• Member Since 1st Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 3rd, 2023


(This user is now Inactive) - Love, Flutterpriest and Petrichord


The FimficCollabs User is Done · 10:31pm Jan 2nd, 2020

Or, rather, I should say is becoming inactive.

We've had an exciting 3 weeks on Fimfiction, and I have no doubt that everyone who has followed this alt has questions about where the future will go from here. Well, I'm here to provide some details.

1. The FimficCollabs user has no purpose according to the current rules of Fimfiction. But Jinglemas/JingleClop and other site events are NOT over.

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Jingleclop coming down today. · 5:00pm Dec 29th, 2019

6pm CST

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Transparency, Thoughts, and Where We Go from Here · 7:19am Dec 23rd, 2019

First of All: If you haven't seen what the current plan for Jinglemas is, please read this blog here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/882902/what-jinglemas-participants-need-to-do-right-now

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Report FimficCollabs · 503 views ·

What Jinglemas Participants Need to do RIGHT NOW · 8:43pm Dec 22nd, 2019

- Thank you so much for your patience as we worked with site staff to understand our new Community Site and Collaboration rules.

Firstly, Nobody who participated in these events are in trouble. Let's start there. Let's take a deep breath and go forward from there. I consider that a big win for us.

Second. Jingleclop is back up. However, this is due to the inability to create Site Blogs for Mature content. this is the last Jingle event that will be posted this way

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Report FimficCollabs · 654 views ·

No Need For Panic · 7:55pm Dec 22nd, 2019

Yes. JingleClop disappeared.

I am working with site staff right now to resolve the situation.

Everything is going to be okay.

Report FimficCollabs · 250 views ·

Jingleclop is Up! Jinglemas on the way · 4:45pm Dec 22nd, 2019

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

We're still sorting through and following up with the collaborators that didnt submit a story. Breezies are already hard at work to ensure everyone gets a story.

You guys are amazing. This is my favorite part of the year and my favorite collab we do.

Report FimficCollabs · 218 views ·

Today is the last day for Jinglemas and Jingleclop submissions · 6:36pm Dec 21st, 2019

7. Submit your story by December 21st, 11:59PM CST to me (FimficCollabs). GDocs are the easiest way for me to access the content, though other methods are fine - and if I have a problem with viewing your story for any reason, I’ll let you know. Please don’t immediately post your story to your Fimfic page,because…

I need to know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you cannot make the deadline.

Thank you :)

Report FimficCollabs · 192 views ·

Only 5 days left! · 8:55pm Dec 16th, 2019

Hey yall. There's only 5 more days left until all stories need to be submitted for Jinglemas and Jingleclop. We've already got a few, but there's many more that still need to be submitted.

Nobody wants to be left high and dry in the holidays, so please do your best to submit your story before the deadline on the 21st.

Also, we're still looking for Jingleclop Breezies who may be interested in helping ensure everyone who entered the event gets a story. PM Me for details.

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Let the Writing Begin! · 2:26am Dec 2nd, 2019

All assignments for Jinglemas and Jingleclop have been dispursed!

Let's get hype!

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Jingleclop 2019 Rules Update #1 · 3:59pm Nov 19th, 2019

Hello World! I know time is getting closer and closer to The cutoff for enrollment. It pains me to make a rules change/clarification for Jingleclop when there's only 11 days until the event goes live, but I feel it's very necessary in order to ensure as many people as possible have an enjoyable experience with this event.

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