• Member Since 24th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 9th, 2015


A Pasty Plebeian Pencil Pusher


The Album · 2:26pm Oct 8th, 2012

I an such a blog whore. I hope people forgive me. BUT THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT FOR ONCE!
There's a really cool collab going on that I want the small number of people who will see this to hear about.

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Report Garbo · 257 views ·

The Walking Dead · 3:23am Oct 5th, 2012

Okay, this show is really, really addicting. I'm watching episode 5 in season 1 right now, and I'm trying to speed through them in time for the new season. There is so much wrong with television today, but this show is one of the few good ones left. The plot is especially good, and I like that the show is not afraid to kill off main characters. That is the hallmark of a good story.

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Report Garbo · 611 views ·

DJ Alex S. · 3:20am Sep 26th, 2012

hello everypony.
I'll make this quick. I'm sure most of us know who DJ Alex S is. If you don't, look up his music on youtube. I would personally recomend "Party with Pinkie".
Anyway, He's in the remix competition for the song Make It Bun Dem by Skrillex and Damian Marley. If he wins, the song goes to a record and he could become a lot more famous. I think I speak for everybody here when I say we want a brony famous.

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Report Garbo · 217 views ·

Why EQDaily is like that strict teacher nobody wants to get · 3:08pm Sep 24th, 2012

Okay, so this is the e-mail I got back from Equestria Daily when I tried to submit Cross your I's and Dot your T's:

Thank you for your submission. However, due to issues with hyphen/dash use, ellipsis use, and capitalization, it cannot be forwarded to the pre-readers. This does not count as a strike.

All the best,
The EqD Team

Okay, I understand the capitalization issue, but hyphens and ellipsis?
So what they're saying it that I can't end scentences like ...

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Report Garbo · 178 views ·

Story Popularity · 11:47pm Sep 17th, 2012

Okay, I'm getting the crazy feeling that more people liked Cross Your I's and Dot Your T's than Flying with Angels.
Sure, the first has been up for longer, but with that one people kept favoriting for a while, and with Flying with Angels, It's dropped off almost immediately.

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Report Garbo · 168 views ·

Flying with Angels · 11:57am Sep 15th, 2012

For the few who actually care about my stories, I'm almost ready to release Flying With Angels to the public. All I need to do is proof read the second chapter.
I also feel like giving some more detail about it, sense I'm so giddy!
It's mostly a Sad/Tragedy with Adventure prominent later on in the story. There will be shipping as well.
The prominent characters thusfar are Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Guilda, Some OCs, and a villain i'm going to keep a secret for now.

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Report Garbo · 149 views ·

Remember 9/11 · 12:02pm Sep 11th, 2012

Well, I finally stopped making endless comments and wrote a story for once!
I'm so glad to see it has so far fetched 100% feedback (knock on wood).
I'm currently wrapping up another story's first chapter. If anybody wants to see some of it, the prolouge is on Pony Ficiton Archive, but i'm waiting for some more to be done before I release it here.

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Report Garbo · 250 views ·