• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Apr 29th, 2020


Like, the master of recursive fanfics, or something. Cha!

Search Statistics

Found 2 stories in 12ms

Total Words: 69,601
Estimated Reading: 4 hours


Sanctaphrax, the city of knowledge. Wherever there's a question, there you can find the answer.

For the right price.

Unlike most of the citizens of The Ivory Island, the Admiral doesn't concern herself with economics. Her wealth comes in knowledge and the never-ending struggle to pull the future into the present. As long as she has the bits to keep Algol's Shadow running and its crew fed, she dives, and Sanctaphrax pay is more than enough.

When a routine salvage job leads to a discovery that could change the way the world sees the sunken ruins of Equestria forever, she can't help but get a little excited. She can hear the future knocking, just another dive away. The very stars themselves might as well be in her grasp.

This story takes place in the world of Goldenwing's story Empty Horizons, but it can be read without context.

Chapters (24)

At long last, Sombra has captured his nemesis.

He prepares for a decidedly cathartic gloating session.

He does not get what he bargained for.

Chapters (1)