• Member Since 26th Jan, 2021
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2022


Hello I'm Senpai, I'm a fluttercord shipper and I do drawing and short stories. If you would like you can join our server to find out more about small project I work on with friends.

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  • 201 weeks
    Chapter four update for Uncertain Love

    Hey everyone I wanted to let you all know that chapter four will be worked on soon, It will be a while do to personal thing going on and both Geekcat and I are busy but we both appreciate that you all have been supporting of this story; It really does mean a lot to us that over 200 of you have read the story so far it might seem small but all great thing come in small packages. Anyways thank you again and I hope you are all staying safe out there.

    3 comments · 256 views
  • 209 weeks
    Uncertain Love story update

    Hey you guys I know you are enjoying the story so far and Geekcat and I are working on the second chapter which will most likely be a two prater so stay toon for that coming out soon. :heart:

    0 comments · 182 views

Chapter four update for Uncertain Love · 10:30pm Apr 11th, 2021

Hey everyone I wanted to let you all know that chapter four will be worked on soon, It will be a while do to personal thing going on and both Geekcat and I are busy but we both appreciate that you all have been supporting of this story; It really does mean a lot to us that over 200 of you have read the story so far it might seem small but all great thing come in small packages. Anyways thank you again and I hope you are all staying safe out there.

Comments ( 15 )
  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15

Thank you so much. That truly means a lot to me.

And You're an amazing writer with amazing ideas and way much better person. Keep it up 😊😊.

Hey thats cool don't worry about it I just though it be nice to follow you since you're such a nice person. :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much for the follow

Even though I don't post anything 😅😅

Also I'm so sorry I didn't follow you before. I guess I forgot 😓. But I already changed that ☺.

I did too and thank you It my favorite pic of my oc.

Hooray! :3

Awww, thankies. Love that movie. :D

I like yours too. 🤓

  • Viewing 11 - 15 of 15
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