• Member Since 24th Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen July 8th



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Have you ever felt unsatisfied with your skills and knowledge in the realms of magic? This may have been the perfect guidebook for you to come by! I'll teach you everything you need to know about magic, and a lot of it's applications! Within, we have many examples to help you, including but not limiting to these.

  • How to deal with the evil version of a princess that recently returned from a 1000 year vacation. To the moon. Yeah.
  • How to steal from a pony who is awake as she sleeps, and escape with your life.
  • How to teach children to use friendship as a weapon.
  • How to talk to a princess. (If you must.)
  • How to fire a confetti cannon. (It's fine, Pinkie has like 10 of them.)

So don't be afraid, I'll make sure you know everything you need to know, are you ready?

AN: So this is basically a canon divergence starting with a more advanced magic system and more gimmicky fights. Basically every fight is going to be more like Twilight vs. Tirek.
On the cover: Lots of people didn't like that it was AI so I found some actual fanart that's as close as I can get to relevant. It's got an hourglass and everything! Credit goes to Koveliana on deviantart

Chapters (7)