evolve!"

"Alright, Braviary. Let's go!"

In unison, the two ponies had initiated the transformations. Both Passion and Braviary bellowed with Rainbow Dash doing the same, already feeling herself sync up with her partner. A rainbow pillar emerged in the sky, crashing down as it phased through the building, causing no harm whatsoever. The pillar had consumed both Rainbow Dash and Braviary whilst the dual energies from the keystones started clashing against each other with their gold and blue lights. Celestia's body started glowing gold in the process.

Sycamore put on some glasses with these multiple lights going off in unison. The golden glowing body of Celestia ended up moving along with Passion's body. Both of them gravitated toward each other before letting out a golden flare. Once they started meshing together with the Mega Evolution symbol showing itself, the energies burst out, revealing Rainbow-Braviary and Celestial-Gardevoir.


"Here we are." Celestial-Gardevoir introduced herself by bowing to Sycamore. "We are Celestial-Gardevoir."

"Oooh!" Sycamore was starstruck after witnessing these fresh-new forms. And in the process, his machine started picking up on the Infinity Energies radiating from them both. "You were right, Ash! This is amazing! A separate transformation for Gardevoir and a new transformation for Braviary! Splendid!"

"Yeah, it's neat." The pegasus confidently crossed her hooves, posing with the Valiant Pokemon. "But I can stay in it for too long or I'll just pass out. So me and Braviary don't use it that often."

"Passion and I rarely use it unless under dire circumstances. Olympia told us about the dangers of her Mega Evolved form. But when we do use it, it's of great help."

"Well, either way, the machine speaks for itself. It's reading something amazing from what you've brought on." Sycamore gazed at the machine, seeing a plethora of numbers and a frequency matching that of a heartbeat go on. "Give me a bit for me to analyse this."

Sycamore focused on the readings, mainly looking at Celestial-Gardevoir's side. When looking, he expected to find similar results to Ash-Greninja. However, it didn't even take a minute or an hour. Only a few seconds for him to see something stunning and brand new.

"!" Is the expression Sycamore could give out.

"What is it Professor Sycamore?" Ash noticed Sycamore's changing expression to a perplexed one.

"Oh my, oh my." The Kalos Pokemon Professor uttered with his pupils dilating rapidly. He pulled back before turning to face the two transformed Pokemon.

"Is it bad?!" Rainbow Dash was already starting to worry about the worst outcome, pulling on her mane. Celestial-Gardevoir even felt nervous about how the Pokemon Professor was reacting.

"You two." Sycamore cleared his throat. "You don't have the Bond Phenomenon."

"We don't?!" The two of them gasped in unison.

"They don't?!" So did Ash.

"This isn't the same as what Greninja had. In fact, it's something entirely different. Something that doesn't exist in this world." Sycamore continued. "What you have is something similar to the Bond Phenomenon, but it's not quite that. What we have here is something of a different origin. A new origin."

"So you're saying we have something new? But how come it's not the Bond Phenomenon? It feels like it. Just like what Ash said." Rainbow Dash was now more confused than worried.

"Different origin?" Celestial-Gardevoir knew what that meant. But she wondered more about its origin. Then, with her eyes widening, she could think of only one possibility. "Are you referring to our world?"

"Precisely, princess. I can deduce that this enigma originates from your world. It also seems to be magic-influenced with some Infinity Energy involved." Sycamore showed then the results of the machine. "Look. My machine can also pick up on the only type of magic in this world. Fairy-Type magic. And ever since our worlds crossed over, your magic, Equestrian Magic, is something that it's picked up as well. Possibly from events that have happened in our world. Near or far."

"That's one strong machine..." An impressed Rainbow Dash said.

"It wasn't this impressive in the past. I upgraded it so that it can sense energies from a great distance. But besides that, this force is from your world. Rainbow Dash. Your Braviary has something else there. The energy coming off of its transformed state indicates that there is another level to it."

"Another level?!" The pegasus pulled back. "To Rainbow-Braviary?!"


"Mhm. More importantly, it seems that your Equestrian Magic managed to fuse with Infinity Energy, creating an All-New Phenomenon that has never existed in the Pokemon World. That should explain why it was possible. So at the end of the day, the Bond Phenomenon is still something that only Greninja wields but your world has managed to form a similar force to it."

"An All-New Phenomenon from our world. Amazing..." Celestial-Gardevoir said before looking at her arms. She almost trembled from this stunning information.

"Awesome!" Ash and Rainbow Dash were of the same opinion. They couldn't help but marvel at this revelation. "A totally new power from the other world?! Sweet!"

"It is sweet. But it gets better." Sycamore snapped his fingers, smirking. "Since it came from your world, no doubt in my mind that everyone else can do it."

"Hold on. You mean..everyone else can sync up with their Pokemon too?" Ash was hoping he got that right."

"That would make sense." Celestia;-Gardevoir already answered it for Ash before Sycamore could. "It would be like the Elements of Harmony in a sense. Where anyone can harness them."

"Anyone? But what about my Element of Loyalty?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Sorry, Rainbow Dash. But in reality, anypony can use the Elements of Harmony. They are not destined for a specific group of ponies. If you think about it, on that day during Nightmare Moon's return, Twilight could've brought along somepony like Cheerilee along. Can you imagine that?"

"Uhh..." Rainbow Dash did end up imagining it. The sight of Miss Cheerilee holding the Element of Kindness, facing off against Nightmare Moon with Twilight along her side. She even pictured other ponies such as Roseluck, Soarin, Octavia and a few more wearing those elements. "Woah...Guess we got lucky."

"Perhaps. Or maybe there was a pinch of destiny that helped get you there." Celestial-Gardevoir laughed as she made Rainbow Dash's heart skip a beat.

"You're right on the note, Ash. Princess Celestia. If everyone in your world can harness any kind of magic without seemingly no end, then the same can be said for the phenomenon that you two have encountered."

"Sweet! That means I could see all of my friends have special forms." Ash had already pictured it all in his mind. Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Starlight, Spike and so much more that would take forever to think about could sync up with their Pokemon to form a new transformation. "Ah, this is way better news than we thought we'd hear, huh, buddy?"


"Of course, they'll be under the same risk of receiving damage when bonding with their Pokemon to new heights. But that can be sorted, can't it?" Sycamore shrugged.

"Sure. Would take a while..." Celestial-Gardevoir rubbed the back of her hair. "But this is stellar news. For everypony...no, every species out there. Just imagine the power that...oh, I'm getting a bit too carried away with this, aren't I?" She chuckled. "But the question is...what should we call it?"

A name was needed. It certainly wouldn't be called the Bond Phenomenon as that already existed. Something fresh and new was already being stirred up in the heads of everyone.

"Hmm...Rainbow-Braviary has a second stage to it." Sycamore counted twice. "Princess Celestia and Passion can merge upon using the power of Mega Evolution. That much is known. We just need something that clicks with your world."

"Well...Harmony is something I and many others strive for in Equestria." Celestial-Gardevoir spoke. "Ah! I know!"

"Yeah?" They all leaned in to hear what Celestia had come up with.

"The Harmony Phenomenon!" Celestial-Gardevoir had crafted the name of the newest Pokemon phenomenon. "We strive to live in harmony and bonding is one major part of it. It works perfectly, don't you think?" She playfully clapped her hands.

"The Harmony Phenomenon. Yes! It's as beautiful sounding as a Milotic's cry!" Sycamore approved greatly, snapping his finger to it.

"Looks like we've got something new to test out now, huh?" Ash giggled. "I can't contain all this excitement right now!"~

"I know what you mean, Ash!" Rainbow Dash flew over. "But, hey. I wanna know what that other level of Rainbow-Braviary you mentioned was, Professor Sycamore. Ya think I could see what that is? And uh, how am I gonna reach it?"

"That's for you and Braviary to pursue, my little pony. But, if I had to guess, perhaps it works in the same way as Pokemon evolution. The most common way to evolve a Pokemon is by finishing up in a battle. Or even midway through the battle on some rare occasions. Try that with your Braviary."

"Oh, yeah! True that! Ash! Let's battle!"

"I'm game!"

"And Celestial-Gardevoir. May I recommend one thing?" Sycamore walked over to the fused entity. "The form that you've taken on is possible with Mega Evolution. With what my machine tells me, how about you try using Mega Evolution but without fusing. And also taking on a different variation of Celestial-Gardevoir."

"Oh? Without fusing and a different variation?" Celestial-Gardevoir ended up splitting up as those were her last words. Celestia and Passion had returned.


"Mhm. Perhaps, you can become Celestial-Gardevoir without needing to use Mega Evolution. Or, you can end up Mega Evolving your Gardevoir without needing to fuse. Therefore, you'll have multiple ways to battle, eh?"

"Oooh..." Celestia and Passion looked at us. "Alright. That could be worth trying out. Ash, would you help me?"

"Sure-sure." Ash was willing to help each of them. He wanted to see this for himself. "Let's go, you guys!"


Outside the lab.

Outside of Professor Sycamore's Lab, a short training session was about to begin. Ash would see just what these two new forms could do. That is if one of them could be brought out. He had Pikachu test them out along with the inclusion of Lucario.

"Let's see...I'll try Mega Evolution. We only ever had Passion stay in her Mega Form when we battled Olympia and nothing else." Celestia would choose to have Mega Gardevoir.

"I'm already out with Rainbow-Braviary. But I wanna make this quick before I end up passing out," said Rainbow Dash.

"Got it. Ready when you are." Ash replied.

"Hm. Alright now, Passion!" Celestia tapped the keystone once more, initiating the process for Mega Evolution. "Mega Evolve!" The lights of Mega Evolution made their triumphant return. They connected with each other, forming DNA symbols. Celestia's body, as always, was starting to glow.

This isn't what she wanted. To avoid this, Celestia held herself back. She figured that the best way to avoid herself fusing with Passion was to use magic. The source of this new phenomenon. The Sun Princess closed her eyes, using her magic to prevent herself from gravitating towards Passion and becoming one. Thanks to this, the process of Mega Evolution could finish surrounding Passion without needing Celestia. And thus, Mega Gardevoir had made her second appearance after only being absent for a long time.


"It worked!" Celestia giggled with elation.

"Splendid." Sycamore applauded. "Now, shall we get started?"

"You bet! Let's go, Celestia! Rainbow!"

"Understood, Ash!" Celestia's eyes flared as she and Rainbow Dash were ready to battle. It would also be Rainbow Dash's turn to see if she could unleash a new level of Rainbow-Braviary.

"Battle Start!" Sycamore gave the call for the battle to begin.

"Okay, Pikachu! Use Quick Attack! Lucario, go for Force Palm!"

"Pika! Pika-Pika-Pika!" Pikachu immediately took off at lightning speeds, leaving white afterimages while Lucario simply lunged with a glowing palm.

"Let's go, Braviary! Aerial Ace!"

"Passion, Dazzling Gleam!"

"Garde...!" Passion put her arms together, forming a rainbow sphere. Out of that sphere, multiple rainbow rays were unleashed. And alongside those rays, Rainbow-Braviary zoomed past them. Pikachu and Braviary butted heads with their fastest moves. As for Lucario, he started hitting some of the rays away with Force Palm, only to get overwhelmed by them, flying back afterwards.


"Pika!" Pikachu and Rainbow-Braviary reached a stalemate with both of them knocking each other back.

"Let's go further, Braviary!" Rainbow Dash aimed to push herself along with Braviary. They had to reach that next level that Sycamore talked out. And by doing so, their bodies were flaring with rainbows. That was a sign.

"Braviaray!" Braviary cawed with a mighty battle cry as he could feel himself getting stronger. But he wasn't exactly at that next level yet.

"Thunderbolt! Aura Sphere!"

"Pika...Chuuu!" Pikachu and Lucario worked in unions, unleashing their strongest ranged moves at the same time. A bolt of 100,000 vols along with a concentrated sphere of Aura were thrown, flying side by side.

"Mystical Fire!"

"Breakthrough with Superpower!"

"Voir!" Passion put both her arms out, summoning an enchanting wave of fire.

"Braviary!" Braviary dug deeper into his strength, trying to reach that next level as his talons were glowing orange, gathering some of that untapped strength. He struck his talon onto the incoming Thunderbolt while Mystical Fire met with Aura Sphere. "B-Braviary!"

"Some more, Braviary!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as the duo kept increasing their strength. And especially the Infinity Energy plus Magic within them. This allowed Braviary to power through Thunderbolt, causing a wide shockwave that went in both Pikachu and Lucario's direction.

"Pika...!" Pikachu growled as the shockwave from Superpower ended up knocking him back. However, he slid on the ground afterwards. Thanks to the shockwave hitting Lucario as well, Mystical Fire managed to pierce Aura Sphere, soon engulfing Lucario in these mystical flames.

"Rrrr..!" Lucario growled, putting his arms up to block before being blasted back.

"Not yet. We haven't gotten there yet." Rainbow Dash wasn't satisfied. She needed to see this next level, no matter how far it was.

"Hmm..." Ash looked at Rainbow Dash, feeling as if this scenario was somewhat familiar. Coupled with Mega Gardevoir, it started reminding him of one instance. His battle with Diantha.

"Brave Bird!"

"Plasma Bolt!"

"Braviary...!" Braviary dug deeper once more. By doing so, his Brave Bird emanated a rainbow glow instead of the usual fiery aura that it possesses when used in this form. That was natural to Rainbow-Braviary and a result of the bond between both trainers. However, by pushing himself, his aura was getting bigger., flaring with more rainbows overlaying the previous one.

"Gardevoir!" Passion had then used Plasma Bolt, combining Thunderbolt and Mystical Fire to form Plasma, unleashing a bolt of these mixed elements to form one mightier element.

"Hm." Ash knew what to do. He would only go for Passion. "Double Team, Lucario! Thunderbolt, Pikachu!"

"Luca!" Lucario had split himself multiple times as the bolt approached him. Pikachu joined him in attacking Mega Gardevoir, summoning his own bolts from his body. Thunderbolt had clashed with Plasma Bolt, causing a momentary bolt struggle.

"Now, Aura Sphere!"

"Lu!" All the clones of Lucario could advance on Mega Gardevoir as she was too occupied with Pikachu.

"Use your other hand for Psychic!"

"Voir!" Passion removed one of her hands, using one hand to keep Plasma Bolt active. The other hand had used Psychic, sending an invisible blast as the multiple Lucario clones all merged while charging Aura Sphere in unison. When entering the real Lucario, Aura Sphere had strengthened before being launched. "Garde...!" Gardevoir struggled to hold the two attacks back as Aura Sphere managed to get past Psychic while Thunderbolt bypassed Plasma Bolt.

Thus, she had been hit by both attacks. The Embrace Pokemon staggered, almost falling back. She could still continue even with that double hit.

"Now, Braviary!" Rainbow Dash and Braviary had been charging up the entire time, continuing to push their limits.

"Wait! Braviary! Rainbow Dash, stop!" Ash immediately shouted out, prompting her and Braviary to cease their buildup.

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash did just that. And the moment she stopped, she felt her body twitch. The side of her stomach pulsated, bringing up a familiar pain she hoped not to feel again. "Gah!"

"Rainbow Dash! Are you alright?!" Celestia asked.

"Yeah. Almost did myself in there..." The pegasus breathed in and out.

"I think that's where we should stop," Ash called it a battle, stopping it promptly. "I knew this looked way too familiar. I tried pushing myself once when I was Ash-Greninja. And it didn't go so well for me."

"It didn't?" Rainbow Dash repeated.

"Nope. Passed out again. I saw that happening with you and Braviary and I couldn't let you two faint."

"Ash is right." Sycamore walked over. "You were certainly shooting for that next level, but it was far too volatile and risky."

"Darn it." Rainbow Dash sat down, still feeling the twitching pain as Braviary reverted to his normal form. "Maybe another time then..."


"But, today was not a total loss." Sycamore shook his head. "Princess Celestia. You managed to unleash Mega Evolution without needing to fuse. That's an improvement."

"Thank you, it is. Well done to you as well, Passion."


"And Rainbow Dash. Keep trying to reach that next level you wish to see. It can be done. Here in the Pokemon World, there is no limit to what a Pokemon can do. And I can safely say that the same applies to your world as there are Trainers there with strong bonds."

"We'll be there to help you through it as always, Dash." Ash held his arm out.



"Thanks, you guys." Rainbow Dash loved to hear it, allowing Ash to grab her hoof as she flew up. "I'm not done with Rainbow-Braviary yet. I'm gonna totally perfect it one day. It'd be cooler if it was during an epic moment, right, Braviary?"


"Well, a quick favour before you all leave. This Harmony Phenomenon needs to be looked into further. With the magic from your world, it's difficult to say what's possible. Princess Celestia. Could you perhaps send me information for every new discovery about the Harmony Phenomenon that's made?"

"Mm. I can do that." Celestia agreed as a new deal with Professor Sycamore had been made. "I also know a few ponies eager to test it out themselves."

"And I wanna see all of it happen!" Ash had a giddy smile. "Thanks for the help, Professor Sycamore."


"It's my pleasure, Ash. I bid you farewell and I look forward to when we next meet. It could be sooner than expected."

It was time for them to leave. Upon coming here, they expected to learn a new variation of the Bond Phenomenon. Instead, what they got was something better. A new Phenomenon made exclusively in the other world whilst being of Equestrian Magic origin. The Fusion between Infinity Energy and Equestrian Magic had formed the Harmony Phenomenon. A new phenomenon that had more to explore. And more to look forward to as the journey continues.

Chapter 764 End.

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