• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Your name is Ash

Author's Note:

It is the 25th Anniversary of the Pokemon Anime Series. Sweet stuff. And apparently, Ash has two birthdays this year. What a trip it's been to watch and even start writing a story about it.

Now, I'm gonna go watch the Sonic 2 Movie once this chapter is published.

Kanto Region. Pallet Town. Ketchum Household. Day.

A sunny and shining day in Pallet Town. The sun beamed down on the household of the Ketchum Family and even through the gateway that was close to it.

"Here, Ash. Pikachu. You might want to see this." Delia spoke, sitting down on her bed as she held a book out to Ash and Pikachu. "You already know about our names, don't you?"

"Yeah. It's tradition for our family names to mean something." Ash sat down with Pikachu laying his back on Delia's bed, making himself comfortable.

"Mhm. You know about my name and what it stands for correct?" Delia showed the page relating to her name

"Totally. It means Flower Child and Luster!" Ash snapped his fingers. "Pretty neat stuff."

"Yes. Pretty neat." Delia nodded. "I hope you know what your name means too then."

"Sure do. But uh, I don't quite get why you named me that? It means 'Intelligent history and quick-witted'." Ash scratched his hair. "I'm not that smart."

"It goes beyond that, Ash. I didn't name you Ash for that reason. Here." Delia pointed at Ash's name. "Notice anything about it?"

"It's my name. And...that's it." Ash squinted his eyes. "Wait is there something hidden there?"

"Your name actually is multiple words moulded into one. Here's a neat trick with this." Delia raised her finger before then sliding it on the name. By sliding it, she revealed a secret feature that this book exclusively had.

The words that made up Ash's name were starting to split. The black ink of them had divided into small cubes as Ash and Pikachu were blown back by this. "Awesome! H-How'd you do that?!"

"It's a special book that's exclusive to different family members. You can only imagine how many of them are there in the world. And look. See how your name has small black cubes that split off?"

"Yeah. What's up with that?"

"Your name is actually multiple letters combined and jumbled to spell Ash."

"Huh?! No way! T-Then what are the letters? They're pretty small when I look at them."

"These letters spell this." She then used her finger to rearrange the words. The words appeared smaller than what 'Ash' spelt. But once rearranged, they spelt something else. The word S A T O S H I had been seen. "Here it is. These smaller letters get arranged to form your name."

"Oooh...So then, what does that all mean, mom?"


"Thinking back to everything you've done, even when you haven't been here for years, going on different journeys, I made the right choice naming you Ash. All these different letters have their own unique meaning to them. And I think you've already fulfilled them to the brim." Delia let out a soft smile.

"Well, now I gotta know what it's all about!" Ash stood up. "Even if I've done them all, I wanna try it again. Mind sharing some with me, mom?"

"I adore that you love a challenge!" Delia chuckled as Mr Mime started writing down all the descriptions on a paper nearby. "Alright then. Involve some of your friends if you want to. Visit the other regions and discover them for yourself. I'll give you advice on what the Stands for."

"Okay! Let's hear it."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu was up for this as well, jumping onto Ash's shoulder.

"A description from the book. S means Enjoying open-mindedness. Gifted, you bring cheerfulness into the lives of others and help others toward prosperity as well as yourself. I know that much is true with you."

"Pinkie Pie knows a lot about that too," Ash commented. "And so does Bonnie now that I think about it."

"Fearlessness and versatility bring spectacular career, provide for old age. But you and old age are an odd combo aren't they?" Delia joked about Ash's age.

"Yeah! Totally! Haha!"


"This much is clear to you. So how about you tackle A? All about vitality and enthusiasm." Delia said as Mr Mime gave Ash multiple papers that had each description on them, bundled up nicely. "Go on and experience it. As you do best."

"You got it! Let's go, buddy!" Ash and Pikachu were off, rushing out of the house to follow the letters and their words to see what they can fulfil within them.


Vermillion City. Professor Cerise's Lab. Day.

"You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. Inspire others, The quick-witted always engage in new activities as your ambitions are attained through application and skill." Ash looked at the A paper, seeing what it had to offer.

"Okay. Let's see what we can do." Ash said before stopping at Cerise Laboratory. After arriving there, he found that Goh and Chloe were having a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors! I win!" Chloe emerged as the victor in this game, pulling Paper whilst Goh pulled Rock.

"Gah!" Goh pulled his head back. "I usually win these..."

"Guess I'm a cut above the rest. Looks like you're going back to school, wearing this." Chloe whipped out a comically large Weedle Pen, showing it to Goh.

"Hmm...Fine." Goh took the large Weedle Pen as it was also unnecessarily heavy, causing Goh to maintain his balance.

"Oh, Ash!" Cerise noticed Ash. "Great timing. Twilight came here the other day. It's about the Rota Kingdom."

"Oh, Rota? Yeah, what's up?"

"Well, this caught my interest when she brought it up. The Time Flowers. When working with me, Twilight brought up the events that happened back at Pegalysium with the whole time debacle. Then she told me about the Time Flowers that existed around Rota and other parts of Kanto. Apparently, they activate via Aura, don't they?"

"Sure do. I've activated them a few times myself." Ash looked at his hands. "I bet Applejack could do the same since she's got some big Aura too."

"Good to know. You've already brought me back some information about the Holon Region. Think you can do the same for the Time Flowers?"

"Sure thing. 'll stop by Rota sometime and grab them for you. Right now, I'm thinking of going everywhere. It's a special day today."

"How special are we talking?" Goh asked.

"Today's the anniversary of when Pikachu and I first met." Ash rubbed Pikachu's chin, making him nuzzle. "When we first set off on our adventure. Boy, I'm feeling pretty nostalgic right about now!"

"Oh! Happy anniversary then!" Chrysa stood up as she and Ren started clapping for Ash and Pikachu. Goh, Chloe and Cerise started doing the same. "What number anniversary is this?"

"How many? Uh, let's see...We've been travelling a lot of regions, went through a lot of holidays and..." Ash held his fingers out, trying to keep track of the dates. If anything, he had completely lost track. "Ah! I forgot! We've travelled to so many places we lost track of time, huh, buddy?"

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu chuckled.

"Figures..." Goh sighed. "Well, in any case, got something special planned for this day? It's a one-day-one-year thing after all. Like a birthday."

"Ah, not really...But I can bet that Pinkie Pie's already got something planned. She knows a lot about everyone. I've got a few stuff that I'm doing right now. Like this." He then handed out the bundle of paper to Goh and the others.

They got a good look at this name-based paper with had a singular letter at the top followed by a long description at the bottom. Starting from S and ending at I.

"Uh...What's this?" Goh asked.

"Oh! I recognize these!" Cerise had some knowledge about this, adjusting his glasses. "Ash, your family is a Relic Clan!"

"What's a Relic Clan, dad?"

"Relic clans are small little clans that have the tradition of having special names. They didn't all live in the same style that a regular clan would, but back then, they were similar to them. And each of their names had special meanings and special letters that could be rearranged." Cerise explained. "They vanished a long time ago, but their legacy still lives on with their future families. So, you're discovering it for yourself, Ash."

"Sure am. My mom told me all about it. I'm checking out what I can do with all of this stuff. But I figured I'd just do what I always do to see if it works out."

"How about we do something for you and Pikachu now? Oh but what...?" Ren wondered. "Not used to anniversary moments and how they pop out sometimes."

"No need to worry. Besides, I got this!" Ash dug into his bag before pulling out an object that was certainly not from this world. Literally. It appeared as a box with wings. Pegasus wings to be exact.

"Oh, hey! The gift you chose at Pegalysium?" said Goh.

"Mhm. Figured out what it does. It's gonna make you guys laugh!" Ash placed the box down as everyone gave it an intensive stare. The box started glowing before forming an image in front of their eyes.

And that image had shown some fairly familiar images to them. It showed them drawings of the events that played out during the invasion of Equestria. But taken to a comedic level. For starters, everyone was drawn so differently that they looked like they were made out of rubber.

Their movements were all bouncy and erratic, defying all laws of physics, even for Pokemon standards. Ash and the others had wide smiling faces while Empress Twilight and her group had sharp growing faces. And the way they battled was something to see.

Despite the ridiculous art style, the movements were all wonderful to look at, and comedic as all of the regular Pokemon attacks were taken to a joking level as this whole thing was a parody of the event. "Pfft!" Goh was the first to indulge in its comedic value of it. "What is this?!"

"Great isn't it? It turns everything we know into a parody. I saw the battle between me and Bea and boy was it a riot to watch!" Ash chuckled as this object had some high entertainment value to it. "Queen Luminary said that it can work forever as long as we make new memories!"

"How fun!" Chrysa giggled. "That's a wonderful gift to have!"

"Made a good choice with this one." Ash patted the box as it continued to amuse them. He then looked at the paper, wondering which parts he had succeeded at. "Overcoming shyness, huh? Ah, I don't know about that. That was when I was super young..." Ash thought back to his younger days.

Back then, before he reached the age of 10, Ash's outgoing nature was not that present. Ash thought back to when he was relatively shy when at the age of 4 and 5. A short span of time to gain shyness, but that shortness only proved how quick he was to adapt to everything around him.

"I'm gonna head to Equestria now! Be right back!" Ash then took off with Pikachu, leaving the box behind whilst bringing the rest of the papers with him.


"Ah, Ash! Wait! You forgot the box!" Goh cried out.

"Ah, leave it. He'll be back for it anyway." Chloe shrugged, knowing that Ash would return no doubt. But it might not be so soon.

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

One who enjoys hanging out with friends. Great imagination with rising talent around the company of others." Next, Ash had seen the words focused on the letter T.

And this fits him to a T. Ironically. Ash had already fulfilled this part long ago. Including the first two letters as seen by his previous actions. "Hmm..." Ash observed the papers. "All this stuff isn't so new. I'll just keep doing what I know best. If that's what my name is for, then it's fine by me."


Ash would continue to live his life naturally. Everything that the papers had shown him so far were already things he had accomplished way before his journeys in Equestria and beyond. Ash and Pikachu took off running as they had passed by the Ash Ketchum Fanclub, located in a nice underground area in Ponyville.

Speaking of his fan club, running it as always was arguably Ash's biggest fan by a mile. Scootaloo. Though, there are some contenders out there. In this world and the Pokemon World.

Typical and expected events went on here for the sole purpose of helping Ash throughout his journey as a Pokemon Master and for the Pokemon World Championships. But right now, they were all just relaxing and playing with their Pokemon in the meanwhile.

"Eat up, Ponyta!" Scootaloo fed her Ponyta, pouring a large bucket of Pokemon Food into his mouth. Piplup jumped into the air to catch his food that Sweetie Belle had launched with her magic. All of Apple Bloom's Grass-Type Pokemon, which were a lot, were out to snack away.

They had seen Ash and Pikachu run by, causing them all to look outside. Scootaloo gasped, quickly hopping onto Ponyta's back. Ponyta was always the best way to travel for Ponyta. "Hey, Ash!" She cried out as her two friends promptly followed after her.

Ash and Pikachu were heading for SugarCube Corner, already thinking of what they would eat before promptly stopping upon seeing the Cutie Mark Crusaders approaching. "Hey, you guys!" Ash slowed down, coming to a screeching halt. "Doing good?"

"Good as always! We heard from Pinkie Pie that today's a special day." Sweetie Belle said.

"Sure is. Today's the day Pikachu and I first met. 1st of April, ya know." Ash stopped by to sit on a nearby bench with the three of them. "Still can't tell how long it's been..."


"You never told us what is like when you and Pikachu first met." Apple Bloom commented. "How'd that go?"

"I bet it was awesome, wasn't it?" Scootaloo had high hopes for the story of when Ash and Pikachu first met.

"Bet it was!" Sweetie Belle nodded in approval of Scootaloo's theory.

"Nah. Not quite." But Ash would give it to them straight. "You remember the time I told you when I saw Ho-oh?"

"Yeah. It was the first Legendary Pokemon you saw." The three of them collectively said as Pikachu went over to play with Ponyta, Piplup and all of Apple Bloom's Pokemon.

"That day wasn't the best until we saw Ho-oh." Ash turned to face his partner Pokemon who was playing out. Scootaloo and the others promptly sent out the rest of their Pokemon to indulge in the playtime. "Pikachu and I weren't exactly on the best terms."

He thought back to when he was at Professor Oak's Lab, meeting Pikachu for the first time. A Poke Ball with a lightning bolt in the top centre was where he was first unleashed.

Pikachu's attitude back then was different to what it was now. Untrustworthy of Ash at the beginning with constant electrical shocks being thrown his way. But ever since that Spearow attack on that rainy day, he and Pikachu had gained an unbreakable bond. Trusting one another.

"Maybe that's the reason why we saw Ho-oh that day..." Ash continued to reminisce all of the moments with his best friend. There were so many to list.

Whether it was Pikachu shocking him and his friends under the wrong touch, him helping Pikachu learn a new move or even pushing himself against an opponent, them sharing the same food, partaking in the same activities. They have done so much together. Ash and Pikachu saw each other as not just best friends but also as brothers with how far their bond went.

And when thinking back to all of it, Ash couldn't help but tear up. "Yeah. Awesome. Wouldn't have it any other way." He then held out the papers, deciding to read the rest of his name. Ash looked at all the words on it to see what he could fulfil.

"One who is open-minded. Constancy and truth as friend or lover that earns great happiness." He looked at the letter O with the CMC. Apple Bloom took the next one which was of the letter S. A second one.

"Oooh..." She gawked as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle took the remaining papers. Apple Bloom's S paper was identical to the very first S paper as Ash showed her the similarities. After witnessing them, she went on to peek at Sweetie Belle's paper which had the H letter.

"One who is not judgemental. A happiness that comes from pursuing ideals. A status that they hold can not be enhanced by bragging." The letter H readout.

And the final one, I, was seen by Scootaloo, which tackled something vastly different from the others. "Temperamental tendencies can lurk. But over time, can fade away with the revelation of the truth. Efforts that can be rewarded by beautiful family life. Talent in your greatest love and inspiration. Empathy and understanding bring rewards."

"Wow. What are these?"

"It's a family thing. All those letters come together to make my name. Stuff that I know can work for you all."

"All of us?" They each said.

"Yeah. Being here in Equestria made me see that. Spending time and journeying in other regions with all of my friends also showed me that too. These letters don't have to just be attached to me." Ash held the paper with the letter A. "I've seen enough to know how special you all are."

"Really?!" They liked the sound of that.

"Of course!" Ash patted them on the head, making them giggle. Apple Bloom then climbed onto Ash's head, nudging him in response. "Everyone here can do stuff like my name says. Not just me! I know you three can go beyond it!"

"Hehehe! Okay!" Scootaloo laughed. They continued to mess around promptly, having a ball on this sunny day. Ash and Scootaloo hopped off the bench promptly, holding their breath in. "Are we gonna reach our biggest goals together, Ash?"

"You know it. I'm gonna become a Pokemon Master!" Ash announced.

"I'll be the Strongest Trainer in Equestria!" So did Scootaloo. Pikachu, Ponyta and their Pokemon also heard it out loud. as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom would do the same.

"I'll be a Top Coordinator in all Pokemon Contests!"

"I'll be an amazing Pokemon Breeder!"

"I thought it was a Pokemon Doctor?" Scootaloo turned to Apple Bloom.

"Who said ya can't be both?" Apple Bloom proudly said, winking at them as they all laughed.

"That's the spirit! We're gonna get there. With our friends! Pokemon!" Ash raised his arms to the air.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu and the other Pokemon did the same depending on what limbs they had to offer. Excitement filled their hearts once their Trainers spoke and announced what they yearned to accomplish.

And with this racing excitement, something started happening. Ponyta, Piplup and Cyndaquill both started glowing. Ash and the others caught this as it had grabbed their attention. This mysterious light was familiar to them. This meant only one thing.


A mighty and ferocious flaming silhouette of a large equine erupted from Ponyta's body whilst those flames were assisted by the flames of Cyndaquill. And surrounding this flaming figure was Piplup's bubbles. Their body's started to change, increasing in size as the falling equine let out a mighty neigh.

And erupting from all of these colliding energies, breaking out of the silhouette as if he was using it as a piece of armour or a shell was the newly evolved Rapidash. Joined by Prinplup and Quillava.

"Rapidash!" Rapidash had appeared as Ponyta's evolution finally showed itself along with the other two.

"Oooh! They evolved!" Scootaloo gawked, gazing up at her majestic Rapidash.

"I forgot they can sometimes evolve without battling! Amazing!" Sweetie Belle rushed over, hugging her newly evolved Prinplup.

"I gotta see this!" Having the first instinct to check the Pokedex data was Apple Bloom, whipping out the good ol' dexter. Data on Rapidash had already been gathered ever since the Rapidash Rush that happened 2 years back. But these two were fresh and new to the eyes.

"Quilava. The Volcano Pokemon. Quilava keeps its foes at bay with the intensity of its flames and gusts of superheated air. This Pokémon applies its outstanding nimbleness to dodge attacks even while scorching the foe with flames. Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back."

"Prinplup. The Penguin Pokemon. It lives alone, away from others. Apparently, every one of them believes it is the most important. Its wings deliver wicked blows that snap even the thickest of trees. It searches for prey in icy seas. Because every Prinplup considers itself to be the most important, they can never form a group."

"Mmm. That's good." Ash nodded in approval before walking off, continuing on his path to SugarCube Corner. "That's how you grow together. See ya soon!"

"Pikachu." Pikachu hopped onto Ash's shoulder promptly.

Ash took a moment to slow down on his way to SugarCube Corner, observing the town around him and how far they've all come with their meeting in the World of Pokemon.

He could still remember when everyone was struggling with these Strange and Wonderful Creatures. In more ways than one. But now, they live alongside them as friends and even family in some instances. The bonds they had built would've never been possible without those to guide them.

And the humans of the Pokemon World were to thank for that. Whether it was Mayor Mare playing fetch with Stoutland, Vinyl and her Noivern plus Exploud blasting music with Octavia and her Furfrou covering their ears together, Berry Punch feeding Skowvet as many berries as it can have and so much more to see.

Ash stopped by SugarCube Corner, standing at the entrance, taking a moment to look at the skies. He and Pikachu then started thinking of all their friends that they had made along the way. There were a lot to go through.

Across so many regions, so many cities and towns, whether visible or hidden from many. Starting from Kanto and currently stopping at Equestria. His journeys in Equestria hadn't finished yet, which led him to think of all of the friends he had made here.

"We've come a long way, haven't we buddy?"


"Since we first had these worlds crossing over, we met Twilight and Spike for the first time. Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Celestia and Luna. So much more to go through too. Goh, Chloe, Cadence, Shining Armor, Derpy, Roseluck, Mayor Mare, Soarin, Chrysalis. Man...So many, huh? I'd be here for hours naming them all.


"I...I love it My world! This world! All worlds!" Ash pumped his fists into the air, announcing his love for it all. "Everything's so warm as the Sun! All the harmony here is just so awesome too! Everywhere I go, I can feel it everywhere! Pikachu!"


"I want you and I to get stronger whilst we're here. Anywhere. Let's revisit every region we can. Explore new regions that we've never seen before. And reach Leon together! And when I become a Pokemon Master...I'm not gonna stop there! There are other worlds that I wanna see! More that I wanna do! Let's go there together, buddy!" Ash held his arm out.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu was all for it, having the same thoughts as his partner. And hearing all of this was King Sombra, who was still a part of Ash. Once all of these words were heard by him, Sombra, despite how he was, couldn't help but respect Ash's determination. At that moment, he let out a small smirk.

And after letting ut those words, Ash and Pikachu entered SugarCube Corner to meet with all of his friends. Audino had heard everything, breaking down into tears. "A-Audino!"

"You got pretty passionate out there, Ash. Pikachu." Fluttershy patted Audino on the back. "But we love to hear it."

"Figured as much." Ash chuckled.

"I'm not crying..." Rainbow Dash tried hiding her tears as Castform used his surprisingly water-absorbent body to absorb them. That was enough to turn him into his Rainy Form.

"Nicely said, Ash." Twilight nodded. "Happy Anniversary you two."


"Now come on! Let's go! I planned for this for 2 weeks right here!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, getting this anniversary party started without a second to spare.

They partied the whole day away at SugarCube Corner, goofing around in the process. The sun cast its rays through the building, shining down on them all. Delia stopped by SugarCube Corner, looking through the windows as she held the book of special names.

Watching Ash enjoying his time, she looked at the book, closing it afterwards. Delia also had tears form in her eyes before wiping them off.

"Ash. You didn't need to fulfil them at all. You've already embodied them so wonderfully over the years. That's why you're my son." She spoke to herself. "Your father would be proud. No doubt."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 725 End.

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