• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2024
  • offline last seen 45 minutes ago

Harmony Passionflower

Longtime fan of MLP, Disney, Pixar, and other works

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  • 16 weeks
    Send Help!!!

    Guys, I think I'm safe for now, but I just learned that a peculiar creature has been sighted recently. I'm getting kinda nervous cuz I keep hearing strange sounds outside my window. Spread the word if you want to keep u and your loved ones safe. Scientists are trying to keep quiet about it to prevent global panic, but citizens have reported it to appear like a poofy alien who won't stop talking about cupcakes. Wait, there it is again! I managed to get a photo, let me post it so that u can be

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  • 18 weeks
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

    I know this is a day late (for my time zone at least), but thought I'd wish ya'll a Happy Belated St. Patrick's Day and let you know that the next chapter of PonyTales is almost complete!!☘🍀🌈 Just don't mention St. Patrick or anything Irish-related around Scrooge...it can be a...touchy subject for him (he takes great pride in being very rich and very Scottish. Which is weird because technically the "Mc" in McDuck is an Irish prefix...?:rainbowhuh::applejackunsure:).

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  • 19 weeks
    Hey, guuuuuuuuys...

    So first off, I apologize for the delay in PonyTales. I didn't want ya'll thinking I was dead or something when I am in fact very passionate and determined to finish this story. My writing process is kinda weird to begin with, as I tend to write a lot of scenes out of order due to typing realistic dialogue as soon as it comes to my head. If I don't write it down as soon as I think of it, then it disappears and is gone forever and the dialogue I try to come up with doesn't sound nearly as

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  • 23 weeks
    Art Update!

    I decided to add some art to the prologue of PonyTales. I had no idea my little story would take off so quickly, but since it did, here's a little something to enhance your reading experience! Hope you enjoy!:twilightsmile:

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Send Help!!! · 6:01pm April 1st

Guys, I think I'm safe for now, but I just learned that a peculiar creature has been sighted recently. I'm getting kinda nervous cuz I keep hearing strange sounds outside my window. Spread the word if you want to keep u and your loved ones safe. Scientists are trying to keep quiet about it to prevent global panic, but citizens have reported it to appear like a poofy alien who won't stop talking about cupcakes. Wait, there it is again! I managed to get a photo, let me post it so that u can be

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