• Member Since 18th Sep, 2023
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Horror Pro5555

A fan of horror attempts to make stories about colorful ponies crossing over with horror itself. Wonder how that would go? Also, I'm a Discord fan :)


Coming in the future…. (And I mean like far lol) · 1:54am June 3rd

If you think after Godzilla Minus One Minus Color will be the last story on the film, then your wrong. There will be one more story (depending if you want more minus one stories) and if this one goes off good then I will start a new series……

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  • 7 weeks
    Coming in the future…. (And I mean like far lol)

    If you think after Godzilla Minus One Minus Color will be the last story on the film, then your wrong. There will be one more story (depending if you want more minus one stories) and if this one goes off good then I will start a new series……

    0 comments · 32 views
  • 13 weeks
    My Little Pony: Unmasked

    Throughout the years there has been the concept of the world famous Universal Monsters meeting the ponies of Equestria. For awhile they have just built on the monsters being transported into their world and terrorizing the residents.

    But this time, there is a world where the monsters are already in their world and worst of all, they are ponies.

    And, thus the first story in which the Ponies of Equestria learn that indeed, monsters are real and usually they live among them.

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  • 14 weeks
    Should I join in?

    I've been thinking and thinking but should I start making Mlp characters go through Movies much like others are doing?

    And which movie should start with or heck should I put some originality and have different characters go through different movies/adventures?

    And should I do Horror Movies with a mixture of Action and some well known cartoons?

    I don't know but I'm wondering if I should start a series like this or not and if so, then I repeat where should I start?

    4 comments · 75 views

Coming in the future…. (And I mean like far lol) · 1:54am June 3rd

If you think after Godzilla Minus One Minus Color will be the last story on the film, then your wrong. There will be one more story (depending if you want more minus one stories) and if this one goes off good then I will start a new series……

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