Art! · 10:28am February 8th
I did an art, yay!
A lurker obsessed with space, ponies, vegemite, and writing. Sadly afflicted with a chronic lack of time.
AnEpicContrarian has done a reading of my story 'A Variation On Tradition', and it is amazing! I think I'm going to have to look more into readings, because they're a great way to enjoy a familiar story in a completely different way.
Hello everypony! I thought I'd make a random blog post and go over my reaction so far to G5 and what I have plans for in the near future!
I am proud to announce that I have drawn cover art for someone else's story for the first time!
I don't know if I have officially introduced my OC... Meet Fire Star!
I'm looking for a bit of constructive feedback on one of my stories, The Edge. The tone was a lot darker and the story was generally more descriptive than I usually write.
I also wrote the first half on paper, so I had to type it out before I continued writing. I think that may have improved the quality of writing, did anyone notice that? Should I do it more often?