• Member Since 6th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I like violence, heavy metal and talking multicolored ponies


I had an odd dream where various ponies of Equestria were pro wrestlers · 5:51pm Oct 10th, 2023

The title says it all.

Let me expand on it a bit more. Since I was 8, I have been a big fan of pro wrestling. From time to time there were periods I wouldn't watch any pro wrestling, mostly during the time when WWE had no real competition from other companies. But I'd always come back to it.

For the past 3 or 4 months I have been watching a lot of older WWE matches that they have put up on their channel, mostly PPV matches from their Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras.

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UGH! It's so hot! · 9:26pm Aug 8th, 2023

Where I live is under a heat warning. The temperature is 97 degrees with a heat index of 115.

When it gets hot like this my brain juices don't wanna move around and it makes it hard to write anything.

Report sykko · 90 views ·

Today was my father's memorial service. · 7:28pm Jun 24th, 2023

Today was my father's memorial service. I've provided the video from the church's YouTube site if any of you want to watch. It was a small affair with family and friends as my father didn't want a big, elaborate ceremony with bunches of people, taps and a 21 gun salute.

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Report sykko · 155 views ·

My father passed. · 12:03pm Jun 18th, 2023

At 5:30 this morning my mother called me. She was in tears, she said my father wasn't moving or breathing.

I'm with my mother now. I showed up shortly after the funeral home came and picked up his body.

The full weight of it hasn't hit me yet, but I know it will.

Rest in Peace Henry Monroe Bowers, February 1 1949-June 18 2023.

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Report sykko · 131 views ·

So I watched Trigun: Stampede · 2:04am Jun 15th, 2023

I just recently watched and finished the series Trigun: Stampede on Hulu. I'm going to try avoiding spoilers for the plot, and more focusing on what I liked and disliked.

Trigun: Stampede is a reboot or a reimagining of the original. It was beautifully animated. The characters and scenery were amazing to look at.

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Update on my father · 8:08pm Jun 7th, 2023

He got out of the hospital yesterday. The hospice placed him in the hospital for respite care. He's really weak, has lost a lot of weight and can't stand for more than about 10 or 20 seconds. He still has his full faculties, is fully coherent, he's just not well, ya know, what with dying of cancer.

Given how his health is and how weak he is, I'll be surprised if he makes it to this time next year.

Report sykko · 79 views ·

My father is in the hospital · 7:31pm Jun 1st, 2023

This morning my father was taken to the hospital by the EMTs.

A little more context: He is dying of lung cancer and and had been sick for the past 2 weeks, and was steadily getting weaker and weaker. My mother called me around 7:30 this morning saying that he had been taken to the hospital. He had been throwing up off and on for the past 3 days, had been running a fever and is dehydrated.

He's currently under hospice care and they're going to take care of him while he's in the hospital.

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Happy 44th birthday to me. · 7:08pm Mar 30th, 2023

You read it right, I'm 44 today.

Fuck! I'm old!

*shakes fist*

You damn kids, stay off my lawn!


I had to get rid of my cat today · 8:08pm Mar 8th, 2023

I had to get rid of my cat, Dash, today.(I named her that because of the way she would get excited when I would feed her, run around and around in circles and back and forth across the room) She was being to aggressive with my roommates' cats and had been attacking their kitten for almost a year. She had also torn a hole in the wall and ripped the insulation out. It sucks that I had to get rid of her, but can't have her attacking the other cats, especially the kitten, and tearing up the walls.


Internet outages screwing me up. · 5:32pm Sep 8th, 2022

I live in GA. A server in Atlanta has crashed, which in turn has screwed up the internet for the whole state. That in turn has impeded my ability to access this site from my laptop.

For any of you that have been waiting for updates on my stories, please be patient as I don't know when the internet issue will be straightened out.

Report sykko · 92 views ·