• Member Since 10th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen June 27th


Something Has Gone Wrong...

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  • 213 weeks
    OC - 1. (Deep Sea Theme)

    Name: Brinicle
    Species: Unicorn Pony
    Gender: Male
    Visual Description: Dark Blue coat + mane is cyan, eyes are cyan as well. Cutie mark is completely covered by metal plates bolted into his body. Usually wearing something heavy to cover up plates and body.
    Cutie mark: Spiked Ice Surrounded by Water Inside a Giant Yellow Eye.
    Other Stuff:

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    0 comments · 140 views

OC - 1. (Deep Sea Theme) · 4:29am Jun 22nd, 2020

Name: Brinicle
Species: Unicorn Pony
Gender: Male
Visual Description: Dark Blue coat + mane is cyan, eyes are cyan as well. Cutie mark is completely covered by metal plates bolted into his body. Usually wearing something heavy to cover up plates and body.
Cutie mark: Spiked Ice Surrounded by Water Inside a Giant Yellow Eye.
Other Stuff:

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Report MindMelon · 140 views · #OC WrittenForFun
Comments ( 9 )
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Thank you for adding At Your Service to your favorites! I'm glad that you're enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the favorite on Dead by Sunset. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for favoriting My Honour and My Fatherland.

Thanks for faving A Demon in Equestria :twilightsmile:

Much love. Appreciate the favorite. 🤘🏻

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