• Member Since 24th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 9th, 2015


A Pasty Plebeian Pencil Pusher


Da Grammar Nazi Jokes · 1:56am Apr 11th, 2015

Report Garbo · 209 views ·

The Struggle Is Reel · 5:30am Apr 8th, 2015

That feel when you try and write at 1:30 in the morning for effect. I can't tell if I'm getting anything out of it (being that the story I'm writing takes place at this time of day) or if I'm just spewing complete nonesense. Guess I'll figure out in the morning.

Report Garbo · 215 views ·

On A New Personal First · 11:55pm Apr 7th, 2015

So Fool In The Rain is the first multi-chapter story I've ever completed. Yeah. In two and a half years of writing, I've only ever written one shots and incomplete stories. I've written stories longer than this (That honor would go to my second published story), but never a complete one. It's an interesting things to think about. I know that I work better in short story form, which is why I have a hard time motivating

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Report Garbo · 226 views ·

Fool In The Rain: Chapter 3 Is A Go! · 8:51pm Apr 7th, 2015

It's the return of the rain and the fool dancing through It, and I am that fool.

Fool In The Rain is back. Get hype. But not too much hype. Like break the lamps and teepee the trees, but don't tear the roof down.

Report Garbo · 177 views ·

Remember That Guilty Pleasure Of Mine? Well, Now There's Money Involved! · 2:04am Apr 6th, 2015

I love SpikeDash. Not sure why, not sure how, but I do. Despite everything in my head saying "no, this is wrong, it shouldn't work", there's just something about it that clicks with me. I guess it helps that I like both of the characters and have an affinity for unusual shipping pairs. Actually, that's probably the whole reason right there. No point to wondering anymore.

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Report Garbo · 237 views ·

It's April Fools All Over Again · 10:09pm Apr 4th, 2015

*Season 5 Premiers*
*Still haven't caught up on Season 4 yet*
*Avoids internet all day*

Oh, also, I'm done writing the third and final chapter of Fool In The Rain. If anybody who hasn't already expressed interest would like to proofread, that would be awesome of you, and PM me if you feel like being awesome today. And by that I mean awesomer. You're all awesome to begin with.

Report Garbo · 205 views ·

Just Another Day In Vermont · 11:31pm Apr 3rd, 2015

Today's forcast: 65 degrees, sunny, no wind
Tomorrow forecast: Below freezing, 3-5 inches of snow, windy as hell

And you think I'm kidding. I'm not.

Report Garbo · 412 views ·

Cheddah · 4:05pm Apr 3rd, 2015

Here's a bit of flash-back friday, assuming you were around in the 70s.

Report Garbo · 224 views ·

My Username · 3:18am Apr 2nd, 2015

Today I realized it was stupid to have my username be Garbo802, when I just wanted to be called "Garbo", and when the username Garbo is free (and has been for the last two and a half years I've been here). So after years of stupidity, I've decided to drop the numbers off of my username and just go by Garbo. Yeah. Also, I did an all-afternoon writing session this past saturday and got 1500 words done on the last chapter of Fool In The Rain. So that should be done by this weekend, then it'll get

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Report Garbo · 219 views ·

I've Thought Long And Hard About This · 3:28pm Apr 1st, 2015

But I've decided to stay on fimfic. This site is even better than it was when I got here, and there's a bunch of reasons to stay.
Also, happy April 1st.

Report Garbo · 191 views ·