• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 6th, 2024


A guy who did pony stuff at one point.


In Retrospect: Ponies and Cage / The Beasts of Tartarus · 3:58pm Dec 10th, 2023

Why yes, it has been 24 weeks since my last retrospective blog post, but who was counting anyway? I'm back for another round and that's what matters!

Once again, I'll be taking a look at my past work and posing the question of... why? Will I know the answer? Probably not, but keep reading to find out! Today I'll be looking at Ponies and Cage and The Beasts of Tartarus!

Shall we?

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In Retrospect: Feeling the Beat / Equestrian Hearts · 5:36am Jun 26th, 2023

Welcome, one and all, to the third edition of In Retrospect, in which a washed up fanfic author reviews his ten year old stories!

Join me as I relive the past, review my past work, give commentary, and desperately try to remember what I possibly could've been thinking at the time when I wrote this stuff! I barely remember any of this, and neither do you, probably! Get ready for today's issue, as we cover Feeling the Beat and Equestrian Hearts!

Let's dive right in.

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In Retrospect: Legacy of the Sun / My Little WTF · 8:32am Jun 21st, 2023

Greetings, champion! Bet you didn't think I'd actually continue this, did you? Bet you thought I'd go and disappear for two years again? Honestly, wouldn't blame you, there's a bit of a precedent for it. But last time was fun, I wanna keep doing it! So, what's on the docket today?

Ah. I see.

Well, before I get into the meat of things, let's have a little page break, shall we? Wouldn't want to clog up your feed with paragraphs upon paragraphs of self reflection.

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In Retrospect: The 63rd Rune · 12:36am Jun 19th, 2023

Hello, hey, hi, what's up, how's it going! It's me, Alexstrazsa, aka that guy who was deeply involved with the fandom but is now washed up, irrelevant, out of touch, and probably no one remembers him. That guy!

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Contrary to popular belief, I am not dead. · 8:55am May 5th, 2021

Yo, what's up everyone? How's it going. I'm here with my... what year is it? Ah, yes, 2021.

I'm here with my annual blog post, because let's be real, I've been disconnected from this fandom since like 2016. But I was digging through a lot of old screenshots I had, and had a lot of fond memories of my time in the MLP fandom.

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Alex Catches Up - Part 1 · 5:12am Oct 16th, 2019

Friends, Fimfic-ians, Countrymen... lend me your ear.

Because Alex is back and finally catching up with this damn show. I know it's been a long time since you've heard from me, and I doubt more than like 3 people even care, but I figured it'd be fun to catch up with the show now that it's come to an end. I feel like I need to get some closure here. Who knows, it might even reignite that spark and get me back into the fandom (but probably not).

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Tales from the Archive · 3:24pm Dec 1st, 2018

What's up, anyone that still follows me. I was digging through my google docs recently to clean some stuff out, and I stumbled upon a bunch of old working documents. Since my writing days (for MLP at least) are pretty much behind me, I figured I'd make them available for anyone who cares enough to look at my outlines and writing process. I'll just post them as I come across them!


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So 'bout them leaks... (No Spoilers) · 10:37pm Dec 17th, 2017

I've been out of the MLP game for a while now, but recently heard about some sort of major leak that happened. I looked into it a bit, and wow, it is most certainly a huge leak. Episode synopses, unfinished rough cuts, concept art, Meghan McCarthy's emails... It's a lot to dig through.

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And Now His Watch Is Ended · 2:12pm Aug 25th, 2017

(Can you tell what I've been fervently watching these past few weeks?)

Pop culture references aside, it's time for me to write up what I always knew was coming, but didn't really think about. I'll keep it short and sweet though, because I don't want to be too sappy.

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How's it going, friends? · 4:34am Oct 23rd, 2016

It sure has been a while, hasn't it. I've been pretty out of touch with the MLP community for the past several months, partly because of my full-time job, partly because I just haven't been interested in the show. But you fine people are here still, so I figured I'd pop in to see how everyone was doing!

And you know, if anyone has any questions/comments/concerns for me, you can ask those too.

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