Please, for the love of Celestia · 6:18am Jan 1st, 2024
Let this year be uneventful. It's better than what's been happening the last few.
Let this year be uneventful. It's better than what's been happening the last few.
Hi Solar Force here.
First off, a little early, but Happy New Year, and I hope you all had a good Christmas.
Second, Yes, I’m still alive.
Also, to those who have been waiting for updates for my stories, I’m very sorry for keeping you waiting so long. A whole year since my last blog and nothing else since.
Hello everyone!
I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year, and hoping that all of you have a great 2018. My New Years is going to be spent with my family, and I hope all of you be have a very much enjoyed New Years as well.
That is all!
KillerChainsaw ;)
There were moments were I wanted to stop.
There were moments where I wanted to quit.
And there were moments where I wanted to give up all together.
2018 has been both a rough and hellish year for me.
Yet by some miracle I managed to stay true to myself.
Both my brain and heart, as well as my own subconscious made me me realize that there is still light ahead of me.
Both my family and friends helped me motivate me to just be who I am and keep moving forward.
Happy new year everyone I hope every single of your goals are completely meant. Let's kick 2020's ass. My overall goal for next year is to get more stories out because lord knows I'm been slacking on that front. Anyway again have a good good new year!
To all my wonderful readers. I hope you all have a good one wherever you are, and that fond fortunes find you forever more in your futures to come.
Man, why didn't anyone tell me this fatherhood thing was going to be so time consuming?
2017 has been a weird-ass year, hasn't it? I didn't realize just how little I'd published this year until I went in to delete the story page I'd created for 'Do No Harm,' a horror story I've been trying to write since 2015. I'd love to blame my lack of creativity on the preparations for my son's arrival, but that wouldn't be fair to him. I mean, look at this face;
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.
Happy 2017. Screw you 2016.
Happy New Year to all of my followers and readers!
Here's wishing you and yours a happy, healthy New Year and many more to come!
God bless you all, and thank you for all your support.
Happy New Years guys I know this is late for you guys, but it's been late for too long here in the Philippines we already had our first 2016 lunch so yeah... on another note I finally made my OC :D
I seriously missed this place. A lot.
I was on holiday for about two and a half weeks so had to take a break. The thing I most regret is not being here for the new year, which reminds me...
I know. It's late.
Some nights I have trouble sleeping. Sometimes it’s because I ate too much for dinner. Sometimes it’s because work has me stressed. And sometimes it’s because there’s a pony sitting in a chair at the foot of my bed.
“Ahem.” she says.
Hello everyone!
The new chapter of 'Apart From The Pegasi' is all done and ready for you all to read if you would like to do so, I hope you all enjoy it, and the next chapter should be done and up on the 5th of January, just so you know. And in other news I hope all of you had a great Christmas, mine was just lovely, and a Happy New Year to you all as well.
That is all!
KillerChainsaw ;)
I looked at my clock and saw more than two hours till New Year. Until then though, I'm gonna rewatch season one of MLP: FiM. Yes, I know won't get close to finishing it but I don't care! Hopefully I won't miss it AGAIN. Yes, for 2016 I missed the new year because I had to wash dishes. Tragic, I know.
Anyways, I'm going to read, write and watch MLP: FiM! Happy New Year!
It is now the New Year for the Eastern Region of the United States, Happy New Years Everycreature!
Kick it, let's start the party!
Hello, everypony!
So here's the deal! I really wanted to publish the next chapter of the Justice League of Equestria before the new year, but during the holiday period, I've been neglecting writing - and everything else in general - and I failed to get back on track in time. The next chapter is almost finished and should be out in the next few days. I wanted to finish it before the clock strieks midnight - it's currently 22:40 where I live - but I'm just out of energy for the day.