"Bad things happen. There's never gonna be a time when everything's perfect, but that don't mean we stop tryin'!" - Applejack
We're going to build an exact copy of Ponyville... right over there! We've got less than a minute!
This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in horsefic, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve,
I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )
Because "fantasy erotica" sounds better than "cartoon horse porn."
A writer and musician trying to be decent at both things. Here, you'll find some of my attempts at storytelling!
Oh, look at me... you've got me tearing up again. ◈ Forget about coffee buy me a cup noodle.
“If the youth are not initiated into the tribe, they will burn down the village, just to feel its warmth.” — African proverb
I write well when I am brave enough to speak my mind. Soy milk fund
Professor of Antiquities at Pallomare University and a consulting editor at Polo House, Inc. Publishing. (Semi-retired). Occasionally goes by the pen name 'Dragontrapper'
I write about cute horses doing cute things. Also known as Ephemeral on /mlp/
I'm a pegasister who just can't get enough pony magic in her life!
Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....
"I haven't seen a bigger waste of talent since Dan Marino." -Lucky Seven; Want to support me?
Our job is not to give readers what they want; our job is to show them things they never imagined. --Walt Williams
The fire in you feeds on your imagination. Become an inferno.
About 14 cupcakes short of a baker's dozen. Also occasionally goes by Stormy Seas.
Artsy Fartsy!!! Find me on youtube and DA @MCShelster
What is life? Is it nothing more than the endless search for a cutiemark?
Hello! My name is Stratocaster, pegasus, musician, and author extraordinaire! Feel free to browse my work, leave plenty of feedback, and chat with me at any time! :D I hope you enjoy! *waves*
I sails the Seven Salty Seas on a ship made out o' rubbers! I writes porn and porn alone, but only when 'tis funny! Avast and ahoy, mateys, watch yer backsides, we've stormy waters ahead! ARRRRR!
I write poni. I am easily distracted. I like Oreos.
There is nothing as liberating, or terrifying, as a blank page.
Writer, Youtuber, Sculptor and Insomniac. And occasional singer.