• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 23,586 Views, 7,938 Comments

My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Walking with Pokemon: 1

Author's Note:

The first of many.

Or a few.

Frenzy Forest. 12:00.

"Okay. Is this thing on?" Twilight said as she was currently holding a standing camera that was pointing to her face. "Ugh, how do you work this thing?"

"I think the red light needs to be flashing, right?" said Starlight who was with her along with Spike.

"I got it!" Twilight gasped as she backed away from the camera as it was now recording. "Alright!" She clapped her hooves together. "Hello! Princess Twilight or...d-do I say Professor Twilight in this instance?"

"Uh...Any works?" Spike shrugged along with his Axew.

This'll be the first go at making a Pokemon Research film! And way to make myself a better Pokemon Professor. We're gonna see how the Pokemon really live their life in their natural habitats. And the best place to start is Frenzy Forest. An entire Pokemon civilization of some sorts. This will all be research, and I'll be joined here with my Pokemon, my assistant and student Spike and Starlight Glimmer. Say hi, everyone!"

"Hm? Oh, uh...!" Starlight looked at the camera as she was sweating, not used to being apart of something like this. "H-Hi!" She waved her hoof nervously.

"Heya!" Spike and Axew waved their claws.


"Ninetales!" Ninetales got up in front of the camera as well as Eve and Minccy. But Absol didn't. He just stood to the side instead.


"The Pokedex already tells us a lot about Pokemon. But I want to go a step further really experience it instead of just looking at the dex and books. It'll be first-hoof primary research!"

"How long is this going to be?" Spike asked.

"I don't know how long this will be. Might last until the moon rises, but we'll have a blast filming it all. And this camera lent to me by Ash's mom Delia will get everything! Let's get this started!"

Normal-Type section. 12:15.

"The most common and basic type of Pokemon that you'll always find wherever you go," Twilight spoke as Starlight was carrying the camera with her magic. "From what I've found out so far, there are currently 126 Normal-Type Pokemon with 71 being Single-type and 55 being Dual-type. Obviously, that's the amount I know so far, so there's obviously more out there that we've yet to discover. Let's start with those Rattata over there!"

Starlight aimed the camera at a mischief of Rattata as the Rattata were all conversing with each other. One Rattata among the group had ridiculously long incisors. Larger than all the other Rattata around it. This one single Rattata seemed to be the ruler of the mischief just for its incisor count along.

"Tatta! Ratta!" The head Rattata spoke as he seemed to be giving an order.

"A Rattata's incisor's are special. They're not just for show. They grow continuously, so it gnaws on hard things to whittle them down. If not, then it'll be hard for the Rattata to continue living since they'll have teeth so long that it'll be impossible to eat anything for survival."

"Sounds pretty rough," Spike said.

"It is." Twilight nodded.

"Ratta!" The Head Rattata exclaimed as all the other Rattata's scattered, climbing up the trees of the Normal-Type area, startling the Pidgey's in the trees.

"Pidgey!" The flock of Pidgey's all flew back when the Rattata's reached the top of the trees.

The mischief of Rattata all stood on the very top of the tree branches, simultaneously looking south from where their heads were pointing. All the trees had been occupied with lookout Rattata.

"Seems as if they're on the lookout for something. Looking at the far South too." Twilight observed. "Let's get a closer look!" Twilight suddenly spread her wings, taking flight as she as well headed for one of the trees a Rattata was standing on.

"Oh!" Starlight gasped as she used her magic to make herself levitate along with the camera, following Twilight. "Do we have to get a closer look like this?"

"Mhm! Primary research! The far south goes all the way to the Poison-Type area."

"Why would they be looking there?" Starlight questioned.

"Hmm...Could be for one reason. They're preparing for their predators."


"Small Pokemon get a lot of predators and are really easy prey." Twilight got out binoculars looking in the same direction the Rattata's were all looking. "So without a doubt, the one Poison-Type that would come after Rattata could be Seviper."

"Gey!" The Pidgey's from before, weren't too fond of Rattata suddenly barging in and taking their resting places. The flock of Pidgey all flew above the trees, narrowing their eyes at each of the Mouse Pokemon.

Rattata did have predators. And one of those predators were Pidgey. Or rather, Pidgeotto but Pidgey was still capable of the natural predator or enemy to Rattata. And because of that, they attacked from above.

"Pidgey!" All the Pidgey dived by using Wing Attack, aiming straight for the trees that the Rattata stood on.

"Ta?" The Rattata's all looked up to see the approaching Pidgey with Wing Attack being utilized. Seeing that they were being attacked, the Rattata's instantly jumped and ran off the trees to avoid being hit.

All except for one individual who wasn't a Rattata. That being Twilight who hadn't noticed that she was currently prone to be hit by an approaching Wing Attack, as well as Starlight since she was in the same tree as them.

"Hm?" Twilight noticed how the Rattata were all moving now. "Wait, are they advancing to the Poison-Type area instead of sta-" Before Twilight could finish her sentence, she and Starlight were both hit by a double Wing Attack from a divebomb Pidgey.

"Pidgey!" With a mighty cry and an even mightier impact, the Tiny Bird Pokemon had caused an explosion which made Twilight and Starlight blast off into the distance with their screams fading away.


"Oh! Twilight! Starlight!" Spike gasped as he and the rest of Twilight's Pokemon along with his Axew ran after their friends. They seemed to have been sent flying to the North East.

And at the North East, the Psychic-Type area could be found there.

Psychic-Type Area. 12:30.

Currently, an Alakazam and Slowking were having a contest of intellect. Alakazam's ginormous 5,000 IQ vs Slowking's world problem-solving brain.



Both Psychic-Types had their Wit-Off by emanating their own brainpower from their heads as two purple waves came out of them. These waves were their brains showing off their intellect as they clashed against each other, creating a field of Psychic energy that was powerful enough to possibly alter anything.

And right next to them, Twilight and Starlight were currently falling in this direction because of the Pidgey from before, still screaming as well. But that screaming quickly stopped when Twilight managed to spot the Wit-Off from above. And that caught her eye.

"Ooh! Starlight! Point the camera down!"

"H-Huh?!" Starlight stammered, confused as to why Twilight would ask this right now of all times.

"There's a Wit-Off happening! I hear only Psychic-Types are capable of this type of contest and battle!" Twilight squeed. "I've wanted to see this happen for a while now!"

"Can we stop falling first?!" Starlight screeched.

"Oh, right." Twilight then remembered she had wings as she saved herself. She also used her magic to catch both Starlight and the camera, saving them both.

"Thanks..." Starlight let out a sigh of relief as Twilight brought her down safely to the ground.

"Alright!" Twilight grinned. "Let's see this Wit-Off! I want to know which one of them has the superior intellect!"

"So they don't actually battle?" Starlight adjusted the camera to face the two Psychic-Types.

"Their brain waves are clashing against each other, so it's kind of like a battle. Alakazam has an IQ of 5,000 because of its infinitely multiplying brain cells."

"It keeps multiplying? Then shouldn't it go past 5,000?" Starlight scratched her mane.

"That would be the case, but there's a reason why 5,000 is the maximum limit for an Alakazam." Twilight pointed her hoof as the demonstration as to why 5,000 was the best Alakazam could go was about to be shown.

"K-Kazam...!" Alakazam seemed to be losing the Wit-Off as he was twitching along with his spoons. Meanwhile, Slowking wasn't showing any signs of losing. If anything, he was the one who might most likely prevail in all of this.


"Ala...Alakazam...!" Alakazam refused to lose to a Pokemon that forgets everything it thinks of. So, to come out as the victor, Alakazam decided to go a step further and try to surpass his 5,000 IQ.

And that is where his biggest mistake was shown. The moment he went past his 5,000 IQ, the inevitable happened. Alakazam's head was suddenly growing in size as a sign of his brain increasing. But not in a good way.

Multiple thick veins were showing as Alakazam's head couldn't handle so much brainpower. His cells, despite being infinite were starting to scramble all over the place instead of staying organized as they usually are.

"King?" Slowking's eyes widened as he noticed the growing head of Alakazam along with Twilight and Starlight.

"Sweet Celestia..." Starlight gawked as her jaw dropped.

"If Alakazam goes past its 5,000 IQ, then its head will become far too heavy to support with its neck." Twilight explained while looking casually unbothered by the veiny head expansion of the Psi Pokemon.

"Uh...Twilight..." Starlight then noticed that Alakazam's head was wobbling to the side, most likely on the verge of falling onto something because of the little amount of balance that he had now.

"Slow...!" Slowking noticed this as well as he backed away, knowing that something would be crushed by Alakazam's head.

"You'd think it would mean that Alakazam's head would explode but thankfully that's not the case." Twilight turned around, closing her eyes as she began to explain further while Starlight backed away with the camera. "You see, despite the limitations, deep within Alakazam, its Mega Evolution is what's keeping it from exploding."

"Alaka...!" Alakazam looked like he was going to fall right on Twilight with his gigantic brain while Twilight kept chattering away as a large shadow was cast over her.

"Because it's capable of Mega Evolving, the Mega energy inside is most likely protecting Alakazam since Mega Alakazam has an IQ so vast that having traded away its muscles, Alakazam’s true-"

"Alakazam!" Unable to contain his balance any further. As a result, he fell directly towards Twilight. And unbeknownst to Twilight who was still talking for the camera, she had been flattened by Alakazam's expanded head, cutting her speech off.

"Ough!" Twilight yelped.

"Eeugh..." Starlight winced at the sight of it.

"Slow." Slowking went up to Alakazam, using Psychic to lift the Psi Pokemon off Twilight.

"S-See...?" Twilight groaned as her mane was a mess. She then looked up at the camera, continuing the documentary. "A-A-All those muscles come from the brain...Mega Alakazam makes it softer and...ugh!" Twilight then slammed her face on the ground.

"Slowking." Thankfully, Slowking helped once more by using Heal Pulse to heal up Twilight.

"Alakazam..." Alakazam's head was shrinking back to its normal size as the cells inside were automatically reorganizing themselves. "Kazam..."

"Ugh..." Twilight stood up. "Thanks, Slowking."


"Okay. Moving on." Twilight shook her head. We're not done yet with Alakazam."

"We're not?"

"Nope. There's one last thing that I personally want to try out. Well, this is something Pinkie Pie asked for. Alakazam's spoons."

"What about them?" Starlight titled her head.

"Apparently, If it trusts someone deeply, it will let them have one of its spoons. Anything you eat with that spoon is apparently delicious."


"Right. So all I have to do is make good friends with Alakazam and I'll muster up the courage to eat...Quesadillas..." Twilight shuddered after saying that. "I was even brave enough to buy one from Pinkie."

"Alakazam..." Alakazam felt a bit woozy after his brain expansion. He picked up his spoons from the ground as he accepted his loss of the Wit-Off by turning around and bowing to his fellow Psychic-Type. "Alakazam."

"Slowking." Slowking bowed back to him.

"Hold on!" Twilight dashed over. "Before you head off, I'd like to try out those spoons quickly."


"They can make anything taste good right? So..." Twilight took out a quesadilla from her saddlebag as it was wrapped in aluminium foil. "Think I could test them out myself."

"Ala..." Alakazam looked at Twilight's grinning face and then at Slowking.

"Slow." Slowking actually suggested that Twilight should try out his spoons. Twilight seemed to be harmless, especially considering that Alakazam had fallen on her.

Alakazam first apologized to Twilight for falling on her because of his increased head. He did not intend for that to happen as he was just getting carried away in the Wit-Off. He didn't deeply trust Twilight, but he was kind enough to lend her one of his spoons for a short while. As a second way of apologizing to her.

"Alakazam." Alakazam offered the spoon up as an apology.

"Thanks!" Twilight squeed as she used her magic to hold the spoon. "Alright...here goes." The young alicorn gulped, looking at one of the many things in life she fears. "I've been avoiding you for years now...But I'll be able to conquer you once and for all."

With courage, the Princess of Friendship dug the spoon into the quesadilla, getting a single piece from it. The spoon was twitching since Twilight was still cautious of this delicacy she had been avoiding for so long.

And with the spoon getting near her mouth, Twilight took one bite.

And when she did, her eyes lit up as magic was flying out of her horn, shooting a gigantic beam into the sky that broke through even the clouds themselves.

"This is...this is..." Twilight's body was twitching as she was struggling to finish her sentence. She looked like she was about to explode from how fast and aggressively she was twitching.

Alakazam, Slowking and Starlight all distanced themselves away from Twilight, afraid that she might combust unexpectedly. And arriving at the scene along came Spike and Axew with all of Twilight's Pokemon.

They had just arrived in time to see their friend twitching and shaking while holding a spoon and quesadilla of all things. Naturally, the sight befuddled their little eyes.

"Uh...What's happening?" A nervous spike pointed at Twilight.

"I don't know." Starlight nervously flew towards Twilight, putting her hoof out to check up on her friend and teacher. "Twilight are you o-"

Just as soon as Starlight's hoof got close to Twilight, the young alicorn suddenly started devouring the quesadilla with the spoon at hyperactive speeds like a maniac. She didn't even finish her sentence on how it tasted.

But from how she was rapidly using her magic to scoop up pieces of the quesadilla, getting her face messy and making sounds that sound like a dog aggressively biting on a chew toy with no remorse while her eyes become bloodshot red, it was safe to say that it tasted wonderful.

A terrified Alakazam saw his spoon being violated by Twilight's rabid and monstrous eating. Something that Twilight had avoided for so long with hatred was now being consumed and embraced with a feeling on par with hatred.

Twilight paused, realizing that everyone was staring at her with mortified looks on their faces while she also being caught on camera too. The young alicorn awkwardly moved her eyes about before swallowing the current quesadilla piece and letting out a sheepish yet adorable grin while her face was an oily mess.

"Hehe..." Twilight giggled before giving Alakazam his spoon back. "M-Moving on."

Steel-Type Area. 15:00

Arguably the roughest part of the Frenzy Forest as there were steel spikes scattered across the ground. Some were well hidden and somewhere not, making this area of the forest the most painful to be in.

All except for one part which was actually so beautiful that it couldn't be considered a part of the Steel-Type area but instead the Grass-Type Area as it was just as lush as them.

And the one Pokemon that resided in that lush spot was an Aggron of all Pokemon.

"Ggron. Aggron." Aggron was currently tilling the soil by using its claws to do so, acting as a rake. Aggron was also taking out weeds and crumbling the soil into smaller pieces to help improve the aeration. Some fruits were planted on its territory but Aggron only eats iron so they've just been sitting there. Still fairly healthy and fresh.

"Oh..." An impressed Starlight gazed at the surprisingly gentle Aggron acting like a gardener.

"Shocked? I was too." Twilight nodded as she faced the camera. "Aggron may look big and scary, but it's actually gentle, considerate and protective of its environment. It commonly uses a mountain as its environment but right now, this forest seems to be a good substitute for it. And just like a mountain, if its territory is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokémon will haul topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its own territory."

"So it's like a defender too? Does it defend other Pokemon from the landslide and fire?" Spike asked.

"Uh...not sure." Twilight looked up to the sky, squinting her eyes. "It doesn't like anyone else near its territory at all, so I don't know if it would protect other Pokemon from trouble. Maybe its own kin?"

"Huh. Well if I was in big trouble, I'd find the biggest Pokemon to hide behind. Right Axew?" Spike turned to face his partner but quickly found out that Axew was gone. "Axew?"

"Xew!" Axew's position had been revealed as he was actually approaching Aggron's territory. He was heading there for one reason. The fruits.

"Ah! Axew, no!" Spike gasped, witnessing his partner carelessly enter Aggron's territory.


"Agg?" Aggron, who was about to crumble some soil, spotted Axew entering its territory from the corner of its eye.

"Xew! Axew!" Axew started grabbing fruits off the ground, tossing them into the air. He opened his mouth as he let the fruits fall in while Aggron watched. Axew swallowed the fruits, tasting their sweet and juicy textures. After swallowing the fruits and going for another, Axew finally noticed Aggron staring right at him. "Axe?" The Tusk Pokemon turned around.


"Axe...Axew!" Axew was surprisingly not terrified of Aggron and didn't do anything to get out of its territory. Instead, Axew grabbed a fruit, raising it and offering it to the Iron Armor Pokemon as a gift. "Axew!"

"Oh!" Twilight and the others shot up.

"Ggron?" Aggron tilted its head.


"Ab-" Absol was about to step in along with all of Twilight's Pokemon, but Twilight stopped them from advancing as she noticed how Aggron wasn't actually attacking.

Everyone observed Aggron and Axew as the camera was pointing directly at them. Twilight's Pokemon were ready to jump in at any time as well as Spike who was prepared to send Salamence out.

"Aggron." However, instead of attacking, Aggron shook its head, denying the fruit since it only eats iron. But it appreciated Axew's offer while also understanding that Axew, who is essentially a baby despite being able to transform into a full-grown adult, was just hungry and wanted a bite.

Aggron is not only gentle but also understanding and less prone to attack unless it truly feels threatened.

"Axew!" Axew understood as he ate the fruit.

"Phew..." Twilight and everyone felt relieved after that. "Okay...apparently, that territory part has some exceptions."

"Uh-huh..." Spike went over to his Axew. "Axew, please don't do that again, you had me super worried."

"Xew!" Axew shoved a fruit in Spike's mouth, allowing him to experience the juicy taste of the fruits.

"Mm!" Spike pulled back as his eyes expanded. But as Axew shoved it in his mouth, Spike was immediately given bliss from the taste. "Mmm...Oh yeah, it was worth it. Good thinking Axew."


Delphox's Hut. 16:00

"And straight up ahead is Delphox's hut," Twilight spoke to the camera as she and her friends had approached the hut that belonged to the famous Delphox of this forest. "Applejack and I have been here before and the feeling that one gets when coming here is surreal. Like the talking grass."

"Talking grass?" Starlight aimed the camera down at the grass. And just like with what happened to Twilight and Applejack, Starlight, Spike and the Pokemon could hear whispering from the grass. But the words were still difficult to make out.

"Oooh..." Spike and Starlight gawked.

"And it gets stranger. Because when you walk up the hill, this happens." Twilight and the others walked up the hill, right behind them, the view of the lower part of the forest was getting smaller. At first, it looked like they had shrunk but that wasn't the case.

"That's a bit messy to the eyes..." Starlight aimed the camera at the current view, blinking and rubbing her eyes with her hoof. "So, what's so special about this one Delphox?"

"You're about to find out." Twilight grinned as they all came across the hut that belonged to Delphox. "The Delphox here is an amazing magician who can perform some cutting-edge spells. Like showing a Pokemon its potential Mega Evolution or even transform you into a human!"

"Wait what?!" Starlight exclaimed after hearing that.

"There's probably more. But wait till you see what wonders Delphox has to-" Right before Twilight could say the final word when she stood next to the door of the hut, the door had suddenly opened. And the one who opened it wasn't Delphox, but a Ledyba instead.


"AH!" A horrified Twilight flew into the air with a terrifying shriek.

"Ledy?" The Five Star Pokemon looked up to see Twilight hanging on to a tree, shaking at a hyper-fast pace while having a mortified look.

"L-L-L-Ledyba...!" Twilight jittered as Starlight pointed the camera up at her.

"Uh, Twilight? It's just a little Ledyba."

"That's the problem," Spike whispered to Starlight.

"It is?" She turned to face her friend.

"You see, Twilight's afraid of ladybugs and Ledyba's are like 10x the same size of ladybugs so..."

"Ah..." Starlight understood.

"Ledyba!" Ledyba, being a friendly Pokemon, greeted Spike and the others in front of it. It then turned around to greet Twilight as it began flying towards her.

"Getitawaygeitawaygeitawaygeitaway!" She spoke at a fast pace while squealing.

"Delphox." Thankfully, Delphox came out of her hut, seeing Twilight's fear of Ledyba as she picked up the Five Star Pokemon.

"Ledy?" Ledyba turned to face the Fox Pokemon.

"Phox." Delphox shook her head, telling Ledyba that it would be best if it would get some clear distance from Twilight.

"Ledyba!" Ledyba understood as it went back inside of the hut.

"Whew..." Twilight exhaled as she gently flew back down. "Thanks."

"Oh, this is what a Delphox looks like?" Starlight focused the camera on the Fox Pokemon.

"Delphox." Delphox waved to the camera, introducing herself.

"Okay. Delphox." Twilight descended. "We're currently on a Pokemon Research task. So we were wondering if we could research more about your species. If that's okay with you."

"Delphox." Delphox accepted the offer as she invited Twilight and the others in. But Twilight made sure to stay behind her Pokemon as Ledyba was still inside of the hut.

But very soon, Twilight's attention would be taken away from Ledyba as her eyes spotted something else that caught her interest as well as her friends.

A Pokemon Egg.

One that had peculiar patterns on it as it was sitting on the table alone. The patterns looked similar to a Togepi egg but it wasn't a Togepi egg.

"You're keeping an egg here, Delphox?" Twilight said as Starlight focused the camera on the egg.

"Phox. Delphox." Delphox used her wand to bring over a quill and paper. She would use this to speak to Twilight and the others.

She wrote on the paper "This is a special Pokemon egg that is unlike any other egg out there."

"Really? What makes it so special?" Starlight focused the camera on the paper as Delphox wrote down new words.

"Inside of this egg, for the first time ever, a fully-evolved Pokemon is inside."

"A fully-evolved Pokemon?!" Twilight echoed. "Seriously?! You mean a Pokemon that's already reached its final evolution?! But I thought Pokemon who can evolve only start out as babies when in an egg."

"Not this one." Delphox wrote. "This is the only exception. I found it near some odd body of water that had magical properties to it."

"Magical properties...?" Twilight began processing those words as it all clicked to her. "You mean the Arcane Sea?!"

"Is that what it's called? It seemed more like a lake to me." Delphox replied.

"Arcane Sea?" Starlight said. "Oh, you mentioned that yesterday, Twilight."

"Sure did. So I guess Rainbow Dash was right. Some of the Pokemon and Equestrian magic is here in our world too." Twilight approached the egg, staring at it. "When does it hatch?"

"Delphox." Delphox shrugged, not knowing when it'll hatch.

"Axew." Axew hopped on the table, tempted to touch it.

"Skipping through an entire evolution process..." Twilight slowly placed her hoof on the egg. When she did, she could feel a vibration move through her as the egg was letting out a pink light. "Oh!"

"Axew!" Axew shuddered as he felt a horrible chill flow through his body, causing him to fall off the table.

"Axew, are you okay?!" Spike ran over, seeing that his partner was watching after being exposed to that pink light. But Twilight wasn't experiencing the same thing. Instead, she was mesmerised by the light and pulse. But also, a tear seemed to be forming in her eyes.


"Delph?" Delphox turned to see how Twilight couldn't take her hoof off the egg as the pink light was going through her. "Delphox..."

"Uh, Twilight?" Starlight faced the camera at Twilight and the egg.

"Sol?" Absol got on the table but was quickly pushed back by the light of the egg as well. But he didn't take as much as an impact as Axew. But it still stung.

"Twilight!" Spike yelled, snapping her out of it.

"Ah!" Twilight gasped as she pulled her hoof away as her tears faded away.

"What happened? When you touched that egg you were just in the zone there."

"I heard crying..." Twilight uttered.

"Crying?" Spike helped Axew up. "From the egg?"

"Yeah, I think so." Twilight looked at her hoof. "Weird."

"Delphox." Delphox went up to the egg as she wrote down some new words on the paper that said; "You're not the only one that could feel the egg crying."

"You've felt it too?" The young alicorn looked up at the Fox Pokemon.

"Delphox." She nodded as she put her hand on the egg, feeling the crying coming from it. The pink light and waves were also flowing out again as Axew hid underneath the table, petrified.

"What Pokemon is inside of this egg, Delphox?" Twilight asked.

"Well it kinda looks like a Togepi egg, doesn't it?" Spike climbed up the table. "But the colour's a bit different. It's more bluish. Is it a Togetic?"

"Delphox." Delphox shook her head as she gave them an answer by writing on the paper as the words said; "This is a Togekiss egg."

"Togekiss?" This was the first time Twilight and the others heard about this Pokemon. Twilight quickly took out her Pokedex as she used it to scan the egg. It's nifty that the Pokedex's scanning is so advanced on how it captures data of a Pokemon in any form.

"Togekiss. The Jubilee Pokemon. Togekiss flies around the world to seek out places of peace. As everyone knows, it only visits peaceful regions, bringing gifts and blessings to those who practice respect and harmony toward one another and avoid needless strife. These Pokémon are never seen anywhere near conflict or turmoil. In recent times, they’ve hardly been seen at all."

"Can I feel it too?" Starlight brought the camera up close to the Togekiss egg as she also put her hoof on it. She could also feel the crying coming from the egg as well as she pulled her hoof back. "Woah..."

"Ninetales!" Ninetales, Eve and Minccy went up to the egg, putting their paws and noses on it to sense the crying as well.



"Why's it crying though?" Spike wondered.

"No idea...It has to be upset about something maybe." Twilight theorized.

"Del." To soothe the crying, Delphox used Hypnosis on the egg, putting the Togekiss inside to sleep as the crying had stopped.

"Oh!" Twilight clapped her hooves together. "Just like Spike's Special Axew, I've been wanting to learn more about the fused magic from both worlds! Still have no idea what to call it...but this egg is also good to work on! Delphox!"


"Uh, if it isn't a bother..." Twilight twiddled her hooves around. "But could I borrow this egg for a bit? For research, of course, I'll give it back."

"Phox." Delphox was fine with that as she nodded. Twilight shared her enthusiasm for discovering and researching so she allowed the young alicorn to borrow the egg for the time being.

"Yes!" Twilight used her magic to hold the egg. "Just give me a few weeks with this egg. And I think this is good enough to move on to the next part."

"Aren't we going to research Delphox?" Starlight asked.

"Oh, right! Delphox. Looking at the tip of your branch allows your species to gaze into the future with a focused state. How does that work?"

"Delphox." Delphox gave them a demonstration by moving her wand close to the camera, allowing Twilight and the others to see for themselves. The group each leaned forward, fixating their eyes on the branch.

Her wand lit on fire as it immediately put Twilight and everyone into a state of zen as their eyes were flashing. Once that occurred all of them were given a vision of the future.

From what Twilight had witnessed, she saw a vision of what seemed to be a tower on the verge of collapsing. And on top of the tower, Ash and Ghetsis were both standing there as they were both holding onto something while gateways were opening around them. And right next to Twilight was Adagio too.

That was as far as the vision went as Spike and Starlight also shared the same vision as Twilight but from different angles and perspectives. The Pokemon only saw gateways in their vision. After that, their eyes returned to normal.

"...Woah." Twilight, perplexed and taken aback, rubbed her eyes as she was still trying to process what had just happened.

"Delphox?" Delphox asked them how it felt and what they saw.

"Espeon..." Eve needed some time to clear her mind out as her gem was shaking after witnessing the vision.

"That was...something..." Twilight shook her head. "At least we know what it feels like."

"S-Should we be worried about that?" Starlight shuddered.

"I'm sure it's fine!" Twilight squeed. "I mean, it's probably something that could result in an unfortunate and untimely devastating event that endangers countless lives and spreads mass destruction...But if Ash is there then there's no need to worry. Right?"

"...Sure." Spike nodded nervously along with everyone else.

"A-Anyway. We should move on to the next part of our research. Thanks for the help, Delphox! I'll bring this egg back soon!" Twilight walked off with her friends, waving goodbye to Delphox.

"Delphox!" Delphox waved goodbye.

"Ledy!" Ledyba landed on Delphox's shoulder, waving goodbye to them as well as Twilight shuddered.


Coming outside, they noticed that the sun was close to setting. Despite the few Pokemon they had filmed and researched so far, walking from area to area took some time. But, they were planning to see this whole thing through. And they were going to film as many Pokemon as they could until they tire themselves out.

They came across a Happiny that was carrying a bunch of Steel-Type as if they were made out of paper with its abnormally superb strength. Happiny could also run surprisingly fast with them as it almost ran into Spike and Axew.

A Palossand was nearby on a sandy area, trying to trick Pokemon into walking into it so it could pull its prey down into the sand by controlling the sand itself, and then suck out their souls. But no one was falling for it. And Twilight and the others made sure to stay far away from Palossand as possible, not wanting to be bony victims afterwards.

Very small Pokemon were jumping into the ports of a Hippowdown, using them as little resting places. Hippowdon didn't mind the small Pokemon using its ports as it created a symbiotic relationship between them. Spike and Minccy snuck into the ports as they found it to be a good substitute for a resting spot. They were surprisingly comfortable for such a rugged Pokemon.

A group of Pancham were trying to imitate a Pangoro since they look up to the Pokemon as a hero. They were desperately trying to intimidate opponents like Pangoro by pulling off a very cute and adorable scary face. The Pokemon couldn't take them seriously with how adorable they were so the Pancham were just aggravated by that point.

Starlight also found the Pancham to be so adorable when they tried to pull off an intimidating face as she gushed at them. But that only prompted one of the Pancham's to sock Starlight in the face with a surprise Sucker Punch as Starlight fell on her back afterwards.

Her Hatterene came out of the Poke Ball on her own, furious at the Pancham's for hitting her trainer as she threatened them all with her claw, telling them that she would squeeze their heads until they popped into a red mist. The Pancham, naturally terrified, ran away to their Pangoro boss while Starlight held her face.

And finally, the last Pokemon they got to experience and research were the same Rattata from before, dragging a group of Seviper that had fainted. Turns out, Twilight was right. They were going after their predators. And they won with the Seviper desperately trying to escape from the clutches of the Rattata.

The moon was up. And that was their cue to leave.

"Okay!" Twilight said as she and her friends were leaving Frenzy Forest. "I think we've got enough good research. That was a great first run!"

"Sure was...Even if some of us got hurt along the way." Starlight replied. "But this Pokemon research thing is kinda fun, ya know."

"Isn't it?!" Twilight squeed. "Everything apart from the Ledyba was just a blast to experience! And we even got ourselves an egg affected by the magical merged water to research on. We'll soon see what kind of magic we're really dealing with here. Hopefully."

"Just keep it away from Axew. He gets a bit woozy from touching it." Spike said to his partner.


"Wait till everypony sees what we've gotten on camera. But we should probably get it back to Delia first."

"So same thing next week?" Starlight asked.

"Sure. Next time, I could research my own Pokemon! And the Pokemon at PokePark! Or just the entire area of PokePark itself! How does that sound to all of you?" Twilight grinned at her partners.

"Espeon..." Eve knew that Twilight's Pokemon Professor job was about to be taken to the next level by this point. And this filming process was just the beginning.

But, either way, Eve and the rest of Twilight's Pokemon were looking forward to helping their trainer as the journey continues.

Chapter 361 End.

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