• Member Since 9th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen April 14th


Just your average flying pony with a little more to carry than his own wings can handle


Today's Lesson · 7:35pm Dec 26th, 2014

If you really love a story, think carefully before editing for it.

... I'm probably wrong, but it's no fun dealing with the evaporation of enthusiasm.

Report Featherprop · 592 views ·

The End · 9:51pm Aug 15th, 2014

Okay, it's time to get this finished up. With a little bit of further ado, here is the very last chapter of The Last Link: Epilogue

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Making Up · 8:46pm Aug 14th, 2014

I'm two weeks behind on posting, so I'll start early. Here's the last next chapter of The Last Link: A Sort of Homecoming!

This chapter actually came together fairly quickly, though quite late in the game. By the time I decided a little more was needed, I had a good idea of the characters, how they interacted, and what needed to happen to finish things off. I just needed a bridge.

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Is It Last Friday Yet? · 10:41pm Jul 25th, 2014


"Updates Every Friday," it says. Must have hit a time warp. I've actually been hesitant to post this chapter, because I'm not sure if the tone fits, or if I break the story's mood with something that sounds like a lecture... or a maudlin attempt to pluck at heartstrings.

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Report Featherprop · 502 views ·

Frostmane Map and Some Ice Vanes · 1:40am Jul 20th, 2014

Due to a question that had me scratching my own head (Ow, forgot about the glue), I sat down and made a dang map for The Last Link today. It took far too long, but it was good to see everything laid out.

(I)s there also a omnidirectional antenna to pick up any signals that the plane isn

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FeatherTech II · 10:57pm Jul 18th, 2014

Hey all, I've got the next chapter loaded, but I wanted to fine-tune a few things. In the meantime, I thought I'd throw up a blog about icing just to keep you thinking about stuff. Frankly... I could go for some icing right about now, with the heat.


Q: Why is Featherprop so worked up about a little bit of ice?

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Feather-tech · 4:05am Jul 14th, 2014

It's been suggested to me a few times now that, since The Last Link is based heavily on real-world technologies and their practical limitations, it would behoove me to explain a bit more about some of the stuff I reference. After all, it's been years and years since anyone had to deal with a non-crystal-locked radio, let alone Morse code navigation. So here's the first of at least a few posts that'll dig a little deeper into what Featherprop, Pasture, Ether and Espresso have to deal

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Minor Delay UN-Delayed! · 3:30am Jul 13th, 2014

Done and done, Chapter... Nine? Yeah, Nine is up. The numbers have gone all wibbly-wobbly on the backend.

Anyway! Headglue is holding fine, and I've gotten the usual last-minute rephrasings, extra-period-removal, and inexplicable tense changes done.

So if things changed in the LAST chapter, they REALLY change now. Promise. This one was the most problematic to write, so I hope it ended up readable. I went over it so many times I really can't tell anymore.

Report Featherprop · 405 views ·

Minor Delay · 11:43pm Jul 11th, 2014

I won't be getting the new chapter out tonight, because I've been distracted by this lump of super glue on my head all day.

It's Super glue, and it's super in that it's medically approved. That's right, this morning I had a difference of opinion with a rather hard and protruding chunk of plane, and carved a furrow in my scalp. At first, kneeling on the pavement with my eyes watering, I thought it was just going to be a nasty bruise.

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Report Featherprop · 414 views ·

Neither Cards Nor Cons Shall Keep Me... · 5:51pm Jul 5th, 2014

...From my appointed posting! Well, not for more than a day or so. I know a lot of people are at Everfree, CrystalCon, BronyExpo (in Alberta, eh?) and Anthrocon, and even I am gravitating towards Seattle as we speak, but that's no reason not to post this. I would have done so yesterday, but a marathon session of showing a few folks the MLP:CCG ate about 14 hours of my day.

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Report Featherprop · 439 views ·