• Member Since 27th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Pennington Inkwell

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Merry Christmas! · 7:27pm Dec 25th, 2023

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Looks as if another holiday is upon us!

And man, after the last couple years, it really strikes me how lucky I am. To be here, to be alive and safe, and to spend these times with people I love and who love me in return. Me and my friends and family might not be getting each other presents this year, but we're all just happy to still have each other. I wish you all the same type of peace and contentedness with your lives.

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Report Pennington Inkwell · 217 views ·

An Integrated Update · 11:11pm Sep 2nd, 2023

Initiating blog post update protocol...

Greetings, fellow adventurers. This is the Integrated Superior Intelligence System. You all may call me "Isis."

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Check-In: Status: Not Dead Yet · 8:44pm Jun 21st, 2023

Hey there, fellow adventurers!

I just wanted to give you all a quick update so that you don't think I've abandoned you here, because I absolutely have not!

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Report Pennington Inkwell · 276 views ·

One Year · 4:49pm Apr 1st, 2023

It's hard to believe it's been a year since my dad died. Sometimes it feels like a decade ago, sometimes it feels like it was just last week.

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Report Pennington Inkwell · 209 views ·

Penn's Odyssey: The End? · 1:07am Dec 14th, 2022

So... I think this is the end of my road trip adventuring.

Sorry I've not had a lot of updates lately for you guys, but honestly I'd kind of fallen into a situation where there wasn't much to report. I was barely getting by making deliveries for Uber Eats and sleeping at campgrounds and truck stops... Until today.

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Report Pennington Inkwell · 361 views ·

Missy's Wager · 9:50pm Oct 3rd, 2022

"Yo! Penn! Wait up!"

Missy pushed herself to fly a little faster to catch up with her friend as he paced urgently down the hall, headphones in both ears and a laptop bag slung over her his shoulder. He didn't seem to hear her or notice her at all until she flew out in front of him, waving her arms to catch his attention.


"Oh, hey..." he gave a melancholy smile as he slowed his pace enough for her to keep up with him. "What's up, Missy?"

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Report Pennington Inkwell · 360 views ·

Penn's Odyssey: Semi-Stability? · 9:19pm Aug 31st, 2022

Hey, guys! Long time, no see, I know... Sorry about that.

Once I got to Salt Lake City, life got a bit... hectic. You know what they say about living in the big city, right? "If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere."

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Report Pennington Inkwell · 215 views ·

Penn's Odyssey: Day Number... I Lost Count · 12:26am Jul 2nd, 2022

Hey there, fellow adventurers!

Well, to make a long story short I made it to my destination! I've been hanging around the Provo/Salt Lake City area for most of the week, mostly job hunting and trying to get accepted to Utah Valley University. (My application is currently stuck in limbo waiting for transcripts from other schools I've attended.)

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Penn's Odyssey: Day 3 · 4:06am Jun 25th, 2022

I made it: The Grand Canyon.

And honestly? I needed this. This feels like the first time in months I've been able to truly let go and just enjoy being in the moment. I finally took off my sunglasses and pulled out the headphones because I didn't want to block out or drown out the present any more.

For someone who's been wishing that the present would hurry up and move on for a long time now, that feels huge.

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Penn's Odyssey: Days 1 and 2 · 5:27am Jun 24th, 2022

Sorry for condensing the first two days into a single post, but my adventure has finally begun! I'm on the road and headed to someplace new!

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