• Member Since 14th Mar, 2018
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True Edge

"Bad things happen. There's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect, but that don't mean we stop tryin'!" - Applejack


NEWSIES #47: Commissions Open! · 10:30pm March 17th

I know I've been away for a while, but I'm starting to try and step back into writing, and, finding myself in need of extra money. . . . I'm opening up commissions! I'm currently accepting $10 per 1,000 words!

I will not do grimdark/rape/etc.

Tasteful horror is fine.

Good, clean, consensual smut is fine. Just talk to me first and we'll see about hashing out what you want and if it's within my comfort zone.

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Report True Edge · 61 views · #COMISSIONS!

Newsies #46: That's Life · 7:38pm Aug 30th, 2022

So. There's been a LOT happening in the life of this one sad brony, lately.

Started with me and my mom being forced to change shifts at work, due to her medical issues, which left me with what felt like no time to write anything.

Then, I got diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, which I'm now on meds for.

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Newsies #45: Where have I been? · 4:35am Mar 15th, 2022

Well . . . That's a long ass story, and one I've told once already this week. Sooo, rather than repeat myself here, I'm going to fucking embody exactly what part of the problem is a be a SUPER lazy piece of shit, and link a video of me explaining things, instead. :raritywink:

Oh, shit, wait, go back! Wrong video. Hang on. . . .

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Newsies #44. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! · 8:57am Dec 21st, 2021

Expect a special chapter to drop on Timberjack on Christmas Eve, and for some special stuff to happen on my YouTube channel Christmas Day!

If y'all have been wondering where I've been, getting all of this ready, that's where! It's been a long couple of weeks. :rainbowlaugh:

Harmonia Invictus!

Report True Edge · 183 views · #NEWS #Update #Happy #Holidays

Newsies #43 · 2:14pm Nov 27th, 2021

So, this is really just a quick update regarding the newest chapter of Timberjack. I published it in a bit of a hurry, yesterday, and upon reading it over properly a bit later, I noticed the inordinate amount of typos.

I spent my lunch hour last night going back over it, fixing all of them I saw and also restructuring some of the sentences a little.

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Chapter Incoming! · 9:07am Nov 9th, 2021

As the title says, folks! You can look forward to a new chapter of Timberjack to drop later today! I've got it all finished, and just need to do some last touch ups and editing to get it ready!

Until then, folks! Harmonia Invictus!

Report True Edge · 166 views · #Chapter Update

Newsies #42 · 2:21pm Nov 5th, 2021

So, just another quick status update from me, folks!

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Report True Edge · 159 views · #NEWS #Update #Quickie

Newsies #41 · 7:55am Oct 30th, 2021

Just a quick update for those reading Timberjack! I'm currently working on the next main chapter but it is going slowly, as I had an idea for a Nightmare Night special.

It'll tie in to the future of the story and introduce what is going to be a long running theme for the story.

I can't guarantee that it will be ready for publication on Halloween but that is what I'm aiming for. Either way, keep your eyes peeled for it some time in the next few days. :raritywink:

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Newsies #40 · 3:39pm May 15th, 2021

I'm getting tired of writing blogs like this. >.<

SO . . . Sorry, to everyone, for how long the next chapter of WIcked Games is taking. I promise I do still intend to work on it, but I've been distracted, working on some other projects, including the much maligned epic I'm intending to release on my alt account.

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Report True Edge · 143 views · #NEWS

Newsies #39 + Help Request/Signal Boost · 1:30pm Apr 11th, 2021

I'll start with the regular news and the more lighthearted stuff, first. After, we'll talk about the more . . . serious things that are going on.

Just popping in to let everyone know that I'll be taking a wee break from working on Wicked Games this week. I WILL be working on other things, but after writing my longest chapter EVER on that story or any other, at a hair over 10,000 words, I need a little breather.

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