• Member Since 18th Nov, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2021

Bucket of Skies

Author with a bucket of ideas


Shout At The Devil : Verified · 6:20pm Nov 29th, 2019


What's So Wrong with a little fun? · 2:35pm Nov 26th, 2019

It's only been a few chapters I had posted for the sequel to "Shout at the Devil", and I already have the exact same dislikes as I did the first time posting it all together. It's super frustrating for me because I'm trying out a different way of telling the story and making a few harmless jokes to the fandom, but others see it differently. It's like, compared to other stories that do something similar to mine, they do far better. I'm just confused about it. Like what does it take on the

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New Sequel in place. · 10:07pm Nov 24th, 2019

The not so wanted sequal to everyone's least favorite story, Shout at the Devil, is live now!
Come along for the ride as you follow Brimstone and the rest of the gang on a road trip to remember


Miles Away is completed. Now onto stage 2. · 9:42pm Nov 22nd, 2019

I finally finished with the rest of "Miles Away", and posted the rest of the story for all of you to read. Thank you all so very much for the positive feedback on the story. This was a story I wanted to have a liking from people who relate with the characters and all that jazz.
But enough of that, it's back to work on a possible sequel for another story I'm working on as we speak. 😱😱😱


Do you think it is wrong to make fun of your fanbase? · 4:33am Nov 21st, 2019

In a story I'm writing and a story I wrote before, I make jokes towards the brony fandom in good taste. Am I crazy for thinking that it isn't wrong to do that?

Report Bucket of Skies · 253 views · #Comedy

Know any good generous artists who work for free? · 3:25pm Nov 17th, 2019

The title says it all. Don't mean to sound like a beggar, but do any of you know any good free artists?

Report Bucket of Skies · 123 views · #art

New Chapter Posted! Finally back on the "Miles Away" wagon · 10:51pm Nov 16th, 2019

New chapter is out. I finally finished editing down all my chapters and they are ready to be posted. I'm going to be posting them over a time period until the very end. I'll give a heads up....its a LONG story. But you'll make it through the end. I promise. Cheers!

Report Bucket of Skies · 130 views ·

Finally gonna stop being a lazy bum. · 9:32pm Nov 11th, 2019

As many of you who follow me see in my stories, there is one that I started to work on called "Miles Away", that had just sat there not being filled out. A part of me kept it like that because of the story having a deep personal meaning with it, but also because I needed to do a LOT of editing on the final draft.

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Report Bucket of Skies · 129 views · #Update

An experiment, if you will. · 9:38pm Nov 10th, 2019

For my next story, I need a little help. I want to hear what you think the funniest story is on this website.Lets just say I will make a few jokes here and there in my next story based on it so don't get your RD panties n a bunch.