• Member Since 24th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Sterling the pegasus

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Found 2 stories in 10ms

Total Words: 23,920
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


A Ponyhammer: 40,000 story. Lieutenant Stormhoof of the Lamenters finds himself stranded on a feudal world. Away from his chapter, he is placed in charge of the defence of this world against the xenos that threaten it. Does he have what it takes to defend the ponies of Hashtor? or will his defences crumble, and lead to the loss of the planet itself?

Chapters (11)

Starlight Glimmer wants to test a new spell to help her tie up animals in case they run loose on Applejack's farm. Without any creatures to test it on though, she decides to do it herself. Let's just say she's a little 'tied up' with things when Twilight comes in to see what's wrong. (This is my first story, leave any feedback you want!)

Chapters (1)