• Member Since 17th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen June 25th

Princess Platinum Blonde

Who says a girl can't really have it all?

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Found 2 stories in 25ms

Total Words: 5,033
Estimated Reading: 20 minutes


After years of waiting, Juniper's finally been offered her big break – a starring role... but Sunset's not convinced it's the same kind of film Juniper has in mind.

My submission for the Sunset Shipping Contest.
Proofread by Best Bitch :heart:
Cover art by dieart77.

Chapters (1)

The internet loves Sunset Shimmer. It's not mutual.

But if there's one person who understands the internet, it's Vignette Valencia.

My submission for the Sunset Shipping Contest.

Cover art by Ta-Na.

Chapters (1)