• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 25th, 2018


Account Inactive. IG: _scottish_kitty_

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Estimated Reading: 29 minutes


Story Cancelled. Thank you for the support for the story so far though. It's been fun.
[Warning - this is a WWE/MLP crossover, so those unknowledgeable on the WWE characters & wrestlers may be lost while reading.]

The Tantabus was a fading memory to the ponies, but the sudden appearance of a rather strange Satyr (who claims he's from another dimension), as well as many hallucination of ponies' worst fears, it can only point to one thing. The Tantabus was not destroyed, and managed to escape.

One word comes to mind.


[Teen for mild violence & swearing]

Inspired by Sheamus in Equestria by Brohgue

I highly recommend you check it out as it is a very entertaining and downright hilarious fic, one which this story taking a lot of inspiration from.

Chapters (5)