• Member Since 15th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 23rd, 2015


Tumblr Artist and writer on the side, sunny-side up please.


I am back, my old friends. · 1:29am Oct 13th, 2013

I'm writing a story about my OC, Flux Chord, at the moment. I think you all might like it. Toodles~!

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Ah, okay. It's fine if you don't write anything, it's when you're offline for months on end that people assume you left permanently. Applies for all websites really.

925562 Do you mean in the lull of writing recently, or in the huge two year hiatus I had?

In the lull recently, I've been concentrating on my art more, but, I'll write some on the side, too.
In the two years, I had quit writing to draw, to spite someone named Twilight Snarkle. The spite has paid off, as I am now very successful, and a great artist, according to people I know.

Hey man, what happened? Where'd you go?

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