• Member Since 9th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


You can find me tumblr and AO3, link on profile.


Anyone a fan of Cult of the Lamb? · 8:18am Nov 10th, 2022

A friend of mine inspired me to write a fic.

Had a blast working out the world building and making an OC for this, feel free to give it read if it piques your interest.


So, I dunno if anyone on here is following my Elden Ring stuff... · 12:03pm Jul 11th, 2022


Really focused on my Elden Ring fics · 2:19am Jun 13th, 2022

Got a tumblr up for my elden ring stuff

Also on AO3

Going to be a while before I come back to my MLP stuff, I do have some half-finished chapters floating around, and notes for things I need to finish. So I guess you can consider this as me just taking a break from writing MLP fanfic to focus on other stuff.

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Report Dragonfire2lm · 178 views ·

So, I got new thing. (also kind of a face reveal lol) · 3:05am May 25th, 2022

(yes, that is me in the photo, Mum already had the camera out and I kind of don't mind posting this, hi everyone!)

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Report Dragonfire2lm · 194 views ·

Going to be working on Elden Ring fics for a while · 12:49am May 22nd, 2022

I've been hyperfixated on Elden Ring lately and will be working on my Elden Ring fic series for the time being. It's been a good while since I've been this motivated, but I do plan on coming back to some of my other stuff once I'm done with Elden Ring.

I have notes written down for the fics I plan to come back to, but the muse is firmly focused on Elden Ring.

Report Dragonfire2lm · 133 views ·

Anyone like Elden Ring? · 11:07am May 9th, 2022

i was inspired to write something, go give it a read!

Been really fixated on the game, currently on my third playthrough.

Report Dragonfire2lm · 95 views ·

Sanctuary Under a Paleblood Sky Update: Chapter 3 is in the works. · 1:02pm Feb 18th, 2022

About a third of the way done with the chapter, maybe half-way if it ends up being shorter, not sure yet.

Had a bit of writers block in regards to how I should start the thing, but I got through it in the end and made some progress.

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Report Dragonfire2lm · 131 views ·

Haven't been doing too well · 11:32am Jan 9th, 2022

I'm tired, sore, and stressed to hell and back because I'm tired and sore.

Simply put, going to bed has resulted in lower back pain. I've tried everything short of rotating the mattress, but even then that's not a long term solution. I can't lie on my side or I'll get chest discomfort or very sore intestines the following morning. So I'm staying up later and later because that's only time I can get any sort of relief from the back pain, and we can't afford a new mattress.

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Report Dragonfire2lm · 147 views ·

Merry Christmas Everyone! · 1:21pm Dec 25th, 2021

It's like 2am on Boxing Day here in NZ, but I know all you folks over on the other side of the world will be enjoying Christmas Day.

After the last couple years of acid reflux, gut pain, and wheat intolerance making finding things I could safely eat an absolute nightmare... I can happily say that I'm back at ap oint where i can enjoy some foods again. Though not all of them are healthy, I don't care.

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Report Dragonfire2lm · 100 views ·

So, what have I been up to? · 11:42pm Nov 9th, 2021

Been playing Bloodborne. I spent a week or two binge watching lore videos for the soulsborne games, remembered I had Bloodborne thanks to PS Plus, and decided to play it on Halloween for shits and giggles.

And uh, I didn't immediately suck at it. Sure, it took me three hours to reach Cleric Beast just so I could get insight to start levelling, but I fought the boss and beat it through sheer dumb luck.

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Report Dragonfire2lm · 144 views ·