• Member Since 8th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 22nd



New drawing: Snowball's OC! · 7:40am Jul 26th, 2015

Hello there! New drawing time. This is Snowball's OC, Snowball.

A few things. First, I will be posting a different version in the near future. This is a scan of the drawing. I will also be photographing it with my DSLR, as my scanner is having issues capturing all the subtleties of the colors. Hopefully I can address that When it is photographed I will post a compare and contrast.

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The lost typeface and love for an invisible art. · 6:23am Jul 25th, 2015

Good evening FIMFIction! Earlier tonight a good friend of mine shared a very intriguing article with me. He did so after I mention that I was currently reading Just My Type, a book about typography that is a fun synthesis of entry-level text, historical survey, and guide to what makes for good typography. It's a fairly slim volume, so it isn't exactly comprehensive, but it has some very intriguing tidbits (including the fact that the font Gill Sans was created by an Englishman who

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Non-Pone Drawings: Hand sketches/practice. · 11:14pm Jul 23rd, 2015

When it comes to drawing humans, one of the most common issues people have is drawing hands. Hands are possibly the most complex arrangement on the human body, with more varying contours and individual anatomical parts than others, such as the limbs, face, etc. It's easy to get in to the habit of not drawing hands, and simply hiding them. Whether beyond the boundaries of the drawing, or in pockets, or whatever.

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Commissions : A few previews... · 9:22pm Jul 23rd, 2015

Good afternoon, FIMFic! Just wanted to post a few previews of some of the projects I'm working on right now (though by no means all of them).

Posted without commentary. Let your speculation run wild!

More below the break...

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Music Promo Post #4: Ambient and downtempo "mixtapes" compiled by Purple Juno. · 12:38am Jul 22nd, 2015

One staple of my recent musical rotation has been a set of youtube videos that are essentially "mixtapes"/compilations by a soundcloud user known as Purple Juno. The musical styles vary somewhat, but all of them are what would be generally considered "downtempo". Ambient, chillout, chillwave, whatever term you want to use. Each one has a broad theme. They're relaxing, fun, cool, and make great background music to drawing, modelmaking, retrogaming, and pretty much anything else.

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Music Promo Post #3: Le Cassette. · 5:36am Jul 21st, 2015

So, if you appreciate futuresynth, dreamwave, and 80's revival type stuff, you'll want to check this out. It came up in a youtube recommendation. I gave it a listen, and was instantly hooked. I've been listening to this quite a lot over the past few days.

Le Cassette - Left To Our Own Device.

Yeah, give this a listen.

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Non-Pone Drawings: Assorted sketches. · 1:00am Jul 15th, 2015

Just some assorted sketches, because I have a few. Yep.

Outfit ideas, based on clothing I both own and some stuff I saw on ebay.

More below the break.

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Have...another cupcake! · 6:02am Jul 11th, 2015

Since a few people liked the last one...I decided to post this next cupcake picture, which I took a while back.

This came from the same place. I got it to go, so I could take this picture. This is an actual cupcake they make. It's also awesome.


Have a cupcake! · 5:01am Jul 11th, 2015

Because everything can be an art form, and beauty is all around us.

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Non-Pone Drawings: Dragon Quest edition. · 9:01pm Jul 7th, 2015

Afternoon. So, today we have a new piece of non-hoers fanart.

I've recently been playing through the original Dragon Quest for NES. The title has some peculiar monsters in it, with unique visual designs. In fact, the series, and particularly the visuals, were the creation of Akira Toriyama, of Dragon Ball fame. Anyway, I decided to sketch some of the characters with illustration ink. First up is the Druin, a flying squid-like creature.

Here is what it looks like in the game;

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