• Member Since 11th Jun, 2018
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Several twinkles short of a glitter


Crawling to the End · 1:56am Dec 30th, 2020

What a hellish year it has been... I don't need to go over everything that has happened since you all pretty much know, I'm sure. At this point I welcome 2021 with open arms. Anyway, I am still writing Wild Chains and I'm sorry for the lack of content. I am about halfway done with chapter 6 and I'm hoping to have it up soon, but I can't give an exact date at this time.

Thanks for sticking with me and being patient. I hope you all have a happy new year!!


And back · 4:42am Oct 15th, 2020

After dealing with an injured hand and moving into a new home, things have been super crazy. But things are finally calming down and I can finally start working on FoE: WC. Here's a small update on what I've written so far. Enjoy!

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Report Novella- · 158 views ·

Ch. 5 Sneak Peek · 4:18am Jun 6th, 2020

Hello all! I hope you are safe and well during this troubling times. Things are pretty chaotic here in the states as I am sure many of you know. Keep your chins up and know that we will get through this!
I figured I'd share a small, sneak peek at Ch. 5 of Fallout: Equestria - Wild Chains. I have been making my way through it slowly but now that I am back to work I am able to write much more than before. Anyways, please enjoy!

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Report Novella- · 226 views · #BLM #Sneak Peek #Stay Safe

One day at a time · 8:46pm Apr 27th, 2020

Hello everyone. I hope you’re all safe and well during these scary times. Things have been quiet where I live, for the most part. Luckily, my wife and I have been staying at home so we’re relatively safe from the virus. I’ve been slowly writing the next chapter of Wild Chains. Even though I’m home all the time I can’t seem to muster the muse to write more than a few paragraphs at a time. I apologize for this. Rest assured that the story is still coming along and there will be an update soon.

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Report Novella- · 112 views ·

Update · 4:34am Mar 14th, 2020

Howdy! Been a little bit since I posted anything and I'm sorry for that. I just published chapter 4 and I hope you all enjoy it. I also noticed I had misspelled "Equestria" wrong in the title :facehoof: I've corrected it now and hopefully won't look like an idiot :rainbowderp:

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Report Novella- · 127 views ·

Happy New Year! · 7:29am Dec 27th, 2019

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season this year. While mine was exhausting, both emotionally and physically, I still had a good time. While I am still incredibly busy with the house hunting (my gods I never knew how time consuming and difficult it was to become a home owner) I am still managing to put some time into writing. Chapter four is coming along, albeit a little slower than I'd like and a new character is going to be introduced! I am hoping to have the next chapter out early

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Sorry for the delay! · 5:08am Nov 25th, 2019

As the title says, I'm so sorry for the long wait for the next chapter of Wild Chains. My wife and I are in the process of moving into our first home and it's been... well... a process. I've got chapter three about half way done as I've been able to slowly write it at work. I'm hoping to have it finished before the end of the year, but I make no promises. Anyways, thank you for your time, patience, and support!


Here we go! · 5:41am Sep 11th, 2019

Welp, there it is. The first chapter of my own Fo:E side story. I've been wanting to write this for a long time now but I been so scared to do it. While I don't have a ton of confidence in my writing, I'm going to swallow that fear and do my best! Expect chapters to come slowly. Sadly, I do have a life outside of the internet and writing takes time. I go through times of high and low muse so... yeah. Anyway! Thanks for taking the time to read this and, while you're here, go check out Fallout:

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Something bigger · 3:45am Mar 9th, 2019

So, my first story was well received, which is shocking. I have been working on a new story and will be getting the first chapter up soon. We'll see how this goes. If anyone reading this wouldn't mind helping me with editing, I would be eternally grateful.


Finally! · 6:39am Nov 9th, 2018

At long last, I've finally finished my first story here on FiMFiction! I had actually finished it awhile ago, but I didn't have the courage to post it until now. I know, it's silly, but I have a severe lack of self-confidence and it took a lot for me to actually make my work public for the internet to read. I look forward to seeing how people feel about it (good or bad) and will continue trying my best to get my stories published for any who wish to read them.